What is a Stock Split and How it Works (2024)

As stock prices continue to rise, many companies are now turning to stock splits as a way to make their shares more accessible to a wider range of investors. A stock split is when a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares, reducing the price of each share and allowing more investors to purchase the stock. This is beneficial to both the company and investors alike.

By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of the mechanics of a stock split and the potential it offers for investors. So let's dive in and take a closer look at the world of stock splits.

What is a Stock Split and How it Works (1)

Here is all that we have covered:

  • What is a Stock Split?
  • How does a Stock Split Work?
  • Reasons Why Companies Choose to Split Stocks
  • How Does a Stock Split Affect Shareholders?
  • How to Profit from a Stock Split?
  • What to Consider before Investing in a Stock Split?
  • Stock Split FAQs
  • Conclusion
  • How can Deskera Help You?
  • Key Takeaways
  • Related Articles

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What is a Stock Split?

A stock split is a corporate action where a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares to boost the liquidity of the shares. The number of shares outstanding increases while the value of each individual share decreases.

For example, if a company has 10 shares worth $100 each and does a 2-for-1 stock split, then the company will now have 20 shares worth $50 each. The total value of the company remains the same.

The main reason companies do a stock split is to make their stock more attractive to small investors, as the price per share becomes more affordable. Additionally, a stock split can make the stock more liquid, as the number of shares outstanding increases. This can also increase the demand for the stock, which can increase the stock price.

Two-to-one and three-to-one split ratios are the most popular (sometimes denoted as 2:1 or 3:1). Accordingly, each stockholder will receive two or three shares after the split, depending on the number of shares they previously owned.

How does a Stock Split Work?

A stock split is a corporate action in which a company divides its existing shares into multiple new shares. The most common type of stock split is a two-for-one split, in which each existing share is replaced with two new shares. When a company announces a stock split, the share price of the stock is adjusted to reflect the new shares created.

For example, if a company announces a two-for-one split, the share price is cut in half. This means that investors will end up with twice as many shares, but each share will be worth half of the original price. The total value of the company is not affected by a stock split.

A two-for-one split will increase the number of shares outstanding, but the company’s market capitalization (the total value of all its shares) will remain the same.

The main purpose of a stock split is to make shares more affordable for investors. By reducing the share price, investors can buy more shares at once. This can lead to increased trading activity and increased liquidity in the stock. Another purpose of a stock split is to signal to the market that the company is performing well and is confident about its future.

A stock split can attract new investors and make existing shareholders more likely to hold their shares. Finally, a stock split can make the company’s stock more attractive to institutional investors, such as mutual funds and pension funds. These investors generally prefer to invest in stocks with a lower price per share.

Reasons Why Companies Choose to Split Stocks

The information below shares the important reasons why most companies choose to split stocks. Let’s learn more here:

  1. Increase Share Price: Splitting stocks can help to increase the share price of a company. This can be beneficial for both shareholders and the company. By splitting the stocks, the company can make the stock more affordable for potential investors and thus increase the demand for its shares.
  2. Increase Trading Volume: Splitting stocks can also increase trading volume. By creating more shares, the company can attract more buyers, which increases the liquidity of the stock and makes it easier for investors to buy and sell the stock.
  3. Increase Investor Base: Splitting stocks can be advantageous for companies in terms of expanding their investor base. By making the stock more affordable, the company can attract a larger pool of investors, which can help to drive up the stock price.
  4. Improve Marketability: Splitting stocks can improve the marketability of a company. By making the stock more affordable, the company can appeal to a wider range of investors, which can help improve the marketability of the company.
  5. Reduce Risk: Splitting stocks can reduce risk for investors. By splitting the stock, investors can purchase smaller amounts of stock and thus diversify their portfolios. This diversification can help to minimize the risk of investing in a particular company.

A stock split affects shareholders in a few different ways.

First, it typically increases the number of shares a shareholder owns. For example, if a company splits its stock 3-for-1, that shareholder would now own three times as many shares.

Second, it usually lowers the price of each share. For example, if a company has a stock that is trading at $100 per share and then splits it 3-for-1, the new price would be $33.33 per share. This can make the stock more attractive to new investors, and make it easier for existing shareholders to trade or sell the stock.

Third, it can also affect the shareholder’s overall equity in the company. For example, if a shareholder owns 100 shares of a company prior to the split, they would now own 300 shares after the split. However, their overall equity in the company would remain the same, since the total number of shares outstanding has also tripled.

Finally, a stock split can affect the shareholder’s voting rights in a company. Generally, shareholders who own more shares have more voting power, so a stock split may reduce a shareholder’s voting power if the company has a large number of shares outstanding.

Overall, a stock split can be beneficial for shareholders by increasing the number of shares they own, lowering the price per share, and potentially increasing their overall equity in the company. However, it can also reduce their voting power in the company, so shareholders should consider all the potential impacts prior to a stock split.

How to Profit from a Stock Split?

A stock split is a corporate action taken by a publicly-traded company to divide its existing shares into multiple shares. It is typically done to make the stock more affordable for individual investors and to encourage more trading activity in the stock.

When a company decides to split its stock, the number of outstanding shares increases, while the total value of the company remains the same. This means that the value of each share decreases, but the number of shares increases.

The main benefit of a stock split is that it allows individual investors to purchase more shares of a company at a lower price. This makes the stock more attractive to individual investors, which can lead to an increase in trading activity, and can potentially drive the stock price higher.

In order to profit from a stock split, investors should consider the following strategies:

  • Buy Before the Split: Some investors may choose to buy the stock before the split is announced, as the stock price is likely to rise in anticipation of the split. This can be a risky strategy, however, as there is no guarantee that the stock will go up after the split is announced.
  • Buy After the Split: Many investors choose to wait until the split is announced, and then buy the newly split shares. This allows the investor to purchase more shares at the lower price, which can lead to greater profits if the stock price increases.
  • Short-Sell Before the Split: Short-selling is a trading strategy in which the investor borrows shares from a broker and sells them, hoping to buy them back at a lower price. If the stock split results in a decrease in the share price, the investor can purchase the shares back at a lower price and return them to the broker, profiting from the difference.

By utilizing these strategies, investors can potentially profit from a stock split. However, as with any investment, it is important to do your research and understand the risks involved before committing any money.

What to Consider Before Investing in a Stock Split?

There are a few factors that the investors need to consider before setting out to invest in a stock split.

Company Performance

Before investing in a stock split, you should research the company and evaluate its performance. Look at the company’s financials and overall growth. Check the company’s stock price history, earnings, and revenue trends. Consider how the company is performing compared to its competitors.

Stock Price

When considering a stock split, the stock price is an important factor. The stock price should be low enough that the split does not significantly reduce the value of your shares. For example, if the stock is trading at $50, a 2-for-1 split would reduce the stock price to $25.


Consider the timing of the stock split. If the company is planning to split its stock in the near future, you may want to wait until the split is complete before investing. On the other hand, if the split is already complete, you may want to invest immediately in order to benefit from the lower stock price.


Investing in a company involves more than just looking at the stock price. You should also consider the quality of the company’s management team. Research the management team and assess their experience and track record.


Investing in any stock involves risk. Before investing in a stock split, consider your risk tolerance and how much money you are willing to risk. You should also research the company’s competitors and assess the industry’s risk level.


Investing in a stock split is just one way to diversify your portfolio. Consider other investments such as bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs in order to further diversify your portfolio.

Stock Split FAQs

Here some questions that are commonly asked about stock splits:

Q: What is the purpose of a stock split?

A: The primary purpose of a stock split is to make the stock more accessible to a larger number of investors by reducing the share price. This can also have the effect of increasing trading volume and liquidity, as well as making the company appear more attractive to investors.

Q: How does a stock split affect the market price of a stock?

A: A stock split typically does not affect the market price of a stock. While the price of each share is reduced, the total market value of the company remains the same.

Q: How is a stock split different from a reverse stock split?

A: A stock split is when a company divides the existing shares of its stock into multiple shares, while a reverse stock split is when a company combines multiple shares into one. Both are done to adjust the share price, but a stock split reduces the price while a reverse stock split increases the price.


The stock split is an important decision for a company and its shareholders. It can be an effective way to provide more liquidity to the stock, making it more attractive to investors. Additionally, it can also help to increase the company's visibility in the market, and in some cases, can even have a positive impact on the stock's performance.

Ultimately, it is up to the company to decide whether a stock split is the right choice for them, but it is an important decision that should not be taken lightly.

How can Deskera Help You?

Deskera provides investors with an all-in-one business management platform that helps them streamline their operations and achieve better visibility into their financials.

Deskera Books is an accounting and finance solution that provides investors with real-time insights into their financials, helping them make informed decisions when it comes to their investments.

Deskera's enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution helps investors manage their operations more efficiently and get a better understanding of their entire business. With Deskera, investors can also access a suite of analytics, reporting, and forecasting tools to gain deeper insights into their financial performance.

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Key Takeaways

  • A stock split is a corporate action where a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares to boost the liquidity of the shares. The number of shares outstanding increases while the value of each individual share decreases.
  • The most common type of stock split is a two-for-one split, in which each existing share is replaced with two new shares. When a company announces a stock split, the share price of the stock is adjusted to reflect the new shares created.
  • Stock splits result in increasing share price, trading volume, investor base, and reducing risk. These are the top reasons why companies opt to split stock.
  • Company performance, stock price, timing, and risk are some significant factors that the investors must consider before investing in stock splits.
  • A stock split is when a company divides the existing shares of its stock into multiple shares, while a reverse stock split is when a company combines multiple shares into one. Both are done to adjust the share price, but a stock split reduces the price while a reverse stock split increases the price.

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As an expert in finance and investment, I've gained extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in understanding the dynamics of stock markets, corporate actions, and investment strategies. I have successfully navigated the complexities of financial markets, keeping abreast of the latest trends and developments.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article on stock splits:

What is a Stock Split?

A stock split is a corporate action where a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares to boost liquidity. The number of shares increases, but the value of each share decreases. For example, a 2-for-1 stock split would result in twice as many shares, each worth half of the original price.

How does a Stock Split Work?

It involves a company dividing its existing shares into new ones. The most common type is a two-for-one split, where each existing share is replaced with two new shares. The share price is adjusted accordingly. The goal is to make shares more affordable for investors, potentially increasing trading activity and liquidity.

Reasons Why Companies Choose to Split Stocks

  1. Increase Share Price: Making stocks more affordable attracts investors, potentially driving up demand and share prices.
  2. Increase Trading Volume: More shares can attract more buyers, increasing liquidity and making it easier for investors to trade.
  3. Increase Investor Base: Making stocks more affordable attracts a larger pool of investors, contributing to higher stock prices.
  4. Improve Marketability: Affordable stocks appeal to a wider range of investors, enhancing the company's marketability.
  5. Reduce Risk: Splitting stocks allows investors to diversify portfolios with smaller stock amounts, minimizing risk.

How Does a Stock Split Affect Shareholders?

  1. Increased Shares: Shareholders usually own more shares after a split.
  2. Lower Share Price: Each share's price decreases, making it more attractive to new investors.
  3. Overall Equity: Despite more shares, the overall equity remains the same.
  4. Voting Rights: Shareholders may experience a reduction in voting power due to increased shares.

How to Profit from a Stock Split?

  1. Buy Before the Split: Anticipate a rise in stock price before the split is announced.
  2. Buy After the Split: Purchase newly split shares at the lower price.
  3. Short-Sell Before the Split: Borrow and sell shares, anticipating a price decrease after the split.

What to Consider Before Investing in a Stock Split?

  1. Company Performance: Evaluate financials, growth, stock price history, and competitiveness.
  2. Stock Price: Consider a split's impact on the stock price.
  3. Timing: Invest based on whether the split is upcoming or has already occurred.
  4. Management: Assess the quality and track record of the company's management.
  5. Risk and Diversification: Understand the risks and consider diversifying your portfolio.

Stock Split FAQs

  • Purpose of a Stock Split: To make stocks more accessible and increase trading volume.
  • Effect on Market Price: Typically does not affect the market price.
  • Difference from Reverse Stock Split: A stock split reduces share price, while a reverse stock split increases it.


A stock split is a crucial decision that can enhance liquidity, attract investors, and positively impact a company's visibility and performance. Investors should consider various factors, including company performance, stock price, and timing, before engaging in stock splits.

If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like further clarification on, feel free to ask.

What is a Stock Split and How it Works (2024)


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