The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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'4 "7 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY JANUARY 30 1926 MONEY and BUSINESS! GREATER BOSTON 11 3 98 1 de 2 ac Boston Stock Marked 0 0 over ft 17 83 Estate VH I do I 4 1ft Edis 1 20 25 Boston Wool Market with CtfS Sb ar Hl pt I and are expected to total about 10000 ecus which would surpass the average i bskt bchs $8 5 to 175 11 at Co OJTICURA HEALS 2 20 Cotton at New York 20 7 Pt 6 Cattle Hogs and Sheep 7 point: to 157 of DUIK ueBUKUlv ll lauiu UM tvp I 1535 to City butchers yearling withers 550 bx: 1325 two year old wether 12: bulk tat tomia $3 a la a a KAz 'nnlnn CA 551 A 7 half to build 1 WILL PAY BACK DIVIDENDS 16 85 104 18 2 $7 per quart 3 i 573 8 7 8 8 8 2 21 255 72 12 8 24 70 80 ft OnScalp Later on Limbs Caused Much Suffering 96 1 3 24 12 on on 104 95 58 100 114 3 1 20t 3 10 13 3 3 19 2 1 1 114 2014 30484 5 17 3 3 40 1 15 2 3 3 sot lot 68 8 98 11 2 7 sot 10 lot 2 9 1' 3 10t 11 3 19 29 8 71 39 IT inn Ut'l do do loop Elec 8 75 44 17 85 io the agrement which have been made be board and the rall Can Pneii 8: lt 7 240 6 6 1 20 2 10 120 5 1 10 14 4 10 8 2 51 10 1 2 3 1 126 3614 106 1931 1934 193G 1937 1019 1940 Purchases of cars by the railroads thus far in January have been heavy PARK BOARD WILL PASS ON PLANS OR RIVER RONT LAND 2 83 54 26 Close 1214 108 109 127 1 2 2 19 129 28 98 49 51 9 3 20t II 3 2 5 9 8 91 18 6' 6' 6's 20 52 123 91 97 106 99 HOLYOKE PLUMBERS 46 73 127 98 60 190 93 94 4 80 96 86 95 87 89 99 97 2 25 58 155 84 14514 60 4114 10 43 4" 2354 8 7 194 stock the bond 65 2 70 80 2 10054 ioo 14 El new 96 106 106 5 14 6 19 1 1914 38 7 3 3 16 9 15 5 2 514 190 91 254 11 24 $35 De coru 94 101 105 107 1 9854 I 103 109 I 97 85 I 102 102 107 123 7 24 29 88 106 99 97 101 94 10314 94 95 31 12 230 19 80 63 62 Rhine El Ta wl Russian 6s do ctfs Saar Basin con 7's the and the the as ighti plan the railroad will by takeoff 55 4 24 24 75 143 39 87 65 12 Worcester Mass Jan 29 (API The American Steel Wire company announced today through General Manager Clinton Marshall of the Worcester district that it is to erect In this city a new billet and rod io 5 no so 90 97 94 1654 16 95 95 98 93 85 5Ot 5 38 3 11 55 12 52 58 83 68 bu 18 hds some 20 19 16 12 4 16 50 26 50 TO 82 61 194 94 10 257 as of March 1 The extra dividend was paid it was announced "in view of the company's satisfactory earn ings during the last nine President Henry Dawes reported that the company has reduced Its liabilities $14800000 since its last anual meeting The funded debt on ebruary 1 will be reduced $10730000 Wickersham Plans Session in 1927 of League Interna tional Law Experts Geneva Jan 29 (AP) A meeting of the world jurists who are working to codify international law under the auspices of the League of Nations may be held in Washington in the autumn of 1927 if the plans of George AV Wickersham American member of the committee are carried out Aftr making progress with tlje nine subjects allotted for their stiyiy and paving the way for another in ternational conference for the elabor ation of treaties the jurists adjourned their meetings today to convene in Geneva in January 1927 Mr Wicker sham then made known his hopes of inviting the jurists to hold a subse quent session in Washington simul taneously with the convention there of the international law institute Ten new subjects have been se lected by the committee for examin ation Mr Wickersham being named as reporter for the most important This relates to a definition of inter national law growing out of the in sertion of the most favored nation clause in treaties which has given rise to varied and conflicting interpre tations Oyving to the apparently irreconcil able governmental laws touching on the problems of extradition and the criminal competence of states with respect to offenses committed outside their territory the jurists decided not to recommend the subjects assuitable at the present time for treatment international cnnforences 1 s' ii 2 Prices of sheet bragft and seamless brass tulies have been reduced Li cent 'a pound by the American Brass com pany Copper products are unchanged Sheet brass is now 18 cents and tubes 23 cents a pound 12 501 7 135 pt A pt nr pt A atp 51 194 56 83 54 32 54 102 73 65 70 80 10O 10 10054 10054 70 63 87 96 182 106 79 1C1 32 14 65 54 48 38 84 85 97 18 43 86 67 3 5054 65 46 86 210 20 84 148 60 41 10 43 4554 24 6o 1 68 53 20 73 93 30 33 26 20 32 1 53 96 102 11097 14 31 27 7 16 36 New York Jan 29 (AP) The raw ugar market was quieter today No sales were reported and prices were unchanged at 427 duty paid Raw sugar future advanced 2 to 3 points early oh covering and trade buying but met increased offerings and eased off later closing net unchanged to 2 points lower March closed 2 49 May 261 July 271 September 281 December 2 87 Refined sugar was 10 points higher list quotations now ranging from 540 to 5 50 for fine granulated with continued good In quiry reported Coffee futures recovered part of their re cent reaction Ir today's trading on reports of continued steadiness in Brazil and re newed covering The market opened at an advance of 10 to 24 points and sold up to I 1825 nor May That delivery closed at 1823 the general market showing net ad vances of 25 to 40 points Sales were esti mated at 51000 Closing quotations: March 1848 May 1823: July 1775 September 1738 December 1718 Spot firm Rio 7's 18 to 19 20 40 227 105 25 65 100 100 290 50 120 Drives Away Sniffles Robs Out Bales (In 100) 1 1 307 107 22 12 54 io 22 46 73 timated that more than $l00A000 will bj spent on the new eauipmt it Thc new plant will cover four acres and will require more than a year and a Half If Name Not in Telephone Book ailure to print the name address and telephone number of a subscriber in its official directory allows a tele phone company to collect only one ha if of the rental during the life of the current directory according to a statement made public today by Wllr liam O'Brien chief of the tele phone and telegraph division of the department Sf public utilities of Mas sachusetts 166833 2 3 1805 3 3 15 16 1 3 16 5 28 8 3 Bonds 88 106 99 97 101 103 94 95 33 55 4 24 142 6 13 2 2154' 20 1636 0 32 10 627 25 5 for that month in the last five years i Close to 100000 tons of steel are in volved in orders placed this I more than 60000 tons of which have en passed to the mills 14 15ft 30 109 rirtl ihd Me Jan 29 i(AP) The dir ctors of the Maine Central rail road today voted 'to pay on March 1 to holders of preferred stock of rec ord of ebruary 15 the balance of the back dividends on the prefeTed stock amounting to $7 50 a share in addition to the current quarterly 13 31005 1 to the Brightslde orphanage and one of $100 to Rev Owen McGee pas tr of All church Several be quests to her daughter and grandchil dren are specified The wilj was drawn by Atty Courtney and he miso acted as attorney for it when it was allowed in court Mrs Klien Moran daughter is the executrix Baking A do do pref Cont'l Tobac ine Courtaulda ltd DeoreSt Rad vto Doehler Die Cast Dom'n StoreiH Dublller C4lf new nnnhlll Intern'l 69 urant Motors Elnlohr A Bros Eitingon Schild new Elco new do pref Elect Investors Elect Refrigeration I )ct Ry Sec 1 Estey Welde A 86 21U 20 42 1 25 1 3i 12 2390 4 I Nipesing North Butte Old Colony Old Doni Pac Mills Pacific Oil Pan Am Penn Pierce Arrow Pond Cr Punta Al Su Quincy Rifdio Corp 57 2 1 102 102 102 102 102 10285 101 104U a 154 84 83 80 42 35 2 SBaude Is ltd 5's '55 16 BlemAHalske 7's '23 6 Thyssen 143 Wks 7's 5 W'ph Un El 6's '50 Total sales ct stocks 567700 sales of bonds $1371000 102 102 103 102 102 102 102 101 104 97 50 5 2 113 112 40 35 2 21 1636 9 32 10 6 27 25 5 18 43 33 114 20 304 1 10 9 12 230 19 80 64 62 138 (Boston Mayor Would Include 14 Cities and 36 Towns in Boston or Census Pur 23 14 342 11 125 38 109 12 inland Stl 5US 45 98 a Lacleae uas 1 Manitoba 7's 11 Mass Gas 5 ii 17 Nor Sta Pr 6's 13 6 19 5 8 153 79 SI 83 80 41 35 117 21 42 17390 6 24 102 38 33 1 18 33 10 1 4 Piov Arg ext 93 4 Prov 3 arg ext 7's 93 2 Prov up Aust i a 9 Rhine Stain 7's S4 1 '75 35 Aern Knnniv Alamaba Gt So Ry 108 do Alpha rtld Cement 127 aluminum vo peer do Am A Am Cvanamid 11 Amer GtEl new 2 Amer Haw 8 8 3 Am 32 Amer PrALt new Oi 3 3 157 2 3 115 6 OH 7 12 31005 1 2 63 140 98 49 51 35 25 25 39 18 43 33 114 20 304 1 59 70 24 45 42 26 25 40 68 31 42 5 50 25 118 26 98 14 31 10 17 67 8 24 10 19 3i 80 106 68 78 9 25 26 157 34 43 99 622 IS 41 nnix 7 2190 107 1 107 91 '97 10699 '98 j04 New York Jan 29 (AP) Cotton traders evidently found nothing stim ulating in today's news and trading remained quiet the market fliKSiunt ing within a range of 10 or 15 points After selling off to 1952 early May rallied to 1967 and closed at 1957 compared with 1958 at the close of the previous day The general market cioseu net i point higher to lower utures closed barely March 2016 to 2017 May 1958 July 18 92 to 1893 1817 to 1818 December 1788 Spot quiet: middling On January 11925 more than 28 OOiLOOO miles had been flown in regu larly scheduled air service la th0J United States and Europe 12 52 60 84 68 8 ') 53 92 28 I hi 63 127 32 58 6 18 1 19 38 7 3 1 16 9 14 515 190 90 28 116 1312 42 6 3 1 120 3 18 45 1 77 0 53 39 45 19 44 88 16 13 95 35 90 85 97 S3 94 80 95 83 93 87 98 98 97 101 93 93 00 97 94 16 16 05 95 98 93 85 shares 104 125 94 101 105 107 103 14 65 55 49 381 83 98 18 86 67 3 64 67 49 86 210 Penn Oil cal wi Ind Kansas Ken 166633 204 3 3 13ftt 28 8 3 Rubber 30 102 no do do do do do rr Smelt Vacuum Oil 7'a Wh Sew Mach 6's wl 97 oreign Bonds' Antioquia Colom 7's 90 City Cologne 6's '5085 Aiy oruz Est RR rance 's European Mtg rNMailSS 7's Gen El Ger Gt Con El Pr 6's Hamburg El '36 Hun Con Munic 7'eIndus Bk 7's Denmark 5's Titez 714 'a wl Mtg Bk Dc tun'klG's 101 60 110 50 1 29 Kay Copper iverr iawe Vow Cnmella 2 New mon Mining 1 Nlplsslng 3 Noranda Mines 7 Ohio Coppei 20 Parmac Porcupine 4 Premier Gold 70 Spearhead 2 Teck Hughes 6 Tonopah Belmont ill 5 2 55 9 30 33 27 21 32 1 57 96 103 11097 14 31 27 7 16 37 42 1 59 70 24 45 42 26 25 41 68 31 42 5 50 25 119 26 98 14 31 10 17 67 8 24 10 44 19 37 80 106 68 79 10 26 26 157 34 43 too 112 622 18 46 32 70 53 39 13 45 19 44 88 16 15 3570 du do rtiA do pf stp 70 do pf stp 63 do pf stp 87 ao nr di 5 Bos Prov 1 Bos pt 1 Bos do 2d pf Cal Pet Calu A Hee Cerr ode Pas Chi I A Chrysler tie Ser do pf Con A pt Cons Gas Pen Ranre Dodge Bro A ao pi Dom Stores East Butte East Massdo do adj East dfsnn Europe Shar 20 irst Nat St 42 VTiele Kun Gen Pub Ser 14 Gen Et do sp Gen Mot Gillette Raz Ill Green Herman rset aisle Royale Kennecott Lowers Thea Maine Cen Marland Oil Mass Gas do pf Mex Invest 70 63 67 JC2 10 79 104U4 32 14 A5U 38 84 85 13 43 86 67 3 611 67 NEW CROPS WORTH $221439853 Stocks High 4 75 I 39 87 67 i 12 17 92 19 47 96 18 23C 58 23 132 60 3195 37 61 34 44 7' 66 59 181 56 67 34 129 36 108 Crn Pa 3 Kirby Petroleum 186 1 1 2 94 18 101 2 29 statutes in taking the census' Replying to questions Mayor' Nichols said he believed it would bl practical to have the mayor of Bos ton made the chairman of all metro pol'tan boat as naming specifically? the metropolitan planning boai disv trict commission and the public trus tees of the Boston Elevated railway ought not to be ob jections to this he said carries name that which erybojy knows to be a fact VVlieic man from Somerville or any other nearby municipality goes to Chicago he registers from Boston When ho comes back he resumes his Somer ville designation In other when some thousands ot miles away he wants to be known as a Boston lan and when he comes back it seems to me he ought to be a Bos tonian petition is broader than the said the mayor would per mit legislation much broader than this but I deemed it expedient to present a simple measure which ought to Invite the co operation cl' all and the hostility Hultman Denies He Has Worked or Gas Company Eugene Hultman chairman o7 he state commission on the sities of life concerning whose con nections with private enterprises an investigation has been ar'ted has Is sued a statement to the0 Senate and 7 House rules committees denying any connection post or present with the Boston Consolidated Gas com pany This statement is of special? Interest at the present time since Mr Hultman has recently made a recc ommendation that the scafe of the Boston gas company be? repealed and a hearing on this rec emendation is to be held next week 4 Bill or Erection cf 3 State Cancer Hospital Establishment by the common wealh of a hospital for treatment of cancer is advocated in a bill filed iu the Legislature by Representative William Prendergast of Boston' Massachusetts should take the leao in this movement according to Pren dergast because it has a higher can cer death rate than any state in the country He said there were hbout 10000 cases of cancer in Massachu setts during the past year and the' disease took a toll of some 500 lives annually ip this state 20 19 16 12 4 16 50 "6 Ml 28 7ft 82 Olis 18 230 57 24 132 31 95 37 61 34 44 67 60 181 56 67 34 129 36 108 Oils 5 14 6 19 1 20 38 7 3 9 15 5 2 5 114 100 91 21 11 5 3 40f 3 1 14 1 5 2 22 2t SU Radi do part pfd Southern Cal Ha nfd Southern Cits Util South Dairies do Sou GAP new Rui Tea A Htll South Bell Tel pfd 112 Sharks thing Co 25 Splltdorf Beth Elec 39 stana i uonsn aStroock A Co I Stutz Mot Car Am Swift A Co Swift Internatl Tampa Electric Thr rmiodvne Radio TJmken Det Axle Tower Mfg Corp Trans Day Piet Tub Art ctfs Tung Sol Lamp A union Unit do 18230 56 23 132 60 31 93 37 60 34 44 70 65 59 55 66 5 15 100 15 5 1 10 3 5 43 2 19 $8 166 98 96 101 94 103 94 95 30 Tt 100 100 IIH95 100 110 95 93 127 101 94 100 88 94 95 105 135 98 105 95 104 102 103 101 101 94 94 1 1 41' 63 V' 137 98 42 51 34 25 24 112 24 39 18 43 4o: i 80 30t not so: 90 18 1 58 153 4Ot 29 104 5 IS 10 29 109 109 99 09 '104 104 98 98 I 98 98104' 104 100 100 103 103 123 124 4 101 105 107 98 102107 97 85 85 poses rom Our Special Reporter Boston Jan 29 Making his first appearance on Beacon hill since he became mayor of Boston Malcolm today Informed the legislative committee on metropolitan affairs that he wants tts ee a metropolitan Boston that) he' expects to see one ajid that his purpose in seeking legis la ion tn frHA ritxr fnr enjoin purposes as including the 14 cities union and 36 towns ii the district is a steu play 13 31005 1 20450 13061010 17 11 16 1 20 52 7 168533 205 3 3 13 16 5 28 3 do' pref Amer Rayon Pr Am Superp'r A do Apco Mfg A Assoc GAEi new Atl ruit Co Auburn Auto Big Httd Carpet BIkstone Vai TVxrdnn new Bradley ireproofing' 1 priajstpurt frxavia Brill Corp wl Brockway Mot Trk Bklyn City RR Brown Wm Tob Buff cnnn Gin Ale new I jear Lixr wr 10tCellulold pref 8 Centl Steel i 14 Centrifugal Pipe it chanrt Cleve Mot 2 Chi Nipple Mfg A 1 do 1 Cleveland Auto 10 new 25i do war Cohn HallAMarx 12 Congress Cigar wl Cons Dairy Prod 958565 2i 4 57 99 114 20 52 9 0 253 48 28 118 69 83 48 787 5U 10345 17 31 K3 102 22 46 73 5 228 5 60 275 35 60 123 300 200 8 100 55 30 10 110 20 1159 20 1490 40 91 315 762 169 210 55 13 552 65 1150 15 1000 100 130 15 5 725 38 30 20 961 100 10 10 16 270 60 100 50 10 91 25 55 40 270 90 90 32 55 105 285 80 Reading 85 Recce Hole 1W 30 25 500 514 145 99 65 20 35 75 495 20 19 5 29 144 154 155 150 185 7600 3650 300 12 100 235 119 Gain of $55 663000 Over i Previous Year Largely Due I Rise in Potatoes Wakefield Jan United IStates government statistics compiled py the New England yop reporting service reveal that in 1925 New En Land farmers produced crops valuedat $221439 S53 This figure shows again of $55663000 in the value of crops over the production The bulk of this increase is counted for by the rise in potato val ues Maine in the forefront of potato production had a totalchop produc tion in R25 of as com pared wiji $10514(A a year before Maine's potato crop was worth $68 340000 as compaKd with omy i18 963000 in Massachusetts pro duced crops valued at $37970000 a gain ot more than $3000000 1924 Vermont's crops were worth 555111 a decline of $900000 creases in the value of her hay and maple sirup production mure than offset the gain in the value of Vermont's potatoes and other prod ucts Connecticut also suffered a de cline tn production with an approx imate loss of $14OO8U0 tv a total val ue of $30431000 The oft Avas almost wholly accounted fur a de crease of more than in to bacco New Hampshire had a gain uf more than two and million dollar in the value of the farm production estimated at $17585550 Rhode Isl and's production was worth $333' 000 4i I 96 WORLD JURISTS MAY MEET AT WASHINGTON Prof Dalric Tt Ht ww Lt ctfs new or new pfd new Cheml nl Anto Sup Pt 24 1 55 4 24 142 6 13 14 11 2 21 19 1536 9 31 10 6 26 25 5 PLAYHOUSE GETS CONTINUED Illness of Special Master Rufus Coek yesterday resulted in the contin uance "of the hearing of the case of Playhouse inc of Chicopee against 1 Louis Lambert and others to a later date Much testimony has alreadv hnon in nf the case which is a suit in equity to the Motion Picture Operators members from picketing the I house 150 to pascal crt iori MRS WILL HAS CHARITY BEQUEST I The will of Mrs Dora Olney late of this city has been allowed by Judge 1 Charles I Long In probate court but to mke a trade with I Among the bequests are one of $500 CITY MAY CHANGE SALE ITS COAL SENATE CONIRMS JUDGE ANDERSON Washington Jan 29 (AP) The nomination of Harry Anderson to be federal judge for the western di i trict of Tennessee was confirmed tj day by the Senate A favorable report orr the nomina tion had been made earner in day by the judiciary committee it was taken up out of order at Judge Collins Charles Siegel request of Chairman Means of for plaintiff Leary Xgary for defendant do An Mass 5's 100 Swift B's 100 A 5' 100 26 if4 25 87 8d DU 244 82 81 16U 16 2V 9U 1 i 1 ANTON LANG JR WILL ENTER HOLY CROSS Boston Jan 29 (AP) Anton Lang Jr 21 son of the famous Christus of the Passion play of Oberammergau will enter Holy Cross college next September it xvas an nounced today by Ward of Med ford a friend of the Lang family The youth now is a sophom*ore at the Uni versity of Munich Young Lang is the second sob of the man who became a world figure through his leading part In the Pas sion play or some time Mr Ward said the young man had been consid ering coming to the United States to complete his education Several weeks ago he received an invitation from the Holy Cross authorities and this he hs now rerouted 10 9 12 228 19 8ft 63 62 136 12 20 1ft 1612 4 16 RO 26 5028 6ft 82 60 pfd new Woodward Iron Standard Anglo Amer OU Borne A Si mser Buckeye P'pe Line Continental Oil Cumberla Pipe Eureka Pine Line Galena Sig VI num ci i Imperial Oil Canada Indiana rpe Tntemat Pet Transit Northern on Prairie Gaa South tand Stand Pm nd Stand 0'1 Sfan Oil Vacuum Oil Miscellaneous Am Control Ollf Am Maracaibo Arkansas Nat Gaa Beacon OU Cardinal Petroleum Carib Syndicate Cities Service new do pfd Colombia Synd new Consolidated Royal Cieole synaicaae Crown Central Euclid Oil Gibson Oil Gilliland Oil vtc Grenada Oil nn 4 I Leonard O'l L'on Oil Ref Livingston PetLone Star Gas Mexican Panuco Mountain Prod Nat uel A Gas New Bradford MexAAr Land Vnrk OU North Central Texas Peer OU Pennok OU Corp Red Banks Oil Reiter ost OU Cor Roval Canadian Salt Creek Cons Salt Creek Prod Tidal Osage Venezuelan Petro! Warner Quinlan Wilcox OU A Gas Woodley Petrol Mining Arizona Globe Calaveras Mining Calumet A Jerome Chino Ext Cons Copper Mln Cresson Gold Divide Extension Dolores Esperanz Engineers Gold Min ruureKa vrueou irst Thought Hawthorne Mln Hecla Mln 8r 133 79 81 83 80 35 118 21 42 1749 6 24 128 1 113 I 102 40 i 35 1 2J 4 17 25 87 50 24 93 82 77 7523 34 62 127 15 32 58 84 145 60 41 1 43 45 23 Bnsfheftg ailures for Week Bradstreet's compilation of busi ness failures in the United States for the week ended the 28th makes the number 428 compared with 507 the week before and 509 in the corres ponding week of 1925 Prices of scrap material have de clined 25 cents a ton in the Pittsburg district quotations on heavy melting steel now ranging between $18 and $1350 a ton More than 5000 tons re cently was sold at $18 Members of the New York Cotton exchange are circulating a petition asking the managers to set a date for toting on a proposal to close the exchange either on Saturday ebru ary 3 or Saturday ebruary 20 or on both days Kress Co earned $3292 a share on the common stock in 1925 1 after preferred dividends ith net I profit pf $4158521 in contrast to $2445 a share in 1924 and net profit of $3113934 11O 1 12 22 55 55 Devoe Reynolds fcomnany reports net profit of $698018 for the year end ed November 30 1925 equal after pre fe red dividends to $369 a share on the combined and no par value common stocks The previous report covered the 11 months ended November 30 1921 showing net profit or $1610 a share on the $100 par common Private dispatches received in Wall stieet from Baltimore state that the Georgia Alabama Power company has be sold to the South Georgia Poiv er company Subsidiary of the Colum bus Electric Power company for approximately $5000000 in cash and securities Proceeds of the transne i tion will be distributed among holders of the general mortgage bonds in a I few days 104 93 100 110 95 93 127 102 94 100 88 94 95 105 135 98 165 93 104 103 101 niv 98 08 98 100 109 109 99 104 98 104 t' I had eczema which made its appearance on my scalp in a rash It itched terribly and when I scratch ed it blisters broke out Later the eczema broke out on my limbs which were badly swollen and very red It kept me awake at night and caused much pain and suffering When I washed or wentiear the hot stove it was very painfuL I read an advertisem*nt for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample I purchased more and in two or three monthj I was completely (Signed) Mrs Emma Gibson 1 Box 71 Island Pond VLOcL 26 1925 Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes Soap 25c Ointment and Ma Taletun 2Se Sold everywhere Swipla each free Adareez: taboratonra trpt MeMeo Maaa Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c a Net Cloze cli'e 48 I 4 24 6 73 143 87 67 Reported by the Massachusetts De partment of Agriculture Hampden County Improvement League co op erating Market very quiet yesterday morn ing largely due to extremely cold weather Cabbage Slfcc to 4c per pound by the barrel and 4c to 4c In less than barrel lots New cabbage $150 per crate Porto R'co pineapples are now on the market good size and fine condition quoted $650 to crate Strawberries S5c per Wholesale prices: Vegetable Beets 60c to 75c 14 qt bskt uanoage oc to 10 Carrots 65c to 85c 14 qt $175 bu Celerv Z250 to 4373 18 $4 to $4 75 I Celery rough California da 36 ii If flnwor KA 91 Cucunabers hothouse $3 doz Lettuce hothouse 1 tn Lettuce iceberg 3 to $450 crt Onions Spanish $175 to $2 crt 50 lb Onions native $325 to $375 100 arsky 5Or to 75' lb Parsnips 75c to $1 14 qt bskt $150 $2 bu Peppers $550 to $6 crt ftv $650 Potatoes sweet $350 to $4 bu Potatoes native $3 to $325 bu Potatoes Maine $550 to $6 2 bu bag Radishes $3 5 doz Spinach $2 to $215 bu Squash 2c to 3c lb Tomatoes hothouse 45c 1b Tomatoes repacks $8 crt Turnips Canadian $175 to $2 100 lbs Turnips yellow globe 50c to 75c bu Turnips white egg 50c to 60c 14 its ruit Tananas 4Hc to 5c lb Cranberries $0 to $10 50 lbs Grapes emperor $4 to $450 keg Grapes emperor $275 to $3 boar Csrapefruit $4 to $5 50 crt lemons California $575 to $6 crt Granges lorida $450 to $5 crt Oranres California $550 to $t7 crt Apples Local apples continue plentiful especially Baldwins No change In quota tions Market so quiet that It can hardly be said that a market existed Weekly Review WHOLESALE lour To ship from mills Boston common rate points in 198 lb sacks: spring patents special 4083 standard $940 4C1030 spring first clears $813 39 hard winter patents $11 2W1O2O soft winter pat ents shjuii uuiu son winter straights G2 (0 9: sot winter clears $71379O Rve Hour white patents 660 standard $620 640 dark rye $3510 rye meal $320 525 AH rail shipment No 2 yellow $1 a bushel No 3ellow 98c All rail shipment lancy 40 nound ers a bushel fancy 38 pounders regular 38 pounders 76367c regular 36 poundars 56c regular 34 pounders 55c Spring bran S3473ig 3550 a ton middlings mixed feeds red dug $43 glut i feed $2(103 gluten mial $5580 hominy teed $550 stock oat hulls $13 cottonseed meal $394450 linseed meal $34 Cornmeal and oalm al Cornmeal granu lated $240 a 100 lb bng: bolted $235 feed ing mal and cracked corn $190 oatmeal ro'k $280 cur $3(41 I No 1 timothy $27 20 a ton No 2 timothy $2527 no timotbv east shipping clover mixed poor and damaged $1415: swale $18320 Straw Rye $2223 a ton ats $141S JOBBING White sugar The Ameri an Refining Com pany quoted refined sugar 5 40c with the usual 2t3 discount In seven days Beans New York and Michigan pea 675 a 100 lb bag yillow eyes red kidney $11 llpo white California $7758: green peas $8 Canadian peas S6 split peas $7 dried lima $14 ManchiMla 650 Northern creamery in 48Ugp 49c a pound In prints 51(52c in boxes Western creamery In tubs fancy 47448c good to choice fair to good 46c Cheese resh York state fancy 2727Ut a pound average fancy 26HfZ27c Young America 27 2714c held fancy 29c average fancy 264 ''i27r Eggs Nearby hennery" selected brown 5152a a dozen mix colors 49? 50r white 489c pullet 37 39c fresh gathered east ern extras 48H9c: western extras 45 46c extra firsts 43144e firsts storage extra firsts 32 33c firsts 303Lc Provisions Backs and short cuts heavy $43 a barrel medium $365041 long cuts $3950 lean ends $47 bean pork $31 loose sr It pork 20 a pound: fresh ribs 26H 2V4c shoulders smoked 2O24c corned 144 18'c fresh 17i'20c hams cooked 4fW46c regular skinned 214(9 3344c baern briskets bo logna frankfurts I814fff26c: fresh sausages bag sausage 2627c sausage pats 35c: cooked meats 24 27c: pork trimmings ISc raw leaf 19c rendered leaf lard 19c pure lard 16 Dressed poultry Turkeys frpsh fancy 50 a pound fair to good old 42 native fresh killed fowl large 33 1 35c medium roasting chickens 4Vj to 5 lbs western dry packed in boxes com fowl large 3n33c medium 26'y2Sc small 2223c: fed fowl large 1 3435c medium 3032c small 2526c roosters 2026c Live owl 30c lb chickens 283(k eased Beef steers choice 1516c choice 11H012c good IltfiUH medium 10 medium common 15 Celtic Tamh choice good medium 2325c Mutton good 15017c me dium 13015c common niJ4c Dressed Plas 25 to 40 poundera 28 4 30c a pound: 75 to 100 pounders 20022c: hogs 100 to 150 pr tnders heavier I617c: boars 10012c Apples boat marks' McIntosh 325 hx and $6010 bbl Baldwin $1 7502 bi nJ Kn kM ffrcrnHffft SI 4(WJT1 5 hx in1 15(1 bbl 75 bx aiir S3 SO I 73 50 bbl Rome banutv $2 75W3 bx old fashion $2753 25 Stayman wln san $2 3: nanas vr llow and rod 5 (86UC 1b: cranberries bx: Rmn ror grape kee era pe fruit $3 5Os Boston Jan 29 TheCommercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: "A moderate movement in wool both 1 foreign Jind domestic is reported in the wool trade this week at steady 1 rates Manufacturers however are (showing decided interest in wool and want to be thoroughly in formed of what stocks are procurable fend to what extent a fact which nugurg no ill for the future market No disposition to contract wool is ihown and the West been rather quiet The goods market is Monday's heavyweight openings by the American Woolen company "The foreign markets have been abit irregular particularly in Contin ental' types of merinos and esnecially at London where withdrawals' have been fairly heavy up to this week Tuesday however brought improve ment in' London and the Continent has shown more interest since with a consequently better one for eign primary markets have been on the whole" steady is in sqant supply and firm "The rail and' water shipments of wool from Boston from January 1 1926 to January 28 1926 inclusive were 17765009 'pounds against 16 229000 pounds for the same period last year The receipts from January 1 1926 to January 28 1928 inclusive were' 29827200 pounds against 32 584400 pounds for tlje same period last The Commercial Bulletin will pub lish the following wool quotations to Domestic: Ohio arid 'Pennsylvania fleeces Delaine unwashed 5455 blood combing 54: blood combing fine un washed 43 Michigan and New York fleeces Delaine unwashed blood combing blond combine blood combing fine unweshed Wis consin Missouri and average New England blood 4849 blood 49050: blood 50 Scoured: Texas ine 12 months (selected) fine S' months 1120117: Cali fornia Noriem 125 Middle County 110Southern 100 Oregon Eastern No 1 stank 125 128r flne arid rflne medium combing Pl200125 Eastern clothing 110 Val I ley No 1 110 Territory: Montana and similar ine staple choice 1230130 blood combing: 1150117 SArblood combing 10105: blood combln OO ftJ Pulled Dclainel 2512S AA 1200123: fine A super 1120118 A euners 1050110 Best combing 75 best Oardlng 65070 New York Curb Market 20 92 28 H6 129 42 6 3 86 120 18 44 76 69 52 36 13 45 19 43 88 15 COOLIDGES INVITED DRESS CLOTHES BARRlED Washington Jan 29 (AP) Presi dent and Mrs Coolidge were inved to attend the annual ball on ebru ary 28 of the Washington Hotel and Restaurant Employes' alliance on one condition that the President should not dress up A ban has been placed on dress clothes and tuxedos as the waiters say they avear them at work and have a better time at dances wearing i something else The invitation was taken under advisem*nt Adenaffe Archambault of Chicopee MIPIIA I TIDPUC $11250 awarded plaintiff by Judge II I JeaIxP CftHnu result of automobile acci IHvaVlAJ UZIVLU dent on street West Springfield September 20 case settled in that manner by agreement of cctfiiisel Leary Cummings Leary for plain i4 amAntucTiQ fni ant I Jacob Levin against Joseph Greller action tq for labor and ma terials $3575 awarded plaintiff by Judge Spooner Joseph Swirsky for plaintiff Gurdon Gordon for de fendant December net operating income of the Pennsylvania railroad increased to $7878468 from $5634920 in De cember 1924 bringing the total for 1925 to $100108007 compared with $78799913 the year before Boston Produce Market steady 1957 to October 1787 2080 Weekly Bank Clearings than last winter and earnings probaNy will follow the same course with January net operating income I equal to a year ago Abnormal con ditions which existed last year did not now prevail he said arid there was every reason to expect as good if I not better year in 1926 than the year just closed Directors of Nash Motors have for mally approved the 90Q per cent com mon stock dividend recently author ized and certificates for nine shares of new common for each share held in will be mailed ebruary 19 to holders of record ebruary 11 $550575 $3604 5A bx: nlneapples $35005 crt efawb qt Veprtabla 7 rench atlehkea gyir raitrzxrr nzwzr rwaro i (anisii tia min a utr in i it ni in till bage $30325 Hck: carrots 1 mill at the South works in Quinsiga $1250150 bx new biinob bu mon(j it Is not definitely stated nawai $21'0055(1: bnt how much wlllHie expended It is in I 06 crt': $10125 bskt: yellow onions $25008 50 ba: $12501 50 prp'WIO rg $4754 5 br swept $2 5002 65 bskt let fuoe Mtlve hohnuse 50075c bx ioberir $2 7503 50 crt: Texas sn'nach 0 rn ou DKti winter 1 hothouse tomatoes 35M40' Ib PUBE OIL tKES EXTIX Columbits Jan 29 (AP) Directors of the Pure Oil corn pany here today declared an extra dividend of one half of one per cent in addition to the regular "quarterly dividend of one and 1 Inter Utilities 1 Johns Manville Jones laughlln Keivinaior vorp Kraft Cheese Lack Land Co of lorida Landnv Bros Lehigh Coal Nav 118 Lehigh Pow new 22 Leh Vai Coal Co ctfs Lihbey Owens Sh G1 75 Liberty Radio Ch St 90 Marconi' Wire London 6 McCord vtc 24 xM ddle West Util 129 ao prior neo do pfd MlHer Rubber new Mohawk Valley new Mu Rad Radio Music Master Corp Nat ki row a Nat Leather Nat Pub Serv Nentune Met Co New England Co pfd New Tel 6H Pfo New York Mcrchan ckcl Plate pfd 1 Nf er Corp rirt Del rtfli do tr rta 81 a or onio row Northeast low On PLAT xnr stfir 'A' Pacific 8U Boil 1 15 Grocer Pitts Beeemer 30 Pitts Lake Er Ry 156H vorp Proctor Gamble Puget Sound Purity Bak Pyrene Mfg Rand Kirdex new Rem Noiseless Type TUm Motor Car Rep Mot Truck ctfs 8 RickenbackT Mot Co 8 Royal Baking Pow 194 Sears Roebuck 1 56 streets paper Schulte Real Srvel Corp MINISTER CRITICIZES MOVIE CENSORSHIP New York Jan Sharply criticizing the system of motion pic ture censorship Rev Charles Stsnle? Jones of Biddeford Me told the nn tional committee for better films tr day that the question of freedom fror censorship is similar to the freedor of the pulpit and freedom of the pres: Dr Jones asserted that no clergy man any liberality of mind could possibly favor legal censorship of motion pictures if he realizes the bitterness of ihe fight has been carried on for ages to establish the freedom of clergymen to sav what ever they please whether pleasing or not to the New Cornelia Rub Ser Df 116 Cent 131 Hamp 86 i 18 45 Reiter os Rock pf St Mary's Ld Shannon Sin can OH 23 Stan Oil 45 stuaeoaicer Swe A I pf Swift Co Swift Int Texas Co Un Tw Drill do ctf Un Dr 1st pt ITn ruit 1 Un Shoe Mac 48 oo nr USiSpt 119 ao pp 17 llubber Smelt pt 48 Utah Apex 8 Utah Metal 99 Venezuela Co 5 ver Mass ms Victoria 45 Waldorf Sys 18 wai watendo pf dn nr rf Walworth Mf 224 warren Weaths El Ex dividend Dry Goods new XOK Jan rax vuuuii pwus markets were quiet In gray goods lines to I jtsuk nay Buyers were purenasing in smaii tots i on expectations that lower prices would re 1 cuenmb rs bx: eeenlnnt 5n suit from active night operations In mitny mills wasn tanrics were in steaay ae I mand with rayons being bought most free ly Wool goods were quiet but many buy I era arrived for the openings of fall Jlnea of men's wear next Monday Price redne i tioiul comnared with a year ago are ex peered Dress goods were In better jcsll for Immediate shipment Raw silk was unchanged Conservative but neml buy Ine was reported In silk Eoods Burlaps 01 were Irregular with a lower tendency due part to uncertainty of jute values and 106 higher prires on cloths 99 I TT I Automobiles killed 20000 people in I this country last year and injured Special strength in the bond mar ket recently became the striking' fea ture of the si nation The plethora of capital seems now to have resumed its place as the most influential fac tor Physical volume of trade is prob ably declining a little reight car loadings after showing consistent increases over the previous 12 'tmths have laiely begun showing decreases European progress is doubtk's re flected tn the growth of steel pro duction Great Britain rance and utiinany an snowe 5 mucn larger Mayor 1'orais rurzw steel production in 1925 than in 1923lseeno indications of suffering from commodity prices according to the scientific weighted ndex of the bu reau of labor are lower than a year ago Aa a rule falling commbdiy puces are aepressing to tne maricet nut uplifting to market in such a direction He explained that before he file hie petition for the proposed leg i sin tion jointly with Senator Gaspar Bacon of Jamaica Plain he consult ILE LIENS with Othe director of the feder17 nanaiic Vnri Inarnon fho Two petitions to enforce Cnlln iL) tbA liens ww ineu in supei lui cuuic co te day Denis O'Leary of Holyoke seeks to recover $525 from Philip Bhii leson of West Holyoke and the same I petitioner seek to recover $1600 from Ovide Gauthier of In each case labor and materials for plumb ing instaled are specified in the claims 1 The premises in the case against Philleson are on Springfield street Agawam and in the Gauthier case on Grattan stfect Wifiim in The attorney tor the plaintiff in each case is rank Jc Kay ot Hoi yoke Conference Held on New Drawings By Chief En gineer Charles Restall To Resume Negotiations With Railroad Chairman George Gardner of the planning board took up yesterday with the park commissioners the new plans drawn by Chief Engineer Charles Restall which are intend ed as a compromise between the re quirements of the park board and of the railroad engineers relative to the changes along the river front The plans will considered further next week by the park board If th park board0ipprojes negotiations with the milroad engineers will be reopened wl a view to making a formal agreement as to exchange of land for new trackage near the foot of Elm I street The new plans were discussed Thurs day afternoon in a conference be tween the city planning board and Mr Restall Chairman Gardner of the planning board says the Restall plans diner little from wns supposed to tween the park road engineers the Restall gain additional land tor sidings shifting tht position of the from the main line: This will enable the park department to retain nearly all of its Elm street park land The railroad will he required to fill out into the river between the railroad and Memorial bridges and to grant the city riparian rights The fact was brought out that the United Electric Light company wants nhtnln A strln of nark land not for 1 13 11 UolL' BA vv 1 11 Cl Ivt7 CA 11 AB the Springfield Gas Light company for land at the foot of Bliss street The Electric Light company proposes to build on a part of the land secured vort tYfter thfl VOCT 1 11 Mill I lie imuGJb bw the gas company 102" 102 102 102 102 102 102 101 1(M 97 I Southwestern 90 conditions in 1 93 30 34 27 21 2 57 96 103 J14 1 14 31 27 7 16 37 42 1 59 74 25 46 42 2625 41 68 31 43 5 8 rflons GSE1 Balt new 50 17 uons Laundry Cor 25 7 Baking A H9 2 99 BUSINESS REPORTS ROM WALL STREET New York Jan Daniel IJpthegrove president oitthe St Louis 1 railway says traffic 90 conditions in the Southwest are stead 85 iei than last winter and earnings 83 94 96 86 95 87 9999 97 r101 93 03 90 97 94 16 16 95 95 98 93 00 7 total 0 10 2 15 4 2 58 100 114 '527 0 57 2 28 118 70 8 87 5V 1034518 Sale 12v Am 115 Am ao za pr Am Sue Rpf Am Tel 143 do pf Amoskeag Arizona Com Atlas Tack Ealt A Ohio Beacon Oil Beth Steel Bigelow Hart Boe Alb Bo ATlAXiTK! CITY New tireproof Direct ocean front Always open WALTER BUZB I Wind Storm and I Cyclone Insurance I Protect your property agains loss or damage with Wind Storm and Cyclone Insurance Rates Very Low Cone Sherwccd 4 5i A llrnlnnrrf 4 Mhrrwovd Tel Walnut 51 52 1515 224 Main St SpringGald Mas New York Jan Brad street's weekly compilation of bank I clearings show an aggregate of $9 I 658093000 an increase of 83 nor cent 05 am over last year Outside of New York IH1 1U ctil IHUI A gJT'i PLANS SIOOOGUO PLANT Chicago Jan 29 Cattle Receipts 4000: all buying Interest bent on saving money: mostly successful: fat steers weak "to 25 OU i tsLMJlB ICvVVa 4JII 44 (JltlUCa BllU 0LIMK I 1 Aft IX i jAflnllalv nff sir nrinnnrs Ohd Mil ora I 110 I best matured steers 1085: no choice heavies lb good 14015c medium 13014c: cow beef 95 or yearlings offeree bulk week 1 93' 1 end trade oh Stockers and feeders narrow 102 94 100 88 94 95 105 135 98 105 95 104 31 10 17 67 8 24 11 44 19 37 81 106 68 82 10 Engineers Pub Serv 26 Estey Welde A 26 Xree A ederal Mot Trk 43 EUA rti ia T'a nr 100 isk Rubber 1st pf 112 ora Motor orhan Co 1 ounds Co oreign 48 ox Theater 32 reed Elsemann 7 rAhman Co (Chas) 23 Garland Steamship 90 Gen Bak Corps 74 to 15 a rvoi as 45 Gillette Raf Raz i 1 1 412 GleQ Wl wki Goodyear Tire A 31 Grand Storea 76 Tn Gr'mM Radio 6 Hap Candy St ound 6 6ft ttaaetune vorp 'Hires (Cli'as E) Co 25' Mnrn as HAHiarr do 1 e000 A I 73ft 7000 A 65 1000 1000 8000 2000 3000 Sugar and Coiiee Markets REPORTS GAIN IN REIGHT REVENUES Boston Jan 29 The" Boston Maine railroad today made public the financial results tor the year 1925 showing a net income of $4972165 This compares with $1772737 in 1924 and represents the surplus after fixed charges but before deductions for equipment trust instalments and sink fund appropriations The Wgures which show a net in crease of $992473 in operating reve nues include a loss of $1559809 in passenger revenues and a gain of $2208706 In freight revenues ing expanses for the year were re 1 duced $2017223 by comparison with 1924 and tne operating ratio was brought down from 8121 to 7767 0 CALIORNIA GRANTED CHARTER Wilmington Jan 29 One of the largest charters ever obtained in Del aware was filed in Dover today for the Standard Oil company of Call i fornia with a capital of $1500000 1 000 15000000 shares I Thestate tax for this charter was $75100 the second' largest fee ever received by the state for a charter i The largest fee was $229600 paid I when the General Motons company was chartered The incorporators of the oil company are Smith Re mate Capocelli and Hillmnp all of San rancisco LEA TOBACCO HELD SHOWS SOME INCREASE Washington Jan 29 (AP) Leaf tobacco held by manufacturers and dealers January 1 aggregated 1818 564398 pounds compared with 1754 595720 pounds on October 1 last and 1713669895 pounds on January 1 last year the census bureau today an nounced Holdings on January 1 by types were: Chewing smoking snuff and exports types 1384626646 pounds compared with 1266082988 a year ago cigaf types 356119269 pounds compared with 371043245 a ago imported types 77818483 pounds compared ith 76543662 pounds a year ago I Produce Market 23 343 11 9 9 I 57 253 28 70 17 25 30 24 93 J6 77 73 23 34 62 45 153 55 76 Tonopah Ex0 Tonopah Mining United Verde Ext Utah Apex Wenden Cop Mln Domestic Allied Packer 8'a Aluminum 7's '33 Am Gas El Am Pow Lt 6's A TYnll 6m Am VVut Wk 6 4 Anaconda Cop ASSOC liRS ft Di na Assoc 8 Hdw Atl ruit inc 8 8 Atl CiilfAWI Bell Tel Canada 5 100 Beth Bll i Jo Boston Maine BuS Gen Elec 53 uanan in tty eaj a Brunner Tur 7 ft Cities SAvice 6 do 7'8 do Cities Serv PAL Con Gas Balt 5'8 rvn TftJftHa Cudahy Pack 5ft a do TWrnft City Gas 2 Det Edison 6'8 Ettingon tsenna Elect Refrlg 6'8 ed Sugar Gal Robert Galena Sig OU 7a Gen etrol do Goodyr TAR 28 Grand Trunk 6ft'a Gulf 011 Hood Rubber 7's ft's RU' 4A inoai Mln StrASSM 58 wi 98ft i do cvt 6 ft a Ohio Power 5'8 Pan Am Ptl wl Penn Edsn 50 milA Klrftt Phlla Rp Tran 98 "Pure Oil 103 Rand Kard 100 Schulte new 97 ft nn kb xv i Shawsheen 7's 102 2 Sloss Shef Putch 6's 102 15 east Pritt 10 do 6's new 6t dO 6'S 9 So Cal Erian 12 Stand Oil NY sun oil 21 58 Swift Co 5's 2 1 Mai usage 7s New York Jan 29 (AP) Sudden revival of speculative interest in the oil shares based on persistent re ports of higher crude' prices was the outstanding development in curb market The general list moxed irregularly higher although a few soft spots cropped qpt during the ses sinn ollowing Is the official list Of transac tion on the New York Curb exchange giv ing all stocks ana Donas traaea: Industrials High Low 12 12 inn 110 100ft in 98 61 194 95 10 10 258 2o3 Mayor Parker uel Admin istrator Bradford and Su perintendent Marsh Confer on Situation People Buy Substitutes Instead A change In the methods of distrib uting the emergency supply of hard coal is believed to be forecast by a mysterious conference held yesterday noon in the office of the mayor with Mayor ordis Parker uel Ad ministrator Edward Bradford and Superintendent Robert Marsh in attendance None ot'the participants in the discussion would make a state ment as to what had been done but the opinion prevails that the city will soon begin to sell its emergency sup niv of 1800 tons of hard coal on a 1 larger scale than at present Very little has tjpen sold up to the present time by the plan of distribu tion through pink ticket orders In the meantime many of the house holders who are short of have taken to the use ot soft coal In some of thq large manuf: during plants the employers have taken notice of the conditions and have gone into the coal business buying carload lots for distribution among their employes at cost The purchases of coal by employes is causing great uneasiness among the coal dealers Great inroads are likely to be made In the anthracite business in the future by the increas ing use of soft coal and the introduc tion of plans for purchases and sales of coal by concerns employing large numbers of people The school of in struction in use of soft coal has given householders the information needed for burning substitutes for anthracite and it is probable that Ynanv regular purchasers of hard 1 ar coal have oeen aeuuiwiy to other methods One dealer is meeting the situation purchases of independent coal which is being sold for $25 per ton cash being required before delivery co*ke Is being sold in large quantities and there is some wood being sold throughout the city Sales of emergency coal by the city are averaging about 25 bags a An increase was noted yesterday due probably to the severe cold weather At the present rate only a small Be ginning can be made in the rity supply of coal by the arrival of warm weather irini rBs Parker says he can lack of fuel The city has the coal in large quant'ties and had offered a plan for selling it to the public V1 100 pound lots Regarding the criti cisms that too much red tape is in volved in buying the coal the mayor says if real hardship existed there would be no attempt gt a choice of methods on tho part of purchasers The city sells the coal at 13 of the 13 fire stations each purchaser being required to rec re a ticket through the family physician clergyman or office of the fuel administrator The mayor says the coal was bought by the city as insurance against suffering from lack of fuel He will not be greatly troubled if some of it is left in possession of the city at the end of fhe year as can be used to good advantage or traded for coal that the city can yse He would not say what was done at the conference HARTORD UNDERTAKER AWARDED 85 OR BILLSix findings were made In the civil district court yesterday in cases re cently heard: The findings are as follows: D'Esono undertaker Hartford Ct against Joseph Cavele of this city $18575 awarded plaintiff by Judge Ralph Spooner In action to recover balance on funeral ex penses for wife of defendant Henry A Moran attorney for the plaintiff and Granfieid Noonan Granfield for defendant Jacob Weber anc William Wendorff against Samuel Sherman $212 award ed plaintiff in action for painting and papering houses at 75 Ranney street and 174 179 Bloomfield street case heard by Judge Thomas Collins Charles Ryan Jr and Leary Cnmminsrs Hr Tearv for plaintiffs and Harvey 'Mulcare for defendant Hyman Brown against Anna Sulli van action for rent at 35 Orchard street for two months finding for de fendant by Judge Collins Philip Solomon for plaintiff Thomas Moriarty for defendant Yetta Lvene of this city against Margaret Maggonl of Agawam action for $33250 alleged to be due on store furnishings finding for defendant by Cummings subcommittee which held there no foundation for the charges broi I cold weather slowing down country buying: vealers mostly 115001250 choice kind 13 I Hogs Receipt 26000: mostly 25c higher than yesterday's best prices lighter weights i 25 to 50c higher hulk 250 to 325 pound butchers 1250012 75 majority desirable 160 to 190 pound weight 133001360 better 140 i to 150 pound average largely 136001375: practical top 1375 bulk better 200 to 225 pound avetages 129C013 25 packing sows 112001150: long string desirable killing I pigs i37" shlpers took 11000 estimated I holdover 6000 Sheep Rrceints 8000: fat lambs mostly 25 higher: feeding lambs and shep steady bulk aesirauie tat lamos ii iu top bulk ewes 8500925: feeding Iamb 1450(015 T' 04 04 50 50 13 13 07 06 10 00 19 19 17 17 11 16 1.

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.