The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY DECEMBER I 1914 3 NOT OVER YET STUBBORN ENGAGEMENTS Continued from lJ REPORTED BY THE RUSSIANS Special Notices SUPERLUOUS HAIR Removed by electric needle Physicians references MBS EICIIENBERG 201 Besse Bldg Hesse Place Tel NAUHEIM' SANITARIUM 40 OREST PARK AVENUE quiet rooms Best of care given 'nrallds Latest methods of treatmeat cneelallv adapted for the care and home of Ihlerly people and incurables Tel Arvo in convalescing Expect Home Again to tue utUce early iu Jau to resume the electrocution of superfluous hair just as coiscleutioLsly thor oughly and effectively as formerly AMOS 1'AL'L NICHOLS Specialist In Electrolysis 51 Bease Bldg Springfield Tel H26Q Business is secured and an estate created through the ability nf a man to use his opportunity over a stretch of years Life Insurance capitalizes tic es tato from the start and saves all the time NATIONAL life INS CO VT (Mu tual) PHELPS CO State Acts Annuity BnlMlng LK Devonshire street Poston" RED I HINKLEY WILLIAM PUTNAM General Agents for Western Mass 14 ort st Springfield are progressing between Thorn on the north and Cracow on the south in which both combatants have achieved local suc cesses without a distinct victory for cither rnns Some of the British military ex perts bP ve that ield Marshal von forces have been split into three nnits one of which certainly is al most completely enveloped while the Uns shins have driven a wedge between' the German army and its Austrian ally in the regioq of Cracow They declare that the Germans have consistently underestimated the qualities of their Muscovite opponents arid have opposed them with a body com Iosed almost wholly of second line troops but are now rushing heavy reinforcements from the western line to avert a Polish Sedan They express the opinion that the issue depends on whether these reinforce ments arrived in time reports the failnre of the Kus sinn attack on the fortifications east of Darkehmen in East Prussia with heavy losses while unofficial messages from Pet rograd describe an important Russian gain and the capture of 10 miles of trenches to the northeast of Iodz Advices from Hol land report that railway traffic newspa pers and posts in the Brussels region are entirely suspended It is presumed that this is for the purpose of suppressing news of a movement of German troops to the eastward "The only development of the day in the western theater was the renewal of the British naval bombardment of the German base at Zeebrugge was surprised at the announce ment that King George had left last night on a visit to the headquarters of the British forces in rauce where he is cer tain of an enthusiastic reception from the soldiers was the 40th birthday of Winston Spencer Churchill first lord of the ad miralty and the papers except a few of those antagonistic to him pay a tribute to his remarkable career The 70th birth day of the queen mother Alexandra will be celebrated to morrow Dutch papers say that the Ger mans have imposed an indemnity of 35 0000 K) francs monthly on Belgium for the duration of the war for the maintenance of the troops and in addi tion 375000000 francs ($75000000) as a war levy for violations of neutrality reports that the Germans have paid a substantial sum for damages resulting from their occupation of the grand WITH THE BRITISH TROOPS ATTACK BY PRUSSIAN GUARD EniciiMh Soldiers Have a Narrow eape rom Deincc Overwhelmed Details of the operations of the British troops at the front from November 23 to 25 are given in a report issued yes terday under date of November 2 from a military observer attached to the Brit ish headquarters The report iu part is as follows: the enemy desisted from attacks force the righting has been resolved into a competition in snip ing and small affairs on the ontpeats all along the line 'where positions are con tested with rifles hand grenades bombs mortars and mines Our aeroplanes have been especially active in the last two days having dropped 120 The account refers to several instances in which German attacks were repulsed particularly on November 23 to the south of the river Lys There it is said the Gurkhas did considerable execution at close quarters They even penetrated some of the German trenches here they wielded their peculiar curved swords with great effect The report again refers to the efficacy of German discipline" It says that the German soldiers could hear the command coming from the wwls followed immediately by a rush of Germans Once twice and thrice this was done Each time the Germans were mowed down Then the order was again given This time however there were loud exclamations of and no advance was made repulse of the famous Prussian guard is again dwelt upon the enemy had broken through our front line the situation became most the report continues there were only two field companies of the Royal engi neers available at the moment as a re serve in this quarter of the field On the right front of the German attack tiring through open spaces in the woods were heavy batteries and field batteries which dealt havoc among the attackers both before and after they reached our line But the Germans continued to come on almost up to our guns Some bodies were picked njj only 70 yards from the guns "Realizing that all might be lost unless a firing line of some kind could be estab lished battery officers managed to form a line of gunners regimental cooks and details of various descriptions These men stood firm and kept up a steady rifle fire They checked the assault at the most crit ical moment thus enabling other troops to come up to repel it more Other incidents taken np in the report are the movement of British cavalry by motor cars thus adding one more novelty to the roles wnten tne cavairy nas piaycu during the war the blowing up of a farm house containing German snipers: the heating of trenches with braziers' stoves and the transport service whose work in supplying food is commended little part of our says the report in this connection due to the ample quantity and excellent quality of the It is "probably not saying too much to assert that no other soldiers in the field had ever been so well BELGIUM MUST PAY Assessed 7000000 a Month for Sup port of German Army A message from Brussels to the Amster dam1 Hadelsblad states that the German governor of the province of Brabant inwhich Brussels ia located convoked a meeting of financiers and told them that Belgium must pay 35000000 fraucs ($7 000000) monthly for the maintenance of German troops In addition to this sum it is said Belgium must contribute war low of 175000000 francs ($75000000) as a penalty for violations of neutrality by Belgium and losses ensuing therefrom to Germany British Warships tn Atlantic At least 12 British warships are now pntroling the Atlantic between New York aud the Panama canal sweeping the seas with their wireless and keeping close check on all forms of shipping according to wire less operators on the steamsip Ancon that rrhed iu New York yesterday from Cris tobal The wireless activity of these war vessels the operators said is causing great inconvenience to American vessels as the high powered waves of the men of war are heard continually in utter disre gard of commercial business Heavy Losses Inflicted on Many Austrians Captured The following official communication was issued fpm general headquarters at Petro grad last night: engagements continue in the direction of Lowicz An at tempt by the Germans to advance in the region of Rzeszow has been repulsed with great losses to the the rest of the front along the left bank of the Vistula an artillery engage ment took place on November 21) Russian troops after a fight last ing 10 days captured on November 28 the Austrian positions which protected the passes in the Carpathians extending 50 versts (about 33 milesi from Koneczna which is situated north of Bartfeld as far as Sczuko situated south of Mezo Laborcz The Russians in this district captured cannou machine guns and many prisoners the first half of November we captured in all 50000 Austro Hungarian soldiers and GOO officers Plock (Poland) the Russian troops seized four ships laden with machine guns and munitions East Prussia minor engagements continue Turkish warship has been seen in the Black sea since November SIEGE CRACOW BEGUN? Iteport Sent Uy Correspondent of Italian Newapnper The siege of Cracow has begun accord ing to a correspondent of the newspaper Corriere della Sera of Milan Italy who is the Muscovite army He wires that the Russians are bombarding the forts with their heavy siege guns and that one of the suburbs of the city is reported to be in flames TOOK 10 MILES TRENCHES Rasslnn Report of Operations Around Lodz Six hundred prisoners seven guns and many wounded fell into Russian hands in fighting to the west of Lo wicz where the Russians took 10 miles of German trenches between Glovno and Sobota according to information received at Petrograd yesterday through trust worthy sources Glovno is IB miles north east of Iodz and Soliota is 12 miles north of Glovno The trenches were protect ed by triple earthworks aud wire de fenses It is semiofficially announced that the Germans have received reinforcements in the shape of two infantry divisions and one cavalry division The occupation of Glovno Biclavy and Soliota Straightens and strengthens the Russian right wing which already is said to have widely out flanked the German left bringing tire Russian right from 20 to 25 miles in its advance on Strikovana where a battle now is raging and puts the German cen ter under an attack from Glovno and Lodz Military experts are of the opinion that the German position around Lodz is far critical than it was during the initial reverses around Warsaw a month ago They poiut out that the German army is 100 miles from Thorn its base aud the fact that the occupation of its present position was so precipitate indi cates that the line of retreat was not well organized Military observers also maintain that the Germans will be greatly handicapped by the withdrawal even should they execute the movement in fairly good order The extent of the Russian advance in East Prussia between the Mazur lakes and the river Angeraph is officially stated to be one march Proa re of Operation on the Russo Prussian front is turning advantageously for our tele graphs a correspondent of the Aruiy Mes senger of Petrograd cavalry hits dispersed the rneiny who iu retiring is abandoning his munitions of war The en ergetic pursuit by our forces prevents the Gormans from taking up the positions which they had prepared for their use In the event of a Referring to the operations in Galicia the Army Messenger says: of our operations in Galicia are ending successfully for us We con tinue to push the Austrian army in the di rection of Cracow In spite of the intense cold which is delaying our offensive we are advancing victoriously Several of our contingents already are abreast of Cracow the defenders of which are being turned on the south side The morale of our troops is Why Germans Were Expelled The Novoe Vretnya of Petrograd yester day published an explanation of the recent wholesale expulsion of Gormans from the Russian capital saying it was due to the discovery of subscription lists for the building of ships for the German fleet The newspaper prints in detail the amounts subscribed as well as the givers and the collectors many of the names being those of prominent German manufacturers The paper snys that many directors and man agers of important German concerns in Petrograd or vicinity took part in collect ing the sums using their employes or the wives of their workmen as canvassers The Novoe Vremya alleges that the campaign was started by Count von Pourtales the German embassador to Russia during the months immediately preceding the declara tion of wnr in the guise of funds for Gor man Lutheran missions iu heathen coun tries Russian Statement nf Asatrian Casnal tlc On the basis of reports received from Hungary it was stated at Petrograd yes terday that the Austro Hungarian casual ties to date amount to 19000 officers and 900000 men No Action In the Caucasus A dispatch to the Havas agency of Paris from Petrograd contains statement issued by the general staff of the Russian army in the Caucasus It says: was no action of any importance on November NORWEGIAN STEAMER TAKEN British Suspect Iler of Carrying: Con traband The Norwegian steamer Sandefjord which sailed from New York for Copen hagen with a cargo of cotton was brought into Halifax yesterday as a prize of war She is suspected of having con traband of war on board and the report that she has balloon silk and also copper stored beneath the cotton will bo inves tigated after she is docked The fact that she was so heavily laden it is said first directed suspicion toward her PRIMO STILL ALOAT British Collier Previously Reported Sunk by German Stibmnrlne A dispatch to the Havas agency from ecamp says that the British collier Primo which was attacked off Havre by the Ger man submarine 21 a few days ago was not sunk although 20 three inch shells were wired into her hull according to a dispatch from Paris nt 145 a to day The Primo has been sighted floating off Vetdes nnd tugboats have been sent to bring her in BATTLE RAGES IN LANDERS Report That German Arc linking Strong Effort to Take Ypre The Sluis correspondent of the Handels blad of Amsterdam says: big battle is raging between the Yser and the Lys One hundred and twenty thousand Germans ha ve been sent to Ypres to make a final at tempt to capture the town The garrisons in landers have been reduced to a mini mum to provide troops to prevent the allies advancing ou Zonnebeke and QUEEN ELIZABETH WELL Itnmor That Belgian Queen is Hl Un founded The rumor that Queen Elizabeth of Bel gium is ill is unfounded says a dispatch from Ixmdon at 337 a to day She is in London with her children and visited Queen Mother Alexandra and extended birthday congratulations Monday Amtrlnn Suecee In Servla Vienna correspondent tele graphing jesterday gives the following official Austrian report: the southern war theater Sunday we stormed Suvotor between Valjevo and Cncak after an ob stinate defense We took 14 machine guns nnd 1200 prisoners We discovered in Uzice large quantities of arms and am ARMY ESTIMATES HIGHER War Department like Total of Armorlen Appropriation Cut Appropriations aggregating $104124512 to carry the army through the coming year arc proposed in estimates which the war department at Washington has just completed for sumbission to Congress This is an increase of $3105300 over the total earned by the nrmy bill for the current year although reductions are made in the allowances for many branches vt the service A new item of $150000 for buying of automatic machine rilles is asked alto gether $2900o0 is sought for ammuni tion compared with $30v0000 carried in the current law or field artillery for the organized militia $2OltOOOO is asked: $2100000 haring been appropriated last year or the manufacture repair nnd is suance of arms at the national armories $25OtMX is asked as against $450000 last year The signal service would get $700000 of which $400000 would be for the buy ing maintenance operation and repair of airships Provision would bo made for giv ing one additional pay to the beneficiaries of men killed in the army aviation service Other items in the esti mates ou wheh Congress will le nsked to bnse the army bill include: Subsistence of the army $10250912: regular supplies for the quartermaster department $snoo 000 new barracks and quarters in the ('tilted States proper $2 trans portation of the army $10000000: bar racks in the Philippine islands 0O0 clothing and camp equipage $0900 OOO an inTonse of $4oO0IO medical do pnttment $750000 an increase of $250 000 A storm tossed German hydroaeroplane with a German officer and mechanic aboard fell Into the sea yesterday south of Cape orna Jutland snys a dispatch from Copenhagen The nviators wore res cued and interned They said they had loft Kiel yesterday morning and flown over Helgoland and ulong the Schleswig coast There they encountered a heavy storm and were unable to control the course of the machine anny Whiteside Brough the nctress died in London last night after nn illness extending over two years She was born nt Paris iu 1X54 aud made her first ap pearance on the stage in 1809 Amusem*nts Meetings etc PALACE To day 215 To night 815 i MORTON AUSTIN In "Sihwn" COOPER RICARDO VIOLET' CARLETON: GENE MUELLER A CO DAWMlS McNAUGHToN A CO in a Scotch Comrdv Plavlet DE MICHELLE" BROS Wk PHILBRICK A CO In Hunting AND DYNA with Chas Chaplin BROADWAY' NOW PLAYING I Circus I Realistic Thrilling Gripping Drama BIJOU to day ERNEST MALTRAVERS" two reel drama of gypsy life of and Weekly Katblyn Williams In Losing Now Showing THROUGH IRE AND WATER" and THE PERILS Continuous II a to 11 tn Hampden lodge a and a Regular communication this (Tuesday) evening nt 730 o'clock DRAPE IpVENING STAR ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER West Regular Convocation 'this (Tuesday) evening in Masonic Teiup'o at 750 o'clock Business WM CARSON ORTHODOX LODGE A 1 A AL West Regular Communl trnnsaetb'ii if business Per order cation this (Tuesday) evening at 730 for the transaction of business Per roder Signed WILLIAM it ARMSTRONG Bay path lodge no 234 0 MEMBERS ATTENTION Hartford lodge No 80 will arrive by special train at 740 o'clock this evening You are expertcil to meet them at the station Third degree nnd music ALLEN Bcc GEN VILLA GETS PACHUCA LUCIUS' TUTTLE DEAD Continued from rage lJ CARRANZA SUPPLIES TAKEN Villa at Tula Waiting for Proper Mo ment to Enter Mexico City A telegram to the Associated sent yesterday from Tula by Geu Villa's first secretary Luis A Benavides said night the city of Pachuca Hidalgo where Gens Tablo Gonzales Jacinto Trevino and other constitutional chiefs with their re: spective brigades had taken refuge wns taken by our forces AU the Carranzn trains a large number of cannon nnd nn tomobiles nnd articles which hnd been looted from the City of Mexico were cap tured together with a large quantity of Gen Villa and his staff were at Tula a short distance from Mexico City awaiting the proper moment to enter the capital it is understood in El Pnso Tex REPORT CONIRMED Caballero Proclaim Hi Alleaiancc to Convention Official dispatches to Washington yes terday confirmed earlier reports that Gen Luis Caballero governor of Tamaulipas has joined the Villa forces in Mexico As he is in control of Tampico the peaceful entry of the troops which have been marching eastward from San Luis Potosi is now expected Caballero has been claimed by both the Carsanza and Villa factions Caballero has telegraphed to Gutierrez his allegiance to the Aguas calientes convention In a dispatch dated at Queretaro tem porary capital of the convention faction Special Ageut Canova of the state depart ment said a rumor was current that Gen 1'ablo Gonzales one of the Carranzn di vision commanders had proclaimed him self provisional president and named cabinet Canova was unable to confirm the rumor Officials Jn Washington think it unlikely Rafael Zubaran Carranzn agent at Washington late yesterday made public a telegram from San Antonio an nouncing that the wife of Gen Pnblo Gon zales had branded as "absolutely the report that her husband had proclaimed himself provisional president of Mexico ORDER PREVAILS Secretary Hobler Report That Zapata I Not Illruselt in Mexico City Sir Cecil Spring Rice the British em bassador informed the state department at Washington yesterday of the receipt of report from Secretary Holder of the British ministry in Mexico City saying that good order prevailed in the Mexican capital Secretary Holder said that Gen Zapata was not in the city but was rep resented there by one of his officers lie reported that there has lecn no execu tion in case of crimes agniust good order Consul Canada yesterday asked the Mate department to warn Americans and' other foreigners against going to Vera Cruz at this time Transportation facili ties between Mexico City and the seaport are uueertain it was pointed out nnd those who ventured to Vern Cruz would in all probability be stranded there YAQUI CATTLE RAID Mexican Carry Off American Cattle ou Tlila Side of Border American cattle owners at Hereford 12 miles west of Naco Ariz reported to American civil and military authorities yesterday that raiders from the camp of Gov Maytoremi of Sonora had driven sev staked out virtually all nortnern New En glund as his empire He took over the Boston and Lowell railroad the Connecti cut River the Concord and Montreal the itchburg and effected an alliance in 1899 with the Maine Central with himself as president of that road Smaller lines fell almost automatically into his grasp While repeating in his field the success of the New Haven Mr Tuttle encountered this differ ence The New Haven through its Con necticut charter was enabled to absorb and control a vast system of trolly lines as feeders while the Boston and Maine under Massachusetts law was forbidden to do a similar thing One of the most mem orable fights in the Massachusetts Legisla ture came over Mr Tuttle's unsuccessful efforts to secure the right to absorb trol leys Leiuing of the Kchbnrg Probably the most conspicuous thing ac complished by Mr Tuttle while president was the leasing of the itchburg railroad in 1900 during Gov Crane's administra tion This lease required the consent of the Legislature The state of Massachusetts which built at tremendous expense the great tunnel through the Hoosac mountain for the avowed purpose of preventing monop oly and maintaining competition in the in terests of her commerce had after some years of unsuccessful operation by the state of the short line of railroad connect ing the itchburg at Greenfield with the Troy and Boston sold the to the itchburg railroad takmg in pay ment certain shares common and preferred of the itchburg road and these shares constituted a controling interest which it was necessary to vote in confirming the lease which the directors of the two roads had negotiated Mr Tuttle persuaded the Legislature and the governor of the great advantage to the state in transferring this costly white elephant to the corporation which he represented and finally he offered to buy outright the state stock which had but little value except for its voting pow er The offer was accepted and the deal won the public approval of that day In Inte years however when the Boston and Maine system has been staggering under its heavy finiincial burdens ascribed by mauay to the excessive fixed charges of the lensed roads it has been questioned whether Mr itchburg deal was not too costly Mr Tuttle strongly opposed government regulation of freight rates nnd during the agitation' of the issue in the Roosevelt ad ministration he made several addresses in favor of the old system of private control When he retired on September 13 1910 from the presidency of the Boston and Maine the system had already been ab sorbed by the New Haven under circum stances very familiar to New England people In one sense Mr Tuttle had failed inasmuch as bis system was the one to succumb and be nbsorlied but the final outcome was a great railroad tragedy all around Physically Mr Tuttle wns a big man He was of large frame standing six feet and weighing nearly 250 pounds His head was large well shaped his face clenn shaven broad and strong suggest ing Tom Reed's His voice too was strong and of great volume It had as one aptly describe'! it resonance of a voice that has been used in all kinds of weather nnd outdoors and in but when he speaks low as he docs very often it has the ingratiating persuasiveness of a man who must have made a very efficient ticket and passenger He had a town nnd country house the former in Boston on Coiuuicnweulth avenue the lat ter in Lynn on the senside His family was small consisting of his wife who died in 1911 and two daughters He was a great reader and possessed nn excellent library in his Baek Bay home lie be longed to two or three chibs the Algon 3uin amonk them In 1912 he was a can idate on the Taft ticket for delegate at Inrge to the republican national conven tion The funeral will be held to morrow at the New Old South church in Boston Business Notices ernl hundred head of their stock across the line into Mexico Saturday night Cow boys who crossed the boundary to inves tigate Teported that they found 75 slaugh tered American cattle in the camp of Yaqui Indians Maytorena disclaimed responsibility for the alleged raid nnd at the request of the cattlemen sent officers to the Ynqui cnjnp to inves tigate He said be would pay for all the animals killed and return the others Mex ican officers suggested that the cattle may have strayed across the line BORDER GUARD WOUNDED Private Caine Probably Mortally Hurt lly Mray Ballet nt Naco A United States soldier was probably mortally woundcd at Naco Ariz yester day by a shot from the Mexican side in the siege of Naco Sonora The soldier was Private Caine of troop 9th Unit ed States cavalry He was struck in the bead our Mexican children were wonntled one seriously This makes a total of 41 persons injured on the Ameri can side by stray bullets from the be sieging forces of Gen Hill's Cnrmnza troops intrenched nt Naco One shell yes terday entered the United States custom house abandoned because of its proximity of tlie fighting Business Notices HIGHLAND HOTEL Music by Philharmonic Orchestra Special Dining Rooms for Parties and Banquets Telephone in Every Room I Business Lunch from 1130 to 2 50c A la Carte Service at All Hours SIEVERS CO BUSINESS LUNCH 1180 A TO 2 IL 35 CENTS HARTTS HOTEL IN THE HEART THE CITY 93 95 STATE STREET Surglea lor nuffering women Dress corsets also Reasonable HANco*ck 317 Main st Tel library spectacles WITH SHELL RAMES Designed for reading purposes They rest easily on the nose and aid the vision 1 BUCKLEY Manager LET US DO YOUR WASHING! Our facilities for doing the best grade of family work are unsur passed in thsi city and our prices aremoderate A tri alwill convince BELMONT LAUNDRY Tel 3718 333 Belmont Ave KEEGAN THE HAIRDRESSER Is still la business ouly at a new location just around the corner from former place 30 BESSE PLACE TEL 5665 WHEN IN SPRINGIELD STOP AT THE" NEW NELSON HAYNES HOTEL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT All rooms newly furnished clean large light airy Larue sample rooms for commercial travelers designed es pecially fur their use The rooms range In price from $100 up with bath $150 up Persons or families desiring rooms by the week or season will be given spe cial rates BUSINESS LUNCH IN THE GRILL from 1130 a to 2 AT THE LUNCH COUNTER 40c 1 MILK MEANS PURIf A RECENT SPECIAL EX AMINATION of the Rose haven Dairy Herd proved Eveiy Cow in Perfect Health Rosehaven dairy milk is Certified When you Use it you have Every Assurance of Quality and Purity that Inspec tion Science and Thorough Care in handling can give Put up in Quart Bottles double capped Sealed and dated Are IHetributor for Springfield end Vicinity Tel 3090 3091 132 134 Cass St ICE CREAM OR QUALlT PHOTO ENGRAVING ALL KINDS SPECIALLY EQUIPPED OR INE ME CHANICAL AND COLOR WORK A GORDON DRAWING AND DESIGNING 119 STATE ST THREE DOORS ROM MAIN ST THE JAMES McKINNON CO DWIGHT STREET COR WORTHINGTON NEED MEN Rear Admiral Blue' Explain It to Hone Committee Eatimate 000000 More Than Last Year The nee 1 of 240 additional officers and about 4G00 men fully to equip ail Ameri can warships of actual value was ex plained at Washington yesterday to the House naval affairs committee by Rear Admiral Blue chief of the navigation bureau of the navy department Admiral Blue was telling of the needs of the navy in connection with the naval appropria tions bill now being shaped bv the com mittee Referring to the fact that the department was still buying some of its hydrographic charts from the British gov ernment the admiral said that the United States was issuing more and more such charts each year and that ultima tclv hydrographic charting by the United States government would be as complete as that of any other nation Rear Admiral Stanford chief of (lie bureau of yards and docks recommended the $3000000 estimate for a new dry dock at Norfolk A a He also Urged the necessity of appropriations for additional fuel oil storage tanks at Melville I Norfolk Va San Diego Cal Puget Sound Wash Mare Island Cal Guanta namo Cuba and Pearl Harbor Hawaii All the ships of the navy now under con struction are to use fuel oil and it is esti mated that this year 30000000 gallons will be used The estimates of the navy exceed last total of $145000000 by about $1 000000 THE EDERAL TELEPHONE TAX Business Notices GOOD THINGS TO EAT VEGETABLES AND RUIT CLEAN RESH CRISPY STOCK encumbers Tomatoes Rad ishes Celery Lettuce Cab bage Brussel Sprouts Onions Turnips Squash Sweet Pota toes Grapefruit Table Apples Grapes Bananas Oranges CHARLES LANE CO 160 MAIN STREET Tel A Can ull of Quality But No Coupons One Cent Extra on All Meaaaes Coat tinff Over IS Cent The telephone company has been prepar ing for the collection of the federal revenue" tax of one cent on all telephone messages for which the charge is 15 cents or over The tax goes into effect to day Manager Sanborn of the company said yesterday that preparations for the col lection of the tax have involved an im mense labor including instructions to the operators for collecting the tax at public pay stations ami special preparations for adding the tax to the bills of subscribers The law requires the telephone company to collect this tax in addition to the regu lar charge for the message Notification of the tax is being sent out with the bills to all subscribers and other notices have been placed near nil public telephones Anyone making a toll call from an auto matic pay station will be nsked by the operator to drop one cent federal tax in the 25 cent? slot When calls are made from a telephone the one cent charge will be added to the bill Business Notices BELDING APPLES APPLES HUBBARDSTON NONESUCH NORTHERN SPYS GREENINGS AND BALDWINS $275 and $300 a bbl 25c 30c 35c 40c pk 2 3 4 and 6 for 25c Special lot of RESH KILLED VER MONT CHICKENS weighing about 314 lbs each 22c lb ANGELUS LOUR $725 Bbl a good buy and an Al flour BELDING JR MEATS ISH GROCERIES )Tel 1810 1811 457 461 State St MURD0UGH BROS WHITE HOUSE COEE Sf TO LAW ABOUT A Big Skate Story We carry the ENTIRE Barney I Berry line of skates SIXTY THREE styles Some stock! Drop in I LAW I THE HARDWARE MAN 262 Main Next Nelson Theater i I i i 146 State St Tel 204 I XT GEO ESTABROOK I Contractor STEALI and HOT WaYeR HEATING SHEET METAL WORK HOT AIR URNACES and RANGES Right heating in a clean neat way is assured to those who use CARLISLE COAL RICHARD CARLISLE Tel 1301 3 Elm St HOME MADE JELLIES All lavors of New England JELLY KITCHEN CANNED RUIT Supreme Brand MURDOUGH BROS Cor Worthington and Spring Sts Tel 4153 MORSE HAYNES CO 376 MAIN ST CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS ARE READY PRICES 50c TO $300 MORSE HAYNES CO 376 MAIN ST CHENEY BIGELOW WIRE WORKS Bank and Office Railings Elevator Enclosure TEL J38C SPRINGIELD MASS HARRIET BULLMAN Bath Electricity 317 Mala Tel 420 27 PROITS vs COSTS afford to use newspaper adver said one man ufacturer I afford not said the sec ond one whose busi ness is" growing by leaps and bounds look at what a thing costs but what I am going to get out of it adver tising brings me larg er more immediate more definite returns than aiy other kind I have ever tried a matter of fact it costs less too for I buy no waste Manufacturers who are more interested in profits than costs are invited to address the Bureau of Adver tising American Newspaper Publish ers Association World Building New York Our Special Cash Prices: STOVE AND EGG $775 PEA $650 NUT $800 BASKETING J5a PER TON EHRLICH COAL CO 105 WORTHINGTON SI Just before the Bijou TELEPHONES: Office 1820 JZard 1190 I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.