Storm's Romance - WoLyse Week 2024 - Wordybird (2024)

Chapter 1: Day 1 - Friends


The Warrior of Light finds herself at the threshold, too afraid to take the next step.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Arashi stood at the door with a clenched, trembling fist inches from the solid oak. Inwardly she cursed herself for the coward that she was, but she couldn’t get her hand to move. Couldn’t bring herself to knock. She couldn’t even say why, just that something was holding her back. Perhaps the sound of Yda’s sobs from the other side were part of it. Or perhaps she was simply too afraid to reach out again.

A much larger part of it was the gradually calming chaos that had recently preceded everything. Minfilia’s abduction. Nabriales’s end. Moenbryda’s… She couldn’t complete the thought. Her mind refused to accept that she was gone. It couldn’t be true. She’d wake up in a few hours and realise it was all a terrible dream. She’d not have another name to lay at her feet. Another face to stare at her from the other side. I did this. I’m the reason you’re…

Y’shtola huffed from behind Arashi, breaking her out of her spiral. “Really now, if you must act as a glorified doorstop, you could at least do so without such a stricken look on your face.” Arashi whirled, all trepidation melting away to fury. How dare she act so nonchalant, knowing what just happened? Did the miqote have no heart at all?

Then the fury melted too. The red rims around the mage’s eyes were plain to see, her grief for once undisguised. Still, Y’shtola managed a tight smile. “Go to her. ‘Tis plain to me that she needs a friend, and I can think of none better than you.” Y’shtola planted her hand firmly on Arashi’s chest, then shunted her forward into the door with strength that belied her slight frame. Then she was gone, quicker than Arashi could mouth a protest. The heavy thud of her body was enough, though.

“Come in,” said a trembling voice, then again with a half-hearted attempt to put some strength into it. “I’m alright, really, but come in anyway.” Well, no going back now… With a steadying breath, Arashi opened the door... Then just as swiftly shut it behind her, trying not to gasp. Yda was, for the first time that Arashi had seen her, unmasked. And despite the tear-stained eyes, there was no hiding the brilliant blue that stared back at her.

Later, a good deal later, Arashi would realise that this was the moment she fell in love. As Yda managed a smile as she saw who her visitor was. As her face lit up despite the grief. As Arashi found herself mesmerised for just a moment too long. Then reality broke in again with a tide of awkwardness, forcing a polite cough from Arashi as she struggled to find the words.

“Well, I… That is, you… I… Ithoughtyoumightwantcompany!” Not her best effort, but it worked well enough to get a soft chuckle from the other woman. Yda patted the bed next to her, shifting a little to let the au ra have some space. Arashi willed her body to move again, eventually succeeded.

Yda leaned into her almost immediately, once again freezing Arashi up until she tentatively put an arm around the other woman’s shoulder. She could feel the tension in the pugilist’s muscles. “Thank you,” Yda murmured. “I’ll be fine, really, but thank you anyway. It means a lot, you being here.”

Arashi nodded mutely, not quite trusting herself to speak. For a little while they sat in silence, aside from the odd sniff from Yda. Then, begrudgingly, Arashi broke it.

“I can’t believe she’s gone.”

Yda nodded, so Arashi continued. “She always seemed like she was invincible. Like nothing could topple her. At least, that was the impression I got. And I know that I barely knew her a few weeks, but…” Arashi trailed off. She couldn’t say the rest. Couldn’t admit the fear. Couldn’t confess the terror that if Moenbryda could fall, so could anyone else. So could…

“Don’t die.” Yda’s words were barely whispered against Arashi’s shoulder, but the heat in them was immense. “Don’t you dare. I’ve already lost Moenbryda, I can’t lose you too.” The shake in her voice was undeniable. But so was the steel. “You’re my best friend. The only person who properly understands me. The only one aside from Papalymo I’d trust with my life without question. So don’t die.” Yda choked down a sob. “Please.”

Arashi’s arm tightened around Yda out of reflex. A shared terror yawned wide between them, the world shrinking down until it was just the two of them. “I won’t.” Arashi noticed the wobble in her own voice, carried on anyway. “I promise.”

Yda’s eyes met Arashi’s, burning bright with fresh tears and resolve. “Good. Then I won’t either. We’ll watch each other’s backs, we’ll never let anyone hurt the other, we’ll fight and fight and fight until nobody can even try to stand against us. We will.” Yda sealed the speech with a firm nod. For just a moment, Arashi believed her. She leaned her head against Yda’s, scale pressing against skin. A moment of intimacy she’d never have dared before, but it felt right. It felt…

She didn’t quite realise they were kissing until a moment after their lips touched. She thought of pulling away, the shock overriding anything else, but her body overrode her mind once again. After an eternity Yda pulled away, eyes still bright and shining, but with more than just grief now.

Arashi took a shaky breath, not quite trusting herself to look the Ala Mhigan woman in the eyes. “We… We should talk about what just happened. L-later, I mean. When we’re not… you know.”

For a moment Yda looked like she wanted to protest, then nodded. “Yes. We should. I’ll come find you. But…”

Whatever Yda was going to say next was cut off by a sharp knock at the door. “Yda, do hurry! Moenbryda’s service is soon to begin!” Papalymo’s voice cut sharply through the silence. Arashi counted her blessings that he hadn’t seen her enter the room. She’d have to thank Y’shtola later.

Yda took a moment to collect herself, then replied with a brittle, “Be right there!” Then she was putting on her mask again, smiling apologetically at Arashi. “Next time,” she said, smiling.

Arashi nodded. “Next time.”

They had plenty of time to clear the air, after all. What was the rush?


Behold, the first prompt of a week that I learned about literally earlier today! Which is great, because I have a whole week off to spend getting all sappy about it. I had this scene in my head for... a while, let's say, and now I have a chance to flesh it out. They weren't supposed to kiss, Papalymo was supposed to interrupt earlier, but then it happened. The gay cannot be stopped. The gay cannot be contained.

Chapter 2: Day 2 - AU


This is one of the most cursed things I've ever written. Bon apetit???


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

[Just Chatting] Meet My Sister!

Sanda-and-lightning [SUBSCRIBE]

520K subscribers

Heeeeeey there chatty-chat! It’s ya girl, Sanda! How’s everybody doing? SleepySanda? Yeah, just rolled outta bed a few minutes ago, got a major case of bed-head, haha. Anyway, are you guys excited? You’re finally gonna meet my darling sister! Seeing a few SandaPogs in chat, that’s good. She’s a little skittish about this whole thing, so be gentle, alright? If this goes well, maybe I’ll be able to invite her over again! Then you’ll get to be little freaks. So… just be normal for now, okay? Okay! ‘No promises.’ WatersOfMars, you’d better be good! She likes women anyway, so hands off! Okay, that’s the doorbell. I’ll go check on her, make sure she’s good to go, and then you’ll see! My! Sister~!”



...But you promised!”

I did, she didn’t. And I don’t want the whole world to know I’m dating…”

Well, I don’t mind! Come on, what’s the harm in showing me off?”

I knew I liked you! So what’s the problem, big sis? Everyone else is fine with it!”

...Fine. If only to stop people thinking I’m dating that weird home-made lance guy.”


Okay chat, we’re back, sorry about that! So without further ado, allow me to introduce to you… MY BIG SISTER! Introduce yourself, sis!”

Uh… Hi? I’m Arashi. Think some of you have seen me before in other videos. I… Sanda, what does SandaGasm mean?”

I’ll explain it to you later! (Chat, chill! Remember what I said about being weird!)”


big sis got the big booba




is that the weird parkour girl?

Yo Sanda Is Your Sister Single? Asking For A Friend

god I’m gay


But that’s not all I have for you today, chat! Oh, thank you for the superchat, Dragonf*cker69! “Your sister radiates a beautiful energy”, aww, thank you! She’s really sweet, I promise you. Best sister I could hope for!”


Anyway, like I said, I got something else for you today, chat! Not only do we have my big sister, she’s also brought along her girlfriend for moral support! Come on in, Lyse!”

Hiiiii everyone! How are you all doing? Bit of an impromptu collab, I know, but I couldn’t say no to Sanda bringing us both in for a quick chat. WatersOfMars, hi! Didn’t think you were one of Sanda’s mods!”

Yeah, he’s been a big help, though there was a bit where his account got hacked. It was scary, but we made it through, didn’t we?”

Sanda, what’s a SandaPog? Big booba…? Hey, why does everyone keep saying they’re gay?”

It’s because you’re hot, Arashi, like I keep telling you. Mine are bigger though, right, chat?”

Oh. But they really aren- mmph!”

Ohohoho! We got a kiss live on air! (Thanks, Lyse, I owe you one.) Soooo, chat. Any burning questions for my darling sister? Oh, here’s a good one! How did you meet your lady love, my dearest sibling?”

Oh, uh… I… Is it okay to say this on stream? It’s a bit…”

We met online! She was part of a racing forum, I was a bit of a fangirl after seeing her on the track, we both bonded over our exercise routines, you know how it goes. Ah, yes, MagicMaestro, she is the other half I keep talking about in my lifting tutorials. No, she hasn’t learned to put the sets back in their proper place yet. I’ve mostly given up at this point.”


What? I wouldn’t have to tell them if it wasn’t true!”

Oh yeah? Well how about you leaving our to- mmph! Rude!”

Oooooh, spicy! Okay, let’s see what chat’s asking now…”


I regret nothing and accept my damnation for this creation with pride.

Chapter 3: Day 3 - Out Late


The wait is the hardest part. Usually.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lyse had always had a hard time keeping still. She tried, especially during the Scions’ various meetings, or when Papalymo used to scold her for bouncing her feet all the time, or more recently during the fledgling republic of Ala Mhigo’s nigh-endless discussions and debates. But it was always hardest for her when she was waiting for something. Or, more usually, someone. But here and now, waiting for the Scions to return from the edge of the universe itself, she didn’t stand a chance. She was lucky she was able to contain herself to merely pacing. She wanted to run. She wanted to spread wings and fly to them. But she couldn’t. So she had to wait.

She was wearing the carpet of Commander Aldynn’s sparsely-decorated room down to its very fibres, well aware that Raubahn was balefully tracking her. But she could also see the tightness in his shoulders, the worry lines around his eyes, the fear he didn’t show in his face reflected instead in his body. He, M’naago and Fordola had spent the last several days hunting down blasphemies as they appeared, stopping them from creating chain reactions of despair and rallying people around the banner of hope as best they can. Lyse herself had been doing the same in Gridania. People still remembered her and Papalymo there. It was the least she could do. But now there were no further cases appearing, and the skies had cleared around the world. The Scions had won. But still they worried. Still the pit in Lyse’s gut yawned like the Destroyer himself had carved it out.

They were, ostensibly, there to take stock. To go over the losses from the recently averted calamity and see what could be done for the survivors. But neither of them had even touched the various reports, even as M’naago had periodically appeared to deliver more reports, or keep them abreast of the goings on, or to tell Lyse that no, nobody had heard anything, she’d just need to wait like the rest of them. As if Lyse hadn’t been waiting since the moment Arashi had said goodbye to her. As if she hadn’t watched her heart and soul vanish into the sky on a modern marvel of technology while the world burned around her. As if…

A knock at the door jolted the pair out of their stupor. A knock which became a bang which became M’naago bursting through the door as Lyse was moving to open it, clearly out of breath but eyes bright with excitement. “I just got word from Mistress Tataru! The Ragnarok’s hailing Old Sharlayan. They’re almost here!” Then she was gone, with a red blur in hot pursuit and Raubahn left to struggle to his feet and lumber after them.

Lyse made it to the Royal Menagerie first, her nimble feet making short work of the halls and doors and stairs. M’naago was close behind, having to stop and lean against the doorway so she could catch her breath. Raubahn was slightly slower, his age catching up with him but his eyes full of steely determination. Together the three of them stood, watching the crimson sunset intently for signs of life, until…

“There!” M’naago’s keen eyes spotted the glint of silver first, mere moments after it came into view. Lyse watched intently as the ship came into view, descending until it was clearly visible, if rather small, against the scarlet sky. Suddenly it was all too much to contain; Lyse found herself whooping and leaping and waving in total, abject relief. They had done it, really done it! They were coming home! A roar of delight to Lyse’s right surprised her before she realised it was Raubahn. His usually grim face was split open with joy, the scars criss-crossing his face fading away before his radiant happiness. M’naago was cheering too, laughing in delight. Then from far below a horn sounded through the twilight, followed by another, then another, then another. An old call, not heard since before the fall of the mad king. A signal to all weary wanderers finding their way back to Ala Mhigo.

Welcome home.

Then the ship was gone, vanishing behind the palace and taking the momentary elation with it. Lyse’s heart wouldn’t stop thundering in her chest. The ship was on its way to Old Sharlayan, but was Arashi alright. Were the Scions alright? Her worst fears still lingered uncomfortably in her heart. The mental image of Arashi’s body coming home to Ala Mhigo, so still and so, so cold. She had to find out. She had to know. She had to-

No. No, she had duties here. Responsibilities. Her people needed her. They had suffered far worse. They would need strong, stable leadership in the days to come. They needed her. She had to put aside her fears and step forward. But it tore her apart to do so. Not knowing, only fearing, she’d felt it before and almost had the worst come to pass. It wouldn't happen again, it couldn’t, surely, surely…

A solid hand landed on her shoulder. Lyse’s world had narrowed into a slit, but the sudden hefty touch drew her back to reality. Raubahn gave her a tight smile. “Go to her, lass. We’ll hold the fort until you return.” His posture betrayed not a single hint of the anxiousness she knew he must be feeling. Years of leading and commanding lent him the strength he needed. Still…

“I want to, gods know I want to, but I can’t. You need me. Ala Mhigo needs me. I can’t just go vanishing off to the other end of the world because I’m worried!”

Another hand landed on her other shoulder, this one more slender and not as steady, but still as warm and supportive as it could be. “Go, Lyse. You’ll be of no help to anyone when you’re this wound up. Bring her back to us. Rhalgr knows we could use the help!” Lyse wanted to argue. She wanted to stay, if only to prove that she could. But it was no use. Her friends and allies were the push she needed. Lyse concentrated, focusing on an almost-forgotten aetheryte she had visited so long ago. Then, in a blink, she was gone.

She still had time to wait, after she reunited with Tataru and Krile and avoided giving Fourchernault the stink-eye despite her impulse. But nobody minded her pacing there. And soon enough the Ragnarok was pulling into harbour, sleek as silver and silent as a ghost. For once Lyse wasn’t quick enough to be first to greet the victorious Scions home. But she didn’t mind. Tataru, Krile and Lyse all waited with baited breath as the landing hatch hissed open, revealing…

Lyse’s breath caught in her throat. Thancred was the first visible, bandaged and bruised but otherwise hale and healthy. But he had Arashi slung over his shoulder, the Warrior of Light looking mere ilms away from Nald’Thal’s door. Her armour was cut and slashed to pieces, covered with what Lyse could only assume was blood. Her left arm was hanging limp against her body, clearly broken. She was pale, breathing shallowly, eyes unfocused.


Lyse was halfway up the ramp before anyone could stop her. She couldn’t focus properly, couldn’t see clearly enough. She was crying, she realised, eyes so full of tears she couldn’t see. Arashi managed to look her in the eye enough to smile in what she probably thought was a reassuring way, but it only made Lyse’s heart pound faster. “What happened? Thancred, what did she do? Weren’t you meant to protect her? Wasn’t Y’shtola supposed to keep her out of trouble? Answer me!”

“Zenos…” was Arashi’s barely audible reply. Her voice was a ragged whisper. “But you... should see the... other guy.” Then consciousness left her, the au ra falling completely limp. Lyse caught Arashi before she could slip entirely out of Thancred’s grip. Lyse tried to ignore how suddenly slick and red her hands were from just touching Arashi’s ruined armour. She was vaguely aware of Thancred’s sudden panicked shouts, vaguely aware of Y’shtola and Urianger and Alphinaud crowding around them, of Fourchenault himself whirling in and directing various other scholars. Someone, she didn’t know who, tried to pull Arashi from her arms. She refused. She wouldn’t let them take her away. She wouldn’t be left alone. She-

“Lyse, it’s alright.” Thancred’s voice brought her back again. The world sharpened back into focus. “We managed to stabilise her on the way here, but she’s exhausted herself. We’re going to take her somewhere she can rest. But you need to let her go for now. Can you do that?”

Lyse nodded mutely. It felt like the weight of the world replaced Arashi’s slight frame as she was gently pulled away. But Thancred stayed with her, joined soon after by Y’shtola, then Alisaie. The poor elezen looked almost as bad as Lyse felt, all red-eyed and trembling. Then she caught Lyse looking and rubbed her eyes vigorously. Refusing to let herself appear weak as always. They’d somehow made their way to the Last Stand, perched on one of the benches as chaos whirled around them.

“She’s going to be alright.” Y’shtola now, by far the most well-composed of the three. Still struggling to contain her shaking. Later, she’d say it was exhaustion from expending so much of her aether. In the moment, though, she was more honest with herself. “She saved us all. She ended Zenos once and for all. The world will repay her for that. We won’t let her fall here.”

Lyse tried to believe it. But the world was a yawning void of grief and despair. But there was nothing else she could do. So she had to wait.


Sometimes you just need a bit of angst, you know? And boy do I love me some angst. A rare occasion where the perspective isn't one of my WoLs, but it was surprisingly easy to slip into Lyse's shoes this time. And don't worry, Arashi's fine. Eventually.

Chapter 4: Day 4 - Kiss and Make Up


The Warrior of Light awakens.


A direct continuation of the previous prompt, from the other half's perspective this time.

Chapter Text

Arashi awoke to terrible, terrible pain. Constant and overwhelming. So she decided to go back to sleep instead.

Arashi awoke later to less terrible pain. Still a bastard-high amount of it, but enough that she could tolerate. So she cracked open her eyes to see where she was. What she saw was a blurry red-and-white shape, which gasped and then bolted away when they saw she was awake. Alisaie, presumably. That was good. Or bad. She always was a worrier. Then there was a lot of noise that sounded an awful lot like shouting. It was taking time for everything to settle in Arashi’s head, so it wasn’t all that clear what they were saying. Just that Alisaie was, as always, taking things much too seriously and someone else (Fourchenault, maybe?) was trying to get her to calm down.

Then the exhaustion made itself known and Arashi knew no more.

Arashi awoke a third time swearing that she’d not get ambushed by such a cowardly tactic again. If exhaustion wanted to make itself known it would do so the right and proper way, dammit. This time when she opened her eyes she found things a lot more clear. Including the pain, alas. But she could at least pick out the person watching over her this time, and… oh. Oh dear.

Alisaie’s post had been usurped. By Lyse. Who looked very, very tired and very, very upset. Arashi was about to reconsider her stance on exhaustion when her wife’s eyes met hers and realisation dawned. The sheer relief in Lyse’s face cut Arashi deeper than any blade. Coward.

“You’re awake,” Lyse breathed. Arashi tried to speak. Coughed and sputtered instead. Tried not to greedily gulp down the water offered. Failed. Coughed and sputtered some more.

“Looks that way,” Arashi managed, eventually. “How long have I been out?” She grimaced at the croak in her throat.

“A week.” That explained the weakness, then. And quite a few other things. “You woke up about three days ago, according to Alisaie, but you were gone again before anyone else could confirm it.” It was amazing to Arashi that Lyse managed to say it so matter-of-factly, given how badly her hands were shaking against the sheets. “You’re under the care of the Leveilleurs until they deem you safe to move. When they do, you’re coming home. With me.”

Arashi said nothing for a while, then managed, “I’m sor-”

“Don’t.” Lyse couldn’t keep the shake out of her voice this time. “Don’t finish that sentence. You’re here and alive and that’s enough.”

Arashi never was good at following instructions. “But I almost…”

“Do you think I don’t know that? Alisaie told me the whole story when we finally got word that you were stable. About Ultima Thule, about their idiotic sacrifices, about you staying behind to finally end things. I thought you were supposed to be the smart ones! I thought you were meant to find the better path, without more blood and death! And then I find out that the only reason anyone came back at all is because of a literal miracle from Hydaelyn, and you… you…!”

Lyse flung herself at Arashi with a sob, heedless of the au ra’s gasp of pain as she wrapped her arms in a death grip around the injured woman. Arashi tried to return it, but one of her arms was decidedly against the idea. The other listened, curling itself around Lyse’s back as she wept into Arashi’s chest. Arashi said nothing, not for lack of trying but for lack of ability. Lyse’s grip was dangerously strong and entirely heedless of Arashi’s wounds. Besides, the pain was what she deserved for what she did.

Eventually, Lyse’s grip lightened. Not completely, but enough to let Arashi breath freely again. “Is he dead?” Lyse spoke, voice muffled by her position against Arashi’s heart.

“Yes. I made sure of it.” She still wasn’t sure how it was she hadn’t joined Zenos there, at the end of everything. Maybe it was the Scions, desperately wishing for her return. Maybe it was Zenos himself, his final wish for her to seek greater strength. Or maybe it was her own will, her own love and conviction guiding her back to the light. To her sister. To her friends. To Lyse.

“Good,” replied Lyse with a fiery conviction… which was immediately undercut with a sniff. Arashi tried to ignore the wetness against what she was sure was a very fine shirt. It was overwhelmingly large on her anyway. Lyse looked up at her, eyes still burning. “Tell me why you did it.”

“He had to be sto-”

“No. Tell me why you did it alone.”

Ah. Arashi considered her options. She could tell her that only she would have been strong enough to put him down for good. That she wouldn’t let her friends die for her sake. That Zenos would have scattered them to the wind. She could lie. But she would carry it for the rest of her life, and besides, Lyse would know. So…

“I wanted to know. That I was stronger than him. I wanted to fight someone at my level and win. No distractions. No pressure of the world on my shoulders. I wanted to be free to fight at my full strength without fear of hurting anyone I cared about.”

For a moment, there was silence. And then, “I see.” Quiet. Thoughtful. Breaking her heart.

“I know,” Arashi continued. “I know that’s horrible. I know it’s wrong. I fought against it for so long, tried to convince myself I was anything more than the bloodthirsty beast Zenos saw me as. But he knew me from the very start for what I was. A sword is meant to be wielded. And my mother made me a very, very good sword.”

“You’re wrong.” Lyse’s voice was quiet, but it boiled with anger. “A bloodthirsty beast? You? The woman who never even thinks before lending a hand to those that need it? Who fights and fights and fights long after anyone else would put down their sword in defence of those who can’t? Whose soul nearly split in two twice over from the pain and the guilt of all she’d done and chose to keep on rallying and liberating and defending anyway? You’re not a monster! You’re a hero! How can you not see that?”

A hero. The same thing she’d been called by so many others, time and time ago. Saviour of Eorzea. Envoy of peace. Liberator. Shadowbringer. So much and so often and every, every time, it had rung hollow. How could a woman who murdered her own father be a hero? How could a woman forged only to kill be some standard of hope to rally around? But hearing it from Lyse, it felt… different, somehow. A blade that cut a thousand times opening a new path to her heart. She could find herself… believing it. And she knew, looking into Lyse’s eyes, that her wife believed it without question. That her faith had never once wavered.

“I don’t know…” Arashi began, but found herself silenced by a finger against her lips.

“I do. If you don’t believe in yourself, believe in me. And if I ever see you straying from that path, I’ll drag you right back onto it. Understand?”

Arashi nodded, not quite trusting herself to speak. But that was enough. Lyse’s finger was replaced by her lips. Once again Arashi found the grip around her tightened, but she found she didn’t much care.

Neither woman noticed the door cracking open slightly, nor the lock of silver-white hair and bright blue eye that peaked through the gap. But they were safe enough. Alisaie wouldn’t tell a soul that their charge was awake until the pair were quite done being insufferably sweet with each other. It was the least they deserved.

Chapter 5: Day 5 - Rainy Day


The rains crash down unceasing following the liberation of Ala Mhigo. The Warrior of Light and her lover don't mind.


Warning: This is the spicy one. Nothing explicit, but as the great sage SunWon Cho once said, "Oh, they f*ckIN'!" Or were, anyway. Reader beware, etc. etc.

Chapter Text

The rain wouldn’t stop. Nor would the thunder. Endless downpour, endless claps of terrible noise. As if Rhalgr himself had seen fit to raise another great flood. But none complained. After 25 years of occupation, the rain was a symbol. Washing away the blood that had soaked their lands for so long. A promise of new life after terrible, endless death.

For Arashi, lying exhausted and mostly-coherent in bed, it also had the effect of… muffling certain things that had been occurring. Occurring for several hours now, if her internal clock was anything to go by. She had expected some celebration after finally confessing to Lyse, but she had not expected to be carried into Lyse’s temporary chambers and… well, damn-near worshipped for most of the night. Not that she was particularly complaining, but still.

Lyse was across the room now, pouring a mug of water for them both. She was glorious to behold even in the darkness, her uncovered body a masterwork of carefully toned and crafted muscles, shiny with sweat where the meagre candles’ light touched it. Her hair was loose, streaming down her back. Then she turned to face Arashi, a soft smile on her face. Arashi’s heart skipped another beat, euphoria overtaking her. That this incredible, wonderful woman loved her was still taking some getting used to. But she could, with time.

It took barely a dozen steps to cross the distance between them, but the distance was a chasm to the exhausted Warrior of Light. It was about all she could do to keep herself propped up on her elbows, snugly entangled in the thin sheets that kept the outside world at bay. Thankfully Lyse was made of sterner stuff, and it took her no time at all to return to the bed with outstretched mug.

Arashi’s hand was shaky, but she was able to grasp the mug all the same. A few deep gulps of the icy-cold water within rejuvenated her somewhat. She handed the mug back with a smile, watching as Lyse greedily finished the rest. Then Lyse perched herself on the bed, looking out towards the windows. Arashi couldn’t see her face, but she didn’t particularly mind. She concerned herself instead with the way her back muscles twisted and went taut. Lyse, apparently noticing Arashi’s attention on her, turned to face her.

“I can’t remember the last time we had so much rain here,” she murmured. “In Gridania it was common enough, but out here in Ala Mhigo? I wonder if we’ve ever had something like this since I was born.” She smiled, face flushing as she continued. “I’m half tempted to just stroll out there and get soaked, you know?”

Arashi, who mostly felt sad and miserable when out in the rain and most certainly did not know, nodded anyway. Certainly not because she had suddenly had several impure thoughts involving Lyse and rain. Of course not. Lyse mistook the slow smile blooming across her lover’s face for something more innocent.

Another peal of thunder crashed through the quiet. “On second thoughts, perhaps not.” Lyse swung her legs fully onto the bed, moving with fluid grace and untangling the sheets from Arashi enough for her to slip under them too. Arashi shifted onto her side, allowing Lyse to press against her back. While the bed was luxuriously soft, it wasn’t the largest thing in the world. Still, Arashi couldn’t complain too much as her tail slid snugly between Lyse’s legs. The warmth, the steady tickle of Lyse’s breath against the scales at the back of her neck, the scent of the monk (among other things)… it all felt right.

Arashi didn’t realise she was on the verge of sleep until she heard Lyse again. “Do you think he’d be proud of me?”

“Of course,” Arashi replied without hesitation. And then, “I am, after all.”

Lyse said nothing, but her arms coiled tightly around Arashi’s stomach. Arashi tried not to shiver as she felt Lyse’s lips press gently against her scales. They said nothing for a long while after that, sleep finally slipping in and claiming them. And for the first time in a very, very long time, Arashi slept peacefully.

Chapter 6: Day 6 - Future


A brash, overconfident newcomer makes waves in Arashi's school.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lyse awoke to the sound of combat.

This wasn’t particularly unusual, given she was sleeping in her wife’s private quarters in the school. Training would-be adventurers in the ways of self-defence was the aim of those hallowed halls, after all. But two things about the clamour were. Firstly, the voice she could hear crying out in rage and frustration was unfamiliar to her. Lyse wasn’t familiar enough to put names to the faces of all of Arashi’s students, but she had learned to differentiate their voices. Arashi wasn’t looking to enrol anyone else, if her constant complaints about full hands were anything to go by.

Secondly, there was only one voice, but from the ring of steel against steel there were clearly two combatants. Meaning Arashi herself was locked in battle with an interloper.

Adrenaline spiked, panic gave speed. Lyse was moving before she could think. It took mere moments for the red-tinged blur to reach the source of the noise. Sure enough, Arashi was present. As was a large, lanky Raen boy, armed with a katana and screaming in fury. Trying desperately to find a way through Arashi’s guard. Failing.

Arashi had spoken before of her sister’s talent, of reaching a point beyond calm and becoming a force to be reckoned with by shutting out the world. Arashi herself claimed she had never been able to replicate it herself, but seeing her so easily dodging, deflecting and outmanoeuvring her opponent, Lyse wondered just how true that was. Arashi’s face was slack, void of emotion as she fought. But Lyse saw the glint in her eye before the killing blow was struck. The boy didn’t. In a flash of steel he was disarmed, the sword flung to the floor. In another flash he was defeated, a blade to his throat.

“That would be my win, I think.” Arashi’s voice was as calm and matter-of-fact as if she had been discussing the weather. The boy, breathing heavily, stared daggers at her. His great shaggy mane of snow-white hair was clinging to his scalp, drenched in sweat. But he had not a scratch on him. A test, then, not a true battle. Then Arashi turned to face Lyse with a smile. “Sorry if we woke you, dear.” The boy was forgotten for a moment. A moment was all he needed.

With a scream of rage he pounced forward, a knife suddenly in hand and poised to strike Arashi in her throat. He didn’t get that far.


Fist met face with a sickening crack. The boy was flung to one side. He clattered to the ground with a groan of pain. Lyse ignored the slight throb in her hand as she turned to ensure Arashi was unharmed. It was then that she realised just how close Arashi’s own blade was to Lyse’s face, where the boy’s knife had previously been. Of course she was preparing her own counter. So many summers of retirement from adventuring had done nothing to dull her skills, despite it all.

Arashi took a steadying breath, sheathed her sword, gave Lyse a thankful nod. Then she was striding over to the boy, who was currently rubbing his jaw in obvious pain. Lyse hoped she hadn’t broken anything. She’d tried to pull her punch, but she had a nasty habit of letting her emotions put a little too much strength into her strikes. Arashi held out a hand to the lad, clearly not particularly impressed with his trick but willing to put it aside. The boy hesitated for a moment, then took the hand.

Standing upright, he towered over both women with ease. But the look on his face was one of a scolded child, not a proud warrior. He looked rather young, perhaps seventeen or eighteen summers old. His skin was nigh as pale as his hair where it wasn’t covered in scales. He was rather skinny, but Lyse could see the corded muscles that he had clearly spent some time in building. But it was his eyes that drew Lyse’s attention. They were the same shade of blue that she saw when she first entered the Ruby Sea, all those years ago. Bright and electric and mesmerising. And… familiar, somehow. Like someone she’d seen in a dream, a long time ago. Strange.

“Not bad, but you were much too obvious.” Arashi’s voice cut through the air. Stern, appraising, her teaching voice she’d spent a long time mastering. “You’ve a long way to go. Now, why don’t we get an ice crystal for that jaw and you can tell me why you demanded this bout in the first place.” The boy grimaced at the assessment, but nodded and allowed himself to be led to the infirmary. Lyse followed close behind, not exactly trusting him not to try something again but willing at least to trust her wife’s judgement.

It wasn’t long before the three of them were seated in the empty infirmary. Lyse hadn’t taken her eyes off the interloper, aside from the occasional glance at Arashi. She had been filled in on the boy’s story so far, how he had apparently appeared in the Lochs aetheryte, promptly emptied the contents of his stomach, then demanded that the master of Storm’s School of Combat answered his challenge to a duel. He hadn’t shut up until someone had directed him towards the school itself, at which point he had nigh-sprinted to the doors and immediately challenged the first Raen woman he’d seen. Which, thankfully for him, was Arashi herself.

What Arashi had not been able to discern was the reason for his challenge in the first place. She had no idea who he was, nor did he give his name when asked. He was a tornado of mystery and anger, refusing all else but a duel with the fabled Warrior of Light. Now, however, it was time for answers.

“My name is Tenzin.” His voice was a low baritone, rough with exhaustion but still captivating. “I came to test myself against the strongest warrior in the land. I failed. I’m not strong enough yet.” Simple enough so far, but the pair could have figured that out themselves. He was clearly hiding something more. Strong enough for what?

Arashi said nothing, simply stared at Tenzin in silence. Lyse hadn’t missed the way her eyebrows raised when she heard the name, though. Lyse dimly recalled Arashi’s encounter with the Four Lords, of their shared grief over the legendary warrior who shared the boy’s name. It was certainly an auspicious legacy to be given. Now, however, her face had returned to its stony state. Waiting for the boy to fill the silence. Eventually he did.

“My sister has been kidnapped.” Tenzin spoke the words calmly, but neither woman failed to notice the strain in his voice. “We were travelling together, visiting our relatives in Doma, when bandits fell upon us. I fought them, but they hit me with a cowardly attack from behind and overpowered me. They would have ended me, but my sister fell upon them in a fury. They… they took her. Vanished down the One River. That’s why I came here. To fight you. To prove I could return and save her.” His gaze was fierce, but fixed directly at the floor. “But I failed. And now my sister is…”

Lyse saw the fire blaze in Arashi’s eyes and knew what was about to happen. With a sigh, Lyse laid a hand on Arashi’s shoulder. “Do what you need to. I’ll warn Hien that the Warrior of Light is about to take matters into her own hands.” Strictly speaking, Arashi had no right to barge into Doma and make a royal mess of a bandit camp, but Hien was lenient enough as long as he was given prior warning. As were a great deal of the other nations’ leaders. Arashi had enough good faith to cash in on a few rampages, as long as they were righteous. Several of her students had come from stunned spectators watching her carve a path through men and monsters alike.

Arashi gave Lyse a thankful smile, then turned to Tenzin. “Which way did they go down the river? North or south?”

Tenzin looked confused for a moment, then responded. “South, I think. But what are you-?”

“Taking care of Hien’s problems for him. Again.” For all the lord of Doma spoke of restoring his great nation, he still had a long way to go. Particularly in ensuring his people were not so desperate as to turn to banditry to make their way in life. “Stay here. I’ll be back soon.” Then Arashi vanished with a soft pop. Lyse excused herself, then strode outside to hail Hien.

“Hien, it’s me! … Yes, I know it’s been a while, but- … No, listen! Arashi’s on her way to- … No, not to visit. We’ve had a visitor and- … No, your soldiers won’t be enough, so- … Well, it’s too late now! Arashi’s already teleported! … Look, send Sanda or Yugiri after her if you must, but- … Don’t take that tone with me! I’m trying- … Ugh! Fine, be that way. But she’ll be long gone by then, you know.”

Hien had not been particularly pleased to hear that Arashi was taking matters into her own hands again, but he knew better than anyone that she couldn’t be stopped when she got the idea in her head. A Dark Knight’s justice was absolute, and delivering mercy to those others overlooked was her call to action. Besides, Hien was all bluster. He would forget about it in time. And perhaps Lyse could make a gift of some Dalmascan Red to smooth things over in the meantime…

A new sound broke through the quiet. Tenzin was crying. Lyse was back in the infirmary in a blink, arms wrapping comfortingly around the boy. “She’ll be alright,” she said, kneeling down to meet Tenzin’s downcast gaze. She wasn’t sure if she meant Tenzin’s sister or Arashi, but she believed it without reservation. Tenzin clearly didn’t believe her, but he nodded anyway. “This isn’t the first time this has happened, you know.” Lyse continued on. “You wouldn’t believe how many people have barged in and challenged Arashi to a fight. And not once have I ever had to intervene. You’re stubborn. I assume it runs in the family?” Tenzin nodded mutely.

Lyse couldn’t help but smile. “Must be an au ra thing, then. You wouldn’t believe what Arashi gets like when she sets her heart on something. To say nothing of her sister. Sanda’s normally so quiet, but when she and Arashi argue…” Lyse shook her head. “Arashi will be fine. So will your sister. She’s the Warrior of Light. She tore down the Garlean Empire, destroyed the immortal Ascians, saved existence itself from the incarnation of despair. A few bandits won’t stop her.”

Tenzin looked at her then, a flash of something unrecognisable in his eyes. “I wish I had your faith. It must be nice.” Lyse’s heart broke for the boy. While times were a great deal easier for most than they had been during the time of the Garleans’ ruthless expansion, there was still a great deal more to be done. And a great many who still suffered all too cruelly under the circ*mstances of their birth. Tenzin’s story was his own, but Lyse suspected it was not a happy one.

Another pop sounded just outside, followed by the clatter of a weapon to the floor. Arashi appeared in the doorway, now properly armoured and covered in blood. A grim smile was on her face. “Found her,” she declared. Followed swiftly by, “Don’t worry, blood’s not mine. Wasn’t bandits, though.”

Arashi began to explain, but was swiftly interrupted by another face by her side. A girl, barely more than ten summers, eyes wide with amazement. “BROTHER!” she cried, then flung herself at the unprepared Tenzin. The boy was tackled to the ground in an instant, Lyse just barely avoiding the same fate through some swift footwork. She shared a glance with Arashi, then followed the au ra out of the room. The siblings deserved a moment or two to catch up. And Arashi deserved a moment or two to wash up.

A short while later the two women returned to the infirmary, Arashi now properly garbed and not reeking of blood and sweat. Tenzin had been allowed to return to his seat in the meantime, and was making absolutely certain that his little sister was unharmed. His sister, for her part, looked rather unamused but was putting on a brave face through her sibling’s worrying. “And you’re certain they did not harm you, Hana?”

Arashi froze at the name, but neither of the siblings noticed. Lyse closed her hand around Arashi’s, giving her a reassuring squeeze. Arashi smiled in response, letting out a breath she didn’t realise she had been holding. She had explained while getting changed that what Tenzin mistook for bandits had in fact been the guards of a noble house, who had been sent to abduct both of the children on their way through Doman lands. They were, apparently, distantly linked to some other noble house who had insulted the abductors in some way, and this was their means of payback. Arashi had paid them a visit and ensured they would not harm anyone again. She had even left a note for the shinobi who would inevitably investigate. A courtesy call for Sanda, she called it.

Still, both agreed that it wouldn’t be safe to send the pair back home. Several of the guards had escaped Arashi’s particular brand of justice, and it was likely there would be others seeking revenge for the act. They had spare rooms at their house, and the School had rooms aplenty if they sought somewhere that wasn’t under the Warrior of Light’s roof.

Arashi cleared her throat, eyes fixed on Tenzin. “The people who attacked you are dead, as is their master. They can’t and won’t hurt you again, not while you’re under my protection. But you can’t go back to Doma, nor your home. At least not yet. There’s no telling who else might seek to hurt you for what I’ve done.” Arashi paused for a moment, letting what she had told them sink in. It was not an easy thing to be told that you couldn’t return to your homeland. Arashi and Lyse had both swallowed that pill at an early age.

“You don’t have to stay here, or even in the city, but I’d prefer it if you did. I want to keep an eye on you, make sure you’re properly protected. And, if you’ll allow me, I’d like to teach you both how to take care of yourselves.” Tenzin’s eyes lit up for a moment before he could contain his emotions. “Tenzin, you’ve got some skill with the blade, but you’re much too obvious in your movements. And as for you, Hana,” Arashi said with a wry smile, “You have a great deal of passion, but clawing at the eyes of a well-armoured fighter won’t do you much good. Lyse, however, can teach you how to throw a punch which will break the armour of any who cross you.” Lyse noted the near-feral grin suddenly light up Hana’s face. Yes, she could certainly teach her a thing or two.

“You don’t have to decide now, but I’d like to hear your response by tonight, if that’s alright.” Arashi smiled at them both. “Until then, rest. Relax. We’ll give you the tour of the place, introduce you to the other teachers, get you both a good meal.” It took all of two seconds for Tenzin and Hana to come to a decision. It would be the easiest choice of their lives.

Many, many years later, as Tenzin prepared to step down from his position as Grandmaster of the Storm School of Combat, he would look back on his meeting with his friend and mentor with a soft smile. She had tempered the brash, over-zealous boy into a worthy successor to her. Or so she had said, when she had finally allowed herself to properly retire. He only hoped she still thought so, when he crossed into the Aetherial Sea to reunite with her. Still, he would leave the school in good hands, as she had done with him. Her legacy would live on. This much he swore.


Phew! I didn't expect this to turn into one of the longest pieces I've written in a while, but here we are. Another story that I've had in my head for quite some time, mostly because I thought the idea of Arashi causing an international incident while Lyse tries to smooth things over was funny. Then I remembered a certain Pandaemonium thing and... Well, if you know you know. White hair's hard to shake.

Chapter 7: Day 7 - Wedding Bells (Free Day)


The Warrior of Light's sister has her day interrupted by unexpected news.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

knock knock knock

Knock Knock Knock


“Sanda, I know you’re there! Stop ignoring me, this is important!”

Sanda cursed silently. She had been so certain she’d been able to hide her presence. How had Arashi kno-

Sanda looked to see Arashi staring at her from the window. The window with completely undrawn curtains. That would do it. With a particular look cast in her sister’s direction, she stalked over to the door and opened it. Arashi practically scampered over to it from her porthole position. She was grinning, which was worrying enough in and of itself, but she was also bouncing from foot to foot. Something was definitely wrong.

“What brings you to Doma?” was Sanda’s wary greeting. The Warriors of Light had gone their separate ways until passage to Old Sharlayan could be booked, and as far as Sanda knew it had not yet been arranged. And yet here Arashi was, either about to tell her to pack her bags, or… Sanda wasn’t quite sure. Which was what worried her.

“I’m getting married! Come on!” Arashi snatched Sanda’s arm, practically dragging her out of her front door.

“Wait, what? Now? Explain!” That at least explained Arashi’s grin, but it raised a chocobo cart’s worth of questions with it.

“Yes, now! Lyse is getting someone who can make it official, but I’m not having you miss it! Now come on, you’re going to make me late!”

Arashi was not exactly dressed for a wedding, but she was considerably better-dressed than Sanda, who was garbed in her nightgown and not an ilm more. Sanda snatched her arm back and slammed the door on Arashi, calling out with “Five minutes!” before her elder sister could complain. Honestly. Getting married out of the blue like this? When did Arashi get to be so spontaneous? It was probably Lyse’s fault. Her soon-to-be sister-in-law, now. By the kami…

Ten minutes later and Sanda was appropriately garbed and made up. She barely had time to open up the door again before she was once again snatched by the arm, and this time Sanda felt her aether shift decidedly westward as Arashi teleported them both to Ala Mhigo. Sanda barely had time to feel the sweltering heat on her skin before Arashi was racing off again, taking the massive steps up to the palace two at a time and whooping with glee. Sanda, bemusedly, followed.

The reality of the situation hadn’t quite set in. Sanda had expected to spend the day quietly, perhaps sparring with Yugiri, perhaps surveying Doma for interlopers or dangerous beasts. She had not anticipated her sister engaging in a life-changing decision and dragging her into being, presumably, her sole witness to the event. She vaguely wondered what the other Scions would think. Then she thought about Fareena’s predictable fury at being left out. That brought a smile to her face.

Arashi sped through the bustling palace, exchanging the odd greeting here and there but not allowing herself to slow down. Sanda trailed behind, a silent ghost in her wake. Dimly Sanda found herself wondering what it felt like to feel such overwhelming love. To be transformed so by it. Her sister smiled and laughed without reservation as she sped to the gardens. When was the last time she had seen Arashi so joyous? Before father’s passing? Before mother’s? She hoped Lyse understood the blessing she had given.

It took no time at all for Arashi to skirt through to the rooftop garden, practically slamming through the doors in her haste to reach her destination. Sanda was more careful, closing the massive doors behind them. Two figures were already there in the distance, though the taller one (much taller, in fact) appeared to be arguing with the other. It was too far away to make out much, but maybe... Sanda slowed, focused, shut out all the noise around her.

“...never done this before, let alone at such short notice!”

“You’ll be fine! We’re not expecting much, we just need you to make it official, that’s all. You can do that, right?”

“In theory, yes, but you don’t understand! If I say the wrong thing or mix up the order, it might completely foul the bonding! It’s terrible luck for an eternally bonded pair! This is just too much pressure!”

Stalwart Mountain. That made sense. Her Conjuring training did qualify her to marry others, and she could be expected to keep things quiet until the pair felt ready to announce it properly. And it would make Fareena all the more furious when she realised she was the only Warrior of Light uninvited to the proceedings. She wondered if either Arashi or Lyse had considered the hidden insult in it, or if they were simply too giddy to think of such things.

“...da! Sanda! Come on, you’re holding us up!” Arashi was pulling on her arm again, half-yanking her forward. Sanda slipped back to reality, letting the world wash over her again. A moment later and she was striding forth with her sister towards the waiting pair. Lyse turned to see the au ra approaching and greeted them with her typical exuberance. The smile she flashed Arashi was brighter than the sun above them. Sanda could only assume that Arashi’s returning smile was as bright, given that Arashi herself was still dragging Sanda behind her.

It took barely a moment longer for Arashi to take her place opposite Lyse. The pair were grinning like a couple of lovestruck idiots, which Sanda supposed was fine given they were getting married. Stalwart shot Sanda a nervous glance before standing between them. Sanda, unsure quite where to stand, chose to stand a short distance away. Close enough to witness, not close enough to get in the way.

Despite Stalwart’s initial protests, the ceremony itself was smooth enough. Sanda had seen a few bonding ceremonies during her time in Doma, particularly after its liberation. The differences between the two were minor enough, perhaps due to some root practice that both cultures had shared at one point. Given hyurs’ tendencies to spread anywhere and everywhere they could, it made a certain kind of sense. Her parents had never spoken much of such things when they were alive. Too busy with practical concerns. Reading. Writing. Fighting. Hunting.

“...And so now we give our assembled parties,” (Sanda had to stop herself looking around at that), “One final chance to voice their objections against the eternal bonding of the ones gathered before me.” Sanda had to admit, Stalwart showed none of her professed nervousness when she got going. The roegadyn woman made a show of looking around at the otherwise empty menagerie, then continued. “Then by the power invested in me by my authority as a Conjurer, I hereby-”

“Oh no you don’t!”

Everyone present whirled to see a newcomer barrelling headlong towards them. A viera woman, fury written plain on her face as she dashed through the newly-opened doors towards the assembled group. Fareena, somehow, had been made aware of what was going on. For a moment Sanda wondered exactly how, but then she noticed the linkpearl quietly nestled against Arashi’s ear. In her haste to be wed she had entirely forgotten to remove it.

“Honestly, I expected this of you, lizard, but you’re supposed to be better than this, Hext!” Fareena barely looked winded from her whirlwind sprint. “Really? Going and getting yourselves wed without even thinking of inviting us?”

“Well, this was a spur of the moment… Wait, what do you mean, us?” Arashi looked confused, but then she noticed the steadily growing voices emerging from the open doors. Voices that Sanda had unconsciously picked up on but had filtered away as irrelevant background noise. Foolish of me. I’ll need to be more careful in the future.

The first of the voices soon came into view. Y’shtola’s sharp tone was matched by a sharper look in her eyes. There lay a promise of words which would be shared after everything was said and done. Urianger’s dulcet tones were followed shortly after, the imposing Elezen man trying his best to impose some calm on Y’shtola’s temper. Thancred was not far behind, his usual confident smirk fixed firmly on his place. The twins trailed behind them, with Alphinaud doing his level best to keep Alisaie from charging forward and demanding to know just what in the seven hells Arashi and Lyse thought they were doing. And finally, trying their hardest to keep up, Tataru and Krile. Tataru’s eyes were rather red, though whether it was from joy at the occasion or sorrow at having been left out was hard to tell.

“Thankfully for you,” said Fareena with an undeniable hint of smugness in her voice, “I thought ahead and passed along the invitations you so clearly forgot to pass along.” She took her place next to Sanda with a self-satisfied noise. Arashi looked about ready to strangle the viera. Lyse simply looked chagrined at having been discovered so easily.

It didn’t take long (following Alisaie sharing some extremely heated words with the brides) for the assorted crowd to gather. It certainly felt a good deal less awkward now, crowded around friends and allies rather than standing alone. Stalwart, however, had lost her place entirely through the interruption. After several false starts she decided to simply start again, much to Arashi’s displeasure. Lyse didn’t seem to mind, however.

Eventually the harried roegadyn returned to her place of interruption. She shot Fareena a very pointed look as she asked once again if there were any objections. This time Fareena remained silent. None missed the smug aura she radiated, however. “Well then,” said Stalwart with a huff. “Given all present consent to this eternal bonding, I now pronounce you wedded! You may now do as you please, safe in the knowledge that you are now married under the eyes of the gods.”

Stalwart barely finished before Lyse flung herself into Arashi’s waiting arms with a whoop of joy. The two shared a kiss as the assorted Scions cheered. Tataru looked about ready to cry again. So did Alisaie, though she furiously denied it when questioned later. Sanda could only smile. After all Arashi had been through, and with the monumental task awaiting them all, she deserved this happiness. Sanda only hoped it would last.


You know I had to end this week with a wedding. It was written in the stars. This is a follow-up to a prompt from one of the previous Write Month prompts, specifically Petrichor. I recommend reading that one first, but you're not missing much in the way of context if you don't. Either way, maximum sap engaged. See you all next year for more of this shippy nonsense!

Storm's Romance - WoLyse Week 2024 - Wordybird (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.