Raw results, live blog: Money in the Bank qualifiers continue (2024)

WWE Monday Night Raw comes waltzing back into our lives tonight (June 24, 2024) from the Gainbridge Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana, featuring all the latest build to the upcoming Money in the Bank premium live event scheduled for early next month in Toronto.

Advertised for tonight: Money in the Bank qualifying matches continue with two triple threat bouts: Kairi Sane vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Shayna Baszler and Braun Strowman vs. Chad Gable vs. Big Bronson Reed. Elsewhere, Karrion Kross takes on Kofi Kingston, Bron Breakker vs. Ludwig Kaiser, Women’s Tag Team Champions The Unholy Union battle Kayden Carter & Katana Chance in a non-title match. Plus, a whole lot more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the Raw live blog will kick off once the show starts on USA Network. It will be below this line here. Reminder: GIFs and pics allowed, but no links to illegal streams, please.


Every day she gets a little weaker, the beauty she once knew has come and gone. We’ve murdered all her sons and all her daughters, the blood is on your hands, The time has come, and I’m here to liveblog this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with Michael Cole explaining that Pat McAfee is out tonight and the Miz is joining him on color commentary for tonight.

Cole talks about the new Wyatts debuting last week when Drew McIntyre just casually walks by and gets in the ring and on the mic.

He says people were talking about he quit before but now they’re talking about what he did on SmackDown, and he wants to see it again, so we roll footage of him carrying a bloodied and battered CM Punk to the stage and dropping him.

He says he’s done with all of us who chant for CM Punk because he promised his sick wife a world title and Punk stopped that but still we chant and we’re dead to him. So he wants to talk right down the barrel of the camera, to CM Punk at home. He homes he’s uncomfortable, in pain, and being fed through a straw, because he did that to him, he put him there.

He didn’t just take his dignity, he also took the charm bracelet with AJ and Larry on it that he pulls out of his pocket. He says it’s worth about 50 cents, but it’s priceless to Punk, baring the names of his wife and his stupid looking dog (he’s not wrong, prettymuch all dogs are stupid-looking.) and bringing them with him whereever he goes/

He says he’s going to continue succeeding while Punk sits alone and hurt, and now he’s got AJ and Larry in his corner while he wins Money in the Bank and cashes it in the same night to become World Heavyweight Champion in spite of his arse.

A recap of the new Wyatts debut follows and no I will not be calling them the Wyatt Sicks in the liveblog until they put it on their chyrons, because it is a stupid way to spell that name.

We see Chad Gable arrive at the arena, refusing to comment and shielding his eyes after surviving a harrowing attack from the Wyatts.

Bron Breakker makes his entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, an interviewer is posted outside of Chad Gable’s secured dressing room and gives us a basic rundown of “he’s hurt but cleared but nobody really knows how he’s doing after getting attacked by the Wyatts.”

Ludwig Kaiser is interviewed in Gorilla.

He doesn’t want to talk about Sheamus, he wants to talk about Braun Strowman— er, Bron Breakker. Tonight he’s going to prove that he’s destined for greatness and Bron is no Ludwig Kaiser.

Bron Breakker vs. Ludwig Kaiser

Breakker choking Kaiser in the corner, he’s in control for a bit but Ludwig thumbs the eye and takes control, mounted punches to the basck of the head! Action to the floor, Bron rams him into the ring apron! Setting him on the announce desk... BATTERING RAM LARIAT OFF THE APRON AND OVER THE DESK SENDS US TO BREAK!

Back from commercial, Kaiser in control, Breakker overwhelming him with punches, running through his lariat, jumping back elbow cuts Ludwig off! German suplexes, big Frankensteiner out of the corner, military press but Ludwig slips out! Kaiser sidesteps and Bron goes hard into the steel steps!


Ludwig Kaiser wins by disqualification.

Post-match, Sheamus wants to powerbomb Kaiser into the announce desk... BRON SPEARS THEM BOTH TO THE FLOOR!

Judgment Day are playing video games in their club house and Dominik Mysterio has a huge plate of chicken nuggets.

Damian Priest confronts Dom about being distracted by Liv Morgan and asks when it’s gonna be over and he’s distracted in the moment and shows Priest his phone, where presumably she’s sent him something nice because all the boys stand up and look and Carlito says it’s cool.

Damian tells him to go handle it and then confronts everyone else about sitting around playing video games while Braun Strowman has his way with them. Finn Balor agrees and rallies the troops.

Lyra Valkyria makes her entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Bron Breakker bangs on Adam Pearce’s door.

He’s mad about other people getting into his business and he wants a match against Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Championship. Pearce says he’ll see what he can do, and Bron turns around to see Sami standing there.

Zayn offers a match any time, any place, Breakker says he wants it at Money in the Bank, and Sami tells Adam to make it happen, and he does.

Kairi Sane vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Shayna Baszler (Money in the Bank Qualifying Match)

Three-way back and forth and hither and yon, Valkyria with a legsweep, bridging northern lights on Baszler, Sane breaks it up. To the floor, Kairi takes ‘em out with a plancha and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Lyra with a missile dropkick on Sane, fisherman buster, cover for two! Baszler back in, clubbing blows, Valkyria ducks a knee but eats a Regalplex... NOPE! Sane running blockbuster connects, dragging Shayna to the corner, calling for it, up top... KNEES UP ON THE ELBOW DROP!

Kirifuda Clutch applied, Lyra with a schoolboy, only two! TNA kick, headbutt, enzuigiri, Sane ducks an enzuigiri, Doctor Bomb connects... SHAYNA BREAKS IT UP WITH A VICIOUS KNEE TREMBLER! Kairi sidesteps, uraken lays the Queen of Spades out but she recovers in time to cut her off! Waistlock from Valkyria, broken, duck a kick, fireman’s carry, Baszler slips out, Kirifuda Clutch!

Falling back to the mat, Lyra reverses to a pin, Sane goes for the elbow, Lyra picks her off the ground...

Lyra Valkyria wins by pinfall with Nightwing, qualifying for the Money in the Bank ladder match.

Drew McIntyre is backstage yelling at Adam Pearce demanding entry into Money in the Bank but Pearce says he doesn’t deserve it with how much he’s been disrupting the show. McIntyre makes his case and says he believes in Adam doing the right thing, because if he doesn’t, he’ll find out the meaning of disruption.

He leaves and the camera follows Liv Morgan walking past and making her way through the back to Gorilla and making her entrance to send us to break.

Back from commercial we get a hype reel for the Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, and SummerSlam all coming to Indianapolis, Indiana.

The Miz celebrates with a local sporting man who’s video chatting with Logan Paul.

Liv Morgan is in the ring and gets on the mic.

She says she knows Dominik Mysterio is playing hard to get but she’s got more gifts for him and claims that Rhea Ripley has never cared for him the way he deserves and she asks “Daddy Dom” (blech) to come on down so she can give him another gift in front of all these people.

Enter Zelina Vega.

She says she has a gift for everyone here, and that’s shutting Liv the hell up. She doesn’t know why she’s obsessed with Rhea’s sloppy seconds, but she’s out here to talk about the title she’s clearly forgotten about. While she’s out here chasing Dirty D, Zelina’s here to chase the WWE Women’s World Championship.

Morgan claims she hasn’t forgotten the title and she runs down the list of stuff she did to win the title. Vega challenges her to a match right here tonight! Liv begs off and says she’s in the middle of something so how about next week? Zelina says that doesn’t work for her but—

Enter Dominik Mysterio, obvious bottom.

He admits he got the gifts but he did not like them and gets in the ring, as a “sloppy seconds!” chant goes up and Vega treats herself to a dry heave. Mysterio tries to talk but has to stop every three words as he gets booed out of the building. He says he wants to help Vega if she has a title match.

Zelina says she doesn’t want the help and in fact Dominik better stay away, but Morgan blindsides her!

Rey Mysterio makes the save, his son blindsides him with a shove, and now Vega tends to him as Liv makes puppy eyes at Dominik.

Cathy Kelley is outside of Chad Gable’s room and acknowledges that medical personnel have been in there as has Adam Pearce, who comes out and says Chad is in fact cleared but it’s not his story to tell if Gable has any mental issues coming out of the attack.

We get a video package covering Seth Rollins’ injury and time off and triumphant return.

Braun Strowman makes his entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Liv Morgan chases after Dominik Mysterio to thank him for saving her from his father and proving he cares.

Dom shrugs it off and says he only did it because Rey is terrible and leaves.

R-Truth rolls up to encourage Liv in her delusions and she tries to get him to give Finn and JD a tag title match. He eventually agrees and she tells him to get Adam Pearce to approve it and leaves.

Truth says he always did like Carmella.

Miz jumps up from commentary and runs to the back to get to Adam Pearce before R-Truth does, leaving poor Michael Cole to call the show alone. (Eh, you’re no Lenny Leonard but I believe in you Michael)

Chad Gable cuts a promo during his entrance.

He says rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated and yes, he was bludgeoned and bloodied, but Chad Gable cannot be killed! Chad Gable lives! And in an act of true bravery he’s going to face two monsters tonight and win the briefcase and call himself Master in the Bank.

Braun Strowman vs. “Big” Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable (Money in the Bank Qualifying Match)

Gable taken out early, monsters testing each other’s strength, shoulder blocks, Strowman caught in the ropes briefly but he explodes out! Bronson low bridges him out of the ring, Chad back at it, Reed blocks a suplex and throws him to the floor and into Braun! Bronson off the ropes, suicie dive wipes ‘em all out and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Reed going corner to corner, Strowman pops up, shoulder block and a boot and the monster among men is in control! He biels Gable into Bronson! Out and back in, Reed posts Braun, bridging German suplex from Gable but Bronson kicks out! Up top, Strowman cuts him off, pulls Reed to the floor, puts him into the post!

Scooping Bronson up, powerslam and Braun tears his shirt off but Judgment Day attack Strowman en masse! He wanders off up the ramp fighting them but That Damn Numbers Game catches up to him on the stage! Chad up top...

Chad Gable wins by pinfall with the diving moonsault, qualifying for the Money in the Bank ladder match.

Post-match, Gable celebrates as the lights go down in that way that heralds the arrival of Wyatts.

Fog fills the ring as a single piano note rings out again and again and the arena is ful of fireflies.

The ghostly woman in the mask crawls into the ring and gurns at him, sending Gable scurrying out of the ring. She slides out of the ring and grabs a box of some kind out of the mist and drops it off on the announce table in front of Michael Cole before making her way out through the crowd and disappearing into the mist.

A jump scare close-up of her face sends us to break.

Back from commercial we get a recap of what we just saw, because Raw is three hours long. (Three hours long.)

Michael Cole tells us that the box is addressed to Pat McAfee and opens it to reveal a VHS labeled “Play Me” which he passes off to a crew member to take to the production truck to see if they can play it.

Chad Gable goes backstage to see Alpha Academy and says his life flashed before his eyes last week and all he could see was the three of them, his family, and he admits he’s been rough with them and he crossed a line and he apologizes and gives them a line about families fighting but sticking together.

Otis Dozovic sticks to his guns and says he’s sorry about what happened to him but they’re done. Maxxine Dupri hangs back to explain that he really hurt Otis but they’re glad he’s okay. She thinks he needs time and is willing to talk to him for Chad.

Gable turns around as she leaves to see Diamond Mine roll up and ask if he’s okay. He admits he’s not and that he needs a lot of help.

Katana Chance & Kayden Carter vs. Unholy Union (Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn)

Fyre and Carter to start, circling, Alba shoves her down but Kayden slings her into the ropes. Dawn runs in, Kayden puts them both on the floor, baseball slide takes them out and we go to break!

Back from commerical, Chance and Carter in control, schoolboy, only two. Big kick from Dawn, KLR Bomb / Reverse STO combination...

Unholy Union win by pinfall with a KLR Bomb / Reverse STO combination on Katana Chance.

Post-match, Damage CTRL attack and beat the tag champs up and leave them laying!

Liv Morgan comes skipping out of the Judgment Day clubhouse in front of Damian Priest.

Priest goes inside and sees Finn Balor and asks if he sees how sketchy all this is. Finn begs off saying she was just telling them she got Dom a match against Rey next week as well as him and JD a tag title match tonight. Priest says “too good to be true” sounds right and he’s got business to handle but he wishes him luck with the title match, and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Miz gets to R-Truth but he’s too late, the match is official and Truth wants him in his gear right now.

Truth tries to sell him on the love story aspect but Miz is only worried about their tag titles, to which Truth says he loves him, but only as a friend.

Damian Priest makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He says the Seth Rollins video was humbling and inspiring and he gets it when Seth says he sees a version of himself in Priest, and he draws the comparisons between them, both as members of factions and as individuals and champions. And he knows what he sees in Seth— a man that he doesn’t want to become.

He doesn’t want to stand in this ring and see his successor, a man who’s bigger, stronger, and better. He’s world champion, and as long as he is, Rollins will never see the mountaintop again.

Enter Seth Rollins, in a Dalmatian fur coat and a Two-Face suit that’s half white, half pinstripe.

He gets on the mic and says it’s still his show, it’s still Monday Night Rollins. Seth takes issue with the idea that he can’t take the title from Priest, saying he just doesn’t believe in that confidence, that it’s false bravado. He says that in both of Damian’s title defenses it seemed obvious that he needed the help of Judgment Day and CM Punk to retain the title.

Priest says he sees where he’s coming from and he didn’t ask for the help but they got involved. He can’t change that, but he can work going forward to prove that he’s the man he says he is, and meanwhile Rollins is standing here holding a whole lot of nothing. Seth says he doesn’t appreciate being one-upped.

Challenging him to a title match was a bold move, but he’s here tonight to one-up Damian with a challenge for a challenge. He wants to sweeten the pot at Money in the Bank, nothing official, just a little side bet or a gentleman’s agreement. If somehow Priest retains, Rollins won’t challenge him for it ever again.

But when Seth wins, they’ll find out if he really can stand on his own two feet, because if Rollins wins, Priest leaves Judgment Day. Damian’s into it and says Judgment Day need him more than he needs them, and he’ll accept the agreement. They shake hands on it.


He says there’s a lot on the line here and recapitulates the stakes and gravity of the match at Money in the Bank before wishing luck to both of them and says he can’t wait to see the match and find out who he gets to beat at SummerSlam.

Michael Cole tells us that they’ve tracked down a VCR and are going to show us the Wyatt VHS tape.

Uncle Howdy asks someone if they’ve been happy, how they’ve been since the loss, if they feel forgotten, if they remember who they are.

It’s revealed he’s talking to Bo Dallas, who says he’s nobody. Howdy asks him how it felt when his brother died, and he says it was like the most important thing in his life was taken from him. Like nothing was ever going to matter again. Howdy asks if he’s exploiting his brother’s legacy and Bo says all he ever wanted his whole life was to be like his brother.

He looked up to him and wanted to be him, and he worked his entire career to have opportunities to work next to him, and they were gonna rule together when they finally made it. They were there, and they had it, and then it was taken away from him. No one feels more hurt than him by his brother’s loss.

Not one person feels like he feels, and is he to let Bray become a mausoleum and forget what he stood for? They wanted to forget about him, about all of them, but they made them all remember. Uncle Howdy agrees and we get a long shot of them sitting across from each other before the tape ends and we go to break.

Karrion Kross vs. Kofi Kingston

Kingston out the gates with a tope con giro but back inside, Kross takes over with a Death Valley Driver and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Kofi is rolling but Paul Ellering and Authors of Pain appear on the tron beating Xavier Woods up and asking if Kofi thinks it’s worth it. Karrion capitalizes...

Karrion Kross wins by pinfall with the Final Prayer.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial we get a recap of “Samoan Werewolf” Jacob Fatu joining the All-New, All-Different Bloodline on SmackDown last week.

Commentary hypes up next week’s show.

Judgment Day make their entrance and we go to break.

Awesome Truth (R-Truth & the Miz) (c) vs. Judgment Day (Finn Balor & JD McDonagh) (WWE World Tag Team Championship)

McDonagh and Truth to start, quick tags with Balor but Ron gets away and tags Miz in for some double-teams. Match breaks down, Finn off the ropes, champions send the heels packing and here comes Liv Morgan down the aisle to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Judgment Day working Truth over while Liv watches from the base of the ramp. Miz tags in, running hot, big crossbody nearfall, Dominik Mysterio running interference, JD with a schoolboy for two! The A-Lister sends Mysterio packing, Skull-Crushing Finale connects but Carlito puts McDonagh’s leg on the ropes!

Headbutt and both legal men are down and out! Liv checks on Dom, Braun Strowman runs down to even the odds and chases the seconds out of the arena! Truth in with Cena’s five moves of doom, STF on Finn, no deal, both men down, looking for the double Five Knuckle Shuffle and he gets it!

Morgan runs interference, hugging Truth, hanging his neck over the rope, Balor with the shotgun dropkick, off the top...

Judgment Day win by pinfall with Coup de Grace from Finn Balor on R-Truth, becoming your new WWE World Tag Team Champions.

That’s the show, folks.

Raw results, live blog: Money in the Bank qualifiers continue (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.