Moscow Murder Massacre (2024)

Moscow Murder Massacre (1)

The Man, The Myth, The Legend

That's Sy Ray and his wife enjoying drinks with Lana Oriani from Truth & Transparency at the 2024 CrimeCon festival in Nashville in late May/early June shortly after he testified as a cellular geolocation expert for the defense in the Idaho Four case. For those who don't know or who aren't aware, Sy Ray has a reputation that precedes him. He's a self-made man who pulled himself up by the bootstraps. He's no Willy Loman. No sir, or no ma'am. He's all-American in every way and yes, true to form as an all-American, he's a millionaire although millionaire isn't quite what it used to be, is it?

Despite not having a college degree and instead merely an associate's degree, Sy Ray managed to create a successful company around proprietary, and very secretive and unverified I might add, software he developed that analyzes and maps geolocation information gleaned from historical cellular service provider records. He sold this software, named TraX, to law enforcement agencies for years and trained law enforcement personnel on how to use it. As a result, his software has been used in thousands of cases nationwide over the years and he has testified as an expert in a myriad of cases, always on behalf of the prosecution without exception. Until now. Until the Idaho Four case. Interesting, that. Don't you think? I find it odd and perhaps telling but I appear to be in the severe minority. Why now? That's the question, isn't it? Why testify on behalf of the defense for the first time ever in his career NOW?

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Sy went from a lowly beat cop in Gilbert, Arizona to owning his own company and ultimately selling that company, ZetX, to LexisNexis. This is the embodiment of the American mythos — from rags to riches.

I get it. He's bored. He's looking for new challenges to fill his time now that he's a multi-millionaire so hey, why not offer yourself as an expert in the defense of a defendant the majority of the nation believes is the monster who slaughtered Maddie Mogen, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin on the early morning of 11/13/22. It's not like he has anything better to do, right, despite it being enirely out of character for him to testify on behalf of the defense?

Not A Good Look

Before we proceed to the crux of the title of this post, I would be remiss if I didn't mention not only Sy Ray's attendance at CrimeCon, but further his sit-down interview with the notorious Lana Oriani of the YouTube channel Truth & Transparency.

I don't want to mount a proselytizing sermon soapbox here, but suffice to say, CrimeCon is a despicable spectacle. It is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with our unprincipled society where all things are fodder for raw, naked exploitation especially murder. It's Disaster Capitalism at its finest and it's quite egalitarian and democratic. It's open to all. If you have the gumption, nay the callous temerity, to exploit others' personal tragedy for your own selfish enrichment and entertainment, CrimeCon welcomes you with embracing open arms. It's a prodigious party year after year without end. Think how many CrimeCon conceptions there have been over the years, illegitimate or not and let's face it, most were illegitimate aborted or not.

Here's the link to Lana's interview with Sy Ray and his wife. Are they aware of her reputation? If they are, it's doubly not a good look. Attending CrimeCon is already a terrible look and a hit to Sy Ray's credibility as it is to Othram's CEO David Mittelman, the man who's company is allegedly responsible for developing the SNP profile for LE in the Idaho Four investigation in miraculously and inexplicably record-breaking time I might and will add.

I was gobsmacked when I saw this. I said to myself, "you have got to be kidding me!" Lana struck again in the Idaho Four case. She despoiled the credibility of yet another defense expert. Is she on retainer with Anne Taylor? Is Anne paying her to despoil witnesses? I say that tongue-in-cheek but only just barely. I mean seriously, what gives Anne? THIS IS NOT A GOOD LOOK! It's a terrible look for Sy Ray and a terrible look for the defense. I will add, it's not an isolated aberration either. Gabriella Vargas also succumbed to Lana's wily advances and in the process discredited herself. Here's the link to that interview where Vargas can be seen drinking and yucking it up with Lana over the buried and/or cremated remains of MKXE. It beggars belief, right? Serendipitous satire is still satire. This sh*t writes itself.

Why is Lana Oriani notorious? There are so many reasons she is but here is but a mere taste. The tip of the iceberg. This says so much about her character or lack thereof. She actually had the gall, the crude temerity, to call Chris Hansen, at the recent CrimeCon convention in Nashville, a "co*ckblock" I suppose because Hansen's claim to fame amongst other things was his show where he setup and entrapped pedophile rapists.

Don't get me wrong. I'm no Chris Hansen fan. I don't do fan. In fact, he's as exploitative as anyone at CrimeCon but "co*ckblock" is not the appropriate criticism of him. I must give credit where it is due. He did expose child predators and that's a good thing but he did it for all the wrong reasons. He did it for personal enrichment and entertainment. "co*ckblock?" She is a freak. Lana, I mean. Like so many who inhabit and haunt the burgeoning True Crime industry.

All that said, amidst this pile of steaming dogsh*t I was able to locate and salvage a few nuggets pertinent to the title of this post, the discussion of which is to follow.

Anne, you now undeniably have a nexus to Truth & Transparency and that is a diminishment of not only your experts' credibility if they ever had any but to your credibility as well. In the least you would think you would have a conversation with them about who they associate with or perhaps be more selective who you choose for experts with one of your criterion being their character. It's poor character to hang with the likes of Lana Oriani from Truth & Transparency. It's not a good look. Step up your game, Anne. Optics matter.

Mole Or Trojan Horse — Take Your Pick

I know I said mole but maybe a trojan horse is a better characterization of Sy Ray's role as defense expert in the Idaho Four case. Is Sy Ray working on behalf of the State? Did he endear himself to Anne Taylor and the Bryan Kohberger defense team on behalf of the prosecution? To determine Anne's strategy? To sabotage that strategy? To be the State's eyes and ears in regard to Anne Taylor's analysis of the State's cellular "evidence?"

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The operative word here is MAYBE. It's just a theory, nay a conspiracy theory, but not nearly as half-co*cked as some of the insane conspiracy theories proffered by the peanut gallery that has squatted on this case.

Tunnels, anyone? Bryan Kohberger's reflection in the window of a car parked in front of the 1330 Linda Lane camera, anyone? How about the latest — the Aryan Brotherhood did it? Let's not forget the mainstay, Brent Kopacka. Afterall, Brent Kopacka has the same initials as Bryan Kohberger and that can't be a coincidence, right?

Unlike that panoply of lunacy, this conspiracy theory has some informed merit. I mean, Sy Ray told us himself in the latest hearing during his testimony that he reserves the right to switch sides when and/or if the data prompts him. Don't believe me, listen for yourself. The following link takes you to the exact segment of the video where he professes he goes where the data takes him and it's just a coincidence the data compelled him to advocate on behalf of the prosecution every single time in his career until NOW. Surely there would have been times the data compelled him to advocate for the defense during his illustrious career if indeed it's true his policy is he goes where the data takes him, but no, this is the first time, miraculously, the data ever compelled him to advocate for the defense and he apparently offered his services to the defense pro bono even prior to seeing any data.

Of course, he is currently advocating for the defense but he made sure in the hearing to caveat that advocacy loud and clear and issue the proclamation that he reserves the right to switch sides if the data takes him there.

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My jaw dropped when he said this. I simply cannot believe Anne Taylor would take such a gamble especially in regard to this junk science that can be interpreted a myriad of ways to get you the result you prefer.

Many have taken it as positive for the defense that Sy Ray's current analysis is exculpatory to the defense but he clearly indicates the analysis is exculpatory precisely because it's incomplete and therefore the claims made by law enforcement and the prosecution per the PCA are currently unsupported BUT he makes sure to add the caveat that once the records are complete, if ever, that could change and what was once exculpatory to the defense may become inculpatory.

Anne Taylor is willing to roll the dice and take that chance. That's either informed confidence or sheer stupidity. You choose. I know she said she knows Bryan Kohberger is innocent but what I don't know and you don't know is how she can be so emphatic about Bryan Kohberger's innocence. What does she know that we don't? Because of the lack of transparency in this case, we are in the dark as to what is transpiring behind the scenes. If she knows Bryan Kohberger is innocent simply because he told her he is and she feels in her gut he is, well, that is beyond foolish and I have a hard time believing she knows Bryan Kohberger is innocent for this reason. There must be something more but what is it?

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Either way, like I said, it's a massive gamble precisely because this junk science is so highly interpretive it lends itself to the outcome you prefer and if Sy Ray is a mole, or a trojan horse if you prefer, that outcome could ultimately be inculpatory to the defense as Sy Ray perhaps presaged with his caveat.

Think about it. Both sides want to peek behind the curtain and see each other's cases. What better way to at least see this part of the defense's case than to plant a mole or send in a trojan horse so to speak. As I indicated earlier, Sy Ray can be both a spy and saboteur. It's an ingenious notion and no one would be the wiser. It explains the question as to why Sy Ray has chosen NOW to advocate for the defense for the first time in his illustrious career.

My question is, did he approach Anne Taylor or did she approach him? If it's the former, it further supports this theory and thanks to Lana Oriani's interview, we now know Sy Ray is doing this pro bono for the defense which in my opinion also further supports this theory. By offering his services pro bono, Sy Ray mitigates any liability for fraud. He never promised the defense a rose garden for remuneration or more specifically he has not contractually obligated himself to the defense. Sy is sly. The caveat at the hearing about the potential for his cellular geolocation analysis to switch from exculpatory to inculpatory at the snap of a finger was strategic. He was preparing the ground. Perhaps. Maybe.

The Meaning of Life: Obesity

This latest from the gelatinous, Dorito-scarfing, cheery cherub Brit known as Harsh Reality (the Harsh Reality by the way is the fact he is a tub o' lard and always will be) underscores the trajectory of Sy Ray's curve. In Lana's interview with Sy Ray, Sy Ray's wife mentioned they are good friends with Harsh Reality and, get this, have learned a lot from Harsh. Huh? What? Come again!

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What could they possibly have learned from Harsh Reality other than how to beg for money on YouTube without seeming like you're begging for money?

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That must be to what Keri Ray is referring when she indicated she and Sy have learned and are learning from Harsh Reality. They are learning how to use YouTube to grift further and harder. I mean hell, Harsh Reality has banked tens of thousands of pounds sterling (if not hundreds of thousands) thus far on the remains of MKXE and the prolonged incarceration of Bryan Kohberger and the suffering of all the families involved and there is no end in sight. The longer this case continues and drags out, the more Harsh Reality, and now Sy Ray and his wife, bank. It's a gravy train. Just look at the YouTubers' stats when they try to switch to coverage of other cases. The stats drop dramatically. They're toast when the Idaho Four case concludes and they know it. They're not "creative" enough to reinvent themselves. This is as good as it will get for them so it's imperative they shamelessly milk it for all it's worth and that is precisely what these vampires are doing.

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Do the right thing? As if. Unless of course doing the right thing means sucking every last drop of exploitative value out of the Idaho Four case or better yet, doing the right thing means obstruction of justice and I think maybe that might be it.

Bryan K Likely f*cked

The following juvenile renderings are courtesy of Sy Ray's tutelage of Harsh Reality behind the scenes, I guarantee it. By virtue of Lana Oriani's interview with Sy Ray and his wife, we learned that Sy Ray throws caution to the wind. He is his own man and will do what he will and what he wants. He indicated that many people contacted him before his interview with Lana and advised against it because it would impugn his credibility but he ignored all those party-pooping naysayers and did the interview anyway. During that unwarranted, not-a-good-look interview, Keri Ray indicated she and her husband have been in continual contact with Harsh Reality. They are having an ongoing discussion and have formed a strong bond. They are confidantes so to speak. Harsh Reality is schooling them on how to grift on YouTube and they are schooling Harsh Reality about the implications of the junk science that's netted them multiple millions.

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Here's the link to that video by the way. Heretofore, these have all been screen prints.

Harsh Reality does not have the intellect to comprehend the concepts behind those childish renderings. He was schooled by Sy Ray behind the scenes. No doubt about it. THAT, in my opinion, is obstruction of justice. In fact, I would call any current defense experts in the company of YouTube "personalities" obstruction of justice, especially if said "personalities" solicited the arrangement and both Harsh Reality and Lana Oriani both clearly solicited their targets. Harsh solicited Sy Ray and Lana solicited Sy Ray too and Vargas.

This is an ongoing case. These so-called experts should not be rubbing shoulders with media "personalities" no matter how amateur those "personalities" are. Or at least not until the case has concluded.

This is not controversial what I am saying here. It's common sense. Does Anne have any common sense? If she does, she now has two so-called experts, first Vargas and now Ray, who have been compromised and it really does call into question the charge of obstruction of justice.

It's not a good look, Anne. Especially when you ignore all the incredible analysis that's been completed on the Linda Lane footage to include Suspect Vehicle 5. Where are your priorities? If you truly believe your client is innocent as you proclaim, Suspect Vehicle 5 is every bit as exculpatory to Bryan Kohberger as anything Sy Ray has to offer with his junk science expertise and yet you are running with the latter and your shock troops are running interference on anyone who calls this to attention.

The messaging from Sy Ray using the clueless grifting dunderhead Harsh Reality as his foil is, Bryan K Is Likely f*cked. Wow, Anne, you sure know how to pick 'em. Good lord. Where am I?

Once A Guilter — Always A Guilter

Sy Ray is a Guilter. No doubt about it. His entire career has been devoted to helping find people guilty and a not insignificant percentage of those people were/are innocent. How do we know he's a Guilter aside from the fact his entire career has been spent helping the prosecution find defendants guilty, innocence or guilt be damned? Well, he indicates as much in his interview with Lana Oriani per the following.

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Lana proceeds to ask him innocent or guilty related to numerous popular, controversial cases and without fail, Sy Ray has them ALL as guilty. So too does the media I might add but the Idaho Four case is where he, Sy Ray, inexplicably diverges with this tried and true trend? Nah. I'm not buying it. A zebra doesn't change its stripes. Both of my eyebrows are raised on this one. It doesn't add up. It doesn't compute.

So he has Scott Peterson as guilty despite the State in that case quite literally having zero evidence against Scott Peterson aside from the fact he cheated on his wife and that is not evidence of murder. The Scott Peterson case is pertinent and Sy Ray's opinion about it because much like the Idaho Four case, the Scott Peterson case was a national spectacle and Scott Peterson like Bryan Kohberger was tried in the press and found guilty prior to a jury finding him guilty based on zero evidence. See what I mean about that zebra and its stripes? This smells. It stinks. Something is afoot. What? Why? You tell me. Lana and Harsh don't care either way. So long as the gravy train keeps rolling, it's all good truth and justice for all be damned.


Finally, in support of this theory painting Sy Ray as a mole or trojan horse if you will, we have the prosecution's reaction to Sy Ray's testimony in this latest public hearing. There was no reaction. Anne Taylor concluded her questioning and turned Sy Ray over to the prosecution for cross-examination and Ashley Jennings indicated on behalf of Bill Thompson and the State that they had no questions for Sy Ray. Here it is.

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Ashley Jennings and/or Bill Thompson had an opportunity to rip Sy Ray to shreds and take him down a notch or two or more and what do they do instead? Crickets. The only explanation that makes sense to me for this inexplicable behavior on the part of the prosecution is my theory that Sy Ray is a mole/trojan horse for the State and the State doesn't want to tear down this defense witness and impugn him because his credibility needs to be maintained for when he switches sides and turns the table on the defense.

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Many in the peanut gallery that is the chat at Andrea Burkhart's YouTube channel, like children in a schoolyard, were jeering the prosecution and cheering Anne Taylor in the same vain the peanut gallery cheered Ted Bundy's hearse after he was executed by the state of Florida in 1989. Something Bryan Kohberger's mother took umbrage with at the time — so much so she wrote her local newspaper about it and had her commentary published in the the editorial page. Irony, much? This is The Genius Of the Crowd. These blind pigs lack any ability to self-introspect. They have less than zero ability to self-reflect. It reminds of Michael Scott from The Office except Michael Scott despite his inability to see himself for what he is, is many times more likable than these cretins who have formed the peanut gallery that shrouds this Idaho Four case. I see no difference between those who are for Bryan Kohberger and those who are against him. They are two sides of the same debauched coin.

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"Anne is smirking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Maybe Anne shouldn't be so co*cky until she's counted all of her eggs and they've hatched. It's a bit premature for a victory lap. For an end zone dance.

"The wheels fell off the wagon." That's the analogy Sy Ray used in his testimony. Well, what do you do when the wheels have fallen off the wagon? That's right, you put a new set of wheels on the wagon. Sy Ray made sure to cover for LE in this hearing stating that this can be fixed just as he covered his ass in his latest podcast related to the Colorado case highlighted below. In that podcast he said it could be fixed. It was just a misunderstanding. Apply this mentality to this Idaho Four case. Is he there to make it right for the prosecution ultimately? To put a new set of wheels on that wagon? Sy Ray is no chump. He's not going to work to set a monster free. I'm not saying Bryan Kohberger is a monster but that is clearly what Guilters believe about him and Sy Ray is an incontrovertible Guilter. He has been his entire career. He's as biased as they come. This zebra, like any zebra, cannot change his stripes.

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Oh, believe me, I won't trust you and don't trust you but I am in a servere minority. No matter how much you tell your fan club not to trust you Sy, you know they will forever trust you. It's a paradoxical phenomenon. You're a lot like Donald Trump for the Team Kohberger crowd. You could slice the head off an infant in Time Square and Team Kohberger would continue to sing your praises. That's blind, braindead fanboys and fangirls for you.

I will give this guy credit where it is due. He is gregarious. Well-spoken. He's a talker and he's quite fond of himself and his achievements. He's proud he helped put so many innocent people behind bars with his junk science software that he can fix because he's the fixer. In that latest public Idaho Four case hearing, he spent the first ten to fifteen minutes discussing his credentials. If that's not narcissism, nothing is. I was laughing out loud it was so absurdly extreme not to mention a complete waste of time. Who was he trying to convince about how fantastic he is? Judge John Judge? JJJ is out to lunch. He cannot be impressed. Bill Thompson and Ashley Jennings? Maybe, but on the down low if he's really working on their behalf but they would already be aware of his credentials so there would be no need to go on and on unless it was for the cameras and I think that's it. This guy has never come across a camera or a mirror he didn't like. When the camera's on, and even when it's not, he turns it on.

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"We can fix this." He's the fixer. Oh, the wheels came off the prosecution's wagon? No worry, Sy Ray can fix that for you, Bill. He can fix it. "We can fix this." But don't trust him. Sheesh. The mixed messaging is so thick you can and should cut it with a knife.

He claims per that podcast video that upon further review he would have sided with the defense in the Colorado case. But he didn't at the time and had Judge JuanVillaseñor not ruled the way he did, Christopher Jones may well have been convicted using Sy Ray's TraX software and his testimony. It's easy to say now in hindsight when you are trying to cover your ass that you would have testified differently but your career track record proves you have never done any such thing. You have always testified for the prosecution and against the defense. You and your software have always "fixed it" to support a guilty verdict.

The irony of the Colorado case (discussed below) is that in this above referenced latest public Idaho Four case hearing, Ray indicates the GPS data is used as an afterthought — as an overlay to corroborate the mapping derived from historical cellular data. That is laughable. The GPS data is mutually exclusive and speaks for itself just as it did in the Colorado Christopher Jones case. The GPS data doesn't exist to serve as a check on the efficacy and accuracy of his junk science software. The GPS data is the direct evidence itself sans any obfuscating historical cellular data analysis. Ironically, the GPS data for the times in question, meaning the times the State claimed Chris Jones was stalking his former girlfriend at her apartment complex, corroborated the inaccuracy of Ray's TraX software and instead of showing Jones in West Fort Collins where his former girlfriend's apartment was located, the GPS data per Jones' Fed-Ex truck showed him in Northeast Fort Collins many miles away across town.

Jilted Lover

Okay, admittedly Sy Ray being a mole or trojan horse for the prosecution is perhaps far-fetched and a bridge-too-far, so how about this tamed down version as an acceptable surrogate explanation for Sy Ray's inexplicable and uncharacteristic support of the defense in the Idaho Four case.

As many of you know or should know, there is a swirl of controversy surrounding Sy Ray and his TraX software. A judge, Juan G. Villaseñor, in a Colorado case,PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO V. CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL JONES, ruled the following in regard to Sy Ray's vaunted proprietary software used by a bevy of law enforcement agencies nationwide.

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This did not go unnoticed, especially by the FBI and its former special agents involved in the creation of the FBI's vaunted CAST. A number of those former agents got together and formed a company called Precision Cellular Analysis (PCA) that directly competes with Sy Ray's former company ZetX that is now owned by LexisNexis. Below are the requirements necessary to be employed with Precision Cellular Analysis.

The roots of Precision Cellular Analysis (PCA) can be traced back to one of the greatest investigative resources ever designed for law enforcement – the FBI Cellular Analysis Survey Team (CAST). Historical Cell Phone Analysis was born in the mid-1990’s in Philadelphia, PA. An innovative FBI Special Agent came up with a novel idea of combining various law enforcement data sets and mapping the results. Using basic mapping software, an investigator could easy see “pins” on a map; visually representing the intersection of crimes and suspect/witness information. If these maps could be put in the hands of investigators, they could provide critical, potentially lifesaving, information, generate potential witnesses, and solve countless crimes. When it was later discovered that cell phone records could be mapped in a similar manner, the entire discipline of Cell Phone Record Analysis and ultimately FBI CAST began. In 2010, a small cadre of FBI Agents were selected to receive training to create the first ever class of subject matter experts in the field of cellular record analysis, live tracking of phones, training and expert witness testimony. These original 10 Special Agents came to be designated as CAST, making it an official FBI Headquarters Unit. From the original ten members, CAST has grown into a nationwide program with over 90 certified team members. CAST team members have been a key contributor to investigations worldwide and testified in well over 1000 trials, including every US Federal Court and Courts in all 50 states.

To be a member of CAST, FBI Agents and FBI Task Force Officers undergo a rigorous selection process involving over 400 hours of training. Almost all CAST members have a similar pedigree – they are hardworking natural leaders that are innovative and resourceful. Most come to CAST with a wealth of investigative and courtroom experience. Many have strong tactical or team/task force backgrounds with exceptional collaboration, liaison and relationship building skills. Above all, CAST members are routinely sought out as the “go to” persons in the time of crisis, not only for their technical skills but for their judgement and experience. As a result, almost every major crime in the United States has had a CAST presence, such as the Boston Bombing, Orlando Nightclub shooting, Gabby Petito investigation, Mollie Tibbets investigation, to name a few.

The PCA Team Members are all certified CAST experts. We pride ourselves in providing our customers with the highest level of professional service available in this industry. Our heritage is solid and our training and methods are recognized throughout the law enforcement community as the gold standard in analysis, training and testifying.

Precision Cellular Analysis, replete with its cadre of highly-credentialed former FBI supervisory special agents, didn't hesitate to capitalize on Judge Villaseñor's ruling and its broad, reverberating potential implications. Precision Cellular Analysis positioned and marketed itself as the premier consultants to help law enforcement navigate its way through and past this TraX debacle making sure to impugn and besmirch TraX/ZetX along the way as the following underscores.

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Cutthroat, right? It's not personal. It's strictly business. Sure thing. Whatever. How much you want to bet Sy Ray has seen this and knows about it and he's pissed about it like a jilted lover is pissed and like any jilted lover or many jilted lovers, he wants revenge and what better way is there to get that than with this case. Think about it. He can really stick it to the FBI here and he has already stuck it to the FBI in the latest hearing when he indicates they only analyzed 6% of the applicable historical cellular data.

The latest sentence in that statement above from Precision Cellular Analysis related to Judge Villaseñor's ruling is a dagger to the heart. Here it is blockquoted in case you didn't read it.

PCA only uses software and methodologies that are scientifically solid, backed by peer reviewed articles and widely accepted both in the legal system as well as the relevant cellular analysis community.

What PCA is implying when it says it uses software and methodologies that are scientifically solid is, Sy Ray's TraX IS NOT scientifically solid and not "backed by peer reviewed articles." PCA is effectively claiming it is legitimate whereas Sy Ray and his TraX software is not.

Here we go. Meet the boys. Perhaps Sy has a score to settle.

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Don't get me wrong. I do not believe for a second Sy Ray would endeavor to help get a monster off on a technicality to spite these opportunistic backstabbers. He states in his podcast YouTube video highlighted above that he no longer testifies in cases unless he is made privy to the investigation so if we take him at his word, that means he has done his homework on this case. He knows Bryan Kohberger's DNA was located on the knife sheath found at the crime scene and as I have already established he is a Guilter by his very nature. You cannot convince me nor can he convince me that he earnestly believes Bryan Kohberger is innocent.

What is more likely is he is holding his nose at least temporarily in this charade as defense expert. He certainly reviewed the investigation and via that review realized the FBI botched the CAST and he knows he can both slap the FBI in the face by pointing out their negligence/incompetence and he can make it right and fix it because he's the fixer and thus his caveat that he reserves the right to inculpate rather than exculpate Bryan Kohberger once that fix is in.

In otherwords, Sy Ray can kill two public relations birds with one stone charade and no one, not even the prosecution let alone the defense, would be the wiser. Sy Ray isn't going to help release a monster. This is not his modus operandi. It never has been and it's not about to be now. He said don't trust him, SO DON'T. I don't.

Put Down The Crack Pipe

Of course, I could be wrong about all of this and this cigar is just a cigar. There is nothing more to it than what is claimed by Sy Ray and the defense. Sy Ray's software is legit and not junk science and Anne Taylor and the defense team solicited him and not the other way around and he has been more than happy to help after reviewing the case. Despite Bryan Kohberger's DNA being on the knife sheath, Sy Ray is not concerned by that at all and is forging ahead in the defense's endeavor to suppress the State's cellular evidence at trial and perhaps as well to have the buccal swab DNA match suppressed considering the fact that if Sy Ray proves the CAST cellular analysis used as probable cause in the PCA which was used to get the search warrants during and after the arrests to include the buccal swab, is erroneous and thus the search warrants let alone the arrest was/were false.

If you believe that I will say to you, put down that crack pipe. Zebras do not change their stripes. If Anne Taylor sought Sy Ray out and/or Bryan Kohberger, well, what Sy Ray said to the corpulent content creator Harsh Reality looms large — Bryan K Likely f*cked.

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Litmus Test

Finally, wrapping this long-winded post up, Sy Ray has been a critical litmus test for those obsessed with this case. It has been pleasingly beneficial in separating the genuine from the imposters related to the quest for truth and justice for all. So many have failed the test and have fallen by the wayside. They are forever imposters. Exposed. Naked, like the emperor.

I will be covering this in a post to come because this post is already too weighted down. Sy Ray's TraX software is junk science despite his loquacious protestations to the contrary. CAST is junk science too and all of this will be covered in that post to come.

Sy Ray appears to have a firm grasp on the process related to this junk science that is historical cellular data analysis for geolocation purposes, but that doesn't change the fact it's junk science. The majority of the contingent of the crowd that can rightfully be labeled Team Kohberger by virtue of their unflagging zeal in support of Bryan Kohberger's innocence do not consider historical cellular data analysis for geolocation purposes junk science. They believe it's legitimate and they believe Sy Ray is not only a scientist but a rock star, the portly, plump Harsh Reality included. That's an insult to the throngs of innocent people this junk science has helped convict over the years. You can't be for truth and justice for all if you support this junk science and its practitioners and that includes Andrea Burkhart and Anne Taylor.

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What? Seriously? You actually said this? He did. Right there. In his own words. Wait, those aren't his words. They were someone else's words. Someone else's motto that Harsh Reality has now usurped like he usurped so much of that person's material before he ran him off.

This blathering, bulbous bovine and his cult-like braindead audience are in no way interested in truth and justice for all. The only thing Fatty McFat is interested in is his bank account and his next Doritos fix. I have no problem with true artists being remunerated for their creativity but this, what this freak does, is not creative in the least and in fact it's quite the opposite, it's destructive. It destroys peoples' brains if they had a brain worthy of destruction.

Until the next post, peace out.

PS: I know it's you, AJ. Where will we go from here? We'll see.

Moscow Murder Massacre (2024)


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