Heroes in the Half-Shell! - TheDragonLord2912 (2024)

Chapter 1: Intro

Chapter Text

Announcement from our writer: Hey guys! This my first time using for AO3 account as I have been using FanFiction.net for years. I got a number of stories to bring over and tell.

I'll get a description of my OC up and running but here's the summary of the story to come.

"You live, you die, you fight as brothers. Remember, nothing is as strong as family..." With the notorious Shredder and his Foot Clan on total control of New York City, a group of shell-wearing heroes will rise from the sewers with the help of their new friends. Based on the 2014 movie.

I got another story by the name of The Saint's Hope which will be one of my longest story to date. More on that later on. There will be some spoilers in this one for future fanfics. Before I get started, if you guys have seen the 2014 movie, you would notice there was some Japanese dialog. We all know the translation version. I would like the Japanese part of it. I would rather use Google Translator to do the job for me but I would like some help for other sources. That would really mean a lot! My OC, Sally/Salvadora, will go by the name Sally Hope. She is April's roommate and small-time assistant for Channel 6 news. She is replacing Taylor from the film and her role is much bigger.

That's all I can spare at the moment. Tell me what you guys think. Like I said, there will be spoilers in this FanFic that will tie with my other FanFic. Catch you guys later! Peace!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 2: Prolouge


Here comes the prolouge!


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from our writer: Hey guys! Another short chapter before we kick off the show!

Let's go!

You are...extraordinary, my sons.
Unlike anything the world has ever seen.
Bound for greatness.
Destined to protect the people of New York.

A dark force is growing.

A criminal organization known as the Foot Clan.
So named because they step over the good people of this city with no regard.

Their leader - The Shredder – will come at you with ferocity.
His Foot Clan will outnumber you.
The people of New York will look upon you as their only hope.

Eyes focused.

Elbows locked.

Stance low.

And we begin.

Be one with the blades.
Lead their path.

I know you are eager to answer their calls, but your training is not yet complete.
The world below must remain your home.

As your father, you must trust me.

Patience. Patience.

You're not yet ready to go above ground.
But I believe when that day comes...and you rise to the streets,...

...you are going to be responsible for amazing things.

And the legend will begin in the next chapter of:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: The Vigilante

Author's Notes: Hey. I thought I could bring a little profile about my OC.

Name: Sally Hope

Age: 15 (First film), 17 (Second film)

Gender: Female

Family: Dr. Hope (More will be explained in the future), Mrs. Hope (Again, in the future)

Friends: April O'Neil, Vern Fenwick, The Turtles, Splinter. (More will be put on)

Enemies: Sacks, Shredder, Karai, The Foot.

(I'll add her personality, likes and dislikes, and all that jazz later on. It's pretty late here in Australia and I am trying to get into a routine here. Early to bed, early to rise.)

Like I said at the start, her role is much bigger and she will be replacing Taylor from the movie who was only in two scenes and that's pretty much it. I thought we can get rid of her and replace her with my character. Seems fair?

I am going to start on my RotTMNT fanfic and I am trying to come up with a title. How's doesRise of the Mad DogsorRise of the Heroes in the Half-Shell? I could use some help.

My other big story,The Saint's Hope, I might change to mature viewers in later chapters. Why? Well, after watching the 2k3 show countless times and after FINALLY reading the Mirage Comics, I am changing it a bit up. I don't want to spill any too soon into the game.

Ok, I guess that's it for me. Stay tuned for more!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 3: The Vigilante


"A reporter, April O'Neil and her friend Sally Hope are trying to get to the bottom of the Foot, only to find something hiding in the shadows."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from our writer: Hey guys! Well, here is the first chapter like I promise. I got a few followers down which will be mention in a sec. I will still be doing my other stories, I promise. My big one – The Saint's Hope – is going to be done, if I use my time wisely, three years tops. That's all I know. I swear!

(The docks, Manhattan, NY – 7:30am)

The bright sun has already rise up in the distance; shinning the city of New York on this clear, new day.

The honks and sirens of cars, buses and trucks were bustling through the crazy streets of the Big Apple. There were many people who are up this early time of the day for their daily dose of work, school and/or play. Early bird. First worm.

It may seem like a picture of calm when you take a good look at it, but in the air is not a vibrant one but more tension and not very peaceful.

New York City has always been in danger. From both within and out of the shadows.

Right now is one of the most rarest time in the city to be at peace. A growing darkness has now been overshadowing the city on edge for many years. And it has always been like that. Nothing or no-one has the guts or might to put a stop to it. Places like the dangerous streets or underground tunnels or abandoned warehouses would be the ideal locations where, like roaches, have been overtaken by a mysterious force that almost has a gripping control of the entire city. If they succeed,…the whole world would be a doorstop away.

And in one of these certain places has grabbed the attention of two particular ladies. Both of them have woken up very early to get the jump on things by heading all the way to the docks. Once the word of a huge activity that has happened down at the harbours has gone out, they wasted no time to check it out. Hopefully to get a huge story out of this.

One has a notepad and pen. The other has a video camera. And they were both racing after the man that the eldest of the duo wanted to get a few words from him. The youngest has started to film the interview.

The older woman of the duo was wearing her signature yellow leather jacket with a purple zipped-up hoodie and a grey shirt underneath it. She has a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of high ankle boots. Winter has come & gone, and it is still a bit chilly which would explain the extra layers. She has long, dark auburn with no bangs and green painted fingernails. April O'Neil is at the age of 24 and is a full-time reporter for Channel 6 News which explains the lanyard around her neck with the key card attached to it. It is her first year on the job after spending her 4 collage years getting her degree in journalism.

Her youngest companion with her is at the age of 15 is wearing a dark purple beanie over her shoulder-length light brown hair with bangs going to the right and a pair of black glasses. They're not prescription but the ones you can buy at Target. Underneath her long-sleeve cargo jacket is a dark blue top with a picture of a Yin-Yang in white outline, a pair of light Demin shorts and black high-knee socks. Covering her hands are a pair of fingerless sleeve gloves with stripes on the forearm section and a pattern of a skull-shape on the backhand. On her feet are a pair of pink High-Tops and her fingernails are too painted with a shade of white.

She has been living with her best friend for nearly a year now. Before that, she used to live with April's mother and older sister. Where they lived was a bit cramped but after scoring the job as a news reporter, the teen herself went over to live with her current guardian. Before living with April's mother, she used to live with her father in Brooklyn. But he was then sent away for an important trip and he couldn't bring his daughter with him which has to be one of the hardest decisions that he has ever had to make. That was two years ago is when she last saw him. Sally Hope too has a lanyard but is working as an internship at the news station. And as soon as she and April are done with what's happening at the docks, she needs to head to school. Not a big fan.

The reason why these girls know each other is both their dads were college roommates many years ago. Involved in the same study as each other and have scored the opportunity to work in the Big Apple. Many years ago, they were both involved in an immense project that would change the world as one of the former employees quoted. Everything was going so great…

…that is until a fire changed its plans.

Only April's father paid the heavy price as he was in the lab when it happened. The young girl herself was eight years old. Sally was born a few months after that Big Disaster. So, the teen herself never had the chance to meet her friend's father that she has heard tales about. And Dr. Hope has acted as a father's figure over the girls since then. To this day, April still can't get over her father's death. It is not easy to lose someone at such a young age. And if it was Sally's father instead,…she would never knew her own father.

"Mr. Rivetti!" the reporter herself calls out to the supervisor himself. She and her friend were trying to get his attention while all he wants to do is get back to work. Something big that has happened and it needs to be taken care of. "Mr. Rivetti. Mr. Rivetti, please."

They have finally caught up with the head Dock Worker who slows down to talk. He knows that they are not going to leave him be. He might as well tell them.

"You two are the most persistent humans I've ever met in my life, I swear," he admits. But he doesn't stop walking which causes April and Sally to walk backward. The reporter gets ready to write down her notes while the teenager has already aim the camera now recording at Mr. Rivetti, in case April forgets to write any important info. "Look, I already told the cops everything, all right?" By the sound of his tone, he really needs to get to work.

"But maybe there's a detail you could've forgotten to share with the police," April fussed. Her pen and paper were ready and Sal's camera was already rolling.

"Sweetheart, you don't forget something like that." Mr. Rivetti has a pretty clear recollection of the previous events which…he would like to forgot as it shakes him to the core. "Ten guys storm in here – broad daylight – force us to the ground at gunpoint." He then points to one of the cargo not too far from them. "And these are restricted chemicals." As he mentions the last words, Sally whips her camera to the shipment. It was blocked off thanks to the police tape earlier. She brings the camera right back to the interviewee. "Benzyl cyanide and some deaminating agents, too. You don't buy this stuff, even on the black market." In other words, they are very hard to get a hold of them and for obvious reasons, the crew behind the attack, have a very specific interest on obtaining these…chemicals. The question remains…why?

He should know that every reporter would have this information and be done with it but April was staying and wanted more. And so was her friend.

"Wait, you said deaminating agents, those are used in genetic research," the young woman explained.

Mr. Rivetti's expression pictures a frustrated but intrigued look. This girl has done her research. She is persisted. He has stopped walking, giving the chance for April to flip a paper over and press onwards. "Is there anybody else that's trafficking these sort of chemicals besides you?"

"There's one other high-security facility along this waterfront," Mr. Rivetti answered before looking at the other direction to see a singular vehicle in the lot. It is not one of his own. It must belong to them and their friend. "But they don't move nearly as much cargo as we do."

Coming from where April and Sally ran from was their much-older driver. Wearing his sunnies, a black jacket with a light grey top underneath, a pair of blue jeans and big brown boots was April's cameraman - Vern Fenwick. For the past year of knowing the two women, Vern has acted like not just a co-worker but also a good friend to them. For Sally, he was like a cool uncle to her in his opinion while for April…well, he is always trying to personally win over his attractive female colleague for himself, even making corny jokes just to get her attention. The teenager of the group can easily see through his anaemic affections for her roommate.

With his sunnies on & his lanyard around his neck and looking at his watch, he was just waiting patiently beside the Channel 6 News van. The girls – mostly April – have dragged him to the docks to get a possible report on the notorious gang that have invaded the area and stolen the substances. But since this story has not been authorised by their boss, they have to hurry to their actual report.

And the big boss herself is not going to be too happy if one of her reporters and cameramen doesn't show up to the designated area at the appointed time - a minute or more - she will be handing over a couple of pink slips to them before they can walk through the front door.

Vern walks a foot towards the interviewer, the interviewee and the young camerawomen. "O'Neil! Hope! We're live in 30 minutes! Come on!" To prove his point, he taps his finger on his wristwatch, indicating them that they need to speed up.

Annoyed, Sally drops her arm to the side with her camera strapped to her right. "Uhh, now?" She turns to her friend who was just as frustrated as she was and gives her a shrug. "Looks like we gotta jet, April."

But April doesn't want to leave. Not when she was getting a new direction on her story. "Uh…" she looks back Mr. Rivetti who was just about to leave. "No, no, no, I'll be right back. Please don't go anywhere. I'll be right back," the reporter avowed as she and Sally both rushed back to Vern.

As they get closer to him, they can note the annoyance on their friend's face. "Come on, you two are killing me." Vern is the kind of person who hates to joke around when they are on the job.

"Like to cut into our good time, eh, Vern?" Sally kindly retorted. The story was getting a bit interested and Vern has cut the session short.

"I'm working," April bleated.

Vern points to the interviewee. "That's a paying job?"

April rolled her eyes. "No…" But she wishes.

"…because we have an actual paying job," the older person of the group added. He opens the driver's door. "Look, you don't think that every crime reporter in this city has been trying to work this Foot Clan story?"

On every news channel, there is always a Foot Clan story. It has always been happening for many years now. Every crime reporter as Vern would say, have been trying to find the truth behind the terrorist group. Including April and Sally.

"We know that, but there is a new angle on this, and I am this close to getting it," April breathlessly states as giving the small hand gesture of the exact term. She then points the same hand to her interviewee. " I just need a couple of more…"

…and Mr. Rivetta has left.

April signs in defeat and drops her hand. Great. So much of getting the story of the century.

Recognizing her friend's exasperation, Sally turns her camera off and places a hand the lady's shoulder. "Maybe next time." April turns to her friend. She nods in agreement. Next time.

"Let's just stick to what we're good at," Vern reassures them, but they gloomily (mostly April) walk away to the other side of the van. The man once again cheers them up. "Let's stick to what we're good at. We're good at it."

He has always tried to find the decent side to their awesome job. But April doesn't agree so. He hops into his driver seat and closes the door behind him. Sally opens the passenger's door, leaving it open, and hops in first. The gloomy reporter is right behind her.

"And you know what I'm good at? Cranking out to some tunes!" He was hoping to turn some music to lighten up the dim mood.

Sally rolls her eyes. "I swear to God, Vern. If you start singing that song from Lego Movie,…I'm gonna jump ship!"

As predicated, they made to the site with 20 minutes to spare. Plus, getting something to eat on the way here didn't waste any time at all unlike the major story that April and Sally are trying uncover. At least Vern didn't play that corny song from an animation movie that just came out early this year for the girl's sake. Mostly Sally.

At the site of today's report was in the heart of the Big Apple as April is interviewing a special guest today who is unveiling an exhibition. The site is also barricade by metal fences so that way, nobody would move past in front of April as she does her report or come any closer to any of the gear that are set up or lying around for his, her or their opportunity to pinch it. But they are allowed to watch the scene. Lights and equipment were set up all over the place. April also brought a change of clothes for this particular interview. She is wearing a purple long-sleeve fitness top with a black jacket, leggings and a pair of runners. It was her workout gear that she got changed on the way here as she will be needing it for her report.

With his glasses off and chewing on a piece of gum, Vern has the large video camera resting on his shoulder while Sally was standing right behind him with camera with a zoom lens attachment. On many occasions, April has always let the teenage intern to stay and take a few photos for work and for her IG before she heads for school. She has been doing this since she lived with April's family. Her social media entitled of all the interesting things that are happening in New York, plus getting a few shots of her hard-working friend.

"In five, four…" Vern then uses his free hand to finishing counting down the remaining numbers. That way, the viewers at home would not hear his voices. Instead, there is upbeat music playing in the background as a selection of people exercising on trampolines with a few holding dumbbells in their hands.

Despite not getting the big story she is aiming for, April decided to put on a smile. Just for her small appearance. She is holding her mic to her mouth, waiting for que. "Hey, guys, this is April O'Neil from Channel 6 News and I am here in beautiful New York City on the first day of spring. And you know what that means. It is time to shed that pesky winter weight. And here with me today is celebrity fitness trainer Harley Pasternak," the reporter introduces herself and her guest, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Hi, Harley." She holds the mic to him.

"Good morning, April," he replies. Interviewing celebrities was part of April's daily life and Sally was lucky enough to be part of it. She can't wait to show her followers the photos of a superstar that she just met.

The fitness guru pressed on as Vern gets a bit closer. Sally remained where she is standing. "Twenty years I've studied the animal kingdom. There are fat pigs, there are fat cows. There are no fat birds." Well, there is Big Bird but let's not go into that.

He then directs April to one of the free trampolines for her to try the trial. "All right, I want you to visualize a sexy seagull." Vern moves a bit away for them to pass. Now on the mini trampoline, April straps some weights for her ankles, while still holding her mic. "So we're going to squat down and flap your wings. Right over there. Full extension."

April is now jumping up and down, just like how everyone else and how Harley instructed her to do. Vern even flapped his free hand to do so. Sally is taking more photos of the demonstration around her. Harley now stops the demonstration but everyone else keeps on going as he continues the lecture. "Picture you're leaving the cold north and you're flying. You're migrating."

This segment went on for about 10 minutes. Give or take.

Once that piece was finally done, April leaves to go to the lavatories to get changed back into her usual attire, but leaves her favourite jacket on the camera stand. Sitting on the edge of the open van was the photographer herself. Looking through the dozens of pics that she has taken and figuring out which ones would post on Channel 6 IG before she heads out. Her glasses were about to fall off from the lack of friction so she pushes them back onto her face with her index finger. Vern, sunglasses back on, was packing up the camera and equipment before heading back to the office.

A few minutes past by when the star reporter herself has finally returned as she grabs her jacket from the stand. "Four years of journalism school so that I can do that," she complains. All the hard work that she put through to get a fantastic job. But this…this is not what she had in mind. She then puts one arm through the first sleeve of her jacket. "Four years of my life, guys. It's embarrassing." On camera, she may have put on a friendly face. But off camera, the same look has come back when she couldn't get her story this morning. Sullen. She wants to do something bigger. Something better, rather than small news pieces that will get her nowhere. How is she going to prove herself to the world?

Looking up from her device in her hand, Sally can tell not on her face but also her voice that is pained. She feels it too. Their morning today wasn't very fulfilling. "Don't let this morning get to you, April. You'll get another chance." April turns to her and shares a gratifying smile at her and to whom she returns it to before looking down at her device once more. She finds it very sweet for her young roommate to encourage her when she is, as they say, down at dumps.

And now, it was Vern's turn. He does notice her frustration tone for a while now. Guess it was time for one of his pep talks and maybe something to actually cheer her up. He finishes placing the stand inside the van, takes his sunnies off and clips them onto his lanyard.

"Look, O'Neil, I get it,…" he turns to face her and Sally, but mostly looking at April, "…you want to be a serious journalist. I see you sniffing around the newsroom for the big stories. But it's okay to just give people something a little lighter. A little…little froth."

Sally looks up from her camera and she and April looked at him funny. What is he getting at?

"Froth?" they both spoke. April begins to smile a bit but Sally raises an eyebrow.

Vern lingers on. "You know, how, when you get a coffee, it's just, like, coffee, then they put a little froth on it. It's kind of nice."

"Vern, that's foam," April corrected him. Sally nods in the background.

Vern nodded. "Yes, foam, froth, you get the point. It's just…it's nice, it tastes good, it's candy."

Sally rolls her eyes. Seriously. Just what is he getting at? Is this his way of trying to ask her out? Vern still goes on. "You ever heard the expression, 'Never take candy from a baby?' It's because even babies love candy!" April smiley nods away despite getting a portion of the whole meaning behind his words. "It's nice. And you're giving people something they like that's good and nice. They look at you and they see, Wow, there's a nice…there's…candy—"


The adults both turned to the teenager. She has put away her camera in her backpack. "Just take a deep breath and spit it out before you kill yourself," Sally advises him.

Annoyed that he was interrupted, Vern opens his mouth but hesitates a little. Finally, he did what he was told and takes a nice breath in and…

"The point is, I think that…you should be rewarded, not punishing yourself. Okay?" Vern sneak a look to Sally. The girl gives him the thumbs-up. Much better. He turns back to April and points at her. "And I'm…I'm prepared to reward you. I say that we go to my buddy's old restaurant downtown. It's very vibey…"

"We just ate on the way over here," April pointed out before she walks away. She has her own mode of transportation. Her bike is parked next to the van with her own helmet.

It is true that they got meals on the way but Vern was hoping to have the chance to spend more time with April a little bit more. Just only the two of them while the little one is away. "No, I know we just I'm not saying for a full meal, we're just gonna eat appeteasers…"

But April has already got her helmet on, all ready to move out. "I got to go finish that interview. I'll see you at the office, Vern." Before she hops onto her bike…

"Oh, and Sal,…" The teenager has already hoped out of the van when she looks at April. "You gotta go to school. You promises your dad, remember?"

Letting out a frustrated groan, Sally's current guardian doesn't have to remind her twice. But it is true. Before her father left for his trip, Sally did promise that she would get her grades up, get a good education and find a steady job.

Rolling her eyes, she gives in. She hates to disappoint her dad and break her promise to him while he is on his trip. "Fine." She hoisted her bag over her shoulder. "See ya, Vern." She holds her fist out for Vern to return a fist bump to her. With that, she walks off, hoping to catch the closest bus that will take her to her school.

"See ya, kiddo." He then turns to April who starts to ride off. "And I will see you at the office!" He gives off a scoffs before putting his sunnies on. Perfect. He tried his chances to close to April and blew him off. Will he ever get his shot?

With today's report done and Sally off to school, April has no reason to stay behind as she rides her only transportation away from the site. Like she said to her roommate and Vern, she is heading back to the docks to finish her interview. She continues to ride through the busy streets of Manhattan.

So, this is what her life is going to be? Making puff pieces on a daily basis and not getting the big stories that would change everyday lives forever. All she needs is one story – one story – to make it big. At least she is making enough dough to support both herself and her teenage friend. But money is not what she has on her mind. She is now thinking what is the real truth behind the Foot attack at the docks. Why did they steal chemical that is, as she said before, used for genetic research? It boggles the mind.

Riding alongside the river, she takes a quick look to the right to get a good view of the giant green lady of Liberty herself before her eyes were back on the road. No longer riding in the busy streets of the Big Apple, she finds herself getting closer to the docks.

"I just wanted to follow up, Mr. Rivetti."

It was getting dark when she has called her interviewee from this morning. When she reached the same docks, he wasn't there. And it was a good thing that she has researched his number just in case. But he wasn't too pleased about it. Kneeling down with her back up against the board, April puts her headphones in to make this a private call. Her bike was parked right next to her.

"Are you kidding me? How did you get my number?"

She can tell that he wasn't jubilant as she was Skyping him. But she can't spare any details as she only wants answers to her own report.

"If I could just ask one more question,…" April implored the head Dock Worker.

Seeing that he just rolled his eyes, Mr. Rivetti was on the brink of hanging up. "Listen, I already told you everything I know about this crime, everything."

April was getting a bit desperate. "Wait, wait, wait…"

The caller signs in defeat. She is not going to let this up. "Okay, you wanna know anything else, you go back down to the docks and you see my guy Stan. He'll tell you anything else you need to know, okay?"

Finally. April was one step closer to getting her story. Hopefully this 'Stan' guy would be a bit more approachable than Mr. Rivetti is.

"And hey, do me a favor. Lose my number, all right?"

And that is the one favor that April did not do before heading back to the docks.

Night-time has already fallen on the Big Apple.

It took most of the afternoon and into the night for the young reporter to get back to the docks. Normally it would take her 30 minutes or less to get there by car. But she has chosen her bike to get to her location. It was only a few hours ago that she has called her young roommate to order dinner for herself just for tonight as she doesn't know when she is coming home. The forecast has changed from sunny sky to a light drizzle. Parts of the docks are illuminating with lights all over the harbour, only showing a few small spaces shrouded in darkness. Some of the machinery is still operating this time of the night.

Despite getting wet, the young reporter was getting close to her destination. April was riding on the pathway next to an easy street. Things do attend to be quiet at this hour.

Not for long.

Located at a shadowy part of the docks, away from the public eye and lights, they began to operate in the shadows. A cargo door swings open, exposing the inside by moving beams of lights. The ones who opened the doors were getting drenched but didn't care as long as they focused on their mission.

Flashlights attached to their firearm aims inside, swaying all around, in case there were any observers.

Their goal: Take what they need. No witnesses.

One of the operative steps in front. Her black hair is tied up in a high ponytail with the back part of her hair dyed red and shaved. Her short bangs had the same red under the layers with a section of hair on each side of her face that reaches down to her chin. Her piercing eyes have a darker shade of black eyeshadow. Concealing her body is a long-sleeve black top with a number of belts strapped on tight with a special gun rack on her right. Wrapped around her neck is a chunky dirty mixture of brown-grey cotton scarf. She has a pair of black jeans with her tanto resting in its gauntlet that is strapped around her right leg. Wrapped around her waist is a different but smaller scarf with the same pattern. She is also wearing a pair of black boots that she can kick anyone ass with it. She has black painted fingernails which complete the whole set of her entire attire.

Lieutenant Karai of the Foot Clan is in charge of this mission.

She eyes the label on the containers inside the chosen cargo. She looks to her soldiers. "Good." She leaves the load before a number of her men pilled in to retrieve the items.

"It's clear. Let's open it up."

Nitro Ethane for molecular biology. That is what they are retrieving. But for what? Well, it is part of the organic compound; a member of a large class of gaseous, liquid, or solid chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon. But for what purpose?

The soldiers have all concealed themselves. Just like their leader, they are wearing a long-sleeve black top with a number of belts strapped on tight, a mixed brown-grey scarf around their necks except for their waist is a utility belt with a gun rack, black pants and a pair of black army boots. Wrapped around their hands are dirty white sports taps from the hundreds of heists that they all pulled off. Some of them have blood in them. Their faces are pretty much hidden by a black ski mask and over the cotton mask is a kind-of kabuki-style masks that conceal one's identity. So, no-one knows who is really under the façade. They also have black make-up around their eyes just in case. Their signature weapons are the military guns that are top of the range. They look more like something out of Call of Duty or any Tom Clancy's games.

The large metal cans of the confined chemicals are wrapped into a pack of four in plastic casings. They are big but somewhat unstable enough for each soldier to carry carefully from the cargo to the back of the three black armour cars. Their headlights were radiating as well, giving a better light source for the operation without giving them away. Only a few remained on armed, in case of any intruders.

Orders were sounded in the air by a number of soldiers. "Container's good. Move on the next one."

"Move it out! Get those to the trucks now!"

More canisters were uploading into the trucks and not a single sound that would quickly alert the authorises. Only those close by…

Riding alongside the gated fence, April was getting closer to the docks. She hopes to find this guy named 'Stan' that would help her in her own report to make it to the big time.


The young reporter whips her head to right when the sound was made but faces the front again. Followed by same sound again, she turns her head once. A metal fence was on her right.

"Move out, next point! Go, go, go."

The voice was faint. But it does grab the young woman's attention. April hits the breaks on her bike, coming to a complete stop. As close as she is to the wired fence, she grabs hold of it and leans up against it but she doesn't get off her bike. Her phone was already pulled out from her pocket. It was a habit of her since she is a dependable news reporter.

Right now, she is in the deepest part of the dock where it is pitch-black. All except for a few lights activate. And it doesn't appear to be after night workers.


And when there is trouble, it could only mean one thing.

The Foot Clan.

Just the break that she was looking for. More yelling was made as April looks down at her cell phone.

Her first thought was to call Sally and tell her to get her butt down to the docks with a camera. But she can't at the moment. The adult knows that she would interrupt her homework session and would ditch it the second she calls her in. So, she decided to go for the second option.

Quickly going through her speed dial, she hits the 002. April places the phone as the line rings.

"Channel 6."

"Chris," she softly replies. "Chris, it's April. I'm down at the docks."

Chris, who was on two phones at the time, was occupied with the rush hour at the busy news station.

"We're in the middle of the evening brief, O'Neil. Whatever you got can wait for tomorrow."

"No, no, I need a camera cr—"

But Chris has already slammed the phone down, ending the call.

A dialling tone was made when the call got disconnected. Unsatisfied, April removes the phone from her ear. Great. So much for getting help. This news can't wait until tomorrow. It is happening right now.

She would have still called Sally, but she would be mad that she didn't call the enthusiastic teen first. Better not to mention this to her when she brings it up. April puts her phone away in the pocket of her jacket.

She cannot miss this chance. If she does, who knows when something like this will come around. But in order to do that, she needs to get closer. Hopping onto her bike, April continues to ride around the area. Thunder was now sounded in the distance and the rain continues to pour down.

The lightning may be loud but the voices were even louder as she gets closer.

"2-3-2, clear!"

April hits the brakes again and stops up next to the fence. This time, she gets off her bike and drops it to the ground. The wired fence before her was covered up by black tarp, unable for April to see through the material. Lucky for her, she goes to an opening where two tarps meet, creating a small gap for the young women to let her entire head to look through.

From what she learned from her interview, the chemicals used for genetic research were bought and stored in these parts of the docks. Guess the Foot have come back for more. But why do they need it for? So many theories were building up inside April's mind. Maybe once she gets a bit closer, she will know.

From her gap, she gets a better view of the cargo bay. Maybe not better but closer. From her view, she sees a few of them, walking around in front of a pair of headlights.

"That one's loaded."

"Get it out of my way."

"Copy that."

It is the Foot! She knew it.

The question is how many of them are there? How many trucks were there? What kind of chemicals are they collecting? Why are they collecting them?

She needs to know. The whole city needs to know.

Rather than call for more help, she will get the proof herself. It's a good thing that she pulled out her phone when she got off her bike. She lifted her cell phone sideways and holds it against the fence so the camera would see what she sees through the gap.

She turns the camera on. Beeping was made and the words 'LOW LIGHT" was flashing on the screen. Not to mention the view was a bit darker.

April lets out an exasperated sign. "Damn it." The lightning is bad from here. She needs to get closer. It may be a risky move but what choice does she have? She needs this story and this story could actually open doors for her.

Shoving her phone back into her pocket, April looks up. She may be wearing the fashion boots that are not suitable for roughen it but the fence was not that too tall to climb over. She doesn't mind if they get a little bit dirty. Grabbing hold of the wired barrier, she starts to ascent.

The soldiers were still at it. They have already filled up one truck and have now moved on to the second. By their calculations, it would only take 1 enormous cargo to fill up three large trucks.

A couple of soldiers are inside the cargo, passing the containers one-by-one to their team member. Keeping up this rate, they would be finished in no-time. They can actually make their deadline, just like all of the operations that they pulled off in the past.

"Unit two, area three, move!"

Unbeknownst to them, there was someone already here. And it was not the snooping reporter herself.


That sudden noise caught one Foot soldier's attention and lets out a gasp. He, along with a few more, were on guard. Only he was close enough to hear the sound and he was all alone. Securing his weapon in his hold, the soldier aims upwards.

The source must have come up there. With his gun and the light, he scans the area. But…he sees nothing. The cargos were stacked on top of each other, it was complete darkness. He can't see anything.

And that is what the intruder wants.

The scene was getting intense by the minute. His heart was racing, his short breathing was increasing and his sweat were now running down on his cloaked skin. But he shouldn't be worried. For many years, he was trained in the Foot. For so long, he was trained for any missions such as this one.

He was ready for anything.

But not for him.

At the split second, something drops down from above, grabs the lone soldier and slams him into the side of a near-by cargo. Out cold in no second flat.

Not too far, two more soldiers both heard the commotion but one-by-one, were pulled back. They too were knocked-out.

Close to the main group, one of the soldiers spotted a figure that was hopping…from one container to another.

"I've got movement!" he alerted everyone. This caused all the operators to arm themselves. Karai places her grip on her handgun. Her hair was drenched but she was in high alert. Everyone is.

The shadow foe drops down. She sees him. He was now right behind one of the large containers.

"Keep your eyes over here!"

The Foot soldiers lifted their guns up and all approached the cargo.

"Weapons free!"

Ready to pounce on the intruder, their fingers were on the trigger. As they get closer to the target, the cargo itself was now scaping across the concrete ground.

Wait a minute. A large, 4.0 tonne, metal shipping container is moving on its own? Was it from this…strange figure? Is he moving it…on his…own?

"Hold position!"

The army staggered backward. Astonished, they kept their focus on the moving object whilst looking for their mysterious adversary.

After climbing over the fence, April was reassured that no-one has spotted her just yet. They were too busy dealing with…whatever just came to crash their party. She can hear it as she gets closer. Taking her helmet off and drops it to the ground, the bold, young reporter looks behind and in front just in case if anyone spotted her. Her yellow jacket and long locks were drenched and the top portion of her head will soon follow afterwards. The loud noises of moving objects and weapons clashing were getting closer with every step that she makes. And don't worry, she'll come back for her headgear. After she gets her story.

But more importantly,…who is there…with the Foot?

A loud grunting noise was made before the giant shipping container was then lifted off the ground…and goes flying a few metres across! The force itself sends a number of Foot soldiers flying off their feet and a few landed into the river. One of them ducked for cover while some went over the trucks.

Whoever this guy, he appears to be stronger than he looks. This guy leaping on buildings like Spider-Man but has the strength of Superman himself!

Normally they can handle any cops in New York, but this guy…this thing was not anything that they have seen before. And it was starting to be too much for them.

As the leader of the operation, Karai was in charge of making the shots. "Retreat! Retreat!"

Everyone in black didn't question their lieutenant. They did what she commanded. Every soldier, including the ones who have just woken up, all escaped into the black vehicles.

"Move, move, move!"

"Get out of here!"

The tires skidded their tires on the surface as all three cars zoomed out of the park. They only managed to escape with a few canisters, leaving a great deal behind in the cargo. All thanks to the little ambush tonight.

April was now the only human remained on the scene. She peers over the corner of the shipping container with her back up against. The reporter also ducked for cover as each of the cars comes zooming past her but it didn't bother to stop or notice her. They were too busy fleeing for their lives.

So much was running through her mind. Just…what happened? Why were they running away now? Who were they fighting against that made them retreat?

The trucks have all left the docks. With the Foot gone, it would now be safe for April to come out. But what if…whoever or whatever that scared them away…is still out there? April would have to take that risk. It comes with her current job. But the young news reporter didn't get any photo evidences of any of the criminals' activity.

Panting very hard, April hears an unusual sound. Her eyes then darts over to the moved shipping container…and to a moving figure.

Form her visual, what appears to be a large bulky man. It swings up from a large lamp, smashing the light out and lands on the roof. He stands up straight, twirling what appears to be a small weapon in one hand and another in the other.

And he appears to be looking at April.


April was officially stunned. Was this the guy – that one guy – who single handling defeated the Foot? All…by…himself?

April came here to find something about the Foot, but now,…she has come for something …bigger.

This…this could be it! Her big story! She has actually proof of what could be the biggest buzz of all time!

But she needs evidence in order to do that. Digging her hand into her pocket, April pulls out her phone. She only takes her eyes off the mysterious hero for one second as she quickly turns the phone camera on. With her camera ready, she was ready to get actual proof. The excited reporter lifts and aims her phone at the saviour from the shadows – the city's shiny hope of defeating the terrorist themselves…

April then holds down the button to take a picture of…nothing but a busted dock lamp.


April looks down at the taken photo. He was right there. Just a second ago.

How did he move so fast? The hero himself…no, the Vigilante himself…was gone without a trace.

Looking up from her phone, April hopes that this Vigilante left something behind.

With the coast is clear, April cautiously removes herself from her hiding spot and walks into the open. She then examines the scene of the crime. Doors from the single shipping container remains open, tire tracks were marked on the concrete ground and…a spray-can still pouring substances.

The Foot doesn't carry spray-cans around. Does it belong to…him?

April continues to look around, trying to find more evidence. But…there was nothing. No traces of clothing or any weapons or anything! There was nothing that is worth showing to anyone.

Well,…maybe this black marking on the side of the used container.

Eyeing that peculiar design, April quickly rushes over to the tagged shipping. Looking behind her to see if anyone was still around, April walks up to it and comes only a foot away.

It appears the symbol looks…Japanese oriental in black with some parts in red. It was not blood.

And…it looks like it has been recently painted. Did he do this? Was it his calling card or something? When did he have time to do this? He must've been pretty fast.

The panting reporter holds the phone up in front and starts taking shots with the flash on. Taking a few more pictures, April quickly looks up a few times to where she spotted the shadowy character. Maybe he is still around? Or maybe he has left already?

Well, April can actually confirm one thing. New York City has a Vigilante. And he is hiding…from the shadows.

After capturing enough photos, April decided to head straight for home. The paint from the symbols begins to melt away from the wet weather.

I have got to tell Sal about this!

(April and Sally's apartment, Manhattan, NY – 9:47pm)

After a gruelling hour of finishing the last of her homework, Sally was free to kick back and relax. Right now, she was working on her social media post on IG.

Picking out the best photos, she posted on the Channel 6 page (and then hers) on April's report on the fitness session with Harley Pasternak. She was getting a number of likes and comments from her followers. A few of them were from school. Some were impressed but there were others who felt a bit jealous that she got a chance to meet a celebrity in the flesh.

Having followers is one thing, having real friends is another. Sally doesn't really have any close friends to talk to or hang out. She was much of a loner. She likes it. But it doesn't hurt to have a close friendship with her roommate and their colleague at work. There was another face in the old neighbourhood that she grew up in. She hasn't seen this guy in over two years since she has moved to the O'Neil's. She hopes to catch up with him in person and not through the internet. Well, last time she heard from him, he is still working on the police force and that was a few weeks ago.

No longer wearing her casual clothes, she was decked down into her lounging gear with a grey oversized jumper that shows off her right shoulder, black baggy shorts, a pair of pink slipper boots and her black glasses. Her short brown hair was long enough for her tied it up into small pigtails.

The tapping of her keyboard on her laptop was now mixed with the sound of rattling keys were made outside of her door, and they were now jiggling into the keyhole.

Speaking of whom…

Frantically, April swings the front door open and heads to the one place that her teenage roommate would be. Her heart has not stopped racing since she left the docks. She couldn't hide what she has seen tonight. She was about to lose it.

"Sal. Sal!"

Finishing up her post, Sally closes her laptop down and puts on the coffee table in front of her. "Hey, I just finished my homework and I got some pizza for you if you're hung—"

But April doesn't have time to eat. She quickly drops her bag on the floor and her helmet on the small comfy chair before turning her attention on her friend. She will probably hate her for this but would be very interested on what she has to say.

"You have no idea what I just went through. I am freaking out," she rapidly stated. Her clothes were a bit wet and her hair was some-what matted. Seeing the look of anxious on her friend's face, the teenager gives her roommate the full attention. April was having a mild panic attack as she is prepared to give her the news. "I saw a Foot Clan attack."

Just as she predicted, Sally was mad.

"WHAT?" The teenager shots straight up. She can't believe that April went ahead with the Foot Clan story behind her back. She though they were supposed to be a team. The enraged teen points her finger at her guardian. "You witness a Foot Clan attack and you didn't bother to bring me? "

puss*d-off at that respond, April sneers her eyes at her fuming friend. "Thanks for your concern. I was terrified," she sarcastically fires back.

Realizing what she said and how she said, Sally takes it back as she looks on from livid to remorse, holding her hands up. "Sorry. Sorry. Didn't mean to yell at you." The teen calms down. She didn't mean to lash out. She hates to be left out. Technically, April had no idea that the Foot was going to show up. She ain't psychic. It was a hunch to go to the location where an attack might happen. With that apology out of the way, Sally was now intrigued. "Are you okay? And what happened?"

The reporter takes a deep breath and presses onward. "I was riding my bike by the docks. It was night, it's dark already and there are Foot Clan soldiers everywhere." Sally was nodded along with April's events as she pressed on. "Then out of nowhere, there was this guy fighting back against them. And he…He left behind this symbol. And I know that I've seen it before. I can't remember where. But there is someone…fighting back against the Foot Clan. There is a Vigilante in this city. And no one knows, but I do." April's smile grows a bit more all thanks to this excitement that happened tonight. Still captivated, the teenager was hanging onto every word that she is saying. Mostly about this guy who is indeed fighting against the toughest criminal organisation. Anybody would be nuts to go up against them. "I know. And now I have my story. There is no more froth and foam for me."

As April has come to the conclusion, she relaxed her shoulders and was taking a nice few short breath. The young reporter was glad to get it out of her system. If it was anyone, they would not believe any part of her news. They would think it might part of a prank or something. But Sally…she was not just some people. Judging her friend by the way her posture is and how fast she was talking, she knows that April would not make up something like that. She didwitness something huge.

The teen was, at first, slightly angry at April for not bringing her along to any Foot-related activities. But she would have loved to see the action. Even if she did have to miss any math questions for homework. But there was something Sally wants to know.

"That's great, April! Sounds like a huge story right there! So, quick question: Does this froth and foam have any photos or anything at all?" she wonders.

That is when April's brain clicked and digs her hand into her pocket. She nodded so fast. "Y-yeah! I did get a few photos of the symbol." She throws her phone to her friend.

"Awesome!" Sally catches the phone and presses the button. She looks to the screen, pleased that April has got some actual proof even without her friend's help…but her smile drops.

And so does April's. "What is it?" There was definitely something wrong. Did she lose the pictures? She couldn't have lost them. She took a couple before she left the docks in the rain. But did the water from the rain went into it, short-circuit the phone and lost it? Maybe her thumb was over the lens again?

The stunned teenager looks up back to April, and then to the phone again, and finally, back to April. She then opened her mouth…

"What's your password again?"

Or April didn't bother to give her the password or open the phone for her.

"Oh, sorry!" The older woman goes over to her friend to type the password in and shows her photo. Seeing the marked symbol, Sally believes her friend every bit. April can be sure of one thing.

This could be the biggest story of the century!

And thus, the story continues. April saw the mysterious Vigilante who single-handle took down the Foot and left without a trace. What will happen next? Find out more later in:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Enter the Shredder

Author's Notes: Well, what do you guys think? I am a little rusted after not being able to write for some time now. Forgive me, but I do hope I will finish this be the end of the year. (If nothing goes wrong on my watch.)

First off, I would like to express my condolences to the royal family on the loss of the Queen herself.

Second, I will be uploading these probably weekly so I can focus on other things in life. I am also thinking about doing some security work while I am on the job hunt. Also, some of these chapters will be both short and long. Same will happen for the sequel.

Speaking of which, I will be writing up some adventures that will take place between the first and second film. I got some great ideas by adding more mutants, bad guys from previous shows, comics, and many more. I got most of the ideas but what would you guys like to see? Shoot some suggestions. Plus, I could really use the help when it comes to Donnie's techno-babble and Mikey's knowledge of pop culture. I would appreciate that.

Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 4: Enter the Shredder


"April and Sally try to get the story out about the Vigilante as the main villain comes out to play."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from our writer: Hey guys! So, what did you guys think of the first chapter? Not bad, huh?

Anyway, I will try to keep this brief and move on to the next chapter. Just to be clear, I am a little rusty from not writing any of my stories as I have been occupied with a lot of things like work, job hunting, drama classes, preparation for my dance concert, family visits, and such more.

Let's move onto the next chapter, shall we?

(Channel 6 News, Manhattan, NY – 6:57am)

Getting up early was definitely a habit for the two roommates. Even if they hardly got some sleep after last night as one is a reporter and the other is a high schooler.

After witnessing the events that occurred down at the docks in Brooklyn late last night, April O'Neil couldn't get any sleep at all but she did a quick cat nap before she and Sally Hope made their way over toChannel 6– the TV station where the older woman works full-time and her young roommate has her internship. April cannot wait to tell and show her boss what she has got. This story of the century could blow wide open in a matter of minutes. Before they head up to the main floor, April and Sally had the time to print off a few photos, size them up to A4 and securing them in a paper folder which it is in the hands of the eager journalist herself.

April still had what she wore yesterday but instead has a blue top on without the purple jacket as the weather was warming up. He bag is in one hand while the paper folder with her special report is in the other. Sally has the same thing on yesterday as well but this time, it is a white top with the design of a red dragon and she changed her socks from black to the ones with pink-and-black stripes.

They woke up early, hopped on their bike & scooter, ride all the way to their work, went past through security and made their way to the 19th floor. Once at their stop, their boss was already there with a small section of news reporters including Vern whom was busy on his phone.

Bernadette Thompson was an old, overweight African-American woman who is the CEO ofChannel 6 News. She is wearing a large dark grey light jacket with a white loose shirt underneath, a large beaded necklace, a pair of black cotton pants and comfort brown loafers. Her choice of hairstyle is a large black curly afro. She got one hand in her pocket and the other out in the open as she approaches her team before her.

"All right, we need a lead for tonight. Who's got it?" she asked. They have already got the morning and afternoon covered and now, it was their job to show any report that is newsworthy for the 6:00 news.

Some people started to put their hands up. A man with curly orange had his hand first. "Uh, 'major redevelopments proposed for lower Manhattan'."

Not interested, she shakes her finger at him. "No." She turns to another one, a brunette sitting at his desk.

"I got something. 'NYPD task force taking credit for small decline in Foot-related crime.'," a reporter named McNaughton suggested.

As a busy news editor of the biggest TV station in the country, this peaks Thompson's interests. So did everyone, nodding their heads in agreement. "I like that," she settled before turning to everyone. "Let's run with that."

"Yes, ma'am."

The one who suggested the first piece holds his hands up and signs in defeated. Any story that has theFoot Clanin it tops all other stories in the room. Now that they have their own piece for tonight, she can move on to the next agenda on herTo-Dolist. But not before April and Sally have both arrived into the scene.

"7:00 AM broadcast, we have three minutes to air" was spoken through the loudspeaker as Thompson sees the reporter herself along with the intern. This hasn't been the first time that the two girls have come up here unannounced as she is a lifestyle reporter, not a serious journalist and the teenager is an unpaid intern. She stops walking when the two girls halt in front of her.

"Oh, O'Neil, Hope. I'll talk to you two in minute," Thompson said. She was going to have a word with the 24-year-old and the 15-year-old about their interferences when she has the time. But with the report in her hands, April cannot wait for her boss. She's hopes that her story would get her attention. Vern looks to his left to see the reporter and the teenager with their boss.

April stops her again as she begins to speak. "We know that we're actually overstepping our boundaries by being here, but we think that you're gonna want to hear what I have to say." She then proceed to join the other reporters and so did Sally.

"Hey, you guys have got to hear what April has to say," the teenager speaks to the group and stands by her friend's left side before facing Thompson.

The editor decided to put a hold on her duties for a minute and hears what the young reporter has to say now that she has all of their attention, including Vern who puts his phone away.

"Um, I witnessed an attemptedFoot Clanrobbery at the docks in Brooklyn last night," April addresses to her fellow workers. Just as they predicated, everyone was now all ears and captivated to know more. But some are doubtful as they have heard other rumours to it.

"Hold on, the scanner said that gunshots were heard, but there were no reports of anyFoot Clanactivity," McNaughton stated the obvious facts. It is true that April was the only one and she saw the whole story but they are relying on the police scanners instead of being at the incident in person. Isn't that what great reporter do? Be there on the scene?

"That's because whatever they were attempting to do wasstopped," she pointed out.

McNaughton would like to know one thing about her reason to be at the location. "What were you doing in Brooklyn anyway? Was there a trampoline convention?" he mocked her. He was obviously talking about the news report that she did yesterday morning which it is not newsworthy in her or anyone's cases.

A few only chuckles at the comment, backing the male reporter himself. Vern gives a mocking smile before Sally steps in. "She was in Brooklyn because she was reporting, not sitting behind her desk,McNaughton," she sneered, defending her friend in the process and fixing up her glasses.

Doesn't have the time for the childishness behaviour in her workplace, Thompson decided to be the grown-up and butts in. "Okay, kids!" Taking a few steps forward, she gives an 'I'm-watching-you' look to McNaughton before turning her attention on the girls. "Who stopped it?"

Sally turns to the reporter. "April?"

With all eyes and ears on the reporter herself, it only took April a second to begin her story. Hopefully what she has to say would be enough for her colleagues to believe her. "Well,…there was this…guy. I didn't see him clearly, but he was swinging these giant shipping containers and knocking these guys into the…Into the river."

As she was talking, McNaughton was rolling his eyes but by the time she gets to the "shipping containers" part, he looks around him and gives off a sardonic scoff.A guy…was swinging large shipping containers?This was very hard to believe.

Even Thompson was having a hard time to believe that one human would have the power to lift and move huge objects like the cargo containers. Sally has heard the story before and it sounds like something from a comic book but anything can happen. She was probably the only one in the room who doesn't think twice about her roommate's story.

As for Vern,…he was just chewing on some gum. Despite making eye-contact with her, he doesn't know if whether he should believe his co-worker's report or not as she continues presses on. "There is aVigilantethat is fighting back against theFoot Clan. There's a huge story here!"

A hugestoryor a hugefarce?

"O'Neil…" everyone, including the peeved April, looks to McNaughton once more, "…I think you foundSuperman. That's cool," he mocked her once more.

Everyone gives a chuckle. Sally, giving a smirk, steps a bit forward so she can get a good view of the contemptuous reporter. "Hey, McNaughton?"

He looks at the teenager. "What?"

Sally sneers at him. "Shut up."

McNaughton was taken aback by the teen's sharp tongue and decided to, as she puts it,shut up.

April turns back to her boss, full of confident. "TheVigilanteis real. I saw him."

Maybe…maybe O'Neil does have something.Until now, there was nothing that could stop the notorious criminals. But she needs more than just words to her employee's story. She walks a bit closer to her. "O'Neil, I'm gonna assume that you would not come up here and tell us thisfantasticstory without some tangible proof."

The teenager nods and points to the folder. "She does have proof," Sally said before looking at April. "Show her."

April was already on it. She opens her binder up and grips her fingers on a piece of chosen document. "I took this photo…of one of the shipping containers," she explains. She finally pulls out the photo that she needs, looks at it for one sec before showing it to Thompson. "I actually think that it may be his calling card."

The CEO takes the photo out of April's hand to examine it. To the young reporter, it was proper evidence that the so-calledVigilantein her story is real and poses a bright hope to the people ofNew York.

But to Thompson, she simply scoffs at this.This is it? Just a photo of a desolate art?She amusing shakes her head and looks to her young reporter.

"This is nothing, O'Neil," she said. "What is-This is nothing!" Thompson was not buying all this.It has to be some kind of joke, right?Thompson does not like jokes and even if she does, she doesn't have time for it.

Couldn't bear to watch any more of the scene unfolding, Vern breaks his eyes on the girl and takes a sip on his coffee mug.Oh boy. She is making a fool of herself this time.If she was trying to get her big story, he would not imagine this way. By making up something on the spot. Still listening into the story, he scratches his eyebrow.

"That's exactly the point.Somebodystopped aFootrobbery and left no evidence. There is…nothing." Only the symbol. And April was willing to put her job on the line to prove that is not a false piece of evidence.

After hearing what O'Neil has to say, Thompson suddenly gives a lightly gasp.So, thisisa joke!"Oh, I get it. You want me to put…nothing…on the nightly nights," the boss quipped on this scam.

"What?" the teenage gaped.

Offended that her boss thinks this is a joke, April shakes her head. "Of course not…"

But Thompson hands her back the picture as she doesn't want to hear another word from April. Thanks to her, she has wasted a few precious minutes of her morning – and her schedule. "You know, I'm gonna pretend we never had this conversation. I'm erasing it from my mind." She turns to the rest of the small group. "And the rest of us, we're gonna go back to work. Let's hit it!"

Giving one more disappointing look at the women before her, she finally walks away from her employees and resume her daily routine. Everyone else has already split up for the day, only leaving the two girls, dejectedly, staying in one spot.

The young adolescent looks at her friend and places her hand on the tired reporter's shoulder. "I know you weren't lying. I believe ya. You saw everything." She can't believe that their boss did not believe what April has to say about what she saw last night.

April disappointedly nods. "I know."

With the morning wasted, Sally has one question to ask. "So, now what?"

Maybe they need more proof on theVigilante? Maybe with Sally's help this time, April could really have another shot of proving her story was not fabricated. But…she was the only one who saw the mysterious figure in the shadows. The same figure that took down only a small group of theFootwith ease.

Even so, they have really blew it this time. Mostly April.

There is gotta be someone else, other than them, to believe them. But who?

The morning news went on as progress with no new addition. The two news reporters, Gary Huntley and Alice Wong, are both at the desk to bring the 7:00 show.

"Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Channel 6 Morning News. New development in that ongoing sanitation strike to tell you about. But first, after reviewing the city's soaring crime rates with the police commissioner, Councilman Dan Gregor took to the steps of City Hall,…"

They draw their attention over to another screen in the recording studio. It shows a much older man with white hair and a few wrinkles – presuming to be the councilman – with a younger man just standing right behind him. The screen then switches to a few photos and videos of rare sightings of the one group that the city has feared the most.

"…reaffirming the city's commitment to fight against the rising crime organization calling themselves – the Foot Clan. He did so on the heels of a renewed contract with Eric Sacks and Sacks Industries."

The kind benefactor himself, with his combed grey-brownish hair slicked back and spotting a nice grey suit, was standing right beside the councilman as he begins to address to the public about their issue at hand.

"Using the Sacks research and securities technology, this city greatly improves its chance of bringing the Foot Clan to justice!"

As his speech comes to an end with a promising note, everyone at the live recording applauds at this. Including Sacks himself. As a man of his word, he would do anything to protect the city that he dearly loves. Now that the city can finally rest easy that they have a hero in their time.

Whenever there is hopeful saviour within the streets in the Big Apple,…

(Unknown place, unknown – 12:00pm)

…there is also a malevolent menace lying, waiting in the dark shadows.

Kneeling on the Tatami mats, he is in the iniquity room as the aroma of the incense from its pan floats in the air. A number of antique katanas are resting up on the wall stand and are placed all around the room. Dressed down in black silk, the threat himself has his head been bowed to the ground. Flexing his hands and fingers, he lifted himself up to see one of his men present. One Foot Clan soldier approaches him.

The room's only light source were the shallow lamps hanging from the ceiling. Sweat beads were dripping down on his bald but scarred head and both his wrists and body are all bind up together in a durable rope. He is ready.

His lieutenant was also presents but she remains on the other side and was at a further distance than one of her lackeys. There was a very good reason why.

Which is why the lone, chosen soldier, shaking in his bones, approaches and halts in front of the man before. It was time.

"Hajime!" the man spoke.

Despite sweating in his mask, the petrified soldier took the first turn. Leaping into a horse-stanch, he swings a left hook to the side. But the tied-up adversary leans back for the strike to miss its target. The fighter goes in for a right hook, but as it comes around, the restricted opponent heads-butt the side of his face onto the fist; earning a nasty crunch. The combatant quickly retracts his hand and grabs hold of it. He can feel it already bruising and a few of his knuckles split.

He goes for a punch with his left hand. The warrior himself was too quick to lift his chin and uses it to lock the wrist within his grasp. With one swift movement, he locks his chin and digs it to the side; cracking the soldier's wrist into two pieces. With two of his weapons damaged, the man would have to rely on his feet to deal the rest of the match. Releasing the soldier from his grip, the man spins on his knees until he is leaning on his left side and delivers a painful side-kick into the soldier's guts. Taking in the pain, the soldier inclines his stomach inwards. He would assure that his master was finished.

But he was not done yet.

Lifting himself up, the bald head man swings his right foot around and earns a bone-crushing whack into the metal face-plate. After the final blow was made; the soldier goes down for the count. The young scared women darts her eyes on to the man who drops dead. He was still breathing, but he will be feeling the pain when he comes to.

With the skills and strength that this mysterious menace brings proves to be a nuisance to those who would stand against him. Karai's eyes were locked onto the fight the whole time. She too feels trembled by his skills, even when she is not up against him, she can still feel it.

With no more of his men to battle against, the training session was over. Without any difficulty, the strong rope bounded him snaps off him. The once resilient piece of materials falls off the winning fighter as he stands up.

Right now, he was not pleased with the news that his lieutenant has brought before him.

Just before the session, she has given him the update on last night's raid at the docks. It was supposed to be a smooth break-in with no interferences. And even if there were, they should have no trouble handling it at all cost. Until…

He now draws his attention over to Karai – his adopted daughter.

"(Your men are weak.)," he addresses to her.

Her eyes are still focus on the damage; lying quietly but breathing on the ground. It was revealed to see that the last soldier was not the only one. A few more of his men were all unconscious on the ground. They all took turns fighting against their master. And he proved to be too skilful against them.

"(It's no surprise your missions fail.)."

He now moves towards her. Was she next? Was she going to be part of his…sparring match? She hopes not.

Cracking his neck to his right to erase the previous discomfort from his fight, he comes to a halt in front of her. Karai looms her eyes off her men and looks into his. She sees his entire face still concealed in the darkness. She could only make out his cold, piercing eyes with the faint glow. Her master was most concern but mostly, very disturbed that on why their mission have been intervene. They have dealt with many forces before like the police and wannabes punks. But after what has happened last night, it was very hard for him to believe. She better have a very good reason.

"We couldn't have anticipated theVigilanteshowing up the docks,…Master Shredder," she reports her answer to hersensei.

The Shredder.

The notorious villain himself that has seeps into the underworld of the city is standing before one of his trusted associate and was feared by all.

Peering down on his top soldier, he was not very satisfied with this. He has taught his men – taughther– better than that. As his adopted daughter and best fighter of all, she was in charge of the operation. They should have been prepared for anything that comes barging in their path. But because of the interferences, they only manage to retrieved a few canisters. Shredder was not satisfied with only a few containers in his disposal.

"(You have been trained for such contingencies.)," he snarls at her.Notvery satisfied at all.

But Karai does have a cause of all this. On why their mission was slightly unsuccessful.

Looking down to her feet, she tries to find the right words to speak. She looks back up to him. "But we've never seen an enemy like this," she quietly responded. She can still picture the incident in her head over and over again. Her words spoke the truth. She hasneverseen anything like this in her life. "Theirsize. Theirstrength. They're nothuman."

And so is the Shredder. Well, he is human but there is no man can evenly match his expertise. It was no wonder that he can easily take down his men without any assistances at all.

He shakes his head. "I don't believe in fairy tales." But then, he darts his eyes to one side and to another. He has dealt with this kind of fantasy before as his clan has done in the past. From his very first ancestors. "It's what society wants to reduce theFoot Clanto – a myth. But theFoot Clan…will rise again."

From whom he was named after – Oroku Saki – the firstShredder– was known to be the feared in all the lands of Ancient Japan just more than 1000 years ago. With the help of his army – theFoot Clan– he was nearly at victory within his iron grip. But he was then defeated at the hands of rebels and their allies before he could even seize full control of Japan and made him the supreme ruler.

After theGreat Warhas ended, they were now history for many eons…until their return to reclaim its glorious power that they so rightfully desired. It was now history repeating itself. TheseVigilantesare just like the rebels. Unlike before, they need to be…eliminated.

A plan strikes inside his corrupted mind.Shredderleans forward. "Capture theVigilanteshowever you can," he orders his lieutenant her next assignment. "Use innocent people as bait. No one will stop us in our quest to reclaim…victory. We will own this city."

That was the promise that he made to his people and to his clan. The promise that was passed down from one generation to the next. Karai gives him a slight nod. She has a chance to redeem herself. This time, she will not fail him.

Guess with no-one else believing April's story and introducing the Shredder into the mix, it will be a matter of time before the real heroes show up. Check out in the next chapter of:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Eric Sacks

Author's Notes: Hey guys! How's the holidays holding up for you? I had to miss a day of work cause of the public holiday here in Melbourne. I got some more ideas for my stories. I just wish I do have the time though with my busy life at the moment. Guess there is nothing much to say. I do hope this story is very enjoyable for you guys.

You guys take care of yourselves, alright?

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 5: Eric Sacks


"April encounters a familiar face from her past. Sally becomes very suspicion. And the Foot are ready to make their move. And so are a few from the shadows."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from our writer: Hey guys! Just another short chapter today but the warm weather is fast approaching. It has been too long. I don't mind the cold weather and such but still it is torturous for what we had to go through. Then again, the summer weather can also kill us. I have been thinking of getting work in security or something. Just trying to do something different in life. I am also planning a trip to Japan. I got many ideas down but I do like to hear what you guys have to say. (I remember watching Hamish & Andy's Gap Year in Japan years. Where's the restaurant with the monkey again?)

Anyway, I haven't told you guys this, but,...my drama group and I audition for these roles to do these voice overs for a few short films and guess what?





So excited! The recording session is in a few more weeks and I...haven'tgot the scripts yet but very excited for it!

Enough about me, let's get on with the rest of the story, shall we?

(Sacks' Tower, Manhattan, NY – 6:30pm)

Despite making a fool of herself by showing her boss and colleagues with her friend's help with would be her biggest story of all time that contains little-to-no evidence, April was granted permission from Thompson to allow her and her team of choice to attend an exclusive event. Vern and Sally was chosen to act as her cameraman and photographer.

It was going to be hosted by a particular figure that the young reporter herself knew personally. Someone whom she hasn't seen for many years now.

Since this event is black-tie, April is wearing sleeve-less black V-neck dress with a pair of black high-heels. Sally too decided to dress-up. Wearing a short-sleeve lacey black dress that stops at the knees with a nice, dress black jacket over the top, a silver belt around her waist, and a pair of black slippers. She ditches the beanie, but still keeps her glasses on and has her hair all straighten out. Vern is the only one not dressed up. He worn what he had on yesterday.

Located on the bottom floor of the company, this special event was all booked out as all the stars of theBig Apple are all here. Even the police force are all attending to which they have signed a contact with the important businessman himself to help combat against the trepidation threat. The teen photographer herself was thrilled to be here to take more shots for her Instagram.

A spotlight from the ceiling and a few small lamps are focusing on a small podium just located on the medium-sized stage. The MC speaks through the mic and that is when the entire audience is cued to applaud.

"Ladies and gentleman, please join me in welcoming the NYPD's top benefactor – Eric Sacks."

The older man was wearing the same suit that he had on during his live broadcast this morning. Or maybe it was a different suit. For many years now, his company –SacksIndustries- has worked its work from the ground to the top and now, he was doing a great contribute to the city that he dearly loves.

As the crowd continues to clap, Sacks looks over to the table that is closest to the stage. He gives a bit of a chuckle and points to them. It would seem that he was returning some kind of gesture to someone in the front row. Cameras were flashing, including the one from a certain news channel whom she was getting a few nice photos for work.

The applauding was coming to a close as Sacks was ready to give his speech. He holds his hands out. "Please, please. Please," he spoke through the mic for the crowd in the far corner of the building to hear him. "Sit down, sit down."

Everyone did as they were told. They all took their seats and focus their attention on the generous man who is making a great change to the community ofNew York. The cameras continue to capture more shots and the video cameras keeps on rolling to record this speech. The room is now silent as Sacks begins to talk.

"I have to say,...it's wonderful to see so many people out here tonight, especially in a neighbourhood so hard hit by theFoot's crime wave." Around the same area are a number of important companies, that are just lying about in the open where they too are targets for theFoot Clanto pinch.

For the first time and never before he has revealed this to the public, Sacks decided that tonight that he would share the origin of how his company took it first steps. "Years ago, my life was touched bytragedy." His voice was starting to break but reverts back to his sturdy tone. His backstory may have been one not to remember but it was easy to share the pain rather than keep it all bottle it up inside. "I was a young scientist working with a world-class team on cutting-edge research."

Not only he, but a few people in the same room have or had a parent who was involved on that same team many years ago. And they were the reporter herself and the young photographer as well. And then that is when the story gets deeper. "And our laboratory was attacked, set fire to, robbed, by the cowards that call themselves theFoot Clan. Several of my employees..." the businessman takes a pause, replaying the tragic event that is playing inside his mind before getting back to reality, "...losttheir lives that day."

The photographer herself has taken a small break from a few shots as she looks to her friend standing beside her. Both their fathers were part of this important team. Only Sally's father survived the incident 15 years ago. April's dad did not.

Sally was born a few months after the incident and was not there to experience it. It almost like those who were born sometime after 9/11. They were not here to witness or understand the pain to those who were there but they do feel agony and terror in a different way.

If the young teenager's father was in Dr. O'Neil's place instead, Sally would have never grown up without a father would the pain of not having her parents or any blood/immediate relatives around. She would only know him through photos, videos and stories from others around her.

April only knew hers for the first eight years of her life. It was not easy for someone at a young age to lose a close family member. And she knows that Sacks would carry around the same kind of pain. He does indeed think of the girls' dads as close friends of his.Maybe brothers. She continues to watch the marvellous man that she knew from her childhood delivering a pledged speech for a bright future.

The reporter herself may have been lost in her mind because of that memory, but she does remember how to breathe as she takes one. "And it is in their honour, in their memory,...thatSacks Industries, whether throughSacks Biomed,Sacks RoboticsorSacks Construction, will remain committed to keep the city ofNew Yorkourcity,...safe."

This causes the satisfied crowd to applaud again. They are all touched by his speech so far but Sacks wasn't finished yet.

"So whenever someone takes flame to the city,...Iwillbe there to put the fire out. And that's a promise. Thank you. Thank you."

His big speech was concluded by another round of a standing ovation as the guests all stand up. Sacks has done his job for the night. He stands in his spot for a bit before giving a bow as he walks away from the podium, giving a wave and off the stage. The cameras were still taking pictures and the video cameras were just recording the final seconds. Now, everyone can get back to dinner, but unfortunately, Sacks couldn't remain here for a bite to eat or to socialise as he has somewhere to go. But not before having a little reunion. With the busy businessman about to head for the exit with his bodyguard at his side, April decided to make her move.

Walking around the cameraman, April grabs the teen's attention. "C'mon," she utters. Not wasting a second to meet someone who knows her dad too, Sally picks up her camera bag and hurries up to April.

Only Vern remained behind as the female reporter and the intern breaks away from him and heads towards Sacks. He watches them go as he stops recording the tape and begins to pack the equipment up.

As he walks through the crowd, Sacks was greeted with a few words of acknowledgment as well as shaking their hands in return. "Great work, sir. Very inspirational."

April thought so too as she and Sally finally catches up to him. "Mr. Sacks?" She quickly caught his hand. This causes the entrepreneur to stop walking and faces the two young girls themselves. Thinking that they would like to get a few words with him, he would not have time. But once he knows who they are, he would be glad that he was halted. "April O'Neil. You worked for my father."

A smile brightens up on the older man's face. He couldn't believe who was standing before him. For many years, he would have never thought to be greeted by a familiar face. It has been 15 long years since they last saw each other.

"Oh!" he gasped. It was certainly a blast from the past. He gently takes the women's hand and holds it in his grasp, welcoming an old friend into his life. He shakes his head. He would have never the little girl, the daughter of a former colleague of his, who spends hours after school to grow up into such a beautiful figure. "I can't believe it. I haven't seen you since..."

"...since his funeral," she finished his sentence and ending it with nodding on a bluely tone. "It was a long time ago."

Sacks sympathy nodded. "Yeah." April's father was one of the employees that he lost in that same fire many years ago.

He understands what it must have felt when someone loses the one person that they looked up to and care for indefinite. He then looks over the young women shoulder. His eyes are then locked onto a figure right behind.

"Who's your friend?" he wonders. April looks over to her right to see Sally with her camera in her hand. He looks at her eyes and smile.They look like...

The youngster decided to introduce herself. She holds out her hand. "Sally Hope. You remember my dad, Jonathon, right?"

Surprised of the news, Sacks' eyes went a bit wider. Of course! He now remembers. The reporter's father was not the only person in this very room whom used to work with Sacks. The difference is that he was not killed in the fire on that fateful night.

"Oh, yes, I do!" he exclaims, shaking her hand. "Very glad to finally meet you. How's your father?"

As soon as the hands made contact, a slight shiver went down on Sally's back and a tingle in her mind but she keeps on smiling. That's weird.

Snapping out it in a split second, Sally nodded, releasing his hand. "He's good. He, um,..he's on a trip at the moment."For about three years now.

"And your mother? Serenity? How is she? I would love to see her again."

The young photographer's smile just dropped.He doesn't know. "She,...um ...shedied...when I was only a baby. Childbirth. Long time ago."

Sacks reverts back to his sympathy tone. "Oh. I see. I'm so sorry."Serenity Hope. Not just close with her father but he knows her mother very well. The last time he saw her was when she was heavily pregnant with the child. He does admire her beauty and selfless persona.

"It's ok."

April decided to butt in and wanted to say something to Sacks before he leaves. "Mr. Sacks,.." Sacks turns his attention back to the young woman. "...I just wanted to tell you that your words really resonated with me, and I hope to one day contribute to the city in the way that you do." And she means it. Other than her late father, she looks up to Eric Sacks as a great hero for the good citizens ofNew Yorkand possibly, the whole world.

And he has been paying attention as he has seen her not just in person but through media and the mic in her hand as he takes her hands once again. "Well, it looks like you're doing a pretty good job.Channel 6, very impressive, April." He still remembers her at the age of 8 – walking around the lab with a video camera in her hand, recording any footage of the top project that the gentlemen were busy working together. It went for many months before the great tragedy happened. Who knew the thing that she loved doing during her time in her father's workplace would lead to her dream job now that she is all grown up?

April gives a lightly chuckle. "Um..." she looks down to her hands, still in Sacks' grasp, then up, and then down again. "...thank you. It's, uh..." she looks up once more, "...It isn't exactly everything I anticipated it would be." Ever since she has got this job, she always wanted to do something big. Was this not what she has in mind?

"As long as you are true to yourself,...your father will always be proud of you," he said.

April was truly touched by his words.Yes, he would.

This small reunion went on until Sacks' bodyguard comes up to his boss's side. "Mr. Sacks, we have to be uptown at 7:00," he confirmed into his ear. April breaks eye contact from the tycoon himself and looks onto the guard.

Sacks gives out a sign while nodding. If he does not leave anytime soon, he will be late for his next appointment. But he was glad to see an old friend and to meet a new one. "I'll see you on TV."

April nods back. She has finished what she needs to say to Sacks. No reason to keep him around for now. Sacks looks at the youngest with April. "It was very nice meeting you." Sally nods back. Releasing her from his grip, Sacks resumes his leave, leaving April and Sally by themselves.

At least there was another person in the room would believe in the newsperson herself. Maybe when they met up again, she can tell her biggest story when Sacks has time.

As he walks away from the pair, Sally quickly, quietly inhale and exhales a breath. Her skin went a bit pale. She looks down at her right hand that she use to shake Sacks'. Her hand was warm. His was cold. But not at the touch or the temperature of the room. It was something else. Why?

Did she have a hunch or something? A gut feeling? Woman's intuition maybe? Her mind begins to wonder. This has never happened before. She hides the mild anxiety look on her face before turning to April with a smile. "He's seems nice."

April smiles and nods. "Yeah, he is." She didn't notice the colourless look on her face as she walks back to Vern whom was ready to move out. Sally was right behind, hoping to shake it off for the time being.

(The streets, Manhattan, NY – 7:08pm)

Horns were going off in the delayed traffic. The cameraman, the reporter and her assistant are all piled in the Channel 6 van. It has only been a few minutes now since traffic has been backed up but hopefully they'll start to move a bit in a few minutes. It was a quiet night after all. They have done their assignment. And there was no need to be in a rush to get back to the office. Vern, took his jacket off earlier, was in the driver's seat, hoping to take the girls home as there was nothing to do after the event at Sacks' tower.

No longer are the girls in their beautiful dresses as they have returned back into their usual attires. April had what she has on yesterday while Sally had almost the same thing on except she has white top with the dragon picture on instead of the blue shirt with the yin-yang symbol on it like today.

With the driver's eyes glued to the busy street, Sally was sitting in the middle while flicking through the recent photos in her camera, checking out some of the nice shots that she took. April was busy looking out the window in the passenger's seat. She was thinking about the little reunion that she had with the one person, other than her father, which she looks up to.

"Eric Sacks was so inspiring," she spoke up. "I know this is a story thatactuallymatters."

Vern looks at her and back to the road. He knows exactly what she is talking about. And so does Sally who looks up from her camera. Only the latter was on her side with the whole Vigilantepiece.

Vern looks to his partner. "Thesuperheroone?" he looks back to the road, wondering when the traffic will actually move for them. If nothing happens in the next few minutes, he will have to find another route back home. "That's a good idea. I should chase that down."

Rolling her eyes at his ignorance, Sally slides her device back into the camera case, zips it tight and leaves it on the floor of the van. "Yeah, we could go find him. Who knows, he might be closer than we think."

In a few minutes he will be. And more.

Piling out of the street on the right before them were a number of panicking citizens. Their screaming and their running have caught the attention of everyone within the lane. Including a news crew as well.

Confused, Vern darts his eyes at the frighten people whom are dashing in front of the halt traffic. "Where's everybody going?"

Although he wasn't mindful as the two other people in the van, he does watch the whole scene unfold in front of them. April and Sally all took a good look at this.

Distress has filled the area now as onlookers either watch or run amongst with the scared crowd. More screaming and shouting was sounded in the air. Looks like something dangerous was about to go down.

The girls both looked to each other. A nod was made between them. They need to know. April looks out of her open window to see if there is anybody coming her way. When the coast is clear, she swings the door open. Time to check it out.

The sound of the passenger's seat opens up has alerted Vern. Looking over to his right, he sees the reporter hopping out of the van, thus having a mini panic attack. "O'Neil! Where are you going?"

April didn't respond. She wants to know what is happening. And so did Sally. She was the second one who dares to leave the vehicle and the cameraman all by himself. "Sally! April!" he called out. But his yells were drown out by the commotion outside the vehicle. The teenager shuts the door and follows her friend who was trying to get someone's attention about the whole commotion.

"Hey. Hey! What are you running from? Wait, wait!" But no-one even stops for a second for the reporter to say what is going on or utter one word. They were too busy running down the street as she and Sally are going the other way.

As they come around the corner, the two girls have found out where the crowd were all coming from. The massive crowd were escaping from the train station.

But why? Why all these people are in a state of panic? What is happening in the train station that causing them to leave? And what could be the cause of all this?

(Unknown location, Manhattan, NY – 10:08pm)

"Shots fired, Broadway and Centre Street."

A dispatch was made over the small speakers. A number of computers screen, - big and small - are bolted down by a connection of steel beams and are in a curved angle. Each are showing different surveillances of train stations all over the city, including the one that is occupied with danger. Some were close to where they live. Normally, people would have seen a set like this one on a cop show, right? Well, you might be right and wrong at the same time.

One: it isn't the police station. And two: it is underground. And being underground was the perfect place for a number of four unsuspected figures to roam around. All cloaked in the shadows, they continue to watch the whole scene unfold. One of them is station at the computer centre. This was his area that they are all circled around. After viewing the whole scene that is happening live, he is ready to give a quick update.

"Surveillance uplinks are showing heavy,heavyFoot Clanactivity at the Broad Street platform," he confirmed.

One screen shows civilians running upwards on the stairs, leading them to the surface while only a few captures the whole underground station in sight. TheFoot Clansoldiers are taking a number of innocent people from within the shadows and holding them at gun-point. With the weapons in the masked militaries' hands, the people would not dare to move a muscle.

They all continue to watch the show. They have a slight idea on why this is happening. TheFootare after them. They are trying to lure them out for what they did to them last night. And they arenothappy.

And it was all thanks to the beefy-looking one. "They're taking hostage, dudes."

Like everyone in the entire city, they too are not such a huge fan of the notorious crime group as well. At first, no-one to this day would have the guts to stand up against them. Apparently, one of them did. And now, theFootwants to get even. And their wayto get evenis somewhat a bit extreme.

Right beside him was known to be the most concern out of all them. "But...you know we're not supposed to go above ground." To them,thatwas the major rule. The one rule he does not like to disobey. And they have a very good reason on why they are not supposed to go out in the open.

Plus, he wasn't too pleased when he found out of what his...friendtried to pull on last night. He was younger than him but older than the other two and the most reckless one of them all. The eldest of the group here was the mature one and was supposed to be in charge of his team. How can he let this happen?If father ever finds out about this,...

He turns to his worried comrade. "We've done this before. We started something, we gotta finish it."

And theFoot are not going to rest until they have been found and make them pay for the damage that they have caused so far. Not to mention that the more lives that are in danger, the worst that the situation will become if this continues.

The last one was the one to speak up as he is watching another screen. "This is insane..."

The eldest nods in agreement.I know! Lives are at stake. The Foot are everywhere. And there seems to be no cops in si—

"That cat is playingChopstickswith chopsticks!"

Rather than watch the danger on the live feed, the last member of the team was watching an internet hit –The Keyboard Cat. Did anyone of them mention that he wasbaby of the family? Guess not. He was known to get distracted at things like this.

The leader rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Don't be an idiot." He does so by lightly hitting a button, changing that screen from the video onYouTubeto the another surveillance.

"Aw," the youngest groans. Guess the fun is over and the action is just getting started.

And like what his brother said,we started something, we gotta finish it. They simply can't just sweep this under the rug. It needs to be dealt with – swiftly and silently. That is what they have been training for. And they need to do it without getting any innocent citizens getting in the way of the crossfire. And without being seen. And without telling...him.

Guess there was no other option.

"Okay. Let's rock 'n' roll, boys!" he commands. The rebel gestures a side fist bump to his big brother in which he then returns.

Grabbing two Katana blades, a pair of Nunchakus, a Bo Staff and finally a pair of Sais, it was time to move out.

Guess our heroes from the shadows are ready to move out. Guess we will see them in action very soon in the next chapter of:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Rumble in the Subway

Author's Notes: Hey guys. Fix it up a little here. Just been busy cleaning the house lately. Getting rid of some much crap that we don't needed. At least I am getting some work done with my stories. I don't know how long it will take this finish rewriting/re-updatingthis work but I am aiming for the end of the year. As well as the sequel. And I am still writing up stories that takes place between the first and second movie. I don't mind the extra help, thank you.

On a Ninja Turtle-related note, how many times have you guys seen RotTMNT movie since its released? Me? Too many and watching everyday ever since. I don't have a problem, do I?

Before I close off for tonight, I want to say good luck to the Swans and the Cats on the Grand Final tomorrow. First time back at the G since the start of Covid. AWESOME!!!! (I don't go for either teams but I'm leaning towards the Swans cause my godfather goes for that team.)

Take care guys!

Until we meet again,


Chapter 6: Rumble in the Subway


"April, Sally and a number of New Yorkers are trapped by the Foot in the subway, only to be saved by something in the shadows. The girls track them down to the rooftops and..."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from our writer: Well, footy season has finally come to an end. Congrats to the Geelong Cats for winning the premiership (the match, honesty, wasn't that exciting, i mean, I prefer last week Magpies vs Swans match. Now, THAT was exciting!). Anyway, got some time on my hands with fixing these stories up. I do plan to finish this on and the sequel by the end of the year. I got plans to go Japan and then a cruise straight after that. If you guys got an tips and ideas for my Japan trip, please, feel free to comment. I'm saving up enough dough for both trips. So, step closer to the goal! YAY!

Anyway, the next chapter is the one that I rewritten from scratch. Most of it.

And guess there is nothing much to say, let's get on with the next chapter, shall we>=?

(Broad Street platform, Manhattan, NY – 7:09pm)

The screaming from the pedestrians and the beeping from the busy traffic filled the air as fear has taken over the streets.

Just like rats, the frightenNew Yorkers are scurrying up the stairs and escaping from the subway. For what is happening down there was beyond scary. Even for the courageous men serving in the army would not stay down there for even a second.

After leaving Vern all alone in theChannel 6van, April and Sally have both barges their way through the packed crowd who are fleeing in terror. As the scared civilians are going one way, the two girls have dared themselves to go the other way.

They were all petrified. Well, so were the girls. But that didn't stop them from turning around and go the other way. Whatever is happening in theBroad Streetplatform, they need to know. And they have a gut feeling that something of big is going down in there.

Pushing themselves through, they finally reached the entrance of the underground train station. Pretty much all the stairs were flooded with escapees as April and Sally did their very best to squeeze past them as they make their way down the stairs. They have to put their backs up against the wall and railing in order to get pass. A few civilians did manage to ram into them but they just kept on going. No-one bothers to call out for the girls to turn back. They have no idea what kind of trouble they are in for. The crowd begins to diminish when they finally got to the bottom of the stairs. April halts at the corner, causing her friend to come to a stop.

"RUN!" cried out a scared woman who was running with her friend. She was referencing to them, of course. But they simply ignored the warning.


Not going to happen. They have come this far, might as well to stick around.

Only a few more passed them. April and Sally only look back to see a last few were running up the stairs until they were the only ones left in this ghost town. The older woman was peering around the corner to get a good visual on what the cause of this trepidation. Placing her hands on her guardian's shoulders, Sally manages to get a look in front. They were not alone.

"Go, go!"

In their sight, they don't appear to be wearing casual clothing. And they are not running out to the exit as they descended down the stairs to the lower levels. Not to mention that they were dressed in black, mixed colour scarfs around their necks, dirty bandages wrapped around their hands, wearing grey human-like masks, and they are carrying around a military gun in their grasp.

It's theFoot Clan.

Both of their hearts are racing. But mostly from the youngster. Only April has seen them up close, Sally hasn't. She is finally getting her chance to see them up close and personal. And now, she wishes she took her camera with her. At least, they both have their phones because they were about to get actual proof of the infamous crime gang of theBig Apple.

If they survive.

The place was now dead silent. But not abandoned. They would surely still get caught even if they make the tiniest sound.

But it would seem that they are the only ones left on the floor. It was just the reporter and her assistant -all alone.

April only tilts her head back a little. "Sal." Very wavered that she brought her along, she wanted to get the teen out of here. Her roommate, her best friend, her little sister – all into the mix. She made a promise to Sally's father. If anything happened to her…

Knowing what her friend was going to say, Sally pats a few taps on the woman's back. "I'm not going anywhere.Ride or die," she quotes the words from their favourite cop movie featuring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. But she quickly scrunches her face up when she heard what came out her mouth and the look of dread on her guardian's face. "Sorry. Poor choice of words."

April's panic look does decrease but doesn't disappear. Yep, they might die tonight if anything goes wrong but April can't help to admire the young one's fearless character. Something that rubbed off of her. And she knows what she means. Sally would never leave her side. Ever.

Only a few seconds has passed since the soldiers have disappeared down the stairs. Guess most of the action is happening below deck. They can't stay in the same spot forever. Wanting to get closer to the action, April takes the first steps away from the stairs and keeps pressing forward. Sally was right behind her. Moving from the bottom of the stair to the first pillar, the sound of April's clicking boots and Sally's squeaking Converse were composed in the silent station. The reporter was the first to duck behind it and her assistant did the same as she sits behind her. Deep breathing were added in the air as the two girls lean their heads to the side.


They flinched at the sudden muffled crack that was coming from the level below. They reverted back behind the pillar; in case they were spotted. The sound was pretty loud from a fair distance for them to hear. Their hearts were racing faster than Usain Bolt and sweat is now dripping from their skins.

A slight clunking sound of the shell was made just a second after the round went off. More screaming and wimping were heard by the young women. Sounds like there are more people down there. And they were trapped. On death's doorstep.

"If you want to live, do it! Go on!"

A faint command was sliced in the air. TheFoot Clansoldiers are threatening innocent people. Well, what did you expect from a terrorist group carrying around firearms in a public place? The question is why are they doing this?

Sliding straight up with the help of the pillar, April nervously looks down. How did they get themselves into this mess? If so, how will she and Sal get out of this one? Will they get out in one-piece or will the woman's family in Albany get the knock on the door by the police?

Guess there is no turning back now. They are deep in the lion's den now.

Sally too stands up with no help at all as April removes herself from the pillar and walks over to the turnstiles. Normally, you would have to pay to get through. But in a situation like this, they have another way. Placing her hands on the metal boxes beside, April kicks her feet up and jumps over it. Sally then proceed to do the same thing.

Walking away from the barriers, they approached another pillar. Only a few more left and they will be at the stairs. With each step closer to their destination, their hearts are on fire now. But so far, they have not been spotted by anyone or anyFoot Clanmember. Their breathing does not start slowing down as they don't know what kind of danger will strike them.

April finally removes herself from the support and heads to the next flight of stairs. Sally does the same…until she was yank back by unsuspected arm!

"Hey!" she cried out. April whips around to see her worst nightmare. It was theFoot!

The soldier himself locks his arm around the teen's neck with the other grasping hold of her head; securing her. Whoever has got her was careful not to snap her neck completely.

"Sally!" April rushes over to help her friend.Big mistake.

AnotherFoot Clansoldier comes up behind up and catches her in a trap as well. Where did he come?The two militaries are both holding the girls in the same grasp. The teenager struggles to free herself from theFoot's grip but it proved to be no avail. April too tries to pry herself off her capturer but fails to do so. They don't have the skills or the advantage to free themselves. It was no use.

They were not fighters. But they were. Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, they would not hesitant to take someone's life if they were ordered to. April was sure of one thing.

There is definitelyno turning back.

"Just stay down!"

"Get over here!"

"Keep moving!"

Multiple shouts were sounded by a number ofFootsoldiers in the dreaded subway. They were getting louder as the news reporter and her young associate were coming down the stairs with two Footwhom have them in their clutches.

They spotted them sneaking into the subway during their operation. And now,…they are going to pay the price.

They finally get to the bottom of the long stairs to see the horror show before them. Both platforms were now occupied by them as a number of scared and innocent individuals were held against their will.

"Keep your hands where I can see them!"

Everyone who is not dressed in black (unless there were Emo or Goth) and wearing the same mask on, did as they were told. They didn't fight back as the malevolent group were all armed and ready to pull the trigger. They are not fighters. They are not warriors. TheFootare.

Two more have joined the fray by holding more prisoners by the neck and the other by the wrist from the behind. That way, they won't escape. April was taken in first with Sally right behind her. With them being hostage, there was nothing that they can't do.

The best friends took a good look around. Horror and fright are written all over the New Yorkers' faces. A few of them had their backs up against the wall. Some were up against the metal pillars and the rest were hunched down on their sides on the marble floor. Only a few were forcibly moved by the extremists themselves. Judging from the total, (and not count the monsters before them) there appears to be 20 people on the platform.

Sally now regrets and wishes that she has taken up self-defence as an after-school activity but it won't do much good since the Foot are all armed. They were all not bulletproof. A shot or two can take anyone down.Permanently.

All they can do now…is pray for help.

"Move to the side."

The other side of the platform was filled too but not as much people as the current side is. And all of them at gunpoint. Even the slightest movement or disobey could be very fatal for the detainees. April and Sally tried to squirm their way out of theFoot's grips but no dice.

This could be curtains for them.

But they didn't just brought guns to the party. Pulling out a small box from their utility belt pockets, each of theFootplaced and secured them tightly on the wall before pressing a small button on them. Charging noise were made now that they have been activated.

"They're bombs…" one civilian alerted. This raises everyone's panic level a little bit more. Especially to those who are close range to them.

"Shut up!" barked one of the soldiers. A few more were placed on the walls and pillars. Only a small portion can blow the place sky-high.

April and Sally pass by aFootaiming his gun at his captive whilst in his grip. "On the ground!" he shouted, pushing him up against the pillar and down to the cold floor by force.

And now, it was their turn as they were both violently pushed to the ground. April was the first to hit the ground while Sally moved past her and was shoved in front of her.

"Ow!" she yelped. The forced shove almost sends them to the edge of the track but the monsters would not care who gets hurt or killed. As they made impact, some bruises on the body and head will later formed on them. No doubt that theFoothave ice packs for them or anyone that got hurt because of them. Sally felted the slight change on her head. She looks over her head to find where her beanie went off to. Seeing how close to the edge that they are, the headwear was resting on the painted line.

Now that his hands are free, the soldiers have armed themselves once more. "Nobody move!" one of them ordered to the new addition. They leave them to their shivering and goes off to another section of the subway as ordered.

As soon as theFootleft, Sally reaches her hand forward, quickly grabs her headwear and places it back on her head. Surprilisy, her glasses didn't fall off.

April looks up and gets a good look at the soldiers and the people before them. Those who are not part of theFootare far from safe. They know that this is dangerous situation that they have gotten themselves into. Right now, everyone did what they were told to do. Even if they tried to escape, they would all meet their same fate. Impaled by bullets or blown to smithereens.

She does notice a different soldier in the pack. The one with the black tied-up hair with red dye on the back and no mask on. She must the one in charge. April wonders if she too were at the docks. Guess she is.

The hostages were now on the edge of why they were now held against their will. Only a few manage to get away. Some went or had to leave the love ones behind, unknowingly leaving them their fate. Only the Lieutenant and her men know why.

Sally placed her hand on her guardian's free hand, snapping her focus on the scary woman with the gun in the distance. "You OK?"

Terrified, April nodded, squeezing her friend's tight. She was trying to be brave for her young friend's sake. But she knows – they both know that they were petrified. Afraid. If anything goes wrong, April might to see her dad for the first time again in 15 years and Sal...she might my her mother for the actual first time.

April wants to capture the event unfolding. If she can manage to live-stream or take any photo without giving herself and Sal away. She looks to her friend for permission. Sally gives a nod but not before giving one more squeeze, thus releasing her hand from her grip.

Karai walks and surveys the room. More shouting are coming from her troop. With this amount of people, – big or small – she was hoping this would be enough to try to lure theVigilantesout from his hiding hole. They are the ones who caused her mission from yesterday to be a failure. It does not please her boss. Hermaster. Thus, it does not please her too.

And what better way to lure her prey out than using live bait. Don't expect someone to dress the drag and do the hula. Now that the trap has been set, it is time to play the waiting game. But Karai was not a patience woman.

Silence peaks in the air. The beeping from the bombs is still hot. Karai stops walking around the platform and halts on the spot. She looks to her left.Where is he? Why won't you show your face, coward?

Maybe some taunting would be suffice. "We know you're out there!" No response.

She whips her head to the right. Any fool who dares to jump in and be the hero would be eliminated on the spot by any of her men. Or byher. "If you don't surrender, we start executing hostages!"

The hairs on everyone's neck spikes up. That's what they are here. Theyaregoing to kill them. But who is she speaking to? They don't know.

Maybe…maybe someone who is coming to save them?Power Rangers? TheAvengers?Justice League, maybe? Either someone from the comics or the boys in blue, they don't want to die. Everyone has got their loves one at home and their whole lives before them. And now, it was going to be cut short.

TheFootwere too eager to deal with some damage in the house. They all aimed their weapons at the frightened people. Some were holding someone dear to them tight as it might be their last day on Earth. "Get your head down! Don't move!"

Karai continue to observe the area. Her hand was on her weapon.Where are you, Vigilante? Do you not care for these simpletons? Whether they are a no-show or not, blood will be drawn tonight.

The whistle from a train was heard in the distance. What's even weirder is that ever since they have come down here, not a single train has not passed through here. Maybe theFoothave somehow hacked into the system and rerouted their course into another station. That way, they would not be distracted or have their plans halted.

"Don't make me tell you again! Not a word!" The soldiers continued to bark at the vulnerable.

Reaching inside her yellow jacket with her right hand, April O'Neil pulls out her phone. The caution adolescent was still on the lookout to make sure that no-one is watching them. While looking on the other side of the platform, she sees April in the corner of her eyes as the reporter opens up the camera on her phone with a swipe.

Getting either a picture or a clip would be a risky move, but as the reporter and the photography ofChannel 6, they need to record the action for the world to see and if anything happens to them.

"Don't look at me!" shouted another soldier.

April lift her phone up and aims it at Karai & a few of her men.

Wait. Did she remember to put the phone on slie—


Sally's shoulder tensed up at the noise.Too late.

Hearing the abrupt sound in the quietness, Karai turns to the source. It only took a split second to see something different from the picture. There was someone…on the ground…with a camera in her hands.Big mistake.

She grabs hold of her handgun, co*cks it and aims it at them.


At the same time, April and Sally takes her eyes off the former's phone and looks up at Karai. She has already spotted them with their device. And now, she aims herdeviceat them. They were told not to do anything if they want to live. Sweat was now breaking through their skins. They have been caught. The much older woman immensely walks towards them, aiming her loaded gun at her targets, ready to shoot them down like dogs.


April and Sally both apprehensive now. The gun is aiming at the older figure of the duo. If April doesn't comply, the bullets from the gun woman herself will be sent flying into the body of the strong-minded correspondent.

But not tonight.

The magnets of the lone on-coming train scraps against the rails as the vehicle gets closer and closer to the preferred station. But it was not slowing down.


A sudden yell was screeched in the distance that causes Karai to stop walking and turns her head away from her targets and at the source.

Everyone on the platform – good and evil alike – all heard it. Karai's gun was still aiming at April. Sally whips her head to where the source came from. She sees headlights in the distance.Is that a train…A scream in the distant was followed afterwards. Was it made by one of her own men? Or was it…

Karai's eyes went in full horror.It's him!The Lieutenant screams something in Japanese. Nobody had time to translate her. That is when the overhead lights of the platform went out. The place was now concealed in the dark with a few light emitting. Was it theNYPD? Have they come to save them and to put a stop to theFoot? Whoever shouted from before and killed the lights doesn't sound like them.

The whistle of the on-coming train was heard. Sally watches it as it closely approaches the platform. And, if her eyes are playing tricks on her, there is something on top. "April!" she yells to get her attention. The older woman too looks up at the impending vehicle on their right. But it doesn't appear to be slowing down. Why is that?

The reporter still has her phone up high and hits the record button. Good thing too. Cause what they are about to witness was something…unbelievable.

Before anyone can react, the train zooms right past them…

…and a large being with long sticks in each hand jumps off the moving cart and lands on the platform. The figure has caught the girls' eyes before he takes sprint towards the armed Lieutenant.

"On your 12! Come on!" Karai pulls the trigger and bullets went flying as she shoots at the on-coming foe. Still walking and fully aware of theVigilantewho finally shows his face, Karai continues to fight. Unlike last night, she is not afraid.

Then…how come he is still moving? No matter how many bullets that she unleashes, he was not going down. It would take a single shot to make a giant like him to go falling onto his knees. Why isn't this happening?

She didn't have time to think when another one of them takes her by surprise and slams into the Lieutenant; sending her flying into the hard tiled wall. She lets out a yelp as she comes in contact on the hard wall, cracking a number of tiles off the structure. The FootSoldier herself lands on the ground with a thud and was now out cold. Luckily, none of the hostages were affected from the impact.

A chuckle was made mostly by the one who rammed into her who has two chain-like weapons in his hands.

Wait. There was one and now…TWO?


Another dropped down on the same train, holding two smaller sticks in his grasp, and charges at one of theFootsoldiers.


He was then followed by a fourth one appears to be holding a large stick. He too joined the third guy in the brawl.


Everyone in the subway were now astonished. Despite not getting a clear view on their faces, they couldn't believe what is happening.

There is someone orsomebodies…fighting back against the tarnished criminal gang. And those on the one platform are all witnessing this incredible moment. One minute before, they were at the end of their ropes and the next, they were being rescued.

One at a time, theFootsoldiers were then fling across the room and collided against the wall. It was all happening so fast that nobody had the time to blink. If they did, they would miss a heck of a show. One of them was doing chanting as he lands a successful hit. The numbers of ruthless soldiers were dropping like flies.

With the reporter on her phone, she was tapping it every second of it. They have not blinked since this scuffle began. April holds it up, hoping to get a good angle on the action. And she was hoping that she has enough storage on her phone. One of these…large fightersgrabs hold of the screamingFootand throws him into the moving train, smashing the windows.

"That's right!"

AnotherFootnot too far was shot up by the one with the long stick that…spring up…making itlonger? His impact destroys one of the overhead lights, emitting sparks. ThatFootsoldier then falls onto his fallen comrades.

Karai has already come to. She looks up to see another of her operation going downhill. Distress was shown on her face. She couldn't believe what is happening. Last night at the docks, there was only one guy. And now,…there are more.He has brought friends.

"Like a shadow, bra," one of these cloaked warriors spoke.Bra?

The one close to her with the two long sticks that seated on his huge back, was right now duking it out with one of the last fewFoot. His opponent wasn't able to keep up with his attacks as he continues to endure the hard blows to the chest and face.

"How you like that?" he jested before giving a kick to one more on his left.

The lastFootmember was kicked multiple times in the chest by a much larger one. With one more swift motion, the last soldier slides across the ground and ends the ride when his back was met with the stairs.

The only ones left standing were the four fighters. All four cloaked in the shadows. All four now victorious of the battle. And all four of them are heading for the emergency exit, covered in yellow tarp.

"Let's go! Let's move!"

As soon as the train leaves the station, so do these four beings that disappeared into the large material.

For the entire battle, April O'Neil and Sally Hope did not take their eyes off the mysterious figures for even a second. Everyone else was either looking at the unconsciousFootor at the moved tarp not just too far from them.

Everyone is very much alive. They were all saved. Their lives were all spared from theFootby these four…incredible heroes. They areheroes.But just who are they? And how did they have the guts to go up against the extremist group themselves?

Now the danger was over, everyone in the station wasted no time to head for the nearest exit. Some only stayed behind, including the two girls. Not taking their eyes off the tarp, April and Sally both quickly stand up and rushed over to the emergency exit where only a few gathered around it.

"They went up that way!"

"Did you see that?"

Nobody here tonight would be able to sleep tonight after what they have just witnessed. And they don't think that their friends would be able to believe this tale.

"Here, here. They climbed up here!"

A few were pointing at the hidden entrance, fenced by a few wooden barriers. April and Sally halted just only a few feet away from it. They were just astonished as everyone else in the subway at the moment. They couldn't believe it. And all of it just happened in such a short time.

"Right here."

"Some kind of freak!"A freak? What kind of freak is it?

"There were a couple of them! Like a…whoo!Right past me!"

April exactly knew who it is. It was theVigilante. Possible the same one that she saw last night at the Brooklyn docks. If so…he was not alone.

"They saved us."

They did save them. Whoever they are… they areheroes. Came out of nowhere and stopped theFootfrom harming innocent civilians.

It wasofficial. April was going to get her story. And she better hurry or else it would be too late and she would miss her only chance.

Looking to her right to see the speechless teenager, April doesn't know whether she regrets it or not for bringing a child with her. But now, she doesn't. Miss Hope missed out on coming last night. Looks like she will get her chance to see theVigilanteup close. If they get a move on. April then looks behind to the same stairs that everyone is taking to the exit. Giving a few taps the shoulder of the teenager, snapping her out of it. Sally sees April making a break for it to the stairs. Knowing that this story could be big for her friend, the feisty teenager was already on it. She quickly tails her friend and heads for the steps.

The only ones who stayed behind are the villains. They were at the moment knocked-out and all tied up. They were all seated like it was theLast Supperby DaVinci himself. The heroes have indeed left a present for the cops once they show up.

Sirens were still wailing by the time that the cops have arrived to their destination. TheNYPD all spotted a number of people pouring out through the gateway from the underground subway. A few are screaming in panic. Others were trying to catch their breath. The officers have come to the right place. A few cars all parked right outside and the cops all poured out of the vehicle, ready to infiltrate the place.

April and Sally were the last few people to exit the subway but were trying their very best to push past through the rushing crowd. More like the reporter wants to find theVigilantesas soon as possible so she can finally have a huge story on the heroes that battled against theFoot Clansoldiers and saved many lives. Sally wished she did indeed bring her camera so she could have recorded the whole epic showdown.

"Go, go, go!" They both rushed up the stairs to spot the cops entering the building. Armed with their firearms and shields, the cops, along with the SWAT team have all entered the station. "Let's go. Guys! Both sides!" cried out the SWAT team leader.

Instead merging with the rest of the crowd or reuniting with Vern, April and Sally broke away from them. Not too far from where they have just exit and rushing past a few parked cars in the middle of the road, they both see the same yellow tarp. It appears to be covered where a manhole is and was located underneath a fire escape. The same manhole cover that came from the subway below.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!"

"You see that? I smoke that dude!"

The girls both looked up. Right beside them was a seven-story building with the fire escape that goes all the way up to the top. And there were voices on the rooftop. And they sound…familiar. It's them!

It was it.

It was time to see what the heroes of the city look like.

In order to get to the rooftops, they have to clear an entrance on the fire escape. They grabbed hold of the steel ladder and folded it down. Once the ends are placed on the concrete ground, April was the first to start ascending with her friend right behind. As they continue to climb closer to the rooftops, the voices are becoming clearer.

"Yeah, boys, bring it in."

"That was amazing. You were incredible!"

"Great elbow, Donnie."

Donnie? One of them is named Donnie? Not much of a superhero name. But other than that, wonder what the others are called?

And it sounds like that there are only four of them? And there were only four beings who took theFootdown with ease. Adrenaline was going through their veins as the two bold lasses have nearly reached the top floor of the building. They stopped to catch their breath with the small metal ladder bolted to the wall before them. And they are very close as the strange voices grew closer.

"Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about. This isourcity! These areourstreets!"

"You mess with us, you step into the Wu-WHOO-Tang!"

Man! Whoever these guys are, they really want to take back the streets from Foot if they caused them a lot of pain.

All they have to do was climb the ladder and they will have a clear view of the ones who saved them and everyone else in the subway tonight. And April will finally have her story. But only one person can climb the ladder at a time. Which is why Sally is letting her enthusiastic friend to go first. April grabs hold of the bar and starts climbing. But as quietly as she can be without giving her and her friend away.

"Ooh, yeah! Did you see that guy's jaw connect with the concrete?"

Judging by the sound of their tone and that comment, these guys must hate theFootso much.

"He'll be drinking out of a Sippy cup for months!"

April has stops ascending as she grabs hold of the last bar on the ladder. As an experience journalist, she doesn't want to get spotted. Slowly as she can, she peers over the edge of the wall and sees what appear to be, from where she is standing, is four large beings. Only a few meters away from her.

Only the three of them come together in a small huddle while the fourth one is by himself on another ledge not too far from them. He has two large stick-like weapons in his hands and he appears to be shaking his feet one at a time.

April has finally got a look on the heroes. Even if they are concealed in the dark.

Judging from their appearance, they look pretty dangerous. They so easily took theFoot. Imagine what they would do to her and the other female with her. They are willing to risk it.

And now for the proof…

"Ah, that's what I'm talking about, brothers.Like shadows in the night.Completely unseen," said the one with the deeper tone. They were all proud of what they have accomplished tonight. TheFoothave messed with the innocent, they mess with the meanest, the most badassteam that have made their debut. And they are going to keep doing it until theFoothave been wiped off the face of the planet!

The three of them lifted their hands high in the air and…


A flash and a sound were made. This causes the heroes to freeze up like statues. Make thatcompletely seen. It like they were just playingMusical Statuesand someone has just hit the pause button. Only two of them were in the middle of a high-five. Their hands are still touching while the third addition was only a foot-length away from contact. The fourth one was still standing in his spot, holding out his two long sticks.

They did not move their heads nor their eyes. They were not alone. Whoever made that flash has now exposed them to the outside world. How will they explain this to the other member of the family?

April was staring at the hidden heroes as she grasps onto the ledge of the building rather than the ladder with one hand. In her other is her phone and it is pointing toward at them. The only sound that was overheard by them was the young reporter's heavy breathing. She was the one who made the flash and the sound that her device produced.

From what the reporter is seeing, they don't appear to be…human.

Both their heads and bodies are in a funny shape. Not to mention that they looked a lot taller than she and Sally like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or Shaq. And their bodies have a rounded structure with extra baggage on their back. One of them appears to be wearing another backpack with it. April can't quite make it out with them still in the dark but thanks to the flash, she will get a bright visual on them through her phone once she gets down and back to the comfort of her own home.

Unbeknownst to her, the four figures are indeed aware of the extra company in their presence as soon as the flash from the camera was made. There was also one more person in the scene that April almost completely forgot. But she hasn't been spotted by them as she was out of their sight.

"April?" Sally's voice breaks the still silence. "April? Do you see them? What do they look like?"

She didn't look down at her friend. Or speak an answer. The dark figures remain still but they did see that they have company. But what kind of dangers does she proposed? Was she like a hawk and they were the family of mice that the bird preys on for its dinner? Or was it the other way around?

It mostly likely for them be the hawks in this bunch as April was now shaking like a twig. Seeing how skilled that they are for bringing theFoot Clan down with ease, she can easily imagine what would happen to her and Sally if they stick around for a few more minutes.

Sooner or later, something is bound to happen. One of them is curious about the sudden burst of light that shine on them.

"What was that?" whisper the first one. He was the one who is standing over the other two but not the fourth one.

"It's a camera flash," replied the nasally character. Unlike his brethren, he was wearing some-kind of headgear on with the extra backpack.

"Weknowit's a camera flash." The eldest of his friends was already eyeing the intruder by the fire escape.

"Who's behind the camera flash?" demanded the deeper voice. Getting spotted by a human is the last thing on his mind. One of them did manage to get a decent observation on theirspy. But they don't know about the other spy hidden away. April slowly draws her phone away into her pocket. She has been compromised.

"By my calculations, it's a girl." Which it is very weird since his back was towards her and he can't twist his neck around to look.Yep. She has been spotted.

"Now we got to kill her…" the youngest debated. April's eyes went wide.

"What?" shrieked the one with the headset resting on his head. Since when does killing strangers is on their files?

"…with kindness!"Maybe that could work?

Slowly, their hands start to descent to their respective side. And at the same time, April starts to climb down. She and Sally need to get out of here. "Give her some flowers, earn her trust…"

With her friend descending down the ladder brings confusion to the youngest's face. "What's going on?"

April was only a few steps down. "We gotta go. NOW!" she quietly shrieks.

One of them looks to where the girl is, only to see that she is gone but the footsteps of someone climbing down the steel ladder was made. She has taken a photo of them and now, their little snooper is getting away.Not on his watch.

"I got this." He pulls out a long chain from his belt.

Seeing this, the oldest was now alarmed. "Raph,no, no, no! Come on!"

Nobody even bother to stop him. They all watched him throwing his chain over the edge of the building.

April's escape attempt was halted when that long chain wraps and secures around the reporter.Oh no…Without warning, the young woman was yank off the ladder and goes flying onto the rooftops, squeaking a yell. Reaching the top, she falls down a short distance giving a small thud on the stone ground. The chain around the women was loosen and then, slithers away into the darkness.

"APRIL!" the teenager gives off a scream. What she was expecting was her friend descending down the ladder so they can escape with actually proof of the ones who stopped theFootin the subway. But instead, she was suddenly capture at the last second and was taken in a blink of an eye. Are they going to kill her?Eat her? For following them up to the roof and getting a shot of them. Was she next?

Not unless she gets April and herself out of here.

Petrified for her guardian, Sally was already climbing up the ladder. Stepping up on the last few bars, the teenager looks over the ledge. Just a few meters away from the ladder but slightly to the left, lays the reporter on her side, clutching to her sore wrist. She has just landed poorly on her arm and is feeling a slight chafe from the tight grip of the chain around her chest.

"April!" Her roommate climbs the rest of the ladder, hops over the ledge and rushes to her friend's side. She gently grabs April by her arms and pulls her up. "April, are you ok? What pulled ya?"More likewhopulled her.

After she sits the adult up, they both look around. Just only a second ago, there were four beings on the rooftop – the ones that April saw, and now there was not one thing moving and breathing but the girls. They were all alone.

So,…where did they go?

Did they escape after they dragged April off the ladder or—

Not wanting to hide in the shadows any longer, one of them jumps out and lands in front of the girls with a huge thump. Bending at the knees, he straightens his back.

Startled, the girls look to the front and…that is when their eyes were not playing tricks.

Did April hit her head when she was brought to the roof by force, thus getting a concussion? And that she is now seeing…a large green thing…right in front of them?

She didn't hit her head hard enough. And she wasn't dreaming. And neither was Sally. She was seeing it too.

"Give me the camera."

Rather than screaming, they spoke nothing. More like that they were too speechless to do anything. Now, they wished that they were dreaming.Or dead.

"Ooh, look, he's doing hisBatmanvoice," voiced a different figure in the background as his voice got deeper at the end.

The two girls draw their eyes to the ground to see his…two-toed…green…feet.

The green legs before them are both wrapped around in brown worn-out straps and ragged marron calf warmers that are button together. Draped around his waist are a few large belts with different cloths that looks like that they have been sewed on. A number of small belts were hanged out in front of him including two small hoops where the girls spot a pair of metal sticks and a few rags were wrapped around the backside. A large leather strap was sling over his shoulder and around his back with a Leatherman securely in the hold of the larger strap located on his chest. A few more of the red/marron light torn fabric is wrapped around his hands, thighs, knees, and his bulging biceps. Judging from his structure, he must have worked out.A lot.

Wrapped around a great portion of his head was a faded red bandana with eye slots that resembles a do-rag. It looks to be tattered with a few strands resting on his shoulders and looked to have a few ripped holes in a number of places. On his bandana is writing in the colour of white which it is placed on top of his head that really stands out. Resting on his bandana is a pair of rusted sunglasses which still has lens on but only one with a crack in it.

Located across his lip on the right side is a noticeable scar and he carries a small toothpick in his mouth. Located on his right arm was another symbol blended into his skin. Looks to be a tattoo on the green skin. On one of the waist belts are two small leather loops where not just his appearance is making the girls' spine shaking but what he is carrying. Two sharp bladed weapons. It is a good thing that Sally read and watches a lot of manga and anime because she has slight feeling of what the name of those tools that he carries around.


He has already pulled out one of them to be more threatening than before. Beside the whole barbarian look, they arenothuman. They looked far from anything human. From what they know, humansdon'thave shells on their backs. And it was not the clothes and the Sais that frighten them, it's what he is.

He was a turtle. A giant, muscle-bound, talking turtle.

A voice broke out into the scene. "Oh, they're so hot; I can feel my shell tightening." Clearly sounds like he was fascinated of the girls. If they weren't petrified, they would be a little grossed out.

The interrogator whips his head to his left and eyes his green irises at someone behind him. "We can hear you!" he snarls. He does not like to be episodic. Especially when he is trying to squirm a few humans to get what he wants. And he wants the lady's phone.

Ever since this giant reptile appeared, April and Sally have not taken their eyes off of him. Not even for a split second. At her side, the teenager helped her friend up to her feet. They have seen too much. They need to get out of here.

The green warrior turns his attention back on them as he pulls out the second weapon from his belt straps. The two humans were now already on their feet but they are not looking away.

Trying to put a brave face on, they were deeply terrified on the inside. Never have they been this scared in their entire life. Sally was clutching onto the sleeve of April's yellow jacket but the adult can actually feel the girl's nails digging into the fabric and almost into her skin.

This…could be it for them. April will never get the biggest story of all time and Sally will never hit her adult life which it is only a few more years around the corner.

"If you don't give me the camera, I'm gonna—"


Coming out from his hiding spot was another large figure, this time with two large sticks in his grasp. He does a mighty leap off the water tower, performs a few somersaults over their heads and lands on the building ledge just right behind them. When his feet make contact with the brick structure, it breaks off a few debris off it. He lands in a kneeling stance before straightening up as well.

It was another turtle. But he has the colour blue instead of red. And instead of a do-rag, it was just like a mask. Hiding underneath the mask is a faded scar that goes from the right side of his forehead to his right cheek but it is curved closely to the nose. And he wasn't carrying two long sticks in his hands. It was twoswords.

"Back off, Raph," he sternly advised his friend. Guess the turtle in red was scaring the living daylights out of the nice girls instead of the opposite. That is why he decided to step in.

Putting his Sais away, the one calledRaphlets out a scoff before holding up his hands in defeat. He takes a step and turns away to faces the other member about the reference from before.

"I only sawBatmanonce!" he countered.

No longer that the girls have their eyes on the first attacker that now hisfriendhas just shown up. Their breathing and heart rate has also increased dramatically. They thought there was only one of these…strange creatures. Now, there was another.

This was getting weirder by the second. The girls were already freaked out by the first one. At least this one doesn't seem…threateningas the first one. Or maybe he is.

"Ladies, hello. I apologize," he said in a much of a gentler tone. At least he seems pretty polite. Or maybe it's all an act. Keeping an eagle eye on them, he hops off the platform to be on the same level but he is still towering over the two humans with his blue eyes. "My colleague here forgot to sayplease." He then starts to move toward them.Slowly. "So,…would you please hand over the camera?"


There's gotta be another way off the building, right? And that is what the girls are trying to do. Not breaking their eye contact on the large turtle wielding a pair of giant swords, they simultaneously start to walk backward. Not before stopping by another figure. But this time, it was a different one.

The girls then spin around when the thud was made. Another turtle has made the scene and he appear to be a bit shorter than the first two. And wearing a bright mask instead.

April gives out a gasp and Sally says "Holy sh—"

The small figure holds up his hands. "No, no, no, no. Whoa,whoa. Chill. It's just a mask."

He then points to his face.Oh. So,…the whole thing is a giant costume. NO biggie.But he was not referring to the green part. Only the orange cloth that is wrapped around his head. He dips his head forward and places his hand where the large knot is.

"See? Don't freak out." He then unties the fabric and holds it up eye level, revealing his clear, green face to them. "Right?"

The girls were still freaking out. Both internally and externally.

"T-they…they…" gasping the teenager. She was trying her very best not to lose conscious or throw up as April, on the other hand, was now hyperventilating.

But the young adult, scared out of her wits, couldn't take much more of this. Her eyes rolled backwards as she begins to lean towards the right. Sally sees the young women in her vision as she was tipping onto the side instead.


The teenager didn't have the strength to catch her falling friend. April's body comes crashing down onto the rooftop and darkness clouds her entire vision.

"Oh, I think that went well." The fourth and final member broke out from the shadows.

Well, what do you expect for four giant turtles to meet humans for the first time in their lives?

Guess April and Sally have come face-to-face will the heroes of the story. One of them will… officially meet them in:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Meeting the Vigilante…or Vigilantes Part 1

Author's Notes: Hey! Forgive me if this chapter didn't make any sense at all. Work is slowing down but not as slow as it was during lockdown. (I really should have done it during lockdown but nnnnnooooooo! I could have got A LOT DONE but I didn't! GOD!)

If you guys can tell in the title, this will be split up into two parts. One is where Sally will meet the heroes while April is knocked out and in the second one is where April wakes up.

I am getting my other fanfics up very soon. I want to focus on this one before making another move. Especially my The Saint's Hope . I am changing it to more an mature version as I have read the Mirage Comics and I just thought of another scenario that completely changes the whole story. But it will more likely happened in Season 4. (Actually, more ideasjust came to me and now, it's the whole thing. Why does this happened to me?)

Guess that's it for me. Time for another run of the RotTMNT movie today.

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 7: Meeting the Vigilante…or Vigilantes Part 1


"With her friend/guardian knocked out, Sally comes face-to-face with the heroes who stopped the Foot and saved their lives."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from our writer: Hey guys! Back again! As you guys know in this chapter is when April is knocked out, leaving her friend, Sally, in the mercy of these strangers. But don't worry! They'll all become friends at the end. (Did I give away the ending or something?)

Anyway, first thing, I don't know if I told you guys but...my little niece, who is now 2 years old, is going to be a big sister! Yep! The next addition is coming very soon at the end of February! We cannot wait for my new little nephew or another niece! I have no doubt that my niece is going to be a great big sister!

I also forgot to tell you guys that in the second week of the year, I was tested positive for COVID.


It was not fun. I had sore muscles, flu-like symptoms and major headache. I thought that I was going to die from like everybody including those who are fit and healthy. But no. I'm here and alive. So, I’ve been good now. Got my doses and back at work which explains why I haven’t had the chance to write, rewrite, update, upload ANY of my stories (And among other things).

I got some ideas for my other fanfic called "HITHS: Chronicles". The title says it all. I have come up with a number of stories or “episodes” that happens to our heroes. I will be working on them while I work on this one and others. I got some good ideas and I could use some help (especially with Donnie’s technobabble and Mikey’s pop culture list). The first episode would have them searching for a new home whilst staying at the girl’s place. I am also adding some familiar faces from past series and some new faces. Some of them are remakes of past episodes/comics in the franchise and also from the game that will work well with this series. I was also going to have a certain croc and a certain king if you get my drift. Put a Halloween and Xmas episode into the bunch. New friends and enemies alike will be added too. Can’t wait to show you guys! And whilst I am uploading this chapter, the first episode is underway. It might take a slow process but I will get there eventually.

Also, early this year, I lost my great uncle to kidney failure. I knew him almost all my life and he was lucky enough to meet his great grandniece (my niece) before we lost him. And my heart goes to the lives that we have lost this year. To Betty, to Bob, to Gilbert, and of course, to the victims of the shooting in Buffalo and the elementary school in Texas.

No words. No words to this.

My niece is now in daycare. If Australia didn’t have a gun laws since the 1996 Port Arthur Mass Shooting and the shooter target her daycare,…my family and I would be devastated. Wake up, America. How many more lives would have to be taken for you to get it? (Based on the quote from The Hate U Give movie. Great flick.) And I wonder since then, how many more mass shootings have happened?

Sorry about that. I’m just…a little emotional right now. Those kids…

Now, here comes Sally's point of view when she meets the heroes in the half-shell .

(The rooftops, Manhattan, NY - 7:15pm)

What do I do? What do I do? WHAT…DO…I…DO?!

That is what is racing through the teenage mind of the known Miss Sally Hope.

Just a few seconds ago, her guardian, the hotshot news reporter, Miss April O’Neil, whose eyes rolled into the back of her head and then, her legs gave out and took a tumble onto the cold concrete floor of the small skyscraper, thus knocking herself out. For those who are asking: What caused her to faint like that? The answer: it was what came before them that causes to lose her conscious.

The frighten teen didn’t catch her friend in time. She was now kneeling down on her knees on the right side of the reporter, gripping the collar of her bright yellow jacket and starts to shake her.

“April? April? Wake up! C-can you hear me? Wake up!” With no response, she lightly slaps on the side of the young woman’s face. She is breathing. That’s good. But still not waking. “Come on, April, wake up! Wake u—”

“Did you have to do that, Mikey?”

Sally stops shaking and hitting her friend. It took the sudden voice to snap her back to reality. Fear and panic are running through her veins. Have they been since they been down at the subway. Sally then began to retracing her steps. The streets packed with screaming civilians. Their curiosity got the better of them. Travel down to the Lion's Den and got captured in their trap. Cornered like rats by the Foot, nearly executed on the spot, then saved by whatever forces that went like the wind, and chase them down to the roofto—

Her hands are trembling at full terror. Her breathing has rapidly increased. Her pale skins now tingle with fear. She knows these signs too well. A panic attack was here. And what does she do when it occurs? Well, she goes into her routine.

Eyes closed. Suck in the city air through the noses and out through the mouth. Inhale again. Exhale out once more. And think of your happy place.

Her mother and father, smiling at their little girl. To be here to see how much their own flesh and blood as a grown up.

Enjoying her own hobbies. Taking photos of her fine city of New York from the active streets of Times Square to the swaying tree of the quiet part of Central Park, watching her favourite cartoons and anime

Her best friend - and current guardian - April O'Neil. Her best friend. The sister from another mister. The hotshot reporter working for Channel 6, trying to work on the biggest story, regarding on theFoot Clan. Very obsessed of getting a new angle.

Which brings to right now.

Sally's eyes are squeeze more tightly. Her heart and breathing are racing faster than Bolt himself. Still in panic mode.

Still why? Didn't her usual routine worked? The breathing exercise? Going to her happy place? Well, not when she and her snoozing friend is surrounded by four large beings.

Make that...four large, green beings.

Yep. She now wishes she was the one knocked out and not sh*tting her pants right now.

Never before and never the one to pray to the God upstairs, Sally was definitely making up for lost time as she mentally begging with all her might. Never in their life or any average humans like the two girls would end up like this.

Just great. April sure picked a great time to lose conscious. After witnessing what they encountered so far tonight, only the older human couldn't just handle it all and was down for the count. Almost getting gunned down by the Foot was traumatic enough. Sally would have fainted too, but after reading so much manga, comics, fanfics, watching monsters movies over the years and having a great imagination growing up, by some miracle she has managed to hold it all in together.

Ever since her adult friend has taken up this career, they both knew the risks that came with it. And Sal doesn’t mind a little action and excitement in her daily life. Ever since she was a curious little kid, she dare to try and learn new things. Explore the unknown.

So,…everything that she knew about her distinguished city of New York – anything that she can handle – just went flying out through the window.

Thanks to them. These,…if she is not mistaken,….turtles.

AndNO– not small, four-legged, sluggish creatures that fits into the palm of your hand depending on their sizes. They are large, very tall, two-legged, very fast, clothed creatures – who are carrying around different weapons. Or are they tortoises maybe? They are known to be much bigger than their reptilian comrade.

As much as she wants this entire event to all be a dream, she was still in reality with no signs of escaping with April in tow. Now, it was they were a couple of timed mouses and they were giant hawks – waiting in the wings to feast on their dinner. Opening her eyes up, she sees her friend. Still down for the count. Why hasn’t she woken up yet? Did she hit her head badly? Would she be bleeding internally? If so, where’s the nearest hospital? But there

Why haven't these giant…creatures attacked her just yet?

Maybe…maybe they mean no harm.

Oh! Wouldn’t that be nice. And…they got weapons on them. And they are just waiting for the right moment to use to strike them down? That has to be it! Then again, she has read the books like To Kill a Mockingbird. Maybe she shouldn’t judge them based on how they look. Well, she did get a good look for a few seconds. Maybe if she takes another look again, it could ease some tension in her system.

"I-I-I didn’t mean to, Leo.” Sally's eyes are still tight shut but doesn't block her ears out. They pick up the conversation as her eyebrows scrunched up.Mikey? The one who scared the crap out of me and made April fainted? First, there was Donnie, then Raph, and now Mikey? So, who's the last one? There is one more. Or maybe there are many more hiding in the shadows. "I mean, c’mon! First time meeting hot chicks like them is a first for us." Sally's eyes begin to open up. She does take notes on his tone. They came off...innocent and cheerful. Like a hamster maybe? The sensitive one continues to speak. "Gotta approach ourselves; give them kindness, flowers. You know,…the whole trustpackage, bra."Well, got the fourth name…and Bra?

Another spoke up and it was coming from behind her. “Wh-what about before when you said to kill them with kindness?” This one had a nasal voice to it. Sounds like a nerd or something. Almost like that Leonard guy from TBBT show.

“Figures of speech, bro.”

“Yeah, I don’t think that would help.”

The one who spoke was just to Sally’s right. That is where she is turning her head to. Couldn’t help but she was very inquisitive for a teenager. For the second time, she is really getting a good, long look of the beings before her. Two of them at least. Three fingers. Two toes. Big shell. All green. With a color-coded look. They sure don’t look like the Foot. They’re not dressed in black. One of them puts its orange mask back on as it approaches another of their own.

They haven't noticed the girl looking at them as the chatter continues. “And yah blaming me? Raph went all dark and moody on them. I was trying to, you know, ease the tension.”

Ease the tension? I don't think it helped, buddy. Guess judging by his tone, he sounds very sincere. Wanting to reproach her again. Maybe...maybe they do mean well which no sane person would say. But…it doesn’t hurt to try.


The two giants stopped their conversation and direct their attention on the conscious human before them. Sally was shocked. She then realised that she uttered those words that escape through her lips. Looks like her mouth had a mind of its own. And so did her hand that is a wave motion.

She also stopped herself to grasp something.

She is talking to…a giant…talking…turtle…tortoise…whatever they are…like they are actual beings!

The one who spooked them pictures a smile to her. “Oh! Hey, cute girl looking at me!” He elbows the turtle beside him and gives a small wave to the speechless teen but the one with the twin sticks pulls the curious figure back, giving the human before them the space. She does nothing. Just stares at them. She spoke to them and gave them a wave.

Yep, it is official. Sally is sort-of awake and very much dreaming away. Seeing them before doesn’t feel like a nightmare to her. Or was it?

"I'm dead, am I?" she blurts it out. Maybe she did die. She just didn’t realise it.

The orange one gives her funny look. “Uhhh,…I don’t think you are. Your pretty face is still here, right?” The blue one next to him shakes his head in discomfiture.

Anxious, she gives a very overwrought smile and nods to the strange creature who just answered her. “Oh, so I’m not…dead.” She looks down at her slumbering friend right beside her. Fortunately, the two turtles are now at a safe distance from the scared teenager, hoping to ease her anxiety. What about the other ones?

One of them, apparently, couldn't wait any longer. And this certain being is not a big fan of patience.

The others weren’t attentive when one of own grabbed the scared human. And she certainly wasn't prepared for herself when the giant turtle roughly grabs her by her green jacket and yanks her up to her feet. "Hey!" He spins her around to face him while still holding her coat.

The blue one was disconcerted. “Raph, wait!” He knew his friend was intolerance, but he was taken back when the red one grabbed the scared human by surprise.

"I said it before, and I’ll say it again. Give ME the—"

And the giant turtle with the red mask himself wasn't prepared when Sally sucker-punches the mutant square in the face!

Taking what appears to be a painful hit, the large turtle in the red bandana takes a step back from the impact. Covering the mark with his hands where Sally landed her punch, he had to release the teen from his grip to use his hands after she made contact. His face was now stinging in agony. But the giant reptile was not the only one that was hurt. The human teenager winches in pain as she grabs hold of her punching hand. She takes a good look at it. Despite wearing woollen gloves, she can still feel the stinging. What is the turtle with the bandana's face made of? Bricks?

The three turtles were startled by this. They usually get whacked in the face but not like this. Still terrified, Sally keeps her dukes up just in cases the menace decided to pull something else up his sleeves.

Which it is weird to him that nobody even bothered to stop the human herself. Only the two youngsters tried their very best to suck their lips or hold their mouth with their hands in from laughing but they did smile. If one peep of their laughing gets out would be the last time that they ever do in his presence. Never in their lives have they ever seen someone laid a punch on their extreme brother. This was a first for him and bonus point for her being a human.

Usually in their group if somebody hits him, he will do whatever he can do to repay them. To them, it means that they all should run for the hills as fast as they can.

Pulling his hand away from his face, he checked if he is snorting out blood from his nose. Nothing. The toughest turtle in the book now was starting to get a bit ticked off. He couldn't believe that he let a weak human to hit him that easily, other than exposing them when her friend took a picture of them. With the flash on. And she did pull a mean right-hook.

"Ok, you just got lucky that time, but now I'm rea—" Sally goes in for another punch. Her fist once again collides his face. Taking in the pain for the second time, he covers his face with his hand once more. “Oh! C’MON!” Why is she doing this?

The red turtle was just about to blow a fuse with this mischievous girl standing before him. But she wasn’t smiling at this. Not because she was tough. He looked at her eyes. They say: petrified. And he – and his brothers - took her and her friend by surprise. And the way that her fists are position in front of her with her eyes locked onto his threatening ones. Not to mention that she pulled a mean right hook. She keeps her dukes up despite sucking in more pain from the throws.

And why isn’t anyone stopping her? Cause they are pretty much savouring this moment of a lone human going head-to-toe with a large mutant who is built for battle. And that she can hold her own that they find very impressive.

The large turtle himself takes a deep breath and soothes his fury down. Maybe this time he should calm down for her, but it was never up his alley. At least he can try. His eyes start to soften a bit. Removing his hands from a part of his handsome face of his that was surprisingly starting to turn purple, he looks at her once more. Maybe once she has been reassured and got it out of her system. "Alright, so we're getting past the scared par—" Sally socks another one to the face.

The red-faced turtle grabs his stinging face once more with his right hand. Guess not. His face starts to turn a little red, almost in the same shade of his mask.

Sally goes in for the fourth time…but her attacker managed to grab the punch as his hand swallows her little hand in his giant green grasp. The young teen herself lets out a startled gasp as the turtle mercilessly looks down on her. His hand that is enveloping hers has a rough texture.

"Ok. So far, we're kid: 3 and Raph: 0,…" he then tightens his grip on her hand; terrifying her even more, "…but that's gonna even up real quick if you don't keep your hands to yourself!"

Before the turtle who called himself Raph can deal with some real damage, another one of them steps in. The one who has two swords in his grasp. He steps in between them and pushes the turtle that is a bit taller than he is. "Raph! I said, Back off!"

The guy’s name Raph looks at his friend, giving off a growl for a second but he does release the girl's fist from his grip, shoving her back a step. As much as he wants to lay his rage out on the blue turtle, it was better to do later.

The shortest one all chuckles and said, “Dude! She went Mayweather on your shell!”

The tallest one slides over to the orange fellow. “Looks like Raphie is starting to be like Canelo by the looks of this fight.” They both snicked at their older friend’s attempt. But the red turtle just ignores them as his face was still tingling from the hits that the human has pulled on him. He breaks away from the group, mumbling some profanity.

The blue one keeps a firm eye on his brother, making sure to keep his distance away from the humans. Just to ease the tension on…this whole situation. As the eldest of the team, he should be the one doing the talking. Not him. He doesn't need to bring in the bad cop into this scenario. Two of his brothers (and himself to whom he can't admit) has already made one out cold and has now already got her young friend terrified.

Rubbing her sore hand, Sally quickly shuffles back to her unconscious friend to check for any motion. She then turns to the one with the sharp weapons in his green hands. The one who told the red figure to stand down.

Sally took a few seconds to study each of them. She gets a good look of the first turtle or tortoise orwhatever before her. He was the one who jumped off the water tower and landed on the broken ledge.

Wearing around his eyes is a blue mask that has some-kind of white writing that she can't make out. Draped in front of his chest are small bits of wood that stringed together by thin wool which makes up as an armour or chest plates. He has soft shoulder pads which one of them has a few tapes stuck on it.

Unlike his friend here, he almost has his entire legs covered up. Wrapped around his calf are white sports tapes and on his feet are worn-out runners that looked stitched down in the middle of his big toe. Draped around his waist is a skirt of some-sorts where the fabrics is split into three sections with another large brown rag covering his backside. There are also pieces of cardboard that have been stapled onto the blue material.

He also has some arm-bracers. A small one strapped around his right hand with two bumps & it is placed on his back hand and a larger one on his left with no bumps. There are also brown wrapping or shorts underneath the skirt. Sling around his reptile body and resting on his right shoulder was a large brown belt strap that is holding two black tubes that are securely placed on the back. Must be where he holds his swords – his weapons. On the strap just close to his right shoulder pad was a blue pin with the initial "NYC" in white. It looks that he appears to dress up as a samurai from Federal Japan.

On his…shellis also writing but in the shade of the same colour as his mask. He has tattoos on him. On his left arm is small armband with a couple of small turtles lined up in the middle and another line just above it. Located on his upper right arm, hiding underneath the shoulder pad is the same turtle design but there was only one and it was much larger. There is also small band going around his right wrist. And on the same forearm looks to be a…pizza cutter.That's…a bit strange. Cool design though.

She then eyes the objects in his hands. The two katanas secured in his grip. They look real. Too real. She can be easily cut down just by looking at it. Seeing where her eyes are directed, the blue mask-wearing reptile looks down. His chosen weapons were still in his grip. The sharp blades were pointing at her. Intimidating before the kneeling girl, ready to strike her down. She thinks he and his friends are ready to kill them.

Let’s try to prove her wrong.

Hoping to gain their trust and not to intimidate her, he then began to lift his weapons up. Just as he was doing that, the edgy girl quickly brought her hands out and hold them to the side. He stops halfway. From the creature’s point of view, her hands are covering a portion of her friend’s face and upper body while watching with him and his colleagues with caution. Her breathing is fast and shallow. Shoulders tensed up; her glasses are fogging up from her frantic breathing. Her eyes are wide, and her face doesn’t picture the word calm.

The young girl was shielding her friend from any danger or threat. Like them. Trying her hardest to be brave. To protect her friend.

Well, he and the others can’t blame them for that.

He resumes moving his swords back into their gauntlets located on his shell. Once they are secured, he brings his hands down in front with his flat palms out and in the open. He and the others – they mean no harm to her and her friend.

He continues to observe her. And so did his brothers. The orange one watches his friend and copy the same thing. He too doesn't want to hurt the pretty thing before him.

For them, this was their first time coming face-to-face with actual human beings in their lives. Not counting the ones that they just took down in the subway. And there was one other figure in the group who is currently not here. And if that figure ever finds out about this,…

Judging from them, the girls don’t appear to be fighters. And judging from the clothes and the face structure, the one who is awake could be around their ages, give or take a year or two. Unlike her friend who is laying out cold on the hard ground.

Was it from the attack on the Foot? Could they have come from the subway too? Taken by the Foot and witnessed the whole thing? Their whole ‘saving innocents from the terrorist clan’? Or was it because of the way of what he and his friends are? And followed them to the rooftops? Maybe they didn’t mean to take a photo of them as they could be just as curious as they are. Sally needs to know some things. She and her friend went through a lot tonight. They have come to get some answers. And they are not leaving until they get some. And it appears he and his friends demands some answers as well. Her hands are still in protective mode, she looks at the blue guy with the swords. Maybe this…guy is a lot friendly than his friend? Or not? One way to find our causes here comes her first question. “You’re not one of them. Are you?”

The blue one shakes his head. “No, we’re not, miss,” he answered the first question. That’s explains why they delivered such a beatdown on them. But that was just start of it.

The blue turtle pressed on. “And you’ll have to forgive Raph.” He must be referring to the red one with broken sunglasses on his head. They both looked at the chosen turtle in topic. She noticed a toothpick in his mouth that he is gnawing away. “He needs to learn how to talk to people…without using his fists.”

The threatening reptile with the red rag on his head, sneers at his brother talking to the fierce teen herself. He might be able to personally deal with the girl later without the observation from his big brother. The turtle in the samurai gear turns back to Sally who slowly puts her fists down.

Her breathing was now audible while her vision is now locking onto the turtle before her. She did not blink or breaking her eye contact on him. His eyes appeared to be a lot genuine than the brute's ones but still has a sense of austere to it.

But her ragged breathing was not getting her anywhere. The blue turtle takes noticed of it. “What about you? Are you ok, madam?” He holds up a hand to where his, I suppose, his heart might be. “I’m sorry if we scared you or anything—”

Sally was stunned of that comment. “Wait, what? You’re sorry?” He’s…apologising. He nods in returns.

She was now surprised of his tone and posture. Dropping her hands, she drops her guard. Unlike the giant before, he has taken a few steps back, giving her the space that she needs and is giving a strange but some-what positive vibe. Looking back there have been a few monsters in shows and movies that are scary on the outside but gentle on the inside. Like the Beast in Beauty and the Beast. Is it possible there is one in real life now? Sally doesn’t feel any discomfort coming from him.

“No, no. I uh…I just uh,…I just to…” She then starts to stand up but stays a close range of her friend. Her eyes are once again shut. Closing her hands and placing them close to her mouth like she is praying, she takes another deep breath. “I’m sorry.” The teen herself took a mental pause. Did she…apologised to the tall green guy before her? Well, he did apologise to her first. So,… guess she did. She opens her eyes up again and looks at the turtle with the swords. “I…we...we didn’t mean to…follow you guys…from the subway.” She places a hand on her chest. “Scared? No…no. More like very…very overwhelmed, I guess. After…what happened…at the subway,…” she moves her hands from her face and gestures one of them to the previous location, “…and now, here.” She returns one of them and place them over where her heart is. Just one minute ago, her breathing was so straggling that it was almost hurting her lungs, but, thanks to her techniques, she was now breathing at a steady rate. “But…I’m ok now.”

So,…they were at the subway. Captured by the Foot. That would explain it. He nodded, crossing his arms over. “Ok?”

Sally nods back. “Yeah, I’m ok now.” Great, she’s repeating herself again.

Her heart is still pacing to the beat, her breathing is not straggling. And the colour to her skin was brought back. And sweat was dripping down on her face as she wipes them off with her gloves. She is not dreaming and not living. This has got to be one of the weirdest things that has ever happened to her in her life. Questions are now overloading her mind and was hoping to get them all answered before the night is over and to get to the bottom of this. Be like her hotshot reporter like her friend here. Hopefully when she comes to, she will be able to ease the tension.

Sally takes a couple deep breath, looks at each of them, before speaking again. She rubs her right hand behind her head. "So,…you all got names, Tortoise Boys?” Or maybe they don’t have names at all. Only one maybe, like Goliath and his clan in Gargoyles. Maybe it is like that?

Tortoise Boys?” The familiar voice was brought to her the guy in the red on her left. He is pretty much up to his limit with her. “I swear, if she gonna call us that, I’m gonn—”

But stops himself when he gets a stern look from his eldest. The threatening reptile decided to give up, giving off a defeated sign, and walks away.

Just before the blue turtle can answer the question, the smallest of them steps forward, placing a hand on “Allow me, bro. I would be honoured to ease the lady’s tension by taking the reins for a moment.”

His friends just simple rolled their eyes, but they let him proceed. They know he is the extrovert and more assertive than the four of them.

He coughs melodramatically a few times before he begins. “Presenting the boy in blue himself: Leonardo. We call him Leo for short. Fearless Leader…” he dramatical swings his hands to present his brother, very similar to the meme of the Men in Black star to his wife, “…in the house.” Shaking his head at his goofy sibling’s introduction, the one known as Leonardo unfurls his arms, places a flat hand over his curled fist and bows slightly forward while keeping a tight eye contact on her.

Leonardo, huh? That's…an interesting name. Sally doesn’t know if she is surprised at the name or not? Is he a big fan of the actor or the artist? Better ask him later. If there is going to be a later.

He points towards the one with the fancy head-gear. “This here is Donatello. Or Donnie, if you prefer. Brainy of the bunch and duz machines 24/7.”

"And uh,…" the tallest but the thinnest one of all takes a step closer to the human but at a respectable distance, "…to be more precise, we're turtles." Sally looks at the tall reptile that continues to speak, passing his small pole from one three-fingered hand to the other. "You see, I-It is true that we are both in the Chelonian family, but us turtles are known to dwell mostly in the water while the tortoises are capable living on the land. Not to mention that their shells are heavier than ours with a fe—"

The presenter himself manages to get him to stop talking by covering up his mouth. "Save it the next lecture, Bill Nye the Science Guy. I ain’t done yet." Taken aback by this, this causes Donnie to stop talking and gives off a “Kermit the Frog” expression by the looks of it. Sally does give a small chuckle as she observes his whole attire.

Holding a short stick in his hand, the third one didn't come out like the other three. It’s like he is more wary than his comrades. Just resting in front of his purple mask, the turtle was adjusting a pair of tortoise shell glasses with tape wrapped around in the middle is what you would see any nerd wearing. Resting on his forehead, he also has a pair of tech goggles with attachable microphone, something Sally would see what a Black-Ops solider would wear on special missions.

Both a Go-Pro and a security camera are mounted on his back which if Sally can see from where she is standing has a fan bolted onto the backpack. Along on the front straps are a bunch of wires and a power board where a few AC plugs were lodged in. It looks like he is carrying a portable computer on his bac—shell.

He has one black silicone glove on his left hand where there is a small wrist-controller mounted on it and on his right arm is a faded brown arm guard but no glove. Purple thin fabrics are wrapped around his upper right arm and a shoulder pad resting on his left shoulder. On his elbow is a pair of black elbow pads.

Strapped around his waist with a few belt pockets are four grey flaps which are sowed down with blue glass screens that act up like a skirt, very similar to what the blue turtle is wearing. There looked almost appeared to be small set of solar panels. Guess it would explain a lot since he has all these gadgets on him and needs the energy to power his gear other than to plug in.

A pair of light purple plastic knee-pads is placed on his knees and his feet were fully covered up with light purple plastic boots, a few light brown straps wrapped around his left calf and a leg bracer is covering his right front calf. There was a hole on the shoe where his left big toe would be.

Judging by the equipment that he is carrying, he appears to know a thing or two about tech. Even without the backpack on, she doesn't think that he has something written on his shell nor a single tattoo on any of his arms.

“And then, we come to the most handsome, the most talented, the…charming façade of all. Angelo. Michelangelo. You can call me Mikey, sweetheart.”

The teenager herself takes a good look at Mr. Mikey himself.

His colourful bandana tails are draped down to his chest. Hanging around his neck is a pair of different colours puka shell bead necklace with a pair of shades clipped on to one of them. What is different from the first two turtles is that he is wearing pants. More specifically, wetsuit pants which one of the legs is shorter than the other one. A grey tattered hoodie was tied around his waist and two belts that are clicked into another are criss-crossing in front of his chest and on his back or shell. Wrapped around his left wrist is a bead chain bracelet.

He also has a pair of scratched skater knee pads that are snugged on his knees and one soft elbow pad placed on his right elbow. A few wrappings or tapes are seen in various parts of his pants. On his feet is a pair of worn-out FILA sneakers which has the front cut open for his feet. His eyes have the same shade of blue as the other one but lighter and more child-like. Wrapped around his hands and his open-skinned calf are white sports tape as Sally can see that some holes on the wetsuit pants are starting to rip. He is also sporting a pair of knuckle bracers over his makeshift boxer gloves.

On his upper left arm close to where his shoulder blade is a tattoo that is somewhat a turtle but much larger and darker than the one on the other's turtle's arm. On his chest is a painted "M" in black. And resting in his tight bind of his sweater is a pair of wooden sticks that are bind together by a small chain. Since she has seen Naruto, they looked appear to be nunchakus. Or nunchunks to some. Looks deadly. It also has black writing on it. The drawing on the back of his shell has multiple colours of yellow, orange, and pink. And resting on his shell in a large strap is what appears to be a metal board with small wheels on it. It looks to be a skateboard of some-sorts. This giant turtle…is a skater? Like Tony Hawk?

His face was a bit chubby than the blue one but with the most goofiest smile on his face. She can tell he does indeed hold a gentle soul. Sheepish, he places a hand behind his head. “And, uh…sorry for the whole…mask stitch. We…don’t have much practise on humans.” Without warning, he gently takes the human’s hand and holds it up near his face. “We didn’t want to scare you with what the gross thing that my brother that he has called a face.”

Sally does give a smirk at that remark. They’re brothers? Sure act like it. Only his green fingers make contact with her bare fingers. Most of it was covered by either her woolly gloves or his cotton mitt. She carefully watches him pressing his lips on her exposed knuckles. The skin of his mouth making contact has the different texture than his hand which it is almost like the hand of the red turtle of a bull. It was different. Smooth.

If she was still scared out of her own wits, she would retract hand back and slap him the living daylight out of him or what she did to his friend; punch him squared in the jaws. But she doesn’t. Almost entranced by his move but quickly snaps out of it. The young turtle himself seems a bit of a sweetheart…for a turtle.

“Uh,…thanks,…Mikey, is it?” The one called Mikey nods his head. “Ok, first of all,…I’m the kind of girl who values…personal space, so…”

Catching her drift, the orange turtle known as Mikey respectful release his gentle grip on her hand and, holding his hands up, moves a few steps back, granting her wish. “My mistake, girl.”

She smiles back. She does find him…quite charming, just like he said. And a very gentle soul.

This only leaves one more left. The one is who is…not quite open than his friends.

"And that,…" Mikey gestures to the reptile with the red mask who is standing right behind her, "…isRaphael. Gremlins under his bed call him Raph."

He was the first large reptile that she and April saw. And the first one for her and April to see and speak to them. Not to mention the first one that Sally almost caused him to black out from those punches that she pulled on him. Instead of going up unto her face like last time, he remains a fair distance away from her, one arm to the side. Guess the blue one was keeping a close eye on him. But he does produce a sneer at his little friend’s comment. His Sais were slid back into their holds. Although he did pull them out at first confrontation, he didn’t use his weapons on them. On his back, from what the girl could slightly see, is plastered with a few duck tapes and red writing on it. There was also some more writing but in a different shade with the words "Mikey was here". Out of all the turtles here, the one with the red bandana is barefooted. True, it was wrapped around in some rages but she can actually see the toenails on the guy.

And holding high in his hand was a lanyard. With April’s keycard attached to it.

“And her friend’s name is April O’Neil,” he said before looking at his comrades with their visitors in tow.

Sally was very alarmed. He got April’s keycard! He must have taken it off when she is not looking. “Hey! Give that back, Shrek’s rejected cousin!”

She quickly rushes up to the great beast himself, and snatches the object out of the large reptile’s hand. Raph was taken aback of that Shrek comment as the tiny human hurries back to her friend. First, the hits, and now, the name calling. Some nerve she’s got. Raphael was ready to explode and ready to strangle this joker before him.

But instead, he quickly reverts it back to his resilient persona. Not because his brother is in the same space as he is, but he is better than that. Raph crosses his arms and keeps a sharp eye on the teen. At the moment, he is not in the forgiving mood. As for his brothers, it was pretty astonished to see someone who can touch a nerve on their brother.

Donnie adjusted his glasses. The name that his red comrade uttered sounded familiar. Then, his brain clocked in a nanosecond. “April O’Neil? As in…Channel 6 News Reporter, April O’Neil?”

Stops walking, Sally turns to the talking turtle with the glasses. “No, it’s…it’s April Savana.” She irritably looks back to Raphael, pointing her finger at him. “You read it wrong.” The red ninja sneers at her. Liar.

That would explain the unexpected photo snap. She is April O’Neil. They saw here multiple times on the news but more as a Lifestyle Reporter, not a serious journalist. The youngsters of the team do harbour an admiration for her, especially the little one. He is grinning from ear to ear in a goofy matter. Any reporter would take physical evidence of the chosen topic to prove it. Like the Foot Clan, for instance. Which is why they need to get that photo from her. No-one can’t know about them. Unfortunately, she is out; leaving her friend in the way. If they were both knocked out, that wouldn’t be a problem. They can easily go through the device and erase it, covering their tracks. Somehow, they need to convince the other human. So far, they have answered most of her questions and judging how this session is going, it is not over yet.

Kneeling down on her guardian’s side, Sally lifts her head, slips the lanyard back over it and rest it back on her chest like it was never taken off.

Judging from their clothing and the equipment on them, it looks like something that they fished out from the dump or something. Maybe that's where they came from. Maybe not. Their masks are in a different style too. They have different styles of tattoo, writing on their shells, carry weapons around and they fought against the Foot like Bruce Lee just came back from the dead. If they are not from…up there, then…where did they come from? Sally doesn’t know whether she should ask that question. For some weird reason, she doesn’t want to scare them off. Come to think about it, even since they first appeared, Sally doesn’t find this strange or peculiar at all. It has a sense of familiarity to it. Yet she can talk to them like any other human being and them vice versa. Still, she needs to know more about them so she can fill her unconscious friend later on.

“So,…judging from the masks and weapons,…and this is coming from a girl who watches and reads way too many anime and manga but…ninjas?

Ding-ding-ding-ding! Give the babe a PRIZE!” screamed the hyperactive reptile.

"And we're mutants," the nasally with the fancy head-gear added.

Whipping her head to the purple one, her eyes have gone from the size of a small grape to largest rockmelons. "M-mutants? Like X-Men mutants?"

“Affirmative! But uh,…without the…super powers.” the one with the glasses looks at the smallest one with disappointment, nodding away. Growing up reading comic book, he dreams of having special abilities.

“Look,…” Sally tilts her head up to the source of the voice. It was blue turtle. Leo, was it? “…right now, we just want to de--”

But the curious orange turtle has something to ask the girl for himself as he butts in causing her to jolt in surprise. "Hey. How come you didn’t faint like your hot friend here?”


The little chubby turtle turned to his brother who has a big stern look on his face. It took a moment to realised that he just butted into the conversation. He sheepish chucked. “Oh! Sorry. My bad.”

The orange dude stands up whilst holding his hands up. He then shuffles aside to let his brother step forward. “You’re pretty, babe.” The three other ninja turtles rolled their eyes at the fourth member of the brunch. Childish.

But that was a good question that he asked. She looks down at her friend and back to him. “Well,…I would,…at first, but…I guess…not.” And it is all thanks to many years of watching cartoon & anime and reading comics and manga ever since she can crawl. Meeting these guys… was nothing. Because she has spent a good deal of learning who these guys are. Like the whole, you know,…‘walk a mile in their shoes’ kind-of-deal? “But…honesty…this is a lot, coming from a group of…ninja turtle mutants? Or mutant ninja turtles?

The one with the blue mask and swords was about to speak but the orange turtle beat himself to it. Again. “We’re teenagers. About fifteen.” But becomes lost, placing his hand on his chin, lost in thought. “Or…was it thirteen.” He must have lost track between the leap years. Who came up with that?

Donnie – the purple with the high-tech – rolled his eyes. “We’ve counted the years, Mike. It’s fifteen.”

The marron turtle arms crossed over, rolled his eyes in annoyance as he scoffs. The azure ninja was getting a bit frustrated as he pinches the bridge of his noses. His younger siblings are clearly drawing the girl away from the important matters. Not to mention they are giving so much of themselves away to a stranger that they just met!

Wait a sec. Sally stopped for second to retrace back to the green guy’s answer, facing him with a surprised look. “Teenagers?! Really?!” The orange dumbly nodded at this like that term meant nothing.

Did she hear that right? She’s a little over 5 feet. They are 6-foot. And they are adolescences. Probably at the same age as her?

It is amazing that she didn’t faint like her friend here. She holds up her hands in astonishment. “I’m sorry. There’s no way. You guys have to be aliens, right? If not,…who is your dad? The Rock?!”

The bright one’s face just lit up when the mention of the name of the wrestler/actor. “DUDE!” He turns to the rest of his family. “How awesome would that be?!”

The one with the swor—Leo, she thinks, draws his attention to the youngest as his arms are crossed. “I think we are fine with the one we got.”

Donnie pushes his glasses up from falling. “And a big fat no on the alien part.” He parts his arms far to the sides. “We born and bred here." Mikey, follow his friend’s suit, crosses his arms over, acting like a part of a rap group, getting ready for battle – The 8 Mile style.

For the first time in Sally’s life,…this is very unreal. It’s something that you cannot make this up. No matter how much detail the story can get.

The blue one was about to pop a vein with more secrets spilled tonight. Enough was enough. Time for the leader to step up. “Guys!” His yell causes the other two to look at the eldest. They both took a step back to let him go forward. The leader kneels down so he is at head level as the human before him but keeps a safe distance between the two of them. “Look. We just need to delete that photo of us, ok? We can’t be known to others. Leave no trace behind.”

Sally was gobsmacked at this request. “You want…us…to get rid…of the photo?” He gave her his answer with a nod. She becomes a bit sombre but offended. “I mean-Whoa, hold on! Look. I-I’m not…we’re not…gonna tell anyone if that is what you guys are thinking. And i-if we did tell…anyone,…whose is gonna believe us?”

She looks at each of the four reptiles before her. The four examples that stand here before her who, took on the most dangerous group in the city. Possibly the whole world. “I mean,… you guys… you guys are heroes.”

They are heroes.

They don’t wear skin-tight suits or have mechanic suits. They don’t fly or have laser shooting out of their eyes but they do fight like any other heroes and they just took down the most dangerous criminal gang on the face of the planet since the Nazi. And she and the others would be very grateful to see them in the flesh.

The bright colour turtle’s eyes lit up when he heard that special word. “She’s right, bro! We saved them. The people of New York would love to see the heroes who kicked the butts the Foot.”

The blue turtle feels like he just aged 50 years in just a few minutes. “Unless she and her friend got photos and videos to expose us. It would…endanger us.”

“And no doubt we would end up in a science lab to be dissected,” the purple guy said, mentally agreeing with the leader. Partly agreeing with him but would love the recognition from the public.

Not to mention that she and her friend, who is still knocked out, their lives would also be in danger if they get tangled with the Foot again. It is too risky.

The little green guy with the skateboard grabs the one with the blades by the shoulder. “Hey. Iron man did the same thing. And he turned out A-OK with the rest of the Avengers.” Huge fans of the franchise, he always dreams that he and his fam would live like Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and be known to the world as the greatest heroes ever and would not fear them for what they are.

The lean one with the glasses comes up to them. “But…if you remember watching the recent films, he does indeed suffer rest-less sleep and panic attacks causes him to develop PTSD while having multiple enemies attacking him from different angles at every chance,” he explains while adjusting his specs. “Especially the ones from outer space.”

The one name “Mikey” nodded. “That we can handle.”

The purple one is not impressed at this argument. “And of course, it’s all based on a fictional world that came from the comic book. Nothing like this is real.”

“Uh,…we’re real, Einstein.”

The lone human speaks up. “Seriously? You guys don’t want anyone to know you four?” The Turtles all looked at her. “For real?”

Leonardo nodded. “Exactly, miss….”

“S-sally. Sally Hope.” She did ask for their names and it would be fair for hers in return.

“Ok. Sally, we prefer to keep ourserves…a secret. It’s better that no-one knows who we are. We have the whole…uh…‘strike hard, fade away, into the shadows’ kind-of-deal.”

Getting a bit peeved off, the stubborn teen crosses her arms over. “Yeah, well, causes I didn’t think that a group of 20 scared New Yorkers from the subway tonight would forget a couple of shadows saved their lives from the Foot.”

Mikey looks at his elder brother; clasping his hands together and pleading to him. She does bring a good point. Those who were in the subway whom witnessed the event would live to tell the tale to their friends and family. The night that they nearly lost their lives to the monsters. But Leo doesn’t budge. His piercing blue eyes were pleading to her; begging her to compile.

The more this conversation is dragged, the more Sally was getting the gist of it. Guess either they don’t trust us or really don’t want anyone to know. She tightly closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before letting out a sharp exhale. Guess that leaves her with no other choice.

What seems like an eternity, she finally opens her eyes. “Ok. Ok, I’ll…I’ll delete the photo.”

The blue ninja gives out a sign of relief which he was surprised. But on the other hand, they have come to an agreement. They saved her and the others’ lives and she erase any evidence of him and his comrades.

She then starts to search for it. Which pocket did she put it? Her jacket’s? Pant’s pockets? Right or left cheek? “But, hey,…as soon as she wakes up,…” she points to the turtle with the swords, “…you’re gonna have to answer to her.” She then points back to her. “Not me.”

He replies with a nod.

Man. April is going to hate me for this. Biggest story of the century and she is going to wipe it off the face of the planet. She manages to find her friend’s device in the small slot inside one of her jacket’s pockets. Pressing the button on the side. The screen lights up. But her face drops to a frustrated look.

“And I would love to do that…if I knew what the password on her stupid phone is?” Would it kill her at least tell her friend the passcode in case of…situation like this?

A green hand wrapped in the silicone glove was raised. “Uh…mine if…I take a crack…at it?” Donatello asked. “I have just installed an app that allows me to hack into any devices on the planet from the first Mac to the latest Samsung.”

Would she hand over her friend’s device? She and April have just met them. Well, they did shock April, causing her faint and Sally here breaking the ice. It is a bit too soon to share things with them? Well, they did tell them who and what they are. She shared her name. And she did promise to take care of their only proof of existence.

Honestly, Sally doesn’t know April’s password. It would take only her three tries to guess the password. If failed, it would lock her out. She could wake her up to get the password but she will have to explain why. What choice does she have?

After much thought, she holds the phone out to him. “Knock yourself out.” Donatello reaches his hand out but Sally quickly retracts it. “Just the photo.”

Donnie uses his other finger to cross over his heart. Promising to return the device back to her without any trouble. She finally hands him her guardian’s device into his grasp. He gets to work as he plugs a cable into the phone slot. How long will it take? Enough for April to wake up from her beauty sleep.

While the techie himself gets to work, this leaves only one in tow who has another solution for their little problem.

“Or…we could just break the phone. Problem solved for everyone.” That comment could only belong to one person. The one with the mean attitude.

Turning to the source, Sally sneered her eyes at him. He still here. “Wow. Looks whose ass is still talking, Fernada.” She takes a few steps towards him. “Guess you still haven’t learnt your lesson yet.”

Raphael scoffs. Is this how she wants to play? “You know you got pretty lucky, kid. This time, I ain’t gonna hold back.”

Seeing his younger brother getting all riled up, Leo lifts his head up and groans in annoyance. "Oh, boy."

Sally shakes her hands and feet out, shaking the blood in her systems. “Well, I did give my hands a workout. Time to give my feet a couple of wacks in your special place.” No-one bother to ask where she is talking about.

The red reptile clenches his large fists and gritted his teeth. “Leo, she starting to get on my nerves. I’m ready to hit her.”

Before his friend explodes, Leo lightly pushes up to his brother’s side. “Hold on, Raph. There will be no more blood spilling tonight.” They have already dealt with enough damage to their foes. The girl before them seems cool and she did comply with their request. But she doesn’t stop with the insults.

The feisty teen puts her hand out to the side, accepting the challenge. “It’s a gift, Tough Guy. Come get some.”

Raph cracks his knuckles. “Well,…” he points his right finger at his face, “this handsome mug didn’t feel a thing.” Then how come there’s a nice purple hue around his nose?

Sally scrunches up her sleeves, ready for the rematch of the century “Fourth times the charm, Franklin.”

The others were pretty very impressed with the human. One who is around their age and is almost as gutless as they are.

“Ohh! First, she goes a few rounds with Raph. And now, she disses on him! I think I’m in love!” the orange surfer-turtle cooed, comically placing his hands over where his heart is.

“And we thought Raph was the only one tough as nails around here!” Donnie sassily commented. He has managed to get into the Gallery and found the chosen pic. He deletes the pic, goes to the trash, and empties it. Mission accomplishes!

Shuffling noise at Sally’s feet were made, thus interrupting the conversation. The teens all looked to the source. It was coming from a pair of brown high boots that is owned by the snooping reporter herself.

At a split-second, Sally drops to her knees once more and comes to her friend’s side. “April? April!” She gently places her hand on her forearm; gently shaking her, hoping to wake up her.

A breath escaped through April’s lips. And her head just tilted to the side. Sally gives out a sign of relief. She was coming to. April is not dead. Thank god!

Raphael is the only turtle who doesn’t surround the humans like his brothers does. But he does come up behind his techie brother as the brute himself takes the device out of his hand. The young human herself doesn’t see this as her pleading eyes are locked on the older one resting before them.

They could have just taken the phone and leave them in the first place, leaving a small mystery behind them but no! 3 out of 4. The old Turtle Luck working true to form. He would be the first one to high-tail out of here if things go south.

Donnie comes up crouches down to Sally’s right. “Um…c-c-can I…” he politely speaks up, causing Sally to look up to see him, “…can I check for her…vital signs? You know? To…see if she’s…ok?” He grabs hole of his goggles, ready to help in any possible way. Leonardo moves to her left as he observes them. Only Raph and Mikey stay right behind them.

It’s true that she still doesn't know if April is ok. Maybe something has happened to her internally and she doesn't know what to do. She is not a doctor. Right now, her options are very limited. Sally’s eyes dart to each of the green man before her. These turtles…I don't think they want to hurt us.So, guess she’ll have to go with her guts.

The girl nods. “S-sure. I just need to…”

Sally looks around her. She sees something flying in the right. A ragged old blanket hanging on the ledge captures her attention. Looks soft. Hope it does feel the same way.

She points to the fabric from afar. “Can someone get that…” Mikey looks at where she is pointing at. He quickly sees what she looking at.

“I’m on it!” Mikey gleefully yelps whilst giving a salute and wasted no time to fulfill the mission. When a lovely lady is in need of aid, Sir Mikey is on the move! The red turtle rolled his eyes in exasperation. His little idiot brother has only met the first humans ever and he throwing himself at them.

Just like the Flash, Mikey has already returned with the blanket. “Right here.” Sally directs it to the chosen spot just behind the older human with the yellow jacket. Once placed on the ground, the teen herself lift her unconscious friend’s chest and shift her weight onto the fabric. She was struggling a bit with the mass of her guardian. The others around were ready to assist her.

“I got it,” she assures them. There were at times that she can handle things without the need of others. Story of her life. “I got it.”

Holding the back of her head, she carefully lays her down. It may not be the comfiest mattress fit for Snow White but it’ll serve for a moment. Once she has been settled, Sally keeps a kneeling position in front of her as the others surrounded her. Granting her permission, Donatello draws his goggles over his glasses and switches his systems on as he starts to examine her.

This is weird though. Not that she has just met giant turtles who saved her and April from the Foot, but, it’s more like when she met Sacks a while ago, she got a slight feeling or hunch inside of her that something was not right with the gentleman. But when she meets these turtles,…it’s different.

Can she really trust them? Well, they did save her, April and those people in the subway. From the Foot. Whom they just hate as much as they do.

Right now, she just hopes that April would not be more frightened than she was before when she comes to. The five teenagers look on to see the older women opening her eyes. That is when Donnie switches on his headlight.

The Turtles have finally met the first human in their lives. It is time to meet the next one in:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Meeting the Vigilante…or Vigilantes Part 2

Author's Notes: Another chapter down, many more to go!

Was this any good? I am a little rusty from not writing for a long time. I don’t know if this chapter made any sense at all. I'm trying very hard to get back into it after a HUGE break like...how many years has it been now? Still got COVID on my brain. Or I could be slacking off a lot. Maybe because of what's happening with what's going on in the world or my life at the moment. I should probably write a bit everyday. That way, I will keep track of it. Yeah, I should probably do that.

Plus, I got RotTMNT on my brain at the moment after seeing what appears to be the greatest TMNT movie EVER!!!! BRING ON SEASON 3 (and the rest of Season 2, people!)!!!! I'm gonna upload my Rise version too and also my long-awaited 2k3 series on my FanFiction.net profile. You know what I'm talking about.

While writing this chapter, I also remember watching the behind the scenes where Raph (I think it was him) was holding April’s keycard so I might as well add it since I think that’s how they learnt her name. It pisses me off that they took or/re-do so much of the film especially mostly with the Turtles (And also, of how I learnt of the treatment that they actors were given during filming.) Not happy. If someone like Alan Ritchson (Raph) (who has now experience with being director/producer/writer while acting) or maybe the Russo Brothers or Kevin and Peter, this film would have been a bit/lot better or something. Sorry to rant again. (Although, I think the third one, beside the 2023 movie, is in the works if I have heard.)

I'm also doing driving lessons and have booked my test in November so if I passed this, I have the freedom to drive anywhere - work, Macca's run, dancing, drama, maybe to another state. Pretty cool, right? And overdue for my full license.

That's it for me. Take care!

Until we meet again,


Chapter 8: Meeting the Vigilante…or Vigilantes Part 2


"Now, it is April's turn to meet the Turtles."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from our writer: Hey guys! Long-time no sees! I should have said that in the last chapter but with what is happening at the moment, I haven’t had the chance to sit down and rewrite my stories. Hopefully, I will get back into the swing of things. I do hope the last chapter did make sense. It has been a while. Like I said before, I’m rewriting this story (and a few others) as I think they need a bit of fixer upper and not to mention that I am getting more ideas in my head.

If I remember uploading this chapter, my brother wasn’t married yet and my niece wasn’t born yet. Time sure flies when your either having fun or in misery with COVID. That was not fun. I wonder, what life be like it COVID didn’t took over our lives?

I am also getting back into drawing so I will have my OC very soon in various of my other fanfics that I’ve had over the years, including this one.

And now, it is April's turn to meet theheroes in the half-shell!

(The rooftops - Manhattan, NY - 7:20pm)

"A…il. Ap…l. Apri…"

The motion of her own body took a mind of its own as it forced the woman to be brought back from her concession. Wait. Was she moving? More like she was being moved. And she too can hear a distorted voice. Was it close? Or far away? It had a familiar tone to it. Was it her late father? The one person whom she hasn’t seen in fifteen long years. No. This was much younger. That sounds lik

A sudden burst of light shot right through her very visions; almost burning the cornea of the eyes of the young reporter. Was she dead? Has her time already come? Will she get to see her late father after all these times? Will death greet her with open arms?

If death was in the form of four giant green-skinned creatures with huge heads, then yeah, death hasalreadygreeted her with open arms.

Green…heads! Wait. Am I…dead…or dreaming?

Either way, what has become of Sally? Did she escape? Was she captured? Or worse

She was only a few years away from becoming independent. If something has happened to April, who will take care of her until then? Maybe Vern. It is true that he has known the girls for some time now and he is much older than they are. He could be the ideal choice for guardianship. Other than him, there was April's mother. She is currently living at their family's estate in Northampton. If Vern can't take care of the teen, then…Sally would have to move out of the city and into the countryside.

Personally, Sally hated that. She doesn't like to move out of New York. She has a great life here with her friends, her school (if she would consider liking her education a little more), and her own lifestyle. She was aNew Yorker. Moving away from theBig Applewould be moving to another planet, another timeline or something. And then there is Sally's own father. But he is, as they would say,…off-the-grid. No-one knows where he is at the moment. And right now, April doesn't even know where Sally is at the moment.

Well, the mystery of the missing teenager has already been solved. Why? Because the quirky teen herself was kneeling right in front of her friend.

And the "very bright light" that almost blinded her, was coming from right below a pair of metal goggles that is snugged on a green face. The creature with the different colour skin tone leans a bit closer to the reporter's drowsy face. There were three more of him. Two were right behind him while the last one was kneeling right beside her friend.

Four. There are…four…Just when her head met with the concrete ground, she has come face-to-face with three, giant, gree—

"Breathing steady. Blood pressure stabilising," the olive-colour face being with the hardware on his face examines his patient. He fiddles with one of the lenses on his device, making a whirling sound to it. Looking through her eyes, April's visual was at the moment blurry and the voice of the green fellow as faint. Not just her eyes that are out of focus but her whole body was not responding. The second that she has come to doesn't have the energy to move a muscle or even a finger.

Here she is, surrounded by what appears to be huge frog-like…things, at her mercy. There was nothing that she can do. But nonetheless, she was not in a state of panic. Not yet anyway.

The one closest to her has long purple thin fabrics with a small white writing written on one of them and is wrapped underneath his goggles. Its light source was drawing closer to her face. There was another light source operating in the same section but it was at a high distance. And April would have easily spotted it if it wasn't otherwise blocked off by three —fourgreen giants.

The next to speak was another one of them but he was not at a fair distance unlike his friends. Unlike the first one, a cloth was wrapped and has covered the upper section of his head. The colour of it was in a nice shade of bloody red with a recognisable white symbol located on the top. He was clearly not making any eye contact with the human who is lying on the floor with the blanket underneath her, acting as a comfy mattress.

"Why are we still playing doctor?" he complained. Guess he doesn't want to be any part of this at all.

Next to the second but youngest human on the rooftops was the third of these Shrek-like creatures. Wrapped around his eyes is a blue mask but with small white symbols located on the side and on his blue tails. His mask is a different style than his moody friend. He turns his head to look over his right shoulder. The calm figure here can sense his colleague's unease anxiety. He too didn't want to be here any longer than he does but the female teen's friend was in critical need of assistance. They had to make sure that she was okay.

"Her friend may have a head injury." Of course, he was referring to thehumanon his right. The samehumanwho sucker-punched his brute friend in the face about three times as she was the only human conscious at that time. The reason that Sally made those punches is because she was scared and she thought April was dead. She was still watching her friend as the blue mask wearer creature turns his attention back to her who is slowly rising from her blackout.

As they were talking, not only Sally was watching her reporter friend but was also keeping a sharp eye on the surrounding reptiles. She wanted to make sure that they don't do anything that funny or scary that would give the adult a knock-out.

Despite her vision being unstable at the moment, April did move her eyeballs around to see what she is up against. From her point of view, their backs appeared to be larger…androunder. Are they wearing backpacks or something? Another query that April can ask when she is fully awakened. And when she has something in her hand that would act as a weapon.

Another one (and hopefully the last one) pops over to his blue friend. His face is somewhat chubbier than the others but he appears to be a lot shorter than them. His orange mask has two threads that are hanging down on the front. "Uh,…correction. Her friend is a hot chick who may have a head injury…" he rephrased the previous sentence that was made by the one with the blue mask whom looks to the orange fellow, "…which makes it our civic duty to—"

Sally continues to watch her friend. April has tilted her head to the left. She's waking up!

The female teenager was now relived that her friend is alright. She is hoping that she is prepared for the real world because April will still think that she's dreaming the whole thing but she is not. Everyone has got their full attention on her. Just like before, Sally grabs her guardian by the shoulder and lightly shakes her. The last time she did it, she got no response from her. "April? April!"

S-sally?April's head was still spinning.What's…going o—

"Ma'am, ma'am." Another voice speaks up. And it wasn't coming from her mind. Or from Sally's.

Looking over to her left was the first green guy that she woke up to with the metal high-tech goggles. He snaps his two of his three fingers a couple of times right in her face. He was hoping to her attention. And at the same time, April's vision - and her hearing - are becoming very clear. This creature, thing or whatever he is continues to lock his eyes through his spectacles on her.

"Can you hear me? Do you know what city you're in? Do you know where you are?" He was speaking in a rather much louder and clearer voice for the woman to listen. These questions were known for anyone to ask the patient if they have ever been in a head-related accident. Looking through his googles, the mechanism of the device has just finish analysing the subject. Beeping sounds were made.





Originally, her heart, at first, was racing at a fast rate when she and Sally took one good look at them. Thankfully, it slow down a bit.




Locate at the bottom left corner of his goggles are also the other team members' heart rates. They were going up and down like a roller coaster. It would explain a lot how they are feeling since they are meeting another human in their lives.

The four green figures with the giant…scalybackpackswere just hoping that it would not speed up again when she sees them for the second time. But even if it does happen, that is when her friend comes in.

Sally too was beyond scared when she and April has first saw them once they came up to the rooftops. After the big brawl in the subway, they made haste and followed them up the fire escape and to the top floor of the chosen building. April was eager to get a snap of theVigilantes- the ones who easily took down theFoot Soldierswith ease - to make it her biggest story ever and that story would make her famous. The female youth has already met them so maybe she would be able to help her friend to give her a much clearer answer.

And it appears one of them wants to ask the woman a question. It was coming from the one with the orange mask on and large puka-puka necklaces with a pair of rusty sunglasses clipped onto one of them which it is hanging around his short neck. He didn't bother to ask the younger teen here because he would like to say a few words to thehot chickherself. He was now hovering just behind Sally, ready to give his enquiry. And it has to do with something that he saw earlier.

"Have you seen that video where the cat playsChopstickswith the chopsticks?" he asked thehot chickherself while making the chopstick motion with his hands from the famous video. The way that he has describe his question was beyond adorable from his version. But his friends think it is very childish. And embarrassing.

The purple mask under-the-goggles green man smirks at the question made by him. After the enquiry was made, this made Sally turned her head around to see him. "Umm,…everyone pretty much knows aboutThe Keyboard Cat, buddy," she answered the oblivious question.Why didn't he ask me that question when I was awake and April was knocked out? Of course, everyone knew aboutThe Keyboard Cat. He thinks the younger human and her friend were from another planet or something. Sally did ask about the whole alien shtick but they cleared it up for her.

But the blue mask wearer was getting a bit impatient which it was very uncharacteristic of him. He is the kind of person whom doesn't like to fool around with such immature questions. So, what he did instead is he straighten his back up and violently pushes his friend away by placing his hand over the orange masked figure's face with his hand. "And can we focus here?"

That action that he made frighten the small human next to him. When his arm passes her head to reach his friend, Sally's shoulder tense up a little when his hand nearly made contact with her. After he retracted his hand away, the girl gives the green fellow with the soft should pads a "watch it!" look. She had to guess he only did that because one of them standing behind her was not taking it seriously as April might have been hurt in any way. Realising what he almost did, he quickly gives her an apologetic nod before the two of them turn their attention back to April. The tails of his bandana are now dangling over his shoulder as he looks down on her.

"Guys, please! Come on. Give her some air," the goggles boy pleaded to his friends as his right hand was lightly gripping April's shoulder. He or anyone on this rooftop doesn't want the young woman to panic yet again and die in some kind of heart-related death or else they would have to take the blame for it. Sally and her friend has clearly come up here looking for some answers.

April's eyes were pretty wide and much more focus now. She keeps on staring at the blue one right in front of her. She blinks a couple of times, making sure that she was not only getting the dust out of his eyes but to make sure that she was not dreaming. When she has finally come to, her vision and hearing were now clear, but her mind was a bit fuzzy. And now that she is fully awake, April, calmly as best as she can, tries to remember what happened to her before she was out cold.

The Subway Incident. The Foot were easily defeated. Me and Sally head to the rooftops. Snapped a photo of the Vigila—

April's brain went clicked. Everything was coming back to her. She and Sally have indeed came looking for theVigilante…orVigilantes. And now, they have come face-to-face with them. And they are six-foot, green- skinned, three-fingered, two-toed, mask/clothed-wearing…whateverthey are.

She isn't dead, which it is good. And she isn't dreaming, which makes the journalistmore terrifying.

As much as she wants to admit this internally, April O'Neil was not dreaming. Not anymore. This was the real deal. And this would probably be the weirdest thing that she has ever witnessed in her entire life (not for Sally who spends a great deal of her life watching fantasy movies or reading comics and manga).

Remembering to take deep breaths, April is still quaking but not as much as before. She was still alive and that all it matters, right? The woman looks from one green lad to another. As long as she doesn't scream, they won't escape. Or scream back at her.


Hearing her name, April looks to the caller. She knows by the sound of the tone that it belongs to her friend Sally who is kneeling between the two of them, looking… relieved?Wait. Why she is smiling?Doesn't she know that they are surrounded by large monsters that have not yet to kill or eaten them yet? Or…maybe not. Maybe…they don't have sharp teeth or claws hidden away? Or maybe…they don't eat humans?

Ormaybe…April is the one who is jumping into conclusions here. Guess all the woman needs is answers to make her fell less alarmed. Maybe Sally knows something about this. Only one way to find out.

The teenager places a comforting hand on her guardian's other shoulder as she leans a bit forward. "Welcome back. You miss a heck of a meeting."

Perplexed by her attitude, April looks at her friend. The younger reporter didn't nod or do anything. She just simply lies there despite wanting to say something. But April needs to know.

"Sal…" April was gasping for more air and chasing her words carefully, "…what are they?" That was the first oblivious question to ask. When spoken, she looks to the one on her left who carefully removes his hand from her shoulder and looks back to the one on the right.

Wanting her guardian to know the whole story, Sally turns to the creature on her left and gives a genuine smile. "Tell her." April was finally to know the whole story just like how Sally got hers. She would feel a little less calm when her questions have finally been answered.

After giving the permission, the one with the cobalt mask nods before looking to his friends. One of them was standing close to the human girl and was more than eager to answer her question with the goofiest look on his face. It was time for a little meet-and-greet. The ones closer to April, all gave her a little space just like the one with the specs begged them to.

"Well, miss,…uh…," the blue mask guy was the first to speak first after giving theall clearfrom her friend before looking back to at her. Just like how introduced himself to the second human on the rooftops, he curled his left hand into a fist before placing an open one over it. He then respectfully bows while giving a nod. "…we'reninjas."

The second one to speak was the redninjawho surprised the human from coming up behind and hovering over her head. From where April is looking, it looks like he is upside-down. Even Sally didn't see him there.Raph better not pull anything funny or else I'm gonna add another fist into that brick face of his."We'remutants," he snarls down at the scared journalist in the yellow jacket.Mutants? Really? Not…aliens likeMen in Blackaliens?

The third to speak next was the one with the metal specs that is still on his face. "Well, technically, we'returtles."So,…they're turtles, huh.That would explain the whole skin colour, their fingers, toes and the…packageon their backs. Plus, they don't have human ears & nose, but they do have nostrils and their eyes are more human-like.

This brings up the last member to the plate. It was time to get his flirt on. As everyone begins to stand up, it gives Sally enough room to go to her friend's side.

"Oh, and we'reteenagers!" the orange turtle added but not before raising his amorous eyebrows and making some strong eye contact on the female human before him. "But we can still have…" he extends his hand out of the side and wave it up high in slow motion, hoping for April to catch his drift, "…adult conversations."

The young reporter doesn't know whether to be freaked out or be disgusted. Yes, she was freaking out but not as much but doesn't show any signs of being disgusted. No, it was more like she was getting somewhere with her answers. The orangeteenagerhimself takes a step back to join the red one on the metal platform. If there are notaliens, they must be from either a science lab or from a different dimension. These kinds of theories are running through April's mind and some through Sally's too.

The reporter was still a little shaken up by all this but not when Sally was helping her up to her feet by the arms. Wondering how long she has been knocked out for, April was also curious to know how long it took her friend to take the time to get to know them. If it was only for a few minutes or an hour, it is no wonder that she is not afraid of them anymore.

"Wait, wait, wait…" April was now on her two feet but doesn't let her friend go. The speechless adult is keeping an eye on both themutantsand Sally. "…why aren't you freaking out?"

She was only addressing to her friend,notto the large reptiles. Sally just simply shakes her head. "Not really once you get to know them. These guys,…" the unique teen points her thumb at them, "…they call themselves theTeenage…Mutant…Ninja…Turtles."

She took a deep breath in between each word of the title for April to take it all in. And boy,…it wasa lot to take in! It only took a few minutes for Sally to get the whole picture. And now, April clearly knowswhothey are. Its sounds like these guys have come out from a comic book series. Not to mention that title sounds kind of catchy.

Only two of theseNinja Turtlesstay close to the two humans while the other two were on the metal beam close to the only water tower on the rooftop. Kneeling down on the same platform as the orange turtle with a giant skateboard contraption is a much larger turtle with a red bandana that is wrapped in a do-rag. He was not making full eye contact to the two girls, especially to the small one who tries to knock him out like she was Ronda Rousey.

The turtle on the girls' left is the tallest turtle out of all of them who has just placed his goggles on his bald head to reveal his purple bandana with a pair of his tortoise glasses and on their right is third shortest reptile who has the blue mask on and two long swords of his are resting in the holders on his shell. They were all nodding (well, one internally) at the suggested title that the tiny human addressed to her friend.

"Well, when you put it like that, it doesn't sound ridiculous at all!" the turtle with the tech bag said.More like astonished if you ask me.

With only threeninjashaving their full attention on the girls, the fourth member of the team…not so much. Despite not close to them, he was paying close attention to the expression on the older woman's face. She staring at each of them for a period of time with a pessimistic look on her face. This is what he is afraid of.

"See, her friend's looking at us like we're freaks as well," he criticised. That is when the three other bulky green reptiles all turned to their defensive pal. He then accursedly points his anger finger at the reporter. "I bet that's why you took our picture, wasn't it?To show your friends?"

The last thing that he and his brothers don't want to is be discovered by the public eye. If they were discovered, they would be taken away to a science lab to be dissected. That would be the last thing on their minds. And a certain individual in their group who is not with them at this moment will not be happy about this.Well, April did manage to see one ofthemat the docks last night and, along with Sally, all four of them after saving many lives in the subway earlier. If the city knew who they were, they would be thanking them for saving their lives from theFoot, not to mock them or to be scared of them.

The small orange turtle, on the other hand, was really fond of this particular idea. Meeting ahottieand hercutebuttoughfriend was a dream come true. Having morechickasto the pack would be heaven to him.

"Bro, that's a good thing!" The delighted reptile agreed to this idea. He holds a flat hand up against his face as he grows his voice a little softer. "Maybe they gothot friends."More ladies for the Mikester!Too bad they can hear him.

As for the red interrogator, he hops down from his platform and lands on the brick roof on his bended knees with a loud thump. That is when the girls spotted a peculiar item in the turtle's grasp. It was something thin and black. The large reptile holds it up for them to see it. It was a device that contains proof of his and his brothers' existences. A device that has the ability to take pictures and make calls.

"Looking for this?" he snarls. The giant turtle has the reporter's phone.

Seeing this, April becomes very alarmed. "Don't break it. No, no, no.Please," she pleaded. If she wants to get rid of the photo, April would be more than happy to. As long as they don'tdestroyher phone. Too bad, they already bet her to it.

Wait. How did he… Oh boy! How was Sally going to tell her bestie that she is the one who gave the purple dude with the glasses to get rid of the pic?

Earlier, she kept an eye on the red bull himself who was trying to shake her down. He must have grabbed it after she pass it to the techie himself. Guess she’ll tell her. She turned to face the reporter herself and places a hand on her shoulder. “I can explain…”

April shoots a look back to Sally. From petrified to peeved. She got rid of it, didn’t she? Did they threaten her or something?

Just before he can destroy the phonehis way, the blue turtle decided to intervene as he was the boss out of all of them. He snatches the phone of his friend's grip. Once the device was suddenly seized from his hand, the maroon reptile whipped his head to the snatcher. Just when he was ready to blow a fuse but manages to hold it in the second, he finds out who took the phone from him.

"How many times do I have to tell you?We don't break things, we fix them," the blue turtle sternly explains to his follower. The teaser then rolled his eyes in annoyance before dropping his head down, not making eye contact with hisleaderwho continues to clarify. "Donnie already wiped the phone, genius. Problem solved, moving on."

Guess April doesn't need to go onto her phone to do it for herself because they have already done it. With sally observing them, of course. They mustreallydon't want to be discovered. The girls don’t say anything or do anything but watches them. Both their hairs were whipping around made by the small gust of wind in the evening.

The red turtle harshly pushed his friend in the chest, acting all tough in front of him and the others. "And who put you in charge?"

The leader straighten himself up before going up to his face. They were now locking their eyes at one another. "You know who did."

This small clash is being witnessed by the two humans and the smallest turtle of all. To their friends, this is not new. As the two oldest in the group, this bickering brawl has been going on for years; non-stop. They acted like brothers because theyarebrothers. The youngest one has taken the enjoyment out of this. "Ooh, tension! It's been like 30 whole minutes since you guys has this argument." Yep.Definitelybrothers.

Unbeknownst to them, one of the turtles - the one known asDonnie– was pacing across the rooftop and had his reptile nose into his holo-graph screen that is strapped down around his wrist. A few seconds into his own device causes him to join his two eldest siblings. "Leonardo,…" he butts in before switching his device off, "…if we want to make it home before Master, we gotta hustle." It was time for theTurtlesto move out.

Knowing that there is more to them, Sally turns to April. "Oh yeah, that's right. These guys have name. Pretty interesting if you ask m—"


The whisper from the stunned reporter's mouth has brought the attention to the ones closer to her in bewildered. Including her friend. Only she raised an eyebrow at her as she looks at the turtles and April back and forth.

Now that they know who they are, they better hope that what the leader has to say to them will keep their mouths shut. He leans a bit forward to the older woman.

"Do not say a word about this to anyone," he calmly advised them while handing April's phone back. "If you do,…we will find you two.April O'Neil…" he looks over to the other human, "…andSally Hope."

As April puts her phone away in her jacket pocket, the teenager gives the turtle a clear nod. She gets the message and so does April. They decided to take it both as a warning. If they tell anyone aboutthem,…they would be in a whole heap of trouble. After seeing how they can handle a situation with theFoot, imagine what they would do to ordinary humans ofNew York? And Sally thought they were all cool now. Guess not.

Now that the ordeal was sorted, the turtles have no reason to stick around. The blue reptile turns to his red friend. "We're on the move,Raphael."

The red turtle turns away while shaking his head. As much as he wants to stay around to deal with businesshisway, he also needs to return home before more trouble is heading their way. Using one hand, he leaps his feet up to the metal platform letting the hard structure to take the toll of his heavy weight; giving out a grunt.

April's eyes are now locked on the second turtle. "Raphael?"

Raphael- as he is called - crosses his arms in front to pulls out his two steel weapons and twirls them around a bit. He holds them in his tight grip, spins them around a few times before putting them back into their leather holds. He rolled his neck, letting out another grunt.

"Yyyeeeeaaaahhhh!" The girls move their eyes to the lone turtle with the giant skateboard easily secured in one hand. He must have pulled it out from his little bag resting on his shell. Holding his hands out to the side, he was putting on a tough act like his big brothers here. "We'll find you,…O'NeilandHope." Finally giving hisownlittle warning, he starts to walk off his little platform…only to return in a split second. "I'm sorry, that came acrosssupercreepy, okay?" the turtle apologised to the humans before him. He felt pretty bad about the permanence he put on before. He does a nervous chuckling before pointing his finger at them. "We will find you both, though." And he counts on it as he wants to see them.One day. And hopefullyvery soon in his case.He then begins to leave with his brothers.

This definitely something that you don't see every day. Four giant, green, talking, turtles walking on two feet. And it something that the city- no, theworldneeds to know. And they still need proof.

The spirited teen looks at her friend who is furiously rummaging her hand into her pocket. She was getting her phone out again. "You’re gonna take another, right?" Sally said before following them with the reporter at her side. “Yep. She’s taking another.”

Hopping from the platform to a brick chimney and flying to another building on the other side of the streets, the four, large, green, turtles do earn the titleninja. They kept on moving, shouting and hooting, finding a way to get back to what one of them calledhome.

"I was on fire, bro!" called out the jumping turtle with the board from one platform to the other side of the street.

Following the mysterious heroes who saved them in the subway, April and Sally have come to a complete stop at the ledge with the former holding her phone at ready. Since theTurtleshave taken down the first photo, she was going to get another one. More noises were made in the distance by these strange fighters as April takes a few more shots.

"Did you see me back there? Guys, I totally talked to not just one, but two girls!"

"SHUT UP, MIKEY!" Sounds like they were not amused with their brother's newfound crush on the first two humans that they met. But he can't help it if these girls are smoking hot.

But what he and his brothers didn't know is that the one of the twosmoking hotgirls have managed to snap of photo of them of all four of them in a mid-flip as they all cheered on.

April and Sally all looked at the last photo that was taken. After viewing the latest pic, they both looked up to see the green figures that had already disappeared…into the night.

The older figure on the rooftop can't help but think about the names that were spoken just a few seconds ago. To a few, they were extraordinary names from Europe. Others could be from either a TV show or from a family member.

Or maybe from famous icons.From many years ago.

And the way that she spoke the names, April couldn't help but feel that she has heard of those names somewhere.

And she knows where to look if memory serves.

Running across the building (one of them, skating), the four teenage boys were enjoying the fresh air and the open space of their fair city. It's not the surface that they are cheering about, it was their very first battle that they have managed to fought in. For many years now they have put their skills to the test and they have succeeded. They have been living down in the sewers all their life. It was a risky move going outside into the human world but it was worth it.

"Yeah, bra!" the goofiest one whoops before hitting the booster on his board, sending him flying into the air. The oldest of them was the second to jump off the building who is then followed by the rest of his team.

They all leaped off the building and one-by-one, they all slide down into an open manhole pool. The leader Leonardo was first to jump in, followed by the youngest Michelangelo who rebounds on the fire escape before coming in pursuit, then the brute Raphael and lastly the brainiac Donatello who twirls his staff before sliding onto his shell on the walls of the sewers.

Sparks were flying off from the back as it was coming from the metal gear of Donatello's tech pack. He continues to slide on his back like he was in Luge event for the Winter Olympics, grabbing for gold for TeamUSA.

Doing a corkscrew move on his board, Michelangelo was a self-proclaimed skateboarder like his heroTony Hawk. He continues to perform more tricks on his board while doing a few flips and kicking back off the wall, putting the famous athletic to shame, as he continues to press on.

Raphael was going all at it. Letting out a bellowed cry, he jumps over the pipe with his older brother running right beside him as Leonardo performs a flip over another large pipe by stepping off of it.

Only a few more tunnels to go and theTurtleswill be home free. All they have to do was get past through this large tunnel and their way home will be a breeze. It was big enough to fit one giant turtle. It all depends on who gets there first. All at once, Leo does acrobatic flips, Donnie skids on his shell, Raph dives in head first and Mikey does a somersault in the air. They all jumped into the giant hole…

…only to be lodged in the giant hole.

At the same time.

The large tunnel was too small to fit all four of them. They are all now squirming to get through. Only three bodies were facing into the dark and dripping wet tunnel was the youngest one of all was facing the other way. Guess getting home will take a little longer than that. So long as nothing bad happens to them.

Speaking of which,…

A small rumble was made inside the skater's stomach…which continues to go downwards.Oh boy…Michelangelo has to find a way to calm the urge inside. He knows what he needs to do. But his brothers are not going to like it. He scrunches his little chubby face up and…


It didn't take long for his three older brothers to know that little Michelangelo has just let a rip as he simply chuckles at his little…episode. The three turtles all groan. Now, they were in the need to get out as quickly as they can because they all took a whiff of that stinky stench.

"Mikey, was that you?" Donnie asked as he was underneath the farting turtle himself. Raph was a lot closer to the co*cky turtle as he snorted most of the gas into his nose. Lucky for Leo as he was on the other side on the different corner but he did smelt it.

Guilty as charged.Mikey once again does his goofy laugh. "Pepperoni."

April finally meets the Turtles as the two girls will learn more about them next chapter. And we will also get to see the Turtles yet again very soon next time on:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Sneaking Back In

Author's Notes: Well, what did you guys think? If you have been with me from the old version and noticed, I have changed a slight difference of the chapter like I did with the last one.

I don’t know if I told you guys this but I am planning for my Japan/Cruise trip next year. I will be spending two weeks in Japan and then straight onto the cruise for another two weeks. But that won’t be happening until October. I’m still planning but I am happy to hear some ideas for what to do in Japan. I think I got most of it but I like to hear what you guys have to say. Which also means I will put a hold on my stories in the meantime. (I definitely will finish this one by the end of the year and the sequel before the trip. And maybe a few others.)

I was also going to have the extra scene where April and Sally are finding out more on the Turtles from the research papers and stuff on Project Renaissance, but I decided to leave it in the next chapter. And it has already fixed up as we speak.

It actually feels great to get back into my stories – even if they don’t make sense at the time. Hopefully, I will get a whole lot better in the future. Take care now!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 9: Sneaking Back In


"April and Sally find out more about the Turtles by taking a trip down memory lane, while the Turtles try to sneak back in with ease...and without getting caught."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from our writer: Hey guys! So far, I have only one kudos on my ao3 for this story, a few views on the Wattpad and still the same reviews on the FanFiction.net. When I was doing this on FF.net, it went nuts the first time around and you guys enjoyed it. I do that can happened again.

Forgive me for bitching but on Twitter and/or any social media, there was a shipping of Leo and Usagi that just exploded and well,…I am not that much of a fan. Sorry. I mean, I don’t have a hate on the rabbit samurai. I love the version of him growing up in the 2k3 series and I was excited that he came on the 2012 series. He is little a big brother to Leonardo if you ask me. If he does show up in Rise, I do hope he is an adult like the previous series and the Turtles would look up/admire him like a long-lost uncle (especially with Leo like between him and Hueso/Karai. I enjoyed those dynamics.) I can only see a platonic/brother-like friendship between those two. You guys have the right to ship the hell out of it. I’m just saying from my point of view. (And also, I’m a sucker for LeoxOC canon. There’re a few artists like @rheawritesforfun and @mishacakes that I am a fan and I have no complaints what so ever.)

I am very much still hoping for Venus De Milo and also, Mona Lisa to show up! I wanted them to be on Rise for SO long now, they would be perfect for it with everything being mystic and such. There is a version of them that caught my attention (and I do wish it will) of an artist by the name of BLUDINKDRAGONZ (they on IG, Tumblr and now, TikTiok). Great artist and not just for TMNT but other franchises. Check them out!

Apologises for that little rant, let’s get on with the next chapter, shall we?

(April and Sally's apartment, Manhattan, NY - 7:50pm)

April's heart was still racing by the time she and her roommate have finally returned to the comfort of their own home. Sally was only going at half the time because she took a great deal of time to get to know the…interesting company that they have just met less than an hour.

And what is the first thing that the young reporter does when she enters through the front door? Simple. She darts all the way to her bedroom, leaving her youngest friend in her dust.

After meeting a bunch of giant, talking turtles for a brief period of time and realising that they were not dreaming, it was pretty much the most bizarre thing that either the two girls have ever encountered before in their lives. No matter how hard they tried to shake it off, the memory of the encounter will never go away.

The events from earlier are still reeling inside the woman's mind as she swings the door of her wardrobe wide open. Grabbing the contents that are lying on the floor of her in-wall cabinet, April throws them right behind her. Most of them were not breakable and even if they were, April didn't care if they get smashed. She was on a mission. And if she remembers correctly, what she is looking for would be in here that has not been seen orlookedat for nearly at least fifteen long years. Not since that incident.

Sally was only a few seconds behind her adult friend by the time she walked through the door. Once she has entered April's room, she finds her guardian who has her nose into her wardrobe, digging the items away like a dog burying his bone into the garden bed. There was a great deal of mess just behind her and she doesn't seem to notice.

What is she searching for that got the woman so worked up for? If anyone was in a state of shock like tonight’s events, they would take a seat to calm their nerves down. No. Not April. She had to rush home.

"Leonardo. Iknowthose names. Iknowthose names," she mutters, still working her way into her closet. Any more digging and she would take a nice trip to the Land of Narnia. "Raphael.Leonardo.Leonardo."

The dumbfounded teenager was leaning up against the door of the adult's bedroom with her arms crossed over. She doesn't understand why April is making such a huge fuss over this. There were giant turtles. It's something you don't see every day and would probably be newsworthy. And why does she keep repeating those names? For the past year of living with the reporter, never during that entire time that the namesLeonardoorRaphaelhave come across her mind.Ever.

Maybe it was something that she saw the other day. Or something that April remembered at a young age before she met Sally. Or maybe…it has to do with the symbol that April saw last night at the docks. She did say that she recognised the symbol form somewhere but doesn't remember where exactly.

"Well,…that because that turtle - Donatello- said it."

This caused April to stop her excavation and turned to face the dubious youth at the foot of her door. "What did you say?"

The teen stares at her. "Donatello? Theturtlewho spoke his name. And alsoRaphaelwas said and…oh! And the fourth one isMichelangelobefore I forget."

But Sally has absolutely no idea that this was a big deal for April. Not until she learns the truth.

Those names…it can't be…April turns away from Sally and resume her search. "Donatello.Michelangelo."

So many boxes that have been thrown from their original spot and the ones that April is taking out is starting to make a miniature version of Mt. Everest just behind her. And Sally thought the mess in her room was starting to be a problem ever since April has constantly been asking to do once simply task.

Pushing herself off the doorframe with her arms still folded, Sally takes a couple steps closer to her guardian. "What are you looking for?"

By the time that the young girl has said the question, April has finally pulled the blanket back to reveal a medium size cardboard box.There it is.Found it.

Grabbing the light container, she pulls it out from its hiding spot and slams it on a clear spot of her bedroom floor before getting onto her knees. The reporter locks her eyes on her friend. "This." April looks down, preparing for this moment.

Taking the lid off was the start of it. Grabbing the handle of the box, April flips it upside down, letting all the things onto the floor. She lets out a disgusted grunt when the weight of the items falls onto her lap. Not to mention the purse-sized of dust and the stinky smell that would clear an entire subway cart in a few seconds flat.

Throwing the empty box away, April dives right into what is now in front of her. Now intrigued of the situation, Sally too kneels down to her friend's level. She would also like to have a look of what is inside the box. It was a bunch of files that is secured in paper folders, a small shoe box that is already opened up to reveal a small video camera, a few tapes that are in cases with writing in colour and a small stuffed toy, and a few black blinder books There have all have the words printed, "LABORATORY NOTEBOOK".

What April has just pulled out from her closet to show to the 15-year-old teen was what is left of the old laboratory that both their fathers used to work at. Dr. O'Neil and Dr. Hope were both brilliant scientist who were put into a high-class team to work on a government project that would help change the face of science forever.

The first thing that April grabs was one of the paper folders. She opens them up to find newspaper clippings.

LAB FIRE KILLS SCIENTIST. The words “Arson Suspected” was printed underneath the photo.

April remembers that there was investigation on who caused the blaze. They found only traces that belong to the notorious group. The Foot. Just like Sacks said in his speech earlier this evening. It may have happened more than 15 years ago; April O'Neil was at the age of 8 when this tormented event happened. The day that…she lost her father.

Out of all the member of that particular group, only Dr. O'Neil didn't survive the blaze. Only she and Dr. Hope, Sally's father, survived that night. Looking at the headline and photo does bring painful emotions inside April that was anything but jubilant. She remembers the days after school that she would take a trip down to her father's lab to see all the experiments up close and the kind of work that he, Dr. Hope and Eric Sacks are contributing to the city. There were the happiest times for April and her father. Until it all went up in flames. Not the kind of memory that April wants to remember for the rest of her life.

But no. This isnotwhat she is searching for. It was somewhere inside the box but not in one of the paper folders. Maybe it was in the books? Closing up the folder and tosses it to the side, April leans a bit forward and grabs the closest hardboard book that she can find. Maybe what she can find was in here.

Sally has moved closer to her friend before grabbing another black book. The cover itself has a clean, slick feeling to it despite being stored away for more than a decade. The teen takes a good look at the small lettering on the book.

"Project Renaissance?" she repeated.

Now flipping through the second black book, April was nodding but doesn't take her eyes of the moving pages.C'mon, it's gotta be in her

A recognisable symbol has caught her eye, causing her to stop flicking through the written pages. Staring deeply at it while placing her right on the used leaf, April lets out a breath what felt like eternity. She looks down at the chosen page in complete daze. But she was not the only one who is stunned. The teen had her mouth in a shape of an 'o' when she saw the insignia.

"Oh my god…is that…" Once again, April didn't look at Sally and nodded.

The symbol.Thesamesymbol that she saw last night at the docks! She knew it. She knew where she saw it before. At her late father's lab! It all makes sense now. But was it enough to know the whole story and why it is connected with the Vigilantes? No, it wasn't.

The videos! Of course! There is more proof than on paper!

That is when her video camera comes in.

Shifting through the smaller box was the camera and the tapes. April grabs the first tape. The words "T.C.R.I" were marked on the side. She takes it out, puts into the large slot of her camera and pushes the button. Nothing happens.

The battery is dead. It has been dead for a long time now. The woman's hands were shaking when she passed the charger to her friend who plugs it at the power outlet near her small desk.

Plugging in the cable from the outlet to her camera, it took a while for the old device to load up after being neglected for a period of time. Once the cord is secured, Sally rushes back to her original spot and gets a good view of the camera screen. April presses the button and the screen flicks on. The first thing that they saw was a young girl with shoulder-length brown hair with a black headband. She had straight bangs as she was aiming the camera at her. The date 03/30/1999 was shown at the bottom left corner with the recording starting at 01:05:24.

"Good evening. This is April O'Neil, reporting live from my daddy's lab. I know it sounds pretty boring, but actually, he does some pretty cool stuff."

Even at the age of 8, April always wanted to be a reporter. And her small piece at her father's workplace was a good start for her future career. The camera switches over to the next scene at 1:07:24. It was no longer showing the young girl in the picture as it was replaced with a much older gentleman. He has his lab coat on while sitting at his desk, writing down theories and notes in his books. He has short brown hair and green eyes. Taking a second off his work to look in the direction of the camera. He doesn't want his daughter to record more of their project.

"Time to put the camera away, April."


Sally has never had the chance to meet this man before but from hearing from both her father and April, she always considers him as a family member.

"Is thathim?"

Tears were starting to well up in her eyes and her lips began to quiver. April doesn't take her eyes off the camera screen but she does produce a warm smile. She nods her head in response. Itishim, April's father. The closest relative that she had at such a young age. The two older men were best friends and acted like brothers back then just like April and Sally considers themselves close friends and sisters to each other. If he was still alive, Sally would look up to him as an uncle and April would do the same to her father.

"C'mon, Kirby. Let her record."

The screen was whipped around to the direction of the voice. It sounded like a grown-man but it wasn't her father. His hairline was thinning but has clear blue eyes instead. He does picture the warm smile on his face. He looks into the camera while standing up.

"Making as a journalist, right kiddo?"

"That's right!"

And now, it was Sally's turn to have her eyes watery. The two girls have both the tender grins on their faces when both April's dadandSally's father were in the same tape. Seeing both of them brings joy inside their souls. For Sally, she hasn't seen her own parent for more than two years now. For April, it was 15.

Switching to another tape, the woman hits the fast-forward button for a second until the tape came at 00:06:36. The date on the screen was recorder on 06/30/1999 - just three monthsafterthe first recording. Young April was panning the camera around the lab. Her dad was nowhere in sight as she draws the video camera to a small canister, secured in a glass display case.

The green substance is encased with two steel ends and the wordsTCRIwere printed in white tape.TCRIis the company that the two men were working at many years ago. After the incident, Sacks left the company to focus on his own organisation, allowing someone else to take the CEO position.

"And now I will show you…something amazing. It's supposed to be from a different planet in outer space!"

The tape goes to the next scene at 00:18:13. This time it is not her father or Sally's. It was the familiar face in the same workplace. His grey-brownish hair was combed and slicked back. Instead of a grey or black suit, Eric Sacks was wearing a light grey striped collar long-sleeved shirt. Only one hand was a syringe filled with the same green substances and in the other was a small turtle, wiggling its arms and legs in the air.

A small…turtle?

"Here we go. Ah!"

The scientist speaks as he sticks the needle into the baby turtle's left cheek. Interesting fact that turtle breathe through their behinds and discard their urinal leavings through their mouths instead of the usual way. With his thumb, Sacks pushes down the plunger to empty the matter out of its barrel and into the veins of the tiny creatures. The next scene takes the little reporter with all three men accounted for at 01:08:24.

"Mr. Sacks, what sort of experiments are you doing here?"

The interviewee was the only one sitting down for this report as the other two men were standing up behind their co-worker. They all looked at each other, giving off a lightly laugh to an oblivious question. She was only a young child with big dreams. How would they explain to her about the objective of their work without using elaborate words?

Sacks turns to face the young reporter. He stammers a bit when he begins to answer her question. "Oh, th-that's a very complicated question." The camera quickly beeps which it was jumped to 01:11:03 as Sacks deliver the short answer. "We're trying to change the world."

For the greater good, they're guessing. They did indeed sign-up for helping the community. The next scene was still on the same tape but much earlier. It shows a small rat - no older than a year - was sitting in its little cage on wood shaving, twitching its little pink nose while its beady eyes is looking at the recording camera. April remembers very well of this particular animal.

"Look at the camera! Hello, Splinter."

The tape has come to a complete end. What is shown isnotwhat April is looking for. Maybe it’s on a different tape. Maybe the one with the wordLeonardoin black on it. Spreading them around, she finds the particular tape. Even if what she is looking for is not on this recording, she would be happy enough to go through all of them if it takes her all night. Takes the one already in the camera out and replaces it with a new one, April hits the play button.

The new tape takes place one month later on 07/18/1999. The current date in the recording was getting closer the incident that took place years ago. By the time April presses 'play', the innocent voice of her as child begins to talk.

"And these are my little turtles,…"Turtles? No… Don't tell me tha—

April stops her thoughts as she and Sally continue to listen. The first one starts at 01:03:13. The first small reptile was on a small rock; a lot bigger than him, climbs on its side while using its flipper to wipe its little face. "…Leonardo,…"

The next one is jumped to 1:05:26. It too was on a rock but most of it was nearly submerged in the tank's water. "…Raphael,…"

The third one came at 01:07:09 as it was lying on a rock in its tank, snacking on a piece of pizza. A food that April recommended. "…Michelangelo…"

The fourth and last one started at 1:08:16 with its head just submerging the water surface. It was standing on its rear limbs and right next to his name tag; plaster on the glass tank. "…and Donatello."

On each of the tank shown in the tape had their names printed on. Painted on all four shells of the red-eared sliders are small blob are four separate colours. Each colour is designating each of the creatures in respective colours. Each colour represents each turtle by the nature of their chosen names. Not to mention that is the same colour of the mask that the giant turtles were wearing when April and Sally met them…

"The fans want to see you!" 01:08:19 is when the little girl finished her introduction of the smallest animals in the lab. All four of them were squirming around in one big tank, all huddled together before the two of them went off into different direction.

Another scene was jumped and shows one of them by itself. Its flippers were pressed up against the glass as it helps the little creature stand on its back legs. While holding the camera in one hand, it shows April's visible index finger in the shot. It was only a centimetre away from touching the glass as the little tiny does a few chirping sound. April drags her finger closer to the clear surface as at the same time takes its flippers off the glass and retracts it head into its shell…only to be shot and hits the glass. When it came into contact, it creates a large crack that causes young April to jump a little and moves her little finger away.

Sally was stunned by that move. What was in that substance by the way that causes the small turtle to gain enough strength to make a crack much larger than him?

As for April, she has been holding her breath ever since she started the new tape. The mind was now spinning. To her, - the symbol that she saw last night, the Turtles that she and her friend encounter, their names that they have learned - it felt like she was hit by an earthquake.

Four turtles. Four different colours. Four different names.

It was all connected. Shedoesknow their name.

"I knew it." April finally speaks up over the recording. She was taking very deep audible breaths, getting a grip on reality, while gripping a lone tape in her hand. Sally was still at her side as the young woman darts her head to her and back to the camera. "TheVigilante, I saw him. We sawthem! We saw them. And I've knownthemsince I was a little girl. They were mypets. They were mychildhood pets, and they were named afterItalian Renaissancepainters." Relieved that one piece pf the puzzle was completed, April drops her camera into the small box and goes straight for the first folder that she sees. The ones that she hasn't looked through yet. She was still taking more deep breaths from her long speech.

Sally's eyes were now wider than dinner plates. No wonders April told her that those names sound familiar. It is because she knew them from her childhood. They were her pets at the time and why she didn't have many friends or any siblings as she was the only child. These turtles were the only thing closest to her. And this was all before Sally was born.

The teen also realised that she hasn't spoken in a while. "Ok. So, the word "whoa…" is not big enough for what we just saw and witnessed tonight? Right?"

The reporter didn't stop flicking through one of the folders and has her eyes glued to it. "Exactly."

"So,…quick question: how did those guys turned from a couple of tiny turtles in a glass tank to four giants like they just watched an 1-hour bodybuilding session with Arnold Schwarzenegger?"

The woman simply ignored the comedichowpart of the question and focus on the serioushowpart. April doesn't know the whole story.Yet. But it might have something to do with the substances that was injecting into the creatures from the tapes that they watched.

April gets to the last page and moves onto the next report. She finally looks at Sally. "Ready to stay up all night?" Surprised by this quarry, it didn't take Sally that long to nod in response. "Because we're going to find out." Something tells April that she is going to need all the help that she can get. Most of her questions were answered tonight but not completely. She needs to know the truth behindProject Renaissance.

Sally opens up the black book in her grasp and starts reading. "Sounds fair. Remind me to call the school in the morning." To miss a day of school would be a dream for the 15-year-old teen. And for once, April will allow here to play hooky.

(The Sewers, Manhattan, NY - 10:07pm)

A large steel circular hatch swings open. The teenage reptiles have finally made it back home. Luckily for them, it does not produce a loud creek. Any sudden noise would disturb their fellow roommate. Theoneroommate that they all want to avoid. Especially since they have broken the all-time rule:

Sneaking out without his permission.

Well, what do you expect from a group of teenagers? Theylove to sneak out. But these guys have a very good reason why they venture out to the surface. But, would they be honest enough to tell the one person in their family the truth? Either way, they end up getting the punishment for slipping out late. The one place that they donotwant to end up in.

They have spent the last hour trying to untangle themselves from the small tunnel that can't fit four giant turtles at the same time. In order to get out, they have to push the stinky one out by his feet, giving the other three plenty of room to move around. Once they are free, they raced non-stopped (without taking a breather) until they have reached the front door of their underground home.

Only three turtles were present at the doorway. The fourth member of the pack was lagging behind. There was also another rule that was added to the policy:he who has gas travels at the back of the pack. Since little Michelangelo is the one who display the stench, the three older siblings all forced him to walk a few metres behind them. But Mikey here was known to be the fastest out of all of them and without the help from his rocket-power skateboard; he manages to catch up to them.

After the door was forced open by the tallest turtle, the three brothers all get a good look inside their home. With only a small light source coming from the giant fan moving at a slow rate located at the top like a skylight and a few cracks in the places, plus, a few screens were left on from the computer station, the place seems really deserted. Just before them are drains that acted like skate ramps for one family member to enjoy his afternoon hobby. Covering almost all the walls within their home were colourful graffiti art that seems to brighten up the room, especially if the main lights were not turned on. The kitchen, bedroom and bathroom were in another section of their sewer home that they can't see at the moment.

The only ones who are moving around in the rooms were the four troublemaking ninjas. There was no sign of that particular person. They just hope that he isnotin here and have already turned in for the night.

"Is he here?" Raphael quietly asked the simple question. The four brothers all have to lower their voices as there were hardly any walls in their home as it was mostly pillars. Their entire lair is kinda like a studio apartment or a giant warehouse that lacks the soundproof walls.

As the leader, Leo was scanning the place despite being nearly pitched black with a little help from the light. He squinted his eyes, trying to focus any moving object within his sight. So far, nothing. "I don't see him." If he or his brothers can't see who they are on the lookout for, he always goes to his youngest brother, for he has the technology to court the area. Leo turns to him. "Donnie?'

The brainiac in the family has already got his metal specs on before he opened the hatch. He was twisting one of the lenses, acting the software of his device. His metal goggles were already making beeping noises as he continues to fiddle with them. "My thermal scans indicate there's a 74% variable that there's a 61% chance he's not—"

Mikey comes up behind him, butting into the conversation. And almost butting his brother inside. His tech pack almost makes more beeping sounds when made contact with the ninja's knees. "That he's not here, guys. That he's not here." He doesn't see the rat, so he shouldn't be here.

Leo quickly wipes his head around to see the baby of the family and puts his finger to his lip. "Shhh…" If only they were a little louder that all of New York and plusNew Jerseycan hear him, then they would be inbigtrouble. Don almost falls in and looks at his young brother.

Getting a bit hostile (which he always is), Raph just simply looks at him.I swear that if he opens more of his big mouth,…

"Okay," the leader spoke before lifting his right hand and gestures his fingers towards the front. "Fall in,…" he then curls his right fist before looking over his shoulder to see his team members, "…quietly."

Now, the teens were playing the gameFollow the Leaderin stealth mode as Leo was the first to jump through the hatch and lands on the ground with his bended knees, giving a soft grunt. Raph was the next to follow, barked a small quiet grunt. Don was the third as he too produces a small noise before using his lens, making a recognisable beeping sound. They all scan the place once more. Still quiet and still dark. The first difficult part of their plan to sneak back in was almost complete.

Two seconds went by before the funny-loving turtle was the last to jump in. Once he lands on the ground, he quickly forgets the memo and lets out a very heavy thud on the ground, and letting out a loud groan. Almost lose his footing and knocks a small stick off its ledge. All three heads whipped at the sudden noise. What does the termquietlymean anything to the child of the family that he does not quite understand?

"Dude…" the red clad reptile hisses at his youngest clumsiness. Luckily, the loud noise was not enough to alert the company within the home. They are safe. But for how long until they are caught?

Now that they are inside, they were not out of the woods just yet. First, they have to put their weapons away before they all turn into their sleeping chambers and make it look like that, they have never left their home. Although they are allowed to roam around in the sewers, going topside was forbidden.

Located on the wall near them was their weapons cabinet. A few slots were missing as that is where they removed their chosen weapons before they head out. The order in the single line was exactly the same order of where the teens are standing at the moment. Leading the pack, Leo carefully tip-toe towards his cabinet with the others following in pursuit.

Although he was forced to be quiet and move softly as a mouse, Mikey wanted to point out a crucial point that was made tonight. "So, guys,…if it wasn't already obvious with those girls,…" he pictures a goofy smile and points his index fingers towards him, "…dibs!" He would do anything to see their pretty faces again and asked if they have any friends with them that would like to get on the Mikey Train.

Once again, they all shushed him. It sounds like he was trying to get them caught on purpose. "If Master Splinter catches us, he'll send us back to theHa'shi," warned the blue clad turtle. Most punishment for kids are usually sitting on a chair in the corner or smack on their butt but the ninjas' form of punishment; the one known as theHa'shi, is much more harsher than it sounds. Throughout their lives ever since the first training to become shadow warriors, the turtles were never stranger to the discipline tool. Raph has already started to pull out his first Sai and turns to his cabinet. He places in its slot as Leo does the same with his sword.

"I ain't going back to theHa'shi."No surprise there, bro.There is a lot of things that Raph hates and being in theHa'shitakes the top slot of the list.

"Every time we're in theHa'shi, it's because ofyou," the leader argued his beastly brother on the countless times of who was responsible of ending up in there in the first place by pushing the closest shoulder on the red turtle. It was because of Raph's temper that always landed him and his brothers in theHa'shi.

Irritated about reminding him, Raph looks down on hisfearless leader. After tonight or some other time in the future, it will all change. "Well, bro, you won't have to worry about me dragging you down anymore." He returns his favour to his brother by placing his giant hand on his brother's scarred face and roughly pushes him back. He goes back to his cabinet and proceeds to places his other Sai away.

After putting his Nunchakus away, Mikey goes up to his brother's face as if he needs more people going up in his personal bubble. "What's that supposed to mean?" The youngest can also see his face starting to bruise up from the girl that sucker-punched him in the face. Its either he is angry from that or maybe he was just being usual grumpy self.

It was not the stench from his brother's behind that he smelt tonight but Mikey's breath also needs to be fanned out. He uses his shoulder to lightly whack him away but Mikey returns from that nudge. "I'm going out on my own," he announces his future goal, shoving his little brother out of his space as he finally puts the last weapon back in his case. "First chance I get."

Mikey does not like the sound of his brother's plan. There is gotta be something that he needs to stay behind for. And the orange turtle knows what. "How are we gonna finish our hip-hop Christmas album, bro?" the jokester begs, not wanting his partner in the music business to quit in the middle of their track. He lightly backhands him in the plastron. "You're the hype man!"

Both their voices started to grow a little louder and sooner or later, it will alert someone else. Leo was the first to shush them up. "Shut up," he whispered. This is all followed by everyone else; all of them shushing, shoving and saying "shut up" in the process. Some of them were spitting into their faces, most particular in the face of the turtle with the giant muscles.

"I got spit in my eye," he grumbles at the two youngest while violently pulling the one next to him by the head. Leo then butts into the immature ones by grabbing Raph by the rim of his shell. The leader pulls him to face the eldest as the small brawl comes to a complete stop.

"Shh! He's not going anywhere. Weallstick together," he reminds them the whole point of being a family. They all share a strong bond that can never be broken. Raphael would try to trade anything for the world for a chance to leave the team but knowing him, he would never. If one of them goes down, they all go down. They are mutant turtles. The only four of their kind. If anything happened to him or his family,…

Mikey leans into his brother. "Sorry I spit in your eye, bro," Mikey apologetic as his big bro mentioning that he shouldsay it, not spray it.

Raph whips his head from his bossy brother to his annoying brother. "Shh!"

"Uhh,…guys? Guys." Donnie's sudden interruption and a quick nudge by the elbow to the turtles next to him cause the rest to lock their eyes on him. After they all climbed into their home, he slides his high-tech googles back on his bald turtle head. Sweat was already forming on his face and he was already tense up. But what is very strange was that he was not making a single eye contact with them. Why is that?

"We got a bogey."

The small section in their sewer home was sounded by a switch. And lit up by a sudden light.

It just like someone just hit the stop button during a round onMusical Statues. But there was no music playing and only a flashlight was aiming at them like a group of four deers in headlights. This wasn't the first time that something like this has happened. At least it wasn't a camera or phone. This light was much brighter. And it was in the palms of the last person that they wanted to see.

Their father.

"Uh…" was the only sound coming out of the buffoon's mouth. Everyone else was just breathing through their nostrils. They were trying so hard not to move a muscle or blend in with the wall. He must have been hiding behind a pillar or his ears must have burning that he was in the other room when he either heard a creek of the door or his sons talking up a storm in whisper. Why didn't Donnie's tech track him? Or did he looked behind like any other being who is not equipped or wrapped around multiple of cable on his shell?

They all waited a little longer, wondering why the owner of his home has not made a sudden sound or motion. The teens were now trapped like rats in a maze.

And speaking of rats…

Right behind them, the oldest family member had his left fist right behind his back. He then slides it down to his side…

And that is when a long pink rope appears out from behind and trips Leo right from under his left foot, sending the eldest to the ground on his knees. The second that their older brother has fallen to the ground, that is when all three jumped and shift around. Either at the appearance of the light or him, the teens were already tensed up. In a scared-kind of way.

The rope then slithers back to its position and was now move on its own. It was a long pink tail and this attacker was a giant rat. He may be big but he is at a Yoda height compared to the giant turtles themselves.

Covering almost his small rodent body was a large open black bathroom robe with a Japanese symbol written on a yellow circle printed on his back. Underneath the first clothing is a light dirty yellow robe that is wrapped up by a black Karate belt. And underneath that robe is a cream woolly shirt. Around his neck strapped to a brown leather string was a turtle-shaped Jade pendant and pinned on his black robe are two golden turtle pins.

He also has a pair of wooden square sandals on his hairy feet with cotton Y-strapped. Wrapped around his hands are dirty white straps, which most MMA fighters wear during the tournaments or matches. His back hair was all tied up in a Japanese bundle and his moustache has a Fu Manchu with a long goatee as well that brings the whole package together.

The place may be dark with a little luminous in his grip, the Turtles can tell the look on his face was anything but worried. And if they look any closer, they can actually see steam coming out of his ears.

"Where have you been?" he angrily demanded. He was not very pleased at all.Not one bit.

Quivery like the rest of his family, Raphael tries to fill him in. In other words, hopefully pull of a great lie that would fool his father. "Uh…w-w-we weren't—"

But he didn't say much when the rat quickly wraps his tail around his athletic son. His prehensile tail proves to be powerful as it lifts the heavy turtle a foot off the ground and he has up against the wall. A second later, the parent releases his second eldest to the hard floor, giving him the chance to rub the unsuspected sore around his reptile neck. Raph was not the only strong fighter around here.

Donnie has already come up with an excuse and which is why he is running in the other direction. The rat drags the light to the moving turtle. "I forgot to soak my retainer!" said the agile ninja. But he wasn't on alert when he gets tripped over by the tail as well. With him down flat on his shell, it only leaves one more…

Splinter shines the light on the last turtle whose arms were straight and his hands were out in front as he carefully takes each foot a staggering step. With his eyes closed. "Oh! I'm totally sleepwalking! Look, Mikey's sleeping and walking. He'stotally innocent," he speaks which it is known assleeptalking.

In some cases, but not this one. He is trying to pull the wool over his father's eyes with this childish trick but Splinter was not so easily fooled. Waiting for the right moment and with the flick of his tail, the rodent sweeps the last of his busted sons onto the ground.

"ENOUGH!" You disobeyed a direct order. Why did you go above ground?WHAT HAPPENED?" He was acting like any other furious parent who knows that their kid or children are in deep trouble especially when they hit their teenage years. All they need to know iswhy.

He shines on his two eldest. They both looked down, not uttering one word. Splinter moves the light to his naive son. He was known to be the chatterbox. Not one word came out of his mouth. Instead, he looks away. And last was his brilliant son. Surely, he would speak. Covering his face with his gloved hand when the light came into his vision did not make him talk.

Why did his sons go above ground when they are not supposed to? Whatever the reason is, his sons were not spilling.

They ain't gonna to talk?Well, Splinter knows the one way to make them talk. And he knows they won't like it. "Very well. If that's how it's going to be,…" he delivers the final strike while throwing his hand in the air, "…to theHa'shi!"

When the rat walks away, the busted teens all groaned at this. They all hate theHa'shi. No question about it.

April and Sally finally know more about the Turtles. And the Turtles are going to theHa'shi. Stay tuned for the next instalment of:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: "They're Ninjas."

Author's Notes: Hey guys! Another chapter done. It’s time to move on to the next!

So, I guess there is nothing much to say but my mum is going up to Sydney to stay with my brother and his family so she can spend quality time with her grandchild! Enjoy your time, mum! We’ll make sure the house is still in one piece when you get back.

Also, next month, I will be having my driving test so I can get my license if I passed. Wish me luck and who knows, I will finish this story before the day!

Take care now guys!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 10: "They're Ninjas."


"April and Sally tried to get the work out to their boss, only to suffer the consequences."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: Hey guys! This is the second chapter that I had to rewrite today. Must be some kind of record. Anyway, sorry for the rant in the last chapter. Seeing that shipping on a romantic kind is not my cup of tea with a bit of nausea on the side. But if you guys support it, support away.

So, it looks like we are nearly half-way there, people! Once this story is done, I will move onto the sequel which I might finish this year…no wait. Definitely next year. Sorry. I still have my idea for some stories that takes place between the first and second movie (and maybe beyond…). Anyway, while that it happening, there are still more stories to told. I do wish I have the time to do so. Anyone got a device that freezes time? Or maybe the power to freeze time.

Anyway, moving on. Let's see what happens now that both April and Sally know more about the Turtles!

(Channel 6 News, Manhattan, NY - 8:50am)

The sun has just rise up from the horizon to greet a new day. The sky still brings a nice navy blue in the air before it flows into a baby blue later on. Clouds have also covered the sky but it did promise to shed a little sunshine as predicated in the weather forecast.

Today was a nice and warm Friday in which tomorrow will allow nearly every single man, women and children to enjoy a well-deserved sleep-in after a busy 5-day schedule. People are either getting up to seize the day or taking a massive rest as some might have chosen this day to do nothing and avoid the workload.

Too bad it couldn't happen to the youthful teen and her adult roommate.

For the third time of the week, April O'Neil and Sally Hope are once again at the news station at an early time.

After what they have been through and what they have discovered last night, there was no way that they can possibly get any sleep at all. Sally did doze off for a few winks but April pressed onwards. Once the tired reporter has got what she needs for to bring into work, she wakes up her tired roommate. Both of them didn't have the decency to take the time to have a shower or get change. But Sally did squeeze in the time to change from her blue shorts to her denim short overalls. As the guardian, April did promise that Sally would give school a miss in exchange to help her and to come down to the station. They also called Vern ahead of time to give them a lift to the station.

While April was setting up the spare room for her massive story about the Vigilante (now Vigilantes), Sally took on the request to get a couple cups of coffee as a boost for their day. The girls (thanks to April) didn't have time to stop now to grab a bite to eat. That is why Sally not only brought back coffee but a few donuts and an apple from the staff kitchen and why she wasn't in the mood when April woke her up. A girl like Sally is not herself when she doesn't get her beauty sleep and fill. She also had to use April's keycard to gain access as she was only an intern and that kind of staff are not permitted into that section.

After taking off her signature yellow jacket and placed on a table, the overworked journalist has managed to use the printer at work to print off about ten A4 photo sized of each of the turtle 15 years ago including another research of her own. It wasn't just the docks that the same symbol that was sprayed on but in several locations throughout the city. This has been happening for a few months before April, along with Sally, knew about it. The reporter did manage to research the particular symbol and found out what it stands for. That same symbol is printed on paper and it is posted in the middle of the crowded whiteboard.

During the early hours, April managed to transfer the old tapes to her computer thanks to modern technology. That way, if she loses the original copy, she will always have a back-up digital on her laptop. The same device was placed on the table with one of the videos ready to hit play as well as the same box where she found all her resources in on one of the chairs.

Grabbing a few more photos and with a marker in her hand, April walks over to the large whiteboard that has almost flooded with many photos. Some even has little sticky notes stuck to it. In each of the locations on the A4 picture, only a section with the symbol was magnified to show more proof that theVigilanteor theVigilantesarereal. There were plenty more photos that April could posted on the whiteboard but it was brought over to the another one just located onto her left. Another whiteboard was also located but to her right end of the room.

It was a photo of the unconsciousFootmembers that were present in the subway brawl. All chained up and lined up like it was theLast Supper. There is the photo of the actual thing to compare the similarities. The nameLEONARDO(one of the turtles' names) was also written on that board with a few more writing.

Sally finally returns with the food, coffee and an energy drink for both of them (the can of Monster was for the group-up) in tow to see her friend writing the wordsCRIME SCENEin purple high above her. The wordsKANJIandJAPANwere also written as well but in boxes instead. She also sees arrows pointing from one printed photo to another and the symbol was boarded around with different kinds of colour markers.

Placing the perishable contents on the spare table, Sally, letting out a big yawn, watches the only adult continue to hold more pictures up with the help of magnets. Seeing the Turtles last night was something hard to believe. Anybody can make this up if they were real or not. But the teen can't help but feel precarious about all this. The problem is thatno-onewill believe April or her when either one of them will tell the tale. If they did reveal the news to the public, they would be laughed in mockery. But that is not the worst part. April can get fired from all this and Sally will lose her internship because of this. Also, she couldn't help think about the warning that one of them gave to the girls if they did say a word to anyone.

These reptiles -Ninja Turtles- will find them if words do get out.

But she simply can't tell her friend to give up. Sallydidsaw the Turtles with her own eyes. And even if she didn't see the symbol the first time around, she was first one to believe April when no-one else did. Pushing down all the insecurities inside of her, Sally is ready for April at every step of the way.

As she takes a seat in the unoccupied seat, she bites down on her donut and takes a slip on her beverage, to see more words were put up:

-LOCATIONS - 10? There might be more places than the ones on the whiteboard.

- PHOTOS.Some from her camera. Others from Sally's or the net.

- OTHER ARTICLES.There have been a few articles for a while that has them involved with the…mutants.

- CONNECTING ELEMENT IS KANJI SYMBOL. Something that has to do with the symbol that April brought up on the board.

April now grabs a green marker and marks a box around "KANJI SYMBOL". Right now, she has her whole speech ready. She cannot wait to show her boss the actually proof of the story that she wasn't quite ready from yesterday.


Speaking off…

Just a while ago, she was called by April to tell her the big news. Hating to leave from her busy post, Thompson hopes that her trip to see the young reporter was worth it. She has the same pants with a long blue top on and resting on her nose were her reading glasses.

The CEO walks in through the door to see the youngest members of her company in the small room. At the sight of her boss, April stops her drawing and drops the marker onto the table. "All right, what wassoimportant I had to get here?"

Being up this early for a grumpy old lady was not a good sign to both the girls as she has a huge TV station to run on a daily basis. April will have to keep it short as she is a busy lady. But this was the only time that was perfect to get some lonely time with Thompson. And what better way to use that time wisely was to tell…her story.

"Okay. Are you ready?"

Thompson nodded. "Yeah." Well, so was April.

The young woman rustles through her long auburn locks, trying to shake the fatigue out of her system. Or was she just trying to fix up her hairstyle? It wouldn't kill April to take a 2-min shower to freshen up but after what she and Sal have gone through, there wasn't time for it. Or for food. Not for Sally. She can skip shower for one day but never when it comes for food. She takes a slip of her coffee as she watches the two women in the room.

"Okay." April starts her first statement as she clears her throat. "You know how I saw theVigilante?"

Thompson nodded. "Yeah." At first, she was intrigued of it at first but with no real proof, it was hard to accept it.

April adds on. "But I had no photos or evidence to show you, so I just soundedcrazy." When the wordcrazycomes out of her mouth, April does these little finger motion toperfectlydescribe that one word. Sally does a little cheeky smirk when she saw that.

Once again, Thompson nods but in more of a believable way. "Yes." The woman doesn't have to remind her on how she acted yesterday morning. She remembers that meeting very well that she only came up to the top floor with only one photo, a story that is not neither fantastic or tangible and nothing more.

Well, unlike yesterday morning, April did bring herfantasticstory with loads oftangibleproof. And a lot more.

"Okay. But I saw him again—Well, I didn't see him again, we sawthem, because there'sfour," she responded as she holds one finger up before adding three more, making her statement and adding her friend into the mix. She does it again in her next sentence. "There's not just one, there's four. And we were standing as close to them as you are to me right now."

Almost like before, Thompson is now more than eager to know these Vigilantes. If April says that they are real, then she was now leaning towards that direction. Very intrigued, she needs to know more. "What'd they look like?" Do they have a cape on or are they wearing masks or were they just someone with a familiar face and a big heart like Sacks? Or were they covered from head-to-toe like theFoot?

April lets out a big exhale before pointing to her boss. "I'll show you." Her answer was not located on the main whiteboard but on the secondary one. Walking over to it and points the same two fingers from before, April holds it against the chosen photo. Just posted behind her was a blurry still-image of the actual fight that took place last night in the subway (from jher camera) and another sticky note with the wordsTrachemys scripta elegans - Red eared slider. Below them are the words written on blue areSTOCKMAN, O'NEIL,HOPEandSACKS. These last names were very crucial to the company behind theVigilantes. But right beside the sticky note is what April is currently has her fingers on.

A close-up photo of one of her pet turtles.

This is not what Thompson was expecting. They were not wearing a cape or a mask or anything. It was just a photo of a close up of a small reptile. "What?"

April knocks her two knuckles on the board a couple of times before dropping it to her side. "Like this."

Now it was Thompson turn to point her fingers but at the photo. She takes a step forward to get a better look despite wearing glasses. "Liketurtles?

"Well,…" Sally comes up between them, with her mouth-full of the deep-fried breakfast. She only has her cup in her hand and her donut already devoured. "…they don't look like turtles."Okay, maybe they are wearing costumes just like any other heroes in fiction stories…But Sally wasn't done. "…because theyareturtles." She takes another of her morning joe.

The young women hold her hand to speculate their height of these turtle that they saw last night. "They're over six feet tall and they speak English," the reporter added.

Baffled, the older woman looked at the photo and back to the girls.Turtles? Six-feet tall? English? Thompson has all got worked up…forfour pet baby turtles. They're joking, right?

She was not getting through to her. Out of frustration, April starts to scratching her messy hair again, making more unbearable tangles in it.Note to self: pack a small hairbrush in her bag from now on to get rid of the itching feeling. Well, it wouldn't be a problem if she didn't skip on her daily routine.

Thompson's mouth was gapping. Was this some kind of joke? Four giant turtles…are living in their streets?

"Oh, my God,…" the stunned older women muttered before moving away from the board. She can't not believe that she had to leave her station to see…this!

Thinking that she is heading for the door, April stops her scratching and stops her boss. "We were awake all night,please look,…" she holds her hand out before rushing towards the main whiteboard, pointing out more on her theories. "…we were awake all nightgooglingall the thwarted crimes over the past three months,…" She motions her hands around the board where the photos of alleyways, windows, and place where not much light could get through. All the places where theFoothave made their appearance at. April finally puts to the symbol before looking back at Thompson. "…andthissymbol appeared at every single one.Look! Every single one of them."

Thompson's eyes have nearly bugged out of their sockets. This story was getting more far-fetched than the one that the journalist tried to pull off yesterday. But she remains on the spot; still listening to the story at her suffering.

While the 24-year-old speaks, Sally moves over to the cluttered table that is overflowed with paper, food, drinks and her friend's laptop. Looking back and forth at April and to Thompson, she can easily note the uneasy tension in the room than it was yesterday morning. The CEO would not understand the whole story because she has not seen the symbol many years ago just like April did. Maybe she was telling her whole story wrong? Either way, this was not going to end well.

But April didn't stop. She taps the photo on her left. "This one, look." And she then taps to the others, one-by-one. "Here, here, here, here, here." From her seat, Sally was too pointing at each place in a more comedic way. At the end of the trail, she goes right back to the lone black writing on printed paper before looking back at Thompson. "And it's an ancient Japanese symbol that means "family"."

If she was talking to her dad (if he was still alive) or Sally's dad (if heisaround), they would be more intrigued with the story because they have been there. But there is also Eric Sacks. If he was available in his busy schedule…

Despite leaving her out, Sally was near the certain item that could make April's story more realistic. Grabbing her laptop, she hands it to her roommate. "Here, April."

This was taking a lot in for Thompson. She was a busy woman. And she didn't have time to get involved in such of a fake story that is not news-worthy. Thompson has directed her eyes to the ground while placing her hand on her forehead before lifting her head up. "I can't believe you brought me in in to do this?" she exclaimed. She's not the only one but Sally decided to drop it and stay on April's side. That means she too will be on Thompson's bad side.

Frantically, April folds her small Mac up and the computer was turned on. "It's here, it-i-its h-here," the young stuttered as she types in her password to log in. She hits the play button and the film starts rolling. In this video shows the turtles playing around in their small tank. April switches the laptop around so Thompson has front-row seats of the show but this particular show is something that Thompson would not pay money for it. The CEO darts her eyes in the office of where the ceiling and the wall meet, not seeing April and Sally from the corner of her vision.

"This is my father and her father's lab." Finally, the reluctant Thompson faces them. Maybe some actual video proof of theselarge, talking turtles would prove anything. April points to the picture of the turtle as the video was playing in the background. "This is the same lab where these things were born or-or-orcreatedormutated. Or, I don't know the terminology, but will you please justlookat what I'm showing you and listen to me," she begged while agitatedly taps the screens of her own device but not enough to make a dent in it. "It'sallconnected. TheTurtlesare theVigilantesand theVigilantesare theseturtles."

The women watch the old video where one of the so-calledVigilantesis a small creature, munching down on a slice of pizza that appeared on the scene at 00:06:34 on 07/18/1999 with the 8-year-old April voicing over as she feeds her pets.

"Pizza has cheese, tomato sauce, all your favourite stuff. Eat it. You guys need nutrition. Or not."

Pushing up her glasses before they fell off of her face and looks up to the girls before going back to the film, Thompson was almost had it with the misleading newbies. She has a huge company to run and she can't waste any more time with this. It's either April and Sally need to drop it or they will suffer the consequences.

Thompson then places her hand on display case before folding it back down. She has had enough of watching something that from the science channel. "I just want to be clear. You two are now telling that there arefour,…" she hold out four fingers just like what April did before and then she holds out the same hand to at the imaginary height that April also pointed out, "…sixfoot talking turtles,…" she waves the other hand in a shape of an imaginary semi-circle, "…walkingaroundNew York Cityand no-one has seen them but you two?"

"That's what we are telling you," April confidently replied her answer. Sally nods in agreement.

Thompson pictures a light smile on her face. Some good humour in the morning would fill her up, not thisphoney-bologna. She looks away as she chuckles. "I don't mean to laugh,…" she tilts her head back up, "…but is thereanythingelse we should know about them?"

If Thompson wants a laugh, she might get a kick out of for what the one of them say next. But what either one of the girls is going to say is no laughing matter. They looked at each other. And then back to Thompson.

"They're ninjas."

Thompson's face went bleak. "I'm sorry,…what?

Still sitting from her chair, Sally added on from her friend's answer. "Yeah, and they do karate or something. And they have these ninja masks on and they carry these weapons around. And—"

"Okay," Thompson calmly snaps at them before pointing to the door, "You two,get out."

And when Thompson meansget out, its means in her terms:you're fired.

That is why April's eyes are all red and her cheeks are streaked with tears. No longer wearing the tags around their necks, the only things that they can leave their former workplace was the same cardboard box that the girls brought in this morning, plus their own bags as well. April O'Neil has worked extremely hard to get the dream job that she always wanted. And now, thanks to the events from last night and the action just a few minutes ago, it was shot.

They both went through all this trouble to get the story of the century, only to be ridicule. Putting fake news on the show was not how Channel 6 works.

But neither the girls are lying. They are telling the truth. If the two of them saw the Turtles, then that should be enough for Thompson or anybody else to believe them. TheFootare real, so why can't these reptiles be real too? Their boss -former boss- finds it…unbelievable.

Sniffing her nose, April was the first to walk through thegloomydoor of thedepressingplace and a step towardsThe Life of the Unemployment Gal of the Big Apple, which sounds like a nice title of a book based on the 24-year-old’s life. Sally was right behind her. The teen wasn't depressed as her friend here was. But at least, her guardian can remind her that she can now be more focus on her studies so she can get a decent job when her final year of school concludes.


The girls whipped their heads to their left. Still parked in the designated spot was their ride. Leaning up again the back door, Vern takes an interest at the expressions on the reporter and the teen's face, the small box in the former's hands and…the absent of the girls' lanyards. It could only mean one thing.

Pushing off his van, Vern, hands in his jean's pockets, casually walks over to the girls. Looking up at the building before turning his attention on them. "It could have been worse." He acted like it was nothing or more of a warning that Thompson gave them. Unfortunately, he doesn't know the whole story.

"We just got fired, Vern. How could it be worse?" Without a job, how was April going cope with the finance for both herself and her roommate? It would be possible for Sally to get an after-school job but with the amount of work at school and how far behind that she is lagging, it doesn't seem achievable.

"And would it kill her to write a recommendation letter for collage?" Not entirely in the mood, April shot her a look. Sally was making it a bit worse. She now regrets that comment. "Sorry."

"Maybe it's good. Maybe the two of you should take a little time, take care of yourselves," the concern friend of the girls advised them the next step. They both nodded. Maybe some time off would be a wise idea in the meantime before going back on the job hunt for the ex-reporter. "Andhey,…if you guys need help with finances or anything like that, just let me know. I'll pitch in."

The teen does a sweet smirk. "Thanks, Vern." At least they have someone who is looking out for them.

"Come on, I'll give you girls a ride." Vern was just heading towards his car. That is when April has another idea. Thompson is not the only one who should know about theTurtles.

"Not unless you're going to the Eric Sacks estate," she said as she turns and walks in the other direction. Sally follows her in pursuit.

Vern quickly does a U-turn and tries to catch up to them. "April…"

"I'm not giving up this story."

"…Hey!" He quickly gets in front of O'Neil as he grabs hold of her left arm. "You gotta put that to bed."

April just simply can't put it to bed. After what she and Sally have discovered, it would be impossible to do so. She can either burn it, bury it or drown it and it still won't go away.

"Would all of those other great reporters that sourced with, would they have "put it to bed"?" April fired back.

Vern shakes his head, placing his hands in his back pockets this time. "No. That's different."

"Howis it different?" She looks down at her box before looking back at the oldest friend that she has. "They all startedexactlywhere we are, right?"

Vern Fenwick has been in the company for many years now. A lot longer than O'Neil and Hope have. Before working with the youngest reporter in the station, he has worked with a number of rookies who rise up to the big leagues. He has been there.

Only a defeated sign comes out of him before he grabs the cardboard box out of April's grip. "I'm not driving theChannel 6news van onto the Sacks estate." He pointed at his vehicle before walking towards the driver's seat. Vern has given in.

"Who asked you to do that?" Sally amusedly asked. She and April both walked to the other side of the van.

Vern didn't turn his head but he did answer the question to that known person. "Uh,…shedid." He was only referring to the other known being with her. Then, he drags his attention to the other being with her. "And a "thanks" would have been nice."

"Maybe one day you're gonna bethankingus," April said. She was the first to open the door on her side and climbs into the van. Sally was right behind her. Once she has taken the seat, the teenager closes the up behind her and secure her seatbelt on. Vern opens his door and places the big box just behind the seats through the small assessable gap before taking his seat and shutting the door behind him.

"So, what do you guys want with Eric Sacks?" he wonders while putting his seatbelt on. He knows that the man who is helping the city is a big corporate tycoon. What does both April and Sally have with him? Maybe from that chat at the gala special last night.

"Both our dads both used to work for him," Sally replies. She knows from stories from her own dad that he and Mr. O'Neil were scientist, along with Sacks.

April finally puts her seatbelt on before getting comfortable spot even though she is sitting in a cramped seat. "He's the only person that's gonna be able to tell me whether or not I'm crazy," she added.

Despite being squished up, Sally does a nudge into April's shoulder, causing the adult to look at her. "Hey, you weren't alone last night, ok?"

"Crazy aboutwhat?" Vern asked the second time.

Sally gives him a scolding look. "So, Thompson ain’t gonna be the only one laughing at us?”

Vern takes it as an offence. He is going to give the girls a lift, he isnotgoing to make fun of them. "Oh, come on, girls. This is theFenwick Express, it's a…" he waves his hands around in small circle, indicating the transportation that they have, "…judgment-freezone. ACocoon of Safety."

The world has always been a judgemental stage for many years now. The girls give a sincere look. "Promise?"

"I'm insulted that you would suggested otherwise," Vern responded to April's word. His hand is on the wheel as he starts up the van. The engine fires up. Vern puts the stick intoD, looks through the side mirrors, starts to move off the curb and into the busy intersection.

To get where the girls need to go, it would take them about a nice, smooth 40-minute ride with no traffic along the way. This gives them plenty of time to give a detail story to the older male in the group about last night's events from when they left the same van as the crowded street was in a state of panic. Other than the only teenager in the van, Vern was the closest friend April has at her workplace. Even if she is unemployed now.

Even though she wasn't there when it happened, Sally too was very curious to know the whole story. The wholeProject Renaissance that the 15-year-old was sure that her father wants her to know.

And going to Eric's home in the snowy mountains would be the first step into the right direction.

April and Sally head out to the one person who might believe their story on the Ninja Turtles. But let's take a trip back to the Turtles in the next chapter of:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: The Ha'shi

Author's Notes: Another chapter down! AWESOME! I am on a ROLL HERE!!!!

Anyway,…I forgot to mention in the last chapter about Sally’s father. If she did appear in the movies, I was going to have either Bruce Willis or Elias Koteas (Original Live-Action Casey Jones!) to be her father. Both would be a perfect choice. If not, who else?

Quick question for you guys: if there was a third movie, what would it be about? Mine guess would be Turtles in Dimension X based on the IDW Publishing. That would be so cool.

As I am writing this, its time for another RotTMNT Movie run. Seriously, I have been watching the movie for…how many days again since…it was released so,…too many. (I think I have a problem.) But I am still planning my Rise fanfic. Still working on my OC at the moment to which I think you guys will love. That and my 2k3 version too which I have been putting off for SO many years. I am turning it into a more mature version cause I have read the Mirage Comics so I’ll closely based on it.

Anywhoo, see ya!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 11: The Ha'shi


"Master Splinter tries to make his sons talk on why they went above ground. And the only way to get through to them is putting them in most horrifying punishment ever: The Ha'shi."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: So far, so good. How’s everyone’s weekend? Good? Mine was quiet with a lot of rewriting fanfics and watching RotTMNT movie non-stop (Still, a problem, I think.). So, nothing much to say but work, work, work, work. As you guys know if you have been with me from the very start of my old version, there will be short chapter and a few long ones like the previous one.

And here comes one of my favourite scenes of the movie. Enjoy!

(The Sewers, Manhattan, NY- 8:59am)

Punishment. Noun. The act of punishing. The face of being punished, as for an offence or fault. A penalty inflicted for an offence, fault, etc. Severe handling to treatment.

That was the one word that the four 15-year-old reptile were afraid to hear. That, and another word.

They say effective discipline helps children learn to control their behaviour and builds their self-esteem. The purpose of all this was to stop the child from doing what every parent doesn't want them to do. Putting themselves in harms way or having a corrupt life.

At the beginning, their punishment was started at mild before it was moved on to harsh torture. The Turtles have always gotten the short straw when it comes to mild torment. To them, it was never easy. They always have to get things the hard way.

This is nothing new. Every child and teen go through this. Each punishment has varied of types from verbal to physical abuse. From gentle to strict. It could be yelling, withdrawing or withholding any privileges, suffering the consequences, grounding them or giving them time-outs. For the Turtles, they do have a set of rules that was created by their father in which they have no choice but to follow them.

Was it chores? They're not clean freak and cleaning anything is not their speciality. But even if they did, it would mean that they are hiding something. Well, they are hiding something and doing chores around their home would not be enough to sweat them out.

Was it a time-out chair in the corner? Most of the chairs are in the kitchen area and only one of them was being used but it was not for sitting on their shells.

Going into their room? Their own bedroom was not exactly…private. Not much walls and doors in the huge sewer lair. And there was hardly any privacy.

A smack on the shell? From you-know-who, they won't be sitting for another week or so.

Doing 10 flips? Only if it is something that small.

If you have answered to any of them or all of above, then you are completely and utterly…wrong.

Their kind of punishment that their father has instructed for them iswaydifferent from anything that anyone has ever seen or experience in their life.


And it wasa lotmore agony than a simply smack or chair in the corner. It was a form of discipline that applies to all ninjas. It was introduced to the Ninja Turtles when they first started their training.

Located in the same room with the large hatch door, each turtle is designated to balance on an object that was fished in the drains or the junk yard within theHa'shi. They were all located within a small circle but not in arm length. The only light shining down on them was the ceiling fan that shines from the sun from outside world.

Either one of them gets into trouble, everyone serves their time in theHa'shi. Not matter what and whom.

After having a calming morning tea, the rat removes himself from his chambers and joins his younglings in the steel dojo. He has only left for a few minutes and not one of his sons has moved from their spots. Wobbling and shaking does not count. In fact, they can't seem to move an inch in the painful position that they are currently in. And that is what that they have been for nearly all morning since they were caught.

"Oooohhh, 11 hours in theHa'shi," he speaks up. The sly rat drops his hands and places them behind his back. "Are yousurenone of you want to tell me where you were last night?"

Thisishis way of trying to break his children. Parent would come up with ways to make their provocative kids talk. It is either a mean stare or take away any of their valuables like theiriPhonesor aGameboy. This is Splinter's way. Putting them in theHa'shifor a very long time would make them talk. But is it working? So far, only sweats from their aching muscle and faces were the only thing escaping. Not one word. Not just yet.

Doing the full splits while resting his large feet on two cinderblocks, and balancing two hard-boiled eggs on a pair of chopsticks, each, and one on his bald head, the leader of the team was the first to speak. "How you holding up, fellas?" For the past 11 hours, the eldest has been setting a good example for his team to not easily break under this intense pressure. Even if his legs are ready to snap after locking them into place for nearly half a day.

Balancing as much as he can on a small tricycle with one huge foot, the red brute's hands were full with a pair of knitting sticks in his large hands. Throughout the rest of the night and into the morning, he was halfway done of making a red woolly scarf that would be perfect for the cold days down in the sewers.

To make one of his sons break, with his long tail, Splinter whacks the closest turtle to him. The one who is built like a brick. Wonder if he can smash him like one?

Raphael feels the pain and does a short yelp. He nearly lost his balance but he resumed his craft. "I ain't breaking if Donnie ain't breaking." Yelp, just like a brick.

On his right, Donatello was going around and around.Very slowly.Sitting in a horse stance on a hard plank of wood that is rocking on top of a bowling ball, sitting a foot off the ground thanks to another plank of wood but less in width and sturdier with a couple of cinder blocks resting underneath them like legs. Both of his hands were occupied with ping pong paddles as he lightly whacks the polyester ball back and forth. Try keeping it in motion while moving at the speed of a Merry-Go-Round. As his father gets a bit closer to him, he begins to whine a bit. Not because he was a bit scared of him. It was that he didn't want to lose his focus on the small item going from one side to the other.

Due to the fact that spinning around in circle for a long period of hours, the smart reptile was starting to throw up again but managed to hold it down for the fifth time in the last hour. "Experiencing intense nausea but not breaking." Patting the ball from side-to-side, he keeps his rhythm in check, despite looking a little green.If only Sensei will not make this worse…

Well, too bad because Splinter uses his tail to wrap one corner of the large piece of wood underneath him and winds the cycle once more, making it go a bit faster. Donnie now whimpers at the new speed that was added to the ride. He now feels a sensation riding up his oesophagus. He is not liking this one bit.

This leaves only one more turtle left. And unlike his brothers here, he was hung upside down. And unlike his brothers, he was not sweating. Or shaking. For a long period of time. He was still and calm but slightly moving like a motion art statue that you see in any unique galleries.

His puka-puka necklace and sunglasses were taken off and resting on the wooden swivel chair as they were dangling in his face from before. And just like Donnie, he was spinning at a slow-rate but he doesn't appear to be sick from it. With a big grin on his face, he was enjoying his little time in theHa'shifor once. But not for long.

"Guys? I'm in thezone! There is literallynothingthat could break me right now!" he spoke. He too was tired as his brothers are but he does his very best to cover it.

Is that so, my son…

Splinter knows what to bring out in order to make him talk at least. Taking something out from his hiding spot, he throws it into the middle after swinging a wooden sit into the centre. Seeing the familiar white box that was place in the middle, Mikey's arms begin to shake along with the chair and smile dropped. "Starting to break."

Sitting on the lone stool that the rat has brought out lies the one thing that his sons cannot resist. Mostly to the youngest of them all. He begins to circle around it. "Of course. you've all tasted the 5-cheese pizza. Butthis,…" he slightly hovers his right furry hand and does a few circular motion, like he was petting a small furry companion of his own before putting them behind his back, "…cheesemongershave speculated of its existence for centuries. Da Vinci's original masterpiece." He looks over to one of his ninjas whom for he was named after. He then looks back at the box and dig two of his long nails under the flap of the square-shaped packaged. It was time for the big reveal. "I submit to you…" with the flick of his furry wrist, the lid flips open; revealing the contents within.

"NOVANTANNOVE FORMAGGIO!" he bellows, waving his free hand in the air before joining the other behind the rodent's back. "The 99-cheese pizza."

It was like the Gods have presented to them the gift from above, the light shines down on theHoly grailof New York City. Inside the known disc item that passed down from generation to generation. From famous outlets in theBig Appleand beyond. Made by the creator who brought this item to the table or anyone doorsteps.

Inside the white thin box was a large pizza with a fantastic blend of tomato paste and, like the rat said,…cheese.

If his eyeballs have the ability to pop out anytime and stay rolling on the ground, that is what Mikey's would be doing at this very moment. Never, in his turtle years has he or any of his siblings have ever come across something that was frightently…unmanageable. There were a number of difficult dishes in the years of the reality cooking shows but this was nothing now compared to anything at all. "Ooohhhh! It's not possible."

"Mikey, it's a trap!" Donnie frantically warned. He and the other two eldest knew that this was an oblivious ruse. They knew that the deep-dish was their favourite meal of all time, but in a situation like this and in the hands of the rat master, they know it is bad. "A pizza with that variety of cheese is a culinary impossibility!" Plus, there are about 1778 known cheeses in the world but the task would prove to be a difficult one.

But Mikey simple didn't listen. Because his eyes –and his nose– were now in trance of the item that was sliced up as one of the pieces was taken out of the thin box, courtesy of his father. And it was coming closer to him. With every step.

Let the true torture begin. "Shall I list the ingredients?" the rat speaks. All the older teens watched the scene unfold as they are helpless to do anything.

Mikey knew it was a trap but he didn't care. Hisbabywas in front of him and he needs it.Now. "No…"Anything but that!

Splinter brings the slice closer to his face. "Cheddar…,…Provolone,…"

"Mikey, don't you do it!" barked the leader. As much as he wants to get of slice out of his father's grip, he would have to get down from his difficult position. And knowing how tired his legs are, it would take him a minute to get the blood flowing into his legs before he takes the first step. All he can do is watch and hope that his brother does not break.

But the rat didn't stop and Mikey hasn't broken.Yet. "…Asiago,…"

"Keep it together!" the brainic begged. In the background, Leo almost drops the egg on his right chopsticks but swiftly grabs it in a nick of time. Good thing that they are hard-boiled or else it would be a smelly mess to clean up.


Mikey has stopped spinning and was looking at the pizza with his full attention. "I don't even know what that is." True, he only knows the usuals.

Now the pizza was just half a foot away from those green lips of his. "..Mozzarella, of course." The gooey, melted cheesy ingredient begins to droop down to the concrete as the rat continues to lean it towards…

Michelangelo could not hold it in any longer.

"Allright, allright, allright!WeleftthelairbecausetheFootweretakinghostageswekickedsomeseriousbutt,andtherewerethesegirlsnamedAprilO'NeilandSallyHopewhotookourpicture,…" Nearly out of air to speak, the blabbermouth takes a deep breath and resume once more, "…but we took care of it."

The truth is out and so is the tension on his shoulders. But his other friends were not exactly pleased. They cannot believe that the baby of the family would break so easily. And over a pizza?! Well, what would you expect from someone who can't resist this fast-food meal fromPizza Hut.

Raph drops his head but doesn't, for some reason, stops his knitting. "Idiot…" His younger brother can sure be a moron for ratting them out over the simplest of things.

Hearing what his son said, Splinter looked…very disturbed.O'Neil…and Hope? It can't be…

The aged rat drops his hands slightly and bows his furry head, looking very doomed from one of his son's confessions. It has been years since he has last heard of those names and now, that they have mixed up into the business of theFootand them,…

"Oh no, my worst fears have been realised," he muttered.

That is when the leader of the team has come up with the solution to their problem. "Don't worry about it! Donnie erased the picture! We're not in danger." Leo assured his father. The two humans that they met last night are the ones who took the photo and they all managed to erase the evidence before any real damage was made. It would only leave a bizarre story for those girls who would to tell anyone if they can't keep their mouths shut.

But that is not what Splinter is worried about. Snapping out of his gloom, he faces his eldest son with a severe expression. "No. It's April O'NeilandSally Hope who are in danger!"Wait? The two girls from the rooftops are the ones who are in danger and not them? Doesn't that work the other way around. Out from the corner of his beady eyes, Mikey took the time to hop down from his position and carefully inch his hand closer to the pizza slice still grasp in Splinter's hand. He flinches his hand, only because he thought he would be the victim of the tail that belongs to his master. Seeing the slight opening, he swipes the slice out of the rat's grip. He has finally got the prize …and the breakfast that he wanted. "Find the girls." Splinter orders as he points his finger to the ground. "Bring them here."

Donnie was still playing solo game ofPing-Pongon his little board. "But, sensei, you said to not to go abov—"

But the rat doesn't have time to quote the rule book. He throws his hands in the air. "Find the girls!"

Mikey was about to take the first bite but halts for a second and simply repeats his father's words in a more of a lovely tone unlike the rat's harsh tone. "Find the girls." Splinter quickly whips his head to his youngest son and simply glares at him. The orange turtle just simple shrugged his shoulders before he takes a quick bite.

Looks like Mikey's dream of seeing the girls will happen sooner than he thinks. But finding where these girls would take time and what better way to pass the time than to look up for their address. Once they have got the information, they will go find them and bring them to their father at his request…when the sun goes down.

It would seem that Splinter might know the girls. But they will comeface-to-face. Very soon. But right now, let's see what happens when April and Sally find out more onProject Renaissancein:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Project Renaissance

Author's Notes: Another short chapter done. And almost halfway there! Once this is done, I can finally get this off my chest and move on. Don’t get me wrong. I do enjoy this movie. I tend to overthink a lot and obsess with perfection. Story of my life.

And nothing new but I’m on another run of the RotTMNT movie again. And again. And again. When am I going to stop? Until we get Season 3, maybe?

Anyway, bye for now!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 12: Project Renaissance


"April and Sally learn more about Project Renaissance from Eric Sacks."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: Today is Halloween. But…I won’t be in a festive mood. Why? Back in 2015 on this exact day, I’ve lost my other grandmother (my dad’s mother) due to old age. But also, on that same day in the same year, one of my grandfather’s (my mum’s father) dog had a puppy. So, something great and something horrible happened on that day many years ago.

But…I might as well watch that certain TMNT episode from the 2k3 series. Beside trick n’ treating, what would you guys do on this day?

Me? How about this next chapter as a little treat!

(The snowy mountains just outside of New York – 9:35am)

Pine trees were pretty optimistic as the snow still remain frosty within the forest. It hasn't melted due to the warm temperature. Winter has just finally come to a close as Spring has just arrived a few days ago. But it didn't stop the driver and the passengers in a white van to rug up with their jackets on.

Just as they predicated, the Channel 6 van will reach at its destination in about 5 minutes after a near 40-minute drive. No traffic did hold them up as they managed to get onto the bridge and drive away from the busy intersection.

Taking a left onto the freeway and into the rural area just outside of the main city, April, Sally and Vern are on their way to the girls' chosen destination. So, what is out in the forest that April and Sally forced Vern to take the time to bring them here?

Only a few people would take this road and only two of them are seeing the one person that might convince the story of the four turtles is true. Well, first off, these Turtles are the same turtles that were April's pet many years ago and they were involved in a government development –Project Renaissance.

They were only a few people who knows the tangible story behind this proposal. There were Dr. O'Neil, Dr. Hope and…Eric Sacks. Unfortunately, one of them is dead, the second is nowhere to be found and the third…is whom the girls will meet face-to-face in about 4-minutes.

During the drive, Vern was all ears with the girls' story from what happened after they both got out of the van last night to when they left the news station.

"That's what we told Thompson and she fired us." April has just delivered the final detail of this story that caused her and Sally to lose the employment of the busiest news station in the country. Only Thompson now knows this farce; doesn't believe them one bit and Vern was the second.

To tell them the truth, it was very hard to make up something like this. But is it also hard to believe it? As a good friend, Vern decided to listen to them and share his opinion.

"So they're…aliens?" the male wonders. He takes his focus off the road for a split second to look at his friends. The two ladies looked a little hostile at Vern. Well, one of them is on her device but was telling and listening. To be honest, thatiswhat the girls thinks so at first but after getting to know them a little, the alien topic goes right out of the window. Both of them shook their heads in disapproval.

"No, that's stupid," April said with Sally nodding in agreement. "They're reptiles." The woman leans back into her soft seat.

The teenager was on her phone, checking out her blog but was paying attention to the space that she was in. "They help people. Saved their lives." Sally looks at her roommate beside her. "And ours too." April nodded. They sure did. From small pet turtles to adult-sized saviours. But how they came to be was a different story in which both April and Sally would like to know.

So, they're reptiles and they help people.That is when Vern came up with a pretty cool title other than the one that Sally came up with.

Darting his eyes from the concrete road, Vern looks back to them. "Heroes in the Half-Shell." He was only looking at them for approval but only from the youngest in the vehicle.

Hearing this, April smiles. "Okay…"

Sally couldn't help but nod in approval. "Cool title."

The ex-reporter shakes her head.He doesn't believe us…But Vern quickly noticed the face and the tone of her reply. "Come on. It's not that crazy. I…The animal kingdom is full of…" Looking back and forth from the road to his ex-co-workers, the amusing cameraman tries his best to find the next one but managed to come up with a wacky story from his past childhood before turning to them once more. "I used to have a dog that could moonwalk."

This interesting fact fascinates but mostly for the youngest member of the team. As much as it would take for Vern to believe their story, they have already arrived at their destination. Instead of going up to the small intercom just located outside of the main gate, Vern slows the van down as it comes to a complete stop before putting it into 'P' and turning off the engine.

April and Sally then proceed to take their seat belts off. It was time to meet New York's Top Benefactor in his own home. They haven’t seen him since last night at the special gala at Sacks' Tower. Speaking of which, during the ride up, Sally thinks back to the gala last night of her first encounter with the older man. The slight feeling that she came into contact with his hand gave off a scary vibe. Like there is more to this gentleman than meets the eye, in more a very dangerous way. Perhaps, it was nothing. She’ll probably talk to April about it later.

"Thanks for the ride, Vern," April acknowledges her friend as Sally opens the door open and hops out. Her guardian was right behind her.

The driver nods. "Yeah. No problem," Vern replies; failed to make eye contact with them. April was the last to leave the car as she closes the door shut.

Vern Fenwick was now all left alone. "Nothing better than…dropping off a pretty girl and her friend at a rich guy's house." Vern gives off a goofy grin but neither April or Sally didn't hear it because they were now half the distance from the van to the gates.Singleand all alone.

By the time the silent wind picked up, the air nip at the exposed skin on the adolescent. Sally wished she wore a pair of jeans instead of her short overalls. The teen mentally curses herself for not bringing any change of clothing. She didn't expect to go up to the mountains today where it would be below 5 degrees.

They both walked up to the small intercom just before the main iron gate. The woman leans down and levels her head at the device. She presses the button as a buzzer was made. "Hi, it's April O'Neil and Sally Hope, here to see Eric Sacks."

Once her little announcement was made, the gates open up. April didn't bother to reply a "thank-you" as she and Sally continued to walk through the brick barricade blocking the house from inside the two-foot stone walls.

Sacks' Estate is like a castle you would see in England. The place was a couple stories and has a helicopter pad. Guess traveling by car was not the only transportation to get to the manor. The trees all around slightly have a few leaves off as autumn was a while ago and winter has just finished. The outer walls are mixed colour of dark green and grey as it has aged for eons. Sets of different kinds of windows are placed in all the available rooms within the place.

The girls are walking on the front steps and just before they get to the final step, one of the main dark avocado door swings inwards. The guests were then greeted by the owner of the mansion himself. To be visited by an old friend and a new one.

The elder holds his hands out as a welcome gesture before fixing up his jacket. "April's has arrived early this year." Being named after a month, it does bring some flattered to it. He then looks to the young lady in the dark purple beanie, glasses and black high-knee socks next to her. "And Miss Hope. Good to see you again. "

Sally nodded. “Its, uh…good to see you too, sir.”

Deep down, her suspicion radar was suddenly going off the radar. It was that same feeling again. And this time, she didn’t shake his hand or anything. Only have met this guy once, she already has bad vibes. Is he hiding something? For many years before he left, Sally's father has mention about Sacks to his daughter but only a few times. There…very unpleasant. Ever since he has left, she has always wondered why. Beside her own father, some were lucky to knows the man personally. Including April, her present guardian and her friend, and her late father.

"We're so sorry to barge in on you like this, Mr. Sacks," April begins. As a reporter – either employed or unemployed at the moment – she always has a habit to butt into other people's business. Even coming to their own private property.

Sacks remorsefully shakes his head. "No, no, no." He steps to his left and holds his hand out to the side, leaving an open path for his guests to enter with ease. "Please, please."

The woman puts on a warm smile. "Thank you." April rushes inside with Sally in pursuit. The juvenile gives off a troubled smile as Sacks closes the door up from behind him. Guess she should've said "It's a pleasure as well" but she didn't. Why?

“You know, after I saw you two last night, I forgot to mention that it was a delight working with both of your fathers years ago.”

Once they are inside, Sacks now walks besides April and Sally just lagging behind them. This was not only Sally but April's first time journeying into the home of an old acquaintance of their fathers. They travel to another level where Sacks’ living room is located. There, he can a catch-up with the daughters of his dear friends of them. As they walk, Sally takes a second to look at her surrounds. The interior walls and the pillars were coated in a nice shade of sandy cream. Black iron railings were placed around the centre of the room which shows a flight of stairs to the bottom level of the mansion. A fireplace was lit and provided as the heat to warm the place during the last days of this icy climate. But unlike the exterior, the interior's items are different from something you would see in Medieval Times. The paintings, the statues, the sculptures, even genuine weapons –everything– it would seem that the businessman has taken an interest in items that came fromFeudal Japan.

Sally took extra noticed of this. Interesting that someone like Sacks would collect souvenirs such as this. Any particular reason would be good.

“So, what do I owe the pleasure for this…unexpected visit?”

April wasted no time telling her tale. "I've been working on a story. And I have this theory that there are theseVigilantesthat are fighting back against theFoot." Sacks was nodding along.Finally. Other than him, there is someone taking some action. But April was not finished yet. "I think you and our fathers may have created them."

This halts Sacks in his track causing the girls to stop walking. He stares at the girls; baffled. The man thought he was having some much needed catching up and getting to know with the daughters of old colleagues. But this was not the kind of talk that he was expecting.

TheVigilantes, that April mention that are fighting back against the terrorist group – he and his team…createdthem? For all his life, he doesn't remember doing something like that. It has to be some kind of mistake.

"Uh,…I'm not sure I—"

"Can you please tell us everything you know aboutProject Renaissance?"

Sacks takes a deep breath before moving his eyes to the floor. "Hmm." For 15 years, he thought he would never hear those words nor remember the mission. Not only the outcome has taken away everything that he and his crew have worked so hard for, they end up losing one of their own. And it turns out that his daughter is standing right before him.

"Well, um…,it was adream." He lifts his head up. "Adreamthat died with your father." Of course, he was referring to young woman in the room.

April shakes her head. "What if it isn't dead?"

"That's impossible. We lost all our research in that fire, all our specimens.Everything." As he was talking, April has pulled out her phone from her yellow jacket. She unlocks her device and taps away to the 'Gallery'. She searches through until she has found the ideal photo that only one person would want to see it and believe them straight away. It was the last photo that she took. But what was weird that she didn't show it to Thompson. If she did, her story would be believable with actual proofandshe would still have kept her job. Sacks watches her as she searches for it. "I've spent the last 15 years trying to replicate the results."

Once the photo was up, April moved her two fingers tozoom inon the picture. Only to show part of it to the man before her and Sally. "You didn't loseeverythingin the fire."

She flips her phone around, showing the screen the other way and passes it to Sacks to observe.

The businessman takes the phone out of her grasp for him and only him to see for himself. He just let out a silent sign before looking down at the device.

Waiting to see the picture of five specimens on her phone…only caused Sacks to taken full attention. On the zoomed photo on the device was not four small turtles and a tiny rat, but instead four turtles…large in size. He hasn't seen any of the reptiles in more than 15 years. Jumping in mid-air in the nightlife were green-skinned that are dabbed in four respective colours. The same colours that were coordinated with each turtle in that same lab many years ago.

Eric Sacks, for first time in his life, was complete stumped.

Never in a million years he has ever seen this transformation. And never in these forms. They looked to appeared to be giants compared to anything in the legends.

"This can't be real," he utters. He faces the girls once more. They too were not faking. They both saw the creatures with their very eyes and the past begins to open up. Only one of them knew them personally when they were only baby turtles other than Sacks. Her eyes were pleaded to him to believe her.

"It is real," April argued. "We saw allfourof them."

Sally nodded. She might have not known them as she was born after the incident, but so does her father. If he was here, he would be telling the same thing to his old friend.

Was it the right time to tell her? She was only eight back then. Maybe she should know. The truth behind the project in the first place. And Sally here. Never met her in his life but he does know her parent very well.

But rather than tell them, why doesn't he show them. "Do youreallywant to know aboutProject Renaissance?"

April nodded. "Yes." She needs to know. She and Sally need to know the whole story.

With the phone still in his hand, he gestures to a new path instead of the way to the lounge room. "Come with me." He passes the device back to April as he places his hands on a set of doors just located in front of them.

There was one particular room that only he has the permission to enter and exit at will. That is until he has allowed a few guests of his to observe it. They wanted the truth behindProject Renaissanceand they are going to get it. But before he can explain it, he decided to tell his story of how this dream came to be. His own beginning.

Two large doors opened up by the home owner, leaving the path open for April and Sally to walk in. The door slowly begins to closes up behind them. The only light source inside this dark room was a lit candle and a much larger light that dims behind this huge painting.

The girls are now taking get interest of the art. A picture is worth a 1000 words. That is when Sacks started to speak a tale.

"I was born in Japan, at a military base in Okinawa. My father went to Vietnam. Didn't come back." The tone of his voice hinted a wretched character. That would explain the painting and the artefacts in the building. He was born in the East where he was raised before moving to the West. Having them around the place is a part of his childhood. Looking at them gives off a tingle of homesickness. The girls stopped to look at the painting as Sacks walks to the other side. He views the drawing with great admiration, only to show a dejected frown. "I was an outsider in a foreign land." He only took a second to remember the horrible time in his past. "Afreak."

It was like he was out of the picture and not just the way he looked. He has lost his only blood relative. He was all alone. How did he managed to survive, they wondered? Sacks continues onwards. "I was a powerless and helpless boy. Until a local sensei took me under his wing. And he saved me."

April and Sally took a moment to look at Sacks. A kind-hearted soul who rescued a boy that grew up to be the man that he is today. How sweet. He was told of this tale many years ago when he was a small child. And now, he was telling it to April and Sally. "Taught me lessons that I later shared with both of your fathers." He then points to the particular person within the art. "Ninth-century Japan. An evilWarlordruled the land."

Located high near the mountains stood a large warrior, donned in steel armour, looking down at the land that he has claimed for himself. Two sides were battling it out. Good verses evil.

In the right was a small town. The village was on fire. Innocent people and their belongings were towed away; looking all defeated as they moved away from a shadowy force. It was at time was the only solution to get away from the blaze and never to return. Only to move one but still had the scars that run deep. A well-drawn pictures of Chinese Dragons were resting in the corners, acting as power, strength and good luck for people who are worthy.

"He poisoned the water supply; bringing on theDark Ages. Death and disease and suffering ran rampant. Not unlike theFoot Clanand what they'd like to do toourcity."

It was like history was repeating itself. Soon, the city will be in blaze just like it did many years ago. TheWarlordwas just like theShredder. And ancient warrior's army was like his army. It would seem like…it was the end of the world for them all. But…there is a silver lining into this story. Sacks moves from beside the girls back to the other side. "Then one day,…" he points to the soldiers on the left side of the portrait, "…a hero arose."

Rearing on the high horse, the beacon of hope, rides the winning side to victory. With his men at his side, the darkness was vanishing by the second. "A great alchemist discovered the antidote…to the Warlord's poison." Sacks looks to the girls "Thecure-all…" and looks back at the image, "…for his evil." These known philosophical was known for their potions to help the sickness to full whole once more. A way to fix an unstoppable problem and hopefully from happening in the distance future.

"Both your fathers and I were trying to recreate thatcure-all." The girls finished analysing the painting and looked back at Sacks. "We developed a mutagen capable of stimulating self-repair…on a cellular level."

So, that wasProject Renaissanceto begin with. They were trying to make a medicine to cure or repair disease. In other words, a mega-cure. But a lot has changed over the years and there have been thriving remedies to combat deadly viruses. Surely, there isn't another within their miss. Maybe to the other world-known diseases that have no cure at all.

Both April and Sally are now curious to asked one question to Sacks. "What were you going to do with it?" the older woman asked.

Fortunately, the former scientist has a very good answer. He walks past them. "ImagineNew York City…" April and Sally both turned around to face the genius, "…being victim to a chemical attack. This mutagen would be able to reverse its effects. It would save the city; it would save the people." Just like what happening years ago in Japan. A lot of chemicals are happening in the world and it would take time come up with a solution to extinguish or neutralized it. But a cure like that would be able to fix the known diseases like cancer or Ebola. "Those test subjects, thoseturtlesrunningin their blood is thelastof this precious mutagen. And up until a few moments ago,…" he shakes his head, "…I though we failed. I thought they died in the fire. How…" Sacks needs to know why the subjects are alive today, "…how could they have lived?"

If they are the same specimens from 15 years ago and they were trapped in that glass tank, they would have perished in the blaze long ago. But they didn't. They are alive to this day.

And only April knows the answer to it. The young woman smiled. "Because I saved them."

This confession did take Sally by surprised. April saved the Turtles 15 years ago. After hearing the stories, she thought they too would have beenturtle soupon the sidewalk but no. April knew the names when they spoke, through the videos that they sawandin their fathers' workplace 5 years ago.

Sacks gives a genuine smile. He had a feeling that April might be a part of it. The part of their survival. "Of course you did." And for that, he is thankful. Dr. O'Neil did have a wonderful daughter. He takes a step towards them. "April,…the mutagen possesses powers…beyond ourwildesthopes." And thanks to her, he can start the project where he left off. But first, they need access to the mutagen itself. And finding theseturtleswould be a start. To which only April and Sally can do it.

Sacks takes out a black pouch from his coat pocket. "Whatever resources you need,…" he takes out a thin white card. He then hands it April, "…I'm here." The woman takes the thin cardboard of his hands and she and Sally both stared down at it. The bold lettersSACKS – SACKS GROUP LTDwere printed on the card with a section of cut squares where the giant "S" is located. "Let's work together. We'll find them. The course of human history may depend on it."

The girls take their eyes off the card and focus back on Sacks. His heart was set on finishing that project and deep down the girls were sure that their fathers would agree as well. With everything he needs to say, April and Sally would have no reason to stay around. He has done his part of telling them the whole story about the project and now, the girls need to do their part. Finding theTurtlesand convince them to recommence the project. If they can find them.

Sacks was a busy man as he takes the step towards the exit. "I'll show you out." He then gestures his hand before leading them to the doors. The young woman slides the business card in her jacket's inner pocket once the two large doors open. Once they have returned back to New York, the girls' mission will begin.

Guess we know a lot more aboutProject Renaissance. But…is it the whole story? Well, we will find out the other side to the story. But first,…April and Sally will see the Turtles once again in the next chapter of:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Meeting Splinter

Author's Notes: Another late night, another chapter done!

With only 2 months left of 2022, how will you guys plan it? For me, my driving test, my dance concert, going to a Keith Urban concert, celebrating my 30th birthday (Yeah, I’m old) and Christmas in Sydney. So, yeah. Can’t wait for those to happen!

Happy Halloween, everybody! Sayonara!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 13: Meeting Splinter


"The Turtles manage to track down April and Sally and brought them to...Splinter."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: Hey! We're nearly halfway there and with two months left of the year, what would be in stores for 2023? Hopefully, good causes we dealt with a lot of bad for the past…three years now? Seriously? Anyway, I do hope everyone is gearing up for the holidays very soon. Any ideas what you guys wanna get for Christmas? Too soon? Maybe too soon. Also, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever coming out this November. Can't wait for it! It is going to be very emotional.

Let's move on, shall we?

(April and Sally's apartment, Manhattan, NY – 7:10pm)

Heading back to their own home within the city sounds like a good idea. That way, it will give some time for April to rest and take it easy. Or in her case – occupied herself. She and Sally have spent the morning visiting an old friend of their fathers in the high mountains. There, they learn from the man himself aboutProject Renaissance.

After the visit at Sacks' Estate, Vern has generously given them another lift back into the city as he is the only one who drives a car. After dropping them off at their residence, Vern went straight back to work to see if Thompsons has appointed him to be someone else' cameraman or maybe try to get the girls' jobs back. Right now, the sun has almost disappeared into the Earth as the clouds were visible in the light orange-pink blend in the horizon. The day has already gone by for the night to come once again.

Currently unemployed, April decided to have a stress-free day after what she and her friend have been through last night. Seeing four giant talking turtles, armed with ninja weapons that used to be your childhood's pets was something that you cannot just make up. Not to mention what they have discovered.

April simply can't put this story to bed as Vern would put.No. She promised Sacks that she and Sally would find theTurtlesso they can resumeProject Renaissanceonce again. And grabbing her laptop is the next step in the master plan.

The two roommates are now occupied in the living space. The only thing that the teenager has taken off was her beanie; causing her hair to be untidy, and her shoes and socks are left inside the rack near the front door.

With no homework to do and missing out on a day of school, Sally decided to use tonight and the next few days wisely to relax. Because she will need to prepare herself for Monday of what she has missed in today's session. It is known to be the worst day of the week. Good thing she has got the whole weekend to prepare herself for it. And reading one of her favourite stories on her tablet is a great way to unwind. One of the stories is about two superheroes teaming up to battle the main villain of the story that is the combine power of their own adversaries. Well, it's not exactly made by a famous author (unless you count someone from one of those fanfiction website).

With April taking one of the seats near the door to the balcony, Sally decided to take up the whole couch. Resting her legs over the arm of the polyester furniture, the juvenile herself lies flat on the cushion part. Her short hair was freed to be spread out on the couch with both her hands in a tight grip on the small device. She was making sure that it doesn't fall out of her hands or else she would have a sore bruise on her face. It happens to everyone on their phone. Having a much bigger tablet would be a bit more painful.

But for some reason, she can't quite focus on the story. Just what happened with Sacks last night has clouded her mind. She wasn't tired. She did get a snooze on the ride home and back home. Deep down in her gut was an uneasy feeling that Sacks is not the man that April looks up to. He is hiding something. But what?

She has to ask her friend first. Sally clicks the small button on the top right of her device. One push and the screen go dark. She then looks at her roommate, whom has taken a deep breath and opens up her laptop.

"Are you we should be looking for them?"

April lifted her eyes from her screen to hear the extra person in the room speak up. "What do you mean?"A clearer answer would be nice?

The teen gives an annoyed huff. "ThoseTurtleguys."

April nodded looking back to her computer. "That's the plan." She clicks open the internet, ready for a search. "If we wanna help Sacks finish the project that he and our dads started, we need to find out where they're live."

Or leave them alone.She has seen many scenarios where people or creatures (fictional or not) are forced into situations that could have deadly consequences. She has read a number of book series based on the topic. And since when did Sally agree to do that? She hasn't given her answer. "You meanyouwanna help him. I…I don't think I agree with all this."

April halt her clicking on her device. She closes up her laptop and turn her attention on the young sport. "Ok, what's going on with you? You feeling, ok?" If Sally wasn't feeling like herself, that could only mean one thing. "Time of the month?"

The young teen quickly shakes her head. "No," she quipped. She had hers last week. The abnormal cramps given to her on the first day caused her to skip school for a few days. Not to mention she was only 11 when she first got it. That was not a fond memory.

"It just…I just have a gut feeling that…something's not right with Sacks."

April raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I don't know Sacks. Personally. I mean." Sally takes a deep breath and exhale a big chunk. She decided to give April a minute of her time to come with a straightforward answer. "My dad has only mentioned his previous workplace…and Sacks…a few times but not much. Never really bother me know why…" the teen then lifted her head up a little, looking all bothered. "…until last night." April can relate to that. They just couldn't sleep at all after last night. Sally drops her head to the couch. Instead of picking off where she left off of her reading, she instead looks to the ceiling.

But April sort-of understands her point. She has lived with the adult for now nearly two years, and during that time they have shared everything. Well…almost everything. Guess April didn't to bring up the whole lab assignment from 15 years that decided to come from the shadows and into the light. And Sally guesses she didn't bring up her dad's issues with Sacks. Looks like they are on the same page. But does Sally have a slight hunch or was she just making this up?

Then Sally said something that brings a bit of misty to the older woman's eyes. "Wish either our dads were here. They would know more to this than Sacks."

The woman solemnly nodded. "You and me both." Of course, April was referring to her own father. It wasn't Sally's old man that was in the lab at that time. April's own father was an employee as well. Having his life cut short when she was only eight was not an easy age to lose a dear family member.

After losing a member of the family, his death has taken a heavy toll on his wife – April's mother. It hurt her so much that April went to stay with a distance relative until her mother eventually got back onto her feet. Around that time, Dr. Hope disappeared without a trace and didn't come back until a few years later with a 2-year Sally. She was told that Mrs. Hope died from childbirth and it has indeed taken a great toll on the man. At least they got each other now.

Sally pulls her legs off the arm and swings around until they crossed underneath her. She grabs her iPad back and switches it on to continue the last page that she read. "Besides, they did say that if we told anyone about them, they would find us." She looks at April. "And we did tell." She finally goes back to her story. "So, we are pretty much dead once they find out."

No, they won't. But even if it does happen, April is willing to take that risk. Letting out a deep breath, she finally has the courage to open up to Google. Her fingers get to work, typing in the following:vigilante news in new york.Hopefully, she and Sally won't be the only ones who knows the events that took place last night in the subway.

Only one link brings to her attention.New YorkCity SubwayVigilante. April then guides her mousepad just to click on the link. That is when her computer went haywire.What th—

Her computer is showing a bunch of images and someone just hit the speed button. Was it a virus? Is her firewall up-to-date? Words and numbers were all over the screen. And that is when a voice was playing through the speakers.

"BAM!You've been hacked! By Donatello. Remember me?"

Donatello? Hey, that's the name of the—

"Turtle. Four eyes."

Yep. That's the turtle. And the only one with glasses on.

The second that the voice was heard, this causes the tranquil teenager to jump off the couch; ditch her device (and a great story) and raced over to the computer. She too has recognised that voice. Looking at the screen before her, she too sees the images. Then it changes to the map of the whole city. Well, part of it and it continues to zoom in with more words number appearing before disappearing.

"But enough about me. We told you two we'd find you girls. Meet us here. And come alone. The both of you."

A blue box pops up, showing the white message in bold.4TH AVE. & 12TH ST. COME ALONE. BOTH OF YOU.Hey. Is that the same location when we…

"Or... Or else we're...you two shall be punished and stuff."

There was a slight hesitation in his voice when the last sentence was spoken. Sounds like he is the kind of perso—beingthat doesn't threaten other people. It could be one of the otherTurtles'jobs. Maybe the red one or the blue?

As soon as the strange message came, it left; leaving April's laptop clean and protected like it never happened. She remembers this…Donatello. One of the small turtles from the lab 15 years ago, along with the other three. And now, they have used nearly two decades to become taller and more muscular than the Rock himself.

They have been found out. It was only a matter of time. Sally nodded, picturing a straight face. "Yeah, we're dead."

April rolled her eyes.Does Sal have to be melodramatic?

(The rooftops, Manhattan, NY – 12:27am)

It didn't take long for the two girls to get to the location. Why? Because it is thesamelocation that the ex-reporter and her young roommate…firstmet them. Just like Sally predicated, they have been caught by these giant reptiles. And now, they were going to pay the ultimate price. But maybe they will let them off easy. Maybe they were nice guys or something like that? Maybe the wholetough guywas just an act? Only one way to find out.

She would hate for her to be right. Maybe they did find out. Maybe they had cameras everywhere in the city. Or maybe they installed some kind of bug on them or in the phones so they can spy on them without being detected.

Steams were escaping through the vents on the rooftops as April and Sally both climb up the fire escape to finally reach the top.

To their right were the skylights. On their left was the metal beam. The same metal beam that can withstand two ofthemwithout giving way. Police sirens were the only sound in the area and the distance. So far, it was pretty quiet. Putting her beanie and shoes back on before they left, Sally looks around. She does remember this particular rooftop. She remembers sucker-punch one of them in the face. Her hand may be sore from last night, but she was up for another round if he shows up.

Now that the guests are here, where are the hosts for tonight's event?

April finally opens her mouth. "Hello?" Not response was made. They both looked from right to left. The only ones on this building are herself and the teenager standing side-by-side. The woman was heavily breathing as the tension was in the air was tense. Their hearts are starting to race the longer they stay here. It was like a horror movie waiting to happen. But April and Sally were told to come here. "You told us to come here," she continued to speak, pointing to the ground. The girls then started to walk backwards. The rooftops were already getting scary enough as it is. "It's just the two of us. We didn't bring anyone with us. We did exactl—"

The sound of the thud causes Sally to do a 180. The contact that April made with her back causes her to quickly turn around. Was it a wall that she bumped into? Unless the wall was soft or bumpy and has a green face on with a bright fabric over its face.

It was them! One of them, actually.

"Whoa!Hey!" Sally shouted.

With unmissable sight of an orange mask and beads around his neck. The woman lets out a startling gasp when she comes face-to-face with him once more.

"Okay! Are you April O'Neil?" he asked. April didn't ever nod or spoke. Like last time, speechless and breathing hyperventilating. It was kinda like a habit now where she sees something out of the ordinary.

Michelangelo should have already known her name. He and his brothers did learn their names and he did say it before. Why the need to ask? The chubby turtle darts his baby blue eyes at the smallest one. His grins become a bit wider. "And you're no doubt Sally Hope." Holding one finger and gives her the salute. "Good to see ya again, pretty thang!" He does remember her very well because no-one has laid a hand or fist at his friend before. Pretty tough and ok in his book.

Although putting on a brave face, Sally was also startled deep down. She puts her hands up in defence. "O-o-okay, man. We canreallyexplain what just happened in the past 24 hours." Boy, does she and April have a-LOTto explain.

But the green dude was not alone. Because along comes another one. This time, it was a much taller with the additional backpack on him and goggles on his face that is covering his purple mask but letting his tails flow down. Approaching them, his left arm was lifted. A bright light was emitting it from his wrist with a holo-screen just hovering wherever he travels. A small device on his back was pointed at the humans before him. "Initiating retinal scan," he calls out. "Scanning, scanning, scanning, scanning…"

On his screen via the goggles, his little software gets to work the second it captures its victims. As it is doing its job, the turtle can also see the two girls put their hands up, trying to block the light from their visuals and tried to move away from them. "Whoa, hey, hey, hey. Easy with the lights, dude!" Sally begged the techie reptile.

In his device, the scope takes a section of their eyes and begins the analysis. It only takes a few seconds to provide him the answer. "Scan complete."



"It's them. It's them. Guys, it'sthem!" Donatello announced. He is positive that he has delivered therightmessage to therightpeople and they did come! Judging by the gadgets that he has installed his pack, it is no wonder that he was able to hack into April's computer. She has got to watch out for that from now on. Both April and Sally are trying to lay some distance between the gadget reptile, the green surfer dude and themselves. Until another one shows up right behind them.

"Of course it's them, Donnie," the third one said. The girls try to get away from the first two but not before the one with the blue mask loops his giant right arm around both of them. April and Sally almost forgot how big they were as their head would be the same width as the arm itself. They are doing their very best not to freak out as their faces show all too much. They were bunched up with the three-fingered hand resting on the woman's shoulder and the teen under his armpit. He had a feeling that they would tell someone and he did warn them. "Hey. Really glad you girls could make it." He was trying to make light on the conversation like he tried to perform last night but the two female humans were too busy scared out of their wits to remain calm. When it comes to meeting beings like them, they aren't the talkative type. Their reasons are pretty obviously.

Leonardo walks them a distance away before letting his arm off of them, releasing them from his hold. They both switched away until they are facing him. "Hey. There's someone important we want to introduce you to, but first..."

He would have finished the rest of his sentence if two red woolly bags didn't cover the girls' head by the red brute and his orange partner.

(Unknown location, Manhattan, NY – 7:07am)

It has only been a few hours and April has dared not to open her eyes.

Judging by the absence of a breeze and the police sirens, she can only guess that she is no longer outside. So, the question remains: where has theseturtlestaken her? To her prisons, as punishment, where she will remain as their slave for life?

April decided now was the time to open her eyes and take in her first sight. Covering her head was the red bag with two circles in a rectangle and a curve line which makes up for a smiling face with a mask on. Just like theirs.

"Aw, yeah, welcome to my crib, girls," the orange turtle, judging from his voice, introduced to his 'crib', while holding his arms up, to which April canbarelysee thanks to this bag over her head. Although it covers the top part of her head, she can see through the thin fabric. A few bright square screens were posted everywhere. Guess you could say that she might be in some kind of IT room, like the one in Sally's high school. And speaking of the teenager…

April fanatically looks around. Where was Sally? Was she too captured? Was she taken somewhere else? Maybe she is still on the same rooftops? No,…they did say that they were looking for thetwoof them. Maybe she is close by.

April remembers what to do when she is in a panic.Breath in and out.In and out.In and


That voice!April whips her head to her right. "Sal?" She too was wearing the same bag.Good! I'm not alone!"You okay?" she asked. May be not blood-related, April always acted as the sister-figure to her.

Through the bag, the human nodded back in response. "Well, I would be freaking out if youguysdidn't put a cloth over my head!" She sounds a bit spiteful despite getting a bit comfortable in their first meeting.

One of theguysshe is referring to walks behind her. "Sorry, miss." One whom has two large sticks, rested behind on his shell in the form of an 'X'. "Security reason only." Guess they don't want their little hideout to be discovered by the outside world. Maybe that where they are. In a different dimension or something.

The vicious attitude was quickly drain out by the reasonable answer. Sally nodded. "Okay. Fair enough."

Resuming her observing, April decided to asked the question is on hers and Sally's mind. "Where are we?"

Another of them comes out and it appears to be the one with the giant backpack on him. "Hey, it's ourFortress of Solitude."

"OurHogwarts," the orange turtle pops another one.

"OurXavier Academy."

"Our next generation,…" the smallest green one of all holds his hands in the air before spinning around in joy, "…state-of-the-artWonderDome!" The two reptiles were very pleased with the names that they put to their place from famous popular cultures but their location remains a secret. That was the rule. Never give away their position.

In other words, theirhideout. But where exactly?

April took one whiff to find out. "Ugh," she hisses in disgust. "Are we in the sewer?"

Sally too smelt her surroundings. "Whoo. Smells like it." They both wished they can fan the scent away from their noses with their hands. If they tied up or not.

The two talkingninjaswho called out the names of their pad went all tense up in a second. Did they just figure out where they lived? The orange one looks to his purple companion. "No…"

The violet ninja decided to give in. "Technically, yes." They all now know that these girls meant no harm. They seem pretty harmless. Except for the one who nearly punched the living daylights out of one of his brothers.

The orange one nodded in defeat. "Yeah. Yeah, it's a sewer."

The only one who has peep a word was, well,…the red beast if the girls remember correctly. He was the first turtle that the girls came face-to-face on the same rooftops. He has to be with the other three if possible. So, why hasn't he said anything? Was he scared or something? Someone who can act all threatening, can be a cowardly fool on the inside? Or maybe he was waiting in the wings; ready to make the finishing move? It would only be a matter of time.

Instead of speaking, he and Leonardo, simultaneously, pulls off the red cloth off the girls, revealing their messy hair and mild flustered faces. The girls finally have the full clear vision of their location. A concrete dungeon with multiple of computer screens and a number of graffiti art at ever wall.

But what they see now before them is nothing compared to four giant turtles.

"You brought us here, April."

Elevated by wooden crates with a number of books stacked underneath in dirty black and yellow robes and a green necklace there stood a three-foot rat, half the height of theTurtlesbehind them. His hair was all bun-up with a long moustache and goatee. Stacked behind him and on the sides were what appears to be hundreds of boom boxes. Wonder if any of them work since they were pretty big many years ago. Surrounding him are a bunch of thin cushions which provided them as seats. A light chandelier was just hanging above his head as his hands were placed behind his back.

And he spoken…her name. April wasn't as much as freaking out like with the big reptiles. After pulling of the red bag off the tall brunette one, Raphael folds it over his right fist like a waiter.

Without losing her focus on the giant rodent in front of her and April, Sally quickly snatches the bag out of the blue turtle's grip, digs into it and pulls out her beanie. She quickly puts it back on her head before passing the bag back to him. She knew it the second that she felt something was missing on her head.

"Is that…" she quietly asked.

April knows who it is. It wasn't theTurtlesthat she remembered fifteen years. There was another specimen. Another pet of hers. The one who is furry unlike the first four. She hops off her stone platform and crates as she walked a few paces forward. "Splinter?"

Donatello was surprised. "How do they know his name?" She knew a few of their names last night, and now theirmaster?

The leader looks to the techie himself. "Did you tell them his name?" He told her to hack into her computer to send a message, not spill theirsensei'sname. But Donatello was only told what to send. Nothing else.

The tallest turtle shook his head. "Maybe they're clairvoyant," he suggested.Could be…

Michelangelo has used his time to pop open a can ofOrange Crushfrom their fridge. He looks at the girls with admiration that they knew his father's name. "Maybe they're Jedis!" he whispered. He then proceeds to sip his sugary drink. Raphael resisted the urge to slap him as his father and older brother were in the same room, but he does shoot him a fuming look.

Sally gets off the concrete and wood platforms and quickly comes up to her friend's side. The reason that she wants to be close to April because the minute things get a little freaky, the youngest person in the underground stone place will be close enough to grab her friend and get the both of them the heck out of here.Ifthey can get out of here. They had no idea how they got inside this place as their eyes were closed the whole time and they were carried by them.

April has stopped her pacing. Although meeting and seeing theTurtleswas pretty much enough for her but seeing a rat was a whole new ball game, despite knowing him as a pet. But he does picture a calming aura around him. It was unbelievable of how the same rat that she knew when she was eight, only to grew at the height of Danny DeVito. There has to be some kind of explanation.

"Come closer."

His tranquil command to the girls causes them to move forward. TheTurtlesall moved as well but only a few steps, giving them enough space. Judging by his form and voice, he doesn't want to hurt them. To him and possibly to April, it was more of a long-waited reunion waiting to happen.

"It's been a long time."

The rat clearly remembers her very well. With a warm smile, Splinter leans forward. "Mmm." As a big fan of personal space, April tilts her head back. She was anxious that he might bite or something. He squinted his black eyes to get a closer look. By just looking at her, he sees something very familiar in her. "You always did have your father's eyes."

April does share the same eye colour as her late parent. The elder rat then tilts his head to the young lady beside his former owner. O'Neil was not the only name that he knows. "And you, Sally Hope…" the teen was completely stunned and speechless of saying her name. Splinter smiles at her as well. "…you look just like your father."

ItisSplinter! Her father knows him and apparently, he knows her! But…it seems pretty much impossible. She was born a few months after the laboratory was caught on fire and Dr. O'Neil's life was taken away. Maybe it was the name or her mother being expected was mention during the prior months. Many answers will be answered tonight if Sally gets the chance.

"We don't understand," O'Neil frighteningly muttered.

"Don't be afraid," Splinter assures them as he pulls out his right paw. He gestures a motion before swinging back behind him. "Allwill be made clear."

It looks like they will be getting more to this story than she thought. Well, April can only admit one thing. "This is crazy."

Her friend beside her nods in agreement. "Hard-corecrazy if you ask me."

April and Sally finally meet Splinter for the first time! But before we can learn more about what happened, let's take a walk on the dark side in:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: "They're Alive, Master Shredder."

Author's Notes: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I have to get to a few things done and I almost forgot finish this chapter. Forgive me if this chapter didn't make any sense at all. I…almost lost my touch there.

If you guys haven't noticed, I am uploading a few more stories to my AO3 and Wattpad page beside my one. If I do keep a steady and balance pace, I should be able to finish most of these stories by the end of this year. Or the next.

The next chapter will be a short one as we gear up for the long ones. We are definitely nearly halfway done of the story and then, we will focus on the sequel and the chronicles stories which I will get started once we finished the LAST chapter.

Anyway, nothing much to say but goodbye for now.

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 14: "They're Alive, Master Shredder."


"Eric tells his master...the Shredder...some big news."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: Hey guys! Looking back when I first wrote this chapter, I was probably getting ready or already on a cruise ship. I don't know. It was a long time ago. And I am going back on another one next year after my Japan trip!

Beside all that, I am getting the hang of my writing again after a long period of time. Or maybe its just rewriting most of them and the real pain will commence. Probably the latter.

Ok! It's time for the bad guys! LET'S GO!

(Sacks' Estate, outside of New York – 7:02am)

Dawn has already greeted around this time of the day. Snowflakes continued to fall down on the spring morning. They show their sides – both cold and sharp. Very similar to the pressure in the air.

Both the blades of the helicopter slowly whirl down as it rests on the pad just inside the snowy yard of the businessman's mansion. Returning from his tower inNew York, Sacks leaves his chosen vehicle and enters his home. The older gentleman was used to waking up at this particular time of any day. But with the events that he transpires yesterday, it was very crucial that he needs to tell him and tell him now. Out of all the rooms within his home, this certain one…he needs to gain permission to enter. And this particular room is one of the places that he wouldn't dare to show the guests that he had yesterday.

Walking through a dark tunnel, he comes to hanging black cloths that split off from the ceiling. Pushing them to the side, Sacks finally enters the room. Walking past the hard pillars, he comes to a complete stop in the centre. Pressed flat on the concrete ground was a metre-long of Tatami mats. A small stool and stand were placed in the top middle, just resting in front of the entrepreneur. The only light source in this dark room were the lamps that are bolted to the stone walls and one hanging high above him. They don't bright up the whole room as it is too gloomy. Hanging on the wall stands were a number of katana and bo staffs; all lined up in perfection.

The tension in the air of the room was emotionless. Just like the temperatures outside. And Eric Sacks.

His own little cover acting as the saviour and the inspiration to the city was the perfect concealment for the corrupt forces in the darkness that he has been involved in for many years. For almost his entire life.

And the room got even icier when another presence has entered the room.From the shadows. Still cloaked in the darkness, footsteps were the only sound that was produced that would cause even the hair on his neck to stand up. But Sacks was not afraid.

"(Why are you here?)" Eric turns his head slightest towards his right. "(Student.)"

Many would tremble at the sound of the voice, even by veteran soldiers who fought against the two WW. Only Sacks remains calm. For he has great news to tell him. He fully turns to face the man in the dark. Sacks understands his language as English was not the only linguistic that he grew up with.

"There's been a miracle," he explained. Anyone who didn't have an answer to walk into his own private quarters…will remain either speechless or headless for the remainder of their lives. Sacks has prepared his response and was ready to deliver it. And it has to do with the ones that cross path with his men. "The vigilantes who've been causing us so much trouble?" Sacks pauses for dramatic effect. "They'rethe test subjects. Thoseitty-bittybox turtles that we thought we lost in the fire?" He then shakes his head but picture a wicked smile. "They're alive,Master Shredder. And they've grown into something…powerful."

When he first heard of this story, he thought it was only afairy-tale. Alegend. Amyth. Something that almost destroyed his ancestors and their future legacy. But if his warrior daughter wasn't lying when she reported in, then so would too his sophisticated son. The one that he adopted when he was a small boy after he was abandoned by his own blood.

Lowering his head down, he begins to walk around Sacks in a circle as he presses on. "It won't be easy to capture them, but if we can,…we can finally carry out the plan that we had all those years ago."

Eric's master was very pleased with this. Something that almost achieved nearly two decades was still thriving. He was the one who started this project and he would be the one to finish it.

("My Foot Clan will have unlimited power. And you will have your money.)" he spoke in his native tongue.

Sacks couldn't agree more. This was their plan from the very start. "The city will be ours."

Judging by how strong they are from his and Karai's intelligence, they would need more than just his men. They would need stronger forces. Someone from a higher rank. That can be achieved within his palace. All their need is their location of their hiding spot.

Within the darkness, he halts his walking. "(Find them.)" he commands.

He relies on his ancient expertise while Sacks depends on his modern knowledge. And he has already sent a few moles to hunt them down.

"Both O'Neil's and Hope's daughters were the one who found them…" he answered. "…and they will be the ones who will take us right to them."

TheShreddernods before leaving. All he needs to do was prepare for battle.

How are they going to find them?

Simple. Sacks has given something to the girls that he has given to his associate that he made deals with or potential rivals.

Nobody would suspect a business card has a built-in tracker in it.

Going through the streets, the alleyways and the hidden passageways of theBig Applewithout any advantage, it would take a miracle to locate it. But thanks to technology, over the years, have evolved and only the best hackers in theFootare right for the small task to a much bigger assignment.

"There're the ping," reported one of the technicians.

"We've breached the cloaking security," said the other.

Karai motions herself to the main computer not too far from her distance. On the screen was the lower part of Manhattan. She was now tasked to find the missing subjects from her master's plan and she attends not to fail this time.Show us where you are hiding, vermins.

The camera from Google Map zooms into the last place that anyone would find any disappeared targets: the sewers.

Going through the manhole, the camera climbs down the ladder, heads up the path, make a turn to the left, than a right, down once again until the path stops at a wall. But thanks to the advancement of the technology, it passes through the brick wall to reveal seven bodies.

Three of them were sitting cross-legged on the ground. One appears to have abnormal head with large rounded ears and is sitting across from two human beings. These two…must be the relatives of the former employees of MasterShredderfrom what she has heard from. She would be very surprised to see the faces when she comes across them.

The last ones – the four of them are standing tall and in a straight line. They appeared to be too huge and muscular to be human. With weapons in tack, they fit into the precise descriptions of the chosen targets.

The only red showing on the infrared scope are the small rectangle device located in the reporter's pocket.

And the truth comes out. Sacks is working for the Shredder the whole time and it looks like they have found the Turtles' hideout! Oh boy! But before the big brawl happens, let's take a trip down memory lane courtesy of the rat himself in:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Our Origins

Author's Notes: Hey guys! Short chapter! I remember writing this one up in a WHOLE day if remember correctly.

Just a few changes. I first thought it was April's phone in the movie but I would say it was the business card. Looks can be deceiving.

So, a few hours ago was the lunar eclipse here in Australia and the first thought that comes to mind with Avatar the Last Airbender when the Northern Water Tribe is invaded by the Fire Nation to kill the moon spirit. I'm not the only one who thought of that, right?

Guess there is nothing much to say but, take care!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 15: Our Origins


"Splinter begins to tell the girls the tale of their beginning."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: Hey guys! We are at one of my favourite scenes in the movie of all time. Before we do that, please forgive me if anything in my fanfics do not make any sense at all. It is late here at the moment on a Tuesday night. I gotta balance myself out.

Anyway, time to move on cause its …

FLASHBACK TIME! Gotta love them!

(The Sewers, Manhattan, NY – 7:05am)

"Listen closely, girls."

Splinter strokes his long beard, ready to tell an interesting tale. One that only April was present and how he and theTurtlescame to be since the laboratory's fire. Only the 15-year-old was absent during that event as she was not yet born. Only the rat and the two humans were on wooden crates; cross-legged, rather than sitting on the dirty concrete ground.

On his left; one-by-one, his sons all began to kneel down and rest on one knee; all huddling their master and their visitors in a tight semi-circle. Well, almost. One of them - the youngest – sits on his behind and shimmy a bit closer to their guests, or in his terms, hisangelcakes. He does produce a goofy giggle. It was Storytime.

"I don't remember a time before living in that laboratory. That fateful night started like any other."

As Splinter just said, he has no memory from his past life before he was chosen for this experiment. But he does remember one thing: he was a lovable pet to not one small girl, but…to another as well. One who has no hair on his head and has light blueish eyes with a crooked smile. The soon-to-be father and a dear friend to the late scientist himself, Dr. Hope. It would explain how he knew Sally. It was because Splinter has heard of the last name of the scientist and from time-to-time, the name of his unborn child was mention.

Sitting in his cage, the small rat was witnessing the daily routine of the experiment. Only two people are examining one of the tiny baby turtles and injecting the substances into their bloodstream while the third was writing down notes in their workbooks. Only Sacks wore no gloves and lab coats while the others did. And they were Sally's father and April's father – Dr. Kirby O'Neil.

"Sacks gave us our injections."

He finishes pushing the substances into the little test subject by using a syringe before passing to Dr. Hope and putting it back into its glass home. Once the subject was safe, it was onto the next one until the rat was finished. O'Neil's sleeves of his coat were rolled up as he watches on.

"Both your fathers made sure our vital signs were strong."

Spending time in the lab, an 8-year-old April O'Neil has brought a special present for his little turtle friends. With a camera in her hand and a triangle shape food in the other, April lowers it into one of the glass tanks.

"And you April, as always, provided us with a special treat."

The deep dish serving of pizza was acceptable as food for her little friends. No wonder these teens have come to love pizza as their favourite meal, 24/7. Little April was the one who introduced it to them and the aroma left an imprint on their tongues; especially before their mutation. Little bits were taken off as each turtle takes a mouth of them. April giggles at this. As a child and maybe as an adult, she would find this adorable.

"After the brothers went to sleep, I heard loud voices.

After the routine was completed, Splinter wakes up to the sudden shouting. His vision was some-what blurry as the conflict continues. But the small creatures can make out only two people in the room. It was Sacks and Dr. O'Neil having a fit with each other. Only O'Neil's voice was made when the words "…in there!" was emitted. Were they disagreeing with each other about theories? Or was it something much deeper?

Splinter wishes it was the theories, instead.

After the team have left the room for the night, only one remains behind. Sitting alone on the same table as the rat, a large torch was now in the hands of a familiar face. O'Neil, all shaken-up, was thinking of the kind of action that he was prepared to make. His dear friend was nowhere to be seen. Probably went home. But even he didn't know what was going to happen tonight.

He wanted to help change the world. But after learning more about the company, it was far from anything but good. He had a choice: walk away or stay to stop it. He has to do it. Who knows what the cost will bring if he succeeds or fail?

Lighting up the torch to show the blue flame, he has made his choice.

Looking at the work & paper files and adding gasoline to the table, the fire was lit up. There was no light on other than the orange wildfire inside the workshop. The fire alarm went off the second the grey fog was emitted.

"There was the smell of smoke. Alarms sounded."

Splinter's heart was racing at the sight of a miniature version of hell itself. And so were the turtles. But why would O'Neil go through all the trouble of making a hot decision? The noble scientist has a very moral reason.

"Your father, April, had discovered the truth behind the man he and Hope were working for. He set fire to the lab."

Putting the torch down, he moves over to the lit workbench, not caring about the heat of it. Grabbing a lone pole, O'Neil produced enough force to do a baseball swing at the large canister on the work bench, smashing the glass side; letting a few broken pieces to fall on him and releasing the green substances within. Most of them dripped down into the sink, while others made a puddle on the tile floor.

Next, he moved onto the other side of the room, shoving every single flammable item into the hungry blaze. The blaze continued to grow and grow with every single piece of evidence is now turned into ash. Only those not destroyed are left inside the small cardboard box in the girls' apartment as proof.

The sprinklers were switched on, letting loose its own moist contents but not even the liquid substances can tame this hot beast. Drops from the sprinklers was running down the man's face as the heat from the fire tries to overtake him.

"His last breath was taken trying to destroy Shredder's plan."

It was indeed a noble sacrifice.

His physique form was remained on the cold floor before the flames consumed him, leaving only five small beings; breathing in the same smoke.

Trapped inside a can, Splinter did not dare to walk out in the foggy room for he too would end up in the same fate as Dr. O'Neil's. Wiggling his little black nose, he watches the fire dancing in the background. Sooner or later, it would catch up to him and the small reptiles.

"I was terrified."

Until, heaven has answered his call. And in comes another friendly face.

"But then, you appeared."

Little April must have stayed in one of the rooms on the same floor when the tragic event happened. She was looking for her father. Poor thing. Her long brown hair was flops forward as she bends her head down to look into the container. Seeing the helpless rat, she opens it up and gently takes her pet out. There was four more to collect and they were scattered around the bench. One by one, she picks them up. Without a second thought, she hurries out of the building. By the time she has exited out through the main door, her first thought was to take her pets somewhere safe. And out of anybody's reach. That is why she rushes over to the other side of the streets, towards a storm drain.

"And ushered us to safety."

Bending down on one knee, she gently places each of her pets near the grate. They all crawled over to it. Only the third story of the building was lighting up the streets but April didn't bother to look at it. She was too busy watching her pets for what could be the very last time. All four turtles went through the small holes of the drain, leaving the scared Splinter by himself.

"I never had a voice then,…

Just before he joins the rest of the reptiles, the rodent looks at the human before him.

"…but I thank you now, April."

The rat, since then, has been touched by this little girl's courageously. He would never forget it.

Soon after, Dr. Hope shows up and finds her, all alone on the streets, and brings her back to his place.

The first part of the story finished by the heroic efforts of the young woman herself. Closing his eyes, the now-mutated Splinter nodded his head in acknowledgement and opens them up once more. "Mmm." Even as a normal pet rat in a science lab, he clearly remembers the fateful day to him.

April and Sally were all dazed by this. Especially to the ex-reporter herself.

The Shredder. The man who was in charge of the whole operation, who hired their fathers to work on this project, and thanks to him, led one of them to their early death.

Both their fathers, unknowingly until they learnt the truth, worked for a horrible man. The same monster that has terrorise the city from within. It was too much to bear. There was a horrible shadow lurking within the company and it was no surprised that he was behind it all. No wonder Sally's father didn't bother to tell his own daughter or April. The events that night must have shaken him down to the core. Losing his best friend. His ownbrother.

The incident… That is not what she was told. She thought that something caught on fire and her father was trying to extinguish it out or something.

As for the rat and the baby turtles…. That was the last time she has saw any of the pets ever again. Before that night on the rooftops, she has no idea what has happened to them. It was time for Splinter to tell the rest of the story.

"We wandered the sewers until I found this place."

With four small turtles and a little rat walking through the sewers at their usual size, the hike that they were on proved to be exhausting. But their long journey becomes easier than before as the ooze in the bloodstream causes to take effect. Being more exposed out in the open provided to be a helpful advantage to them.

"It was then that the mutagen that was injected into our blood began to change us in miraculous ways."

Hours went by. Even days as well until it has reached its final stage of the process. No longer that they were standing on four legs. Walking around on their hind legs and doubled in size has changed the course of their lives forever. Soon after, more extraordinary things began to happened.

They all began to speak words. Human words.

A giant fan moves at a slower place high above the giant rat. The place was clean of any art as it will be in the distance future when his children discover the joy of tagging. Now that he is transformed, the lab rat was wearing human clothing from different rags. Long bits of fur was pulled back into a high ponytail. The rat's clothing was a one-piece dirty yellow cotton jumpsuit with a navy-blue sleeve-less tunic placed over the top. Around his waist is a much darker skirt that spilt off on the sides, forming into two separate long strips, and a white karate belt. On his feet are plank of small wood which are wrapped around white straps, acting like sandals.

The tiny turtles were now at the size of newborn babies. And all four of them are placed in little cardboard containers into makeshift beds that the newly-appointed parent constructed. Each turtle was chosen with a preferred blanket of their own colour. The same colour that was painted on their shells. From the far left with the orange blanket was stretching its little arms out. Next to him was sucking his thumb as he grabs his red blanket with its shell turned away from the third child, who dearly grabbed onto rat's pointer and snuggle it. And the final one but a rubbed his eyes in weariness.

"I saw how your father loved you, April. And I knew I had to show that same love to the turtles.

Stroking each one of them and pulling their blanket to cover them more with care, he has gained a forever job. Becoming a parent-figure to four young turtles. And soon, he named each of them the names that they were appointed to during their early year in the lab.

"I became their father and they became my sons."

And he did so for the first seven years of their lives as his job has just got a whole lot harder. Their curiosity got the better of them as the years went by. How come all the excitement is happening on the world above them and not down there?

Like their father, each turtle is dressed in individual style of clothing. The eldest is wearing a white headband with a dark blue outline of a lotus flower that is wrapped around his head, a blue apron that has been ripped in half, a blue/white checker shorts and a pair of black sneakers boots with laces that are so old that needs to tie it around five times.

The second oldest has a zebra bandana that covers that top part of his melon and ties it behind in a knot behind his head. On his left arm was one skater elbow pad and his wrist was all wrapped up. Draped around his shell and chest is a red ski vest, a pair of tighty-whities for the bottom and a pair of cotton Ugg Boots.

The second youngest's first goggles was a plastic kind with a white card placed on the top. His wearing his tortoise shell glasses with a tape wrapped around the rim. He is wearing a button-up short-sleeved shirt with one sleeve ripped off and a small pocket on the breast where he stores his pencils. Holding his parachute pants are rainbow suspenders and a brown belt around his turtle waist with two lunchboxes on either side attached to it. He has a children's backpack on him with a typewriter resting on top of it. On his feet are a pair of worn-out flip-flops.

And then there is the youngest one of all. On his head is a pirate eyepatch with the infamous symbol on it. And the only clothing he has on him is a pair of orange overalls and snugged around but slightly above his left ankle is a traffic cone that has been sliced clean.

"Like all children, they were drawn to the distractions of popular culture."

And right now, all four of them are looking through the grate at the topside for their enjoyment. Traveling around the sewers was the only adventure that they ever since they took their first steps. Walking among the humans would be a dream come true. There were other games within their home but this was nothing compared to this.

The tallest out of all of them has attached a jagged piece of a mirror to a long pole. He then slides it out of the storm drain and with both his hands, he lifted with his might as his brothers all gathered around to see what the little mirror has captured. One of them climbs on to his brother's shell to even get a slight view of the outside music. None of the civilians seems to take notice of this as this city does attach all kinds. They continue on with their business.

"And I knew one day they would want to explore the world above."

Right above and behind them is an electronic store with hundreds of TVs. And what is showing is a music clip of the hottest artist on the market. The music video of Gwen Stafani'sHollaback Girlwas on and it just came to the chorus.

Few times I've been around that track

So it's not just gonna happen like that

'Cause I ain't no hollaback girl

I ain't no hollaback girl

Few times I've been around that track

All four children were now bopping to the Hip Hop music. The second-oldest pushes his youngest brother off and goes back to the show. Instead of finding a different spot, the youngest simply listen to the music and begins to show off some idiotic breakdancing moves.

Their father was simply watching at a distance so if they tried to do anything stupid or dangerous. Nothing yet so far.

"They would be ridiculed."

And wasn't just the dance that the youngest was trying to pull. It was more ofwhatthey are ratherwhothey are. The rat father lets out a sign at their immature.

And the youngest today was nodding his head to the music that he would still consider a hit. It was only a matter of time before it got very annoying for his brothers.

The human girls were still in trance with the story as it got deeper.

"They would need to learn to protect themselves," Splinter explains the next part of his story, "bothmentallyandphysically." Back then he knew, a father like him cannot live forever to protect them. He needs to find an answer. But how long will it be?

Despite watching the surface for some fun, theTurtlesdo have their own little game that they created. All four buckets, with numbers painted in their chosen colours, hanged by hook and a wire. The objective is to knock them off, one-by-one.

"Hey. Does anyone want to playBuck-Buck?"

They didn't need an answer. Because they were already lined up for the game. Rubbing his hands, the eldest take a short running start as his bucket was the first one. Since he was the first one, he has to leap in the air. "Buck one!" He whacks it away. Just before it hits the ground, he quickly drops to the floor and curls up. This gives the next player the lift up for him to hit his own bucket.

The second oldest was next. "Buck two!" He does the same process as his brother before it is the third brother's turn.

The second-youngest steps on both his brother to reach his bucket. "Buck three!"

This leaves the fourth and final bucket. Just as the youngest takes a running start, the second-oldest – who was known especially when they were kids as the troublemaker – sees his brother coming. Just as soon he steps on the first turtle…and at the last second, the troublemaker moves out of his spot just before his baby brother's feet makes contact with his shell. With a turtle missing from the line, it causes the runner to lose his footing, and falls on top of the turtle before him, causing him to roll over him and his brother to go on his side thanks to the sudden force.

"Where are you going, Raph?" the oldest asked. His younger brother decided to ditch the game while they are in the middle of it was kind of getting to be a habit. Raph – as he was called back then and now – gives a silent wave and starts to walk off.

The youngest recovers from his fall. "Come on. I can't do it by myself," he begged his brother to participate as he gets back onto his feet. "I need all four!"

"You're aBuckshort," estimate the tallest one before he and his other brother all got onto their feet.

Stuck down here playing the same game over and over, day after day, can really get old-fashioned. Raph doesn't understand why he and his brothers need to play it all the time when they should be up there, playing with the other kids. But despite their…forms, it will never happen. Instead, he decided to let out some steam by going up in all their faces.

'Yeah, that sounds stupid," he barks at little brother as he advances on him. "Like you, Mikey!" It was now turn into a game ofcat and mousewith the orange mice running away from the red feline.

He runs around his older brother as he does his best to try to break up the fight. Very soon, the role of leader will fall onto him. The only one staying out of the fight is the smartest one of all as he was checking out his gear if they were damaged in the game.

But Mikey keeps on playing, hoping to calm his brother down as while keeping his distance from him. "That's why you're just the hype man, bra. See these moves?" That is when he started to do some his own version of breakdancing.

But Raph wasn't taking it. He tries to push the medium down between him and the goofball. "Yeah, whatever, man."

A small pile of rubbish was close to where his sons are occupied and where he was doing his daily task. Despite living down in the dirty place in the city, Splinter sweeps the rubbish that was left by the ignorance who didn't bother to clean up their own mess. It was one of his main hobbies. This is their home and it needs to be in tip-top shape. Although it doesn't get rid of the smell and such.

That is until a few blue books caught his eyes.

He stops his task to pick up one of them. Getting the feel of a furry cover, the rat brushes off the dust and small dirt of the beautiful fabric.

On the cover was a man kneeling on both knees with weapons circling around him. Splinter had his attention on the headline.

The Art of Ninjutsu. By Eastman & Laird.

The book peeks the rodent's interest as he opens the covers. Inside there were two people in the same clothing in different types of forms, are using different types of weapons and the inscription were in different dialect as only the cover speaks his native tongue.

But these men fighting…against each other…to either win…or protect…

The more he looks at the drawings, the missing answer that Splinter has been searching for becomes very clear.

"And then I found a way."

For the past few weeks was the start of something new.

After retrieving a number of weapons that were achievable in Chinatown, Splinter only need four kinds of weapons in tow. Perfect for his four sons.

After reading the books back to forth; day-to-night, the knowledge of the forms - both the hand-to-hand combat and weaponry - are now implanted inside the rat's mind. He is ready to showcase his new talents to the rest of his family.

Swinging the first weapon above his head with a kick in dispose, the new rat ninja master does a block with a wooden Bo Staff before spinning around in a full circle and finally finishing up by slamming the end down; hard.

"First, I would teach myself the ancient art of Ninjutsu."

Just sitting or standing close to their fathers, the four young turtle brothers were bored out of their minds. That is until they are all witnessing what their father is performing. The rat has moved onto the next weapon or weapons. Both of his hands were now occupied with a pair of Nunchakus as swings them around in perfect motion; going around his body and under his arm.

The kids have now taken an interest on their father's new hobby. As they removed themselves from their previous spot and came a bit closer, one of them gives out a bit of an excitement chuckle as he mimics the same movement with his arms. They have never seen their move like this before.

Two down, two to go. That is when Splinter decided to pull out one of the most dangerous arms in Federal Japan: thekatana.

Holding the lone blade in his hands, he begins to swiping the sharp sword around like he wasMiyamoto Mushashi. Kneeling so close to their fighting father, the Turtles all dodged every single slash made by him. Luckily, no-one was hurt especially the swordsman himself as he slides the weapon back into its gauntlet; finishing the form and the demonstration.

The young ones have certainly enjoyed the show and now, they are as curious onto why their father would show them this? He simply explained to them that it was a way for them to be able to protect themselves in the real world if he is no around or when he's...no longer in their lives. But that won't happen for many years to come.

Once Splinter has achieved the rank "master", it was the Turtles' turn.

"The brothers followed my lead,..."

And the first one up is his eldest son. Giving him the sword was the best choice for him. Pulling the blade from its scabbard, he holds it to his side. He was ready to show his father's and brothers of what he can do with the sharpest weapon in the room. Just by mimicking his father's training, he leaps up and does a vertical spinning jumping before he lands on his two feet. Spins around in one full circle before going into a kneeling position and thrust his sword through an invisible target. The master, watches on with his arms crossed over, nods in approval.

"...accelerating at a wonderful rate."

Like father, like son. Even faster than the greatest martial artists in the world and they would all be baffled by this.

The next one to hold the Bo Staff was very ideal for the tallest reptile of all. He was not as violet as his brothers but this weapon does have a hard side to it when it comes to combat. Instead of the wooden that his father used, he has customised a special staff with a unique mechanism. Picking up speed, he starts off with a few downward spins on one side before doing one spin with one hand. By bringing the stick under his arm, it moves the weapon behind his head. Grabbing hold of it with his hands, he joins it with a "clouding" move.

The rest of his brothers all watched on as the Bo Staff turtle spins around and aims the end at the one with the zebra headband. The turtle that was pointed at flinches a bit because for the fact that he almost got whacked in the face by a lousy stick. How long does he have to wait until it was his turn. Maybe his father didn't find the ideal weapon for him, or something that would be perfect for him?

Well, Splinter did find something for him. And it is his turn now. What the rat will give to his son will be a smirk on his face. With dual Sais in his hands, the second-youngest was having no trouble striking, slashing & stabbing in any possible direction and also adding a turn in the process. Before finishing off his form, he crosses them over like an "X" and swings them both to his sides.

This only leaves the youngest one of all. And he was sure having the time of his life with a pair of Nunchakus or "Nunchunks" in his case that his dear father has given to him. Swinging the wooden sticks in a fluidly motion just like what his dad did, he has added a few turns & kicks in the action. Close by was his older brother with his makeshift wooden stick that was smaller for some reason. As the co*cky turtle moves, so does his mouth.

"Wassup, bra? Want some of this? I'm like a ghost!" he brags to the 'bra' before him. The co*cky child continues to provoke him but doesn't seem fazed at all as he somersaults in the air on the air before he lands in a perfect split. He then gets up with no help from anyone or his hands. "I'm over here,..." he moves his right foot to his right, twirls his 'chucks' around and secures them under his armpits before facing his foe. "...now I'm over here, bra. Like ashadow! I'm aflame shadow fire dragon!"

Ok, FSFD. Dodge this!

He directs the end of the Staff close to his brother and with the push of the button, the customised Staff extends outwards. The end close to the smallest turtles jab hard into his stomach. With enough force, it sends him back a few feet and flat on his shell; dropping his weapons in the process. Down but not out from the sudden attack, the defeated reptile grabs hold of the already sore muscle in the region. He rolls over to his right side and begins to rub the pain hoping to ease the tension. Guess he shouldn't get too co*cky. Or leave himself open. Ornoisy.

But their new discoveries don't stop there.

"Their gift was also their passion."

Standing before a giant log, bigger than him but at the same height as his tallest brother, the Sai-wielding turtle was ready. There was a reason why they were named after Renaissance Artists and he was going to show them why. Drawing them out, he has got a mental image of what he was about to create.

Going at it at a chopping motion, bits of wood were going everywhere but not on the sculptor himself. Right now, he was about halfway there. A few more chops & cuts, he is done with his work.

"They lived, breathed and dreamed all things martial arts."

And creating a turtle wearing a karate ki while doing a crane pose is a fine example. Content with his masterpiece, he walks away with a smirk on his face. The viewers at home all watched their brother leave, stunned. The show that he put on and the final draft of the craft that he created was something that no one should ever blink their eyes for.

Right now, it was dinner time. And to no brainer, the choice for their meal was none other than pizza. Before they can dig in, the eldest would like to show something to his family. And it was the perfect time as the pie has not yet been cut up.

Throwing the base high up in the air - and with Dual Katanas in his hands - he goes at it. The base sliced in half. Now in quarters. In eighths! Each piece than flies off to its designated spot. The first piece goes to the second-eldest which lands nicely on his plate. He then proceeds to pick it up. The second-youngest gets the second piece but he extends his plate a little forward before the slice meets the table but only a tiny end hangs over the edge. He takes a great whiff of the delicious meal. The next one was for the baby of the family. Make that a couple of pieces as with great speed, he manages to catch not one, but two slices. Although one of them is for his big bro but...who cares? He wants more than one slice.

And the final slice goes for the day to the only grown-up at the table. The triangle-shaped greasy food comes falling down towards the table and...


Instead of the plastic plate, it hits a different target that is…furry. Splinter winches on the impact which cause his sword-wielding son to tense up. The pizza has missed the plate by that much!

The two youngest looked at each other before looking back at them. The second-oldest just shakes his head. His big brother is always trying to be perfect.

Only two slices landed in the previous container. The eldest awkwardly grabs hold of the crust and slowly pulls it off the rat's head and places it on the plate. He nervously smiles at his father. Well, practises do make it perfect. Not only him but his brothers do still have a long way to go.

And they did so for the next eight years.

"Then,... they were ready."

On the day that they become at the age of 15, it was the same day that Master Splinter has entrusted them with their own weapons. The same weapons that they have been practicing with non-stop for many years now on countless times. In other words, it was Graduation Day to the next ninja level.

Their training room was transformed from a dark, dirty, colourless stone dungeon to a bright underground canvas. Every wall was either occupied with graffiti art or a few wooden stands that are bolted in where each weapon is secured. This is called "The Weapons' Wall".

Splinter was high on the platform where theWeapons' Wallis located as his sons are on the lower level before him. Now at the age of fifteen, the only difference that the boys don't have is their masks. Once they have achieved their weapons, they will create their own mask.

The first one to receive their weapon/s would be the eldest. Splinters takes one of the swords from its case and holds it carefully in its grasp. He then presents it to his son before him.

"TheKatana- most noble of all the blades," he said as his son takes the blade out of his father's hands. With ease, the turtle kneels down while observing it with great admiration. "It is the weapon of a leader."

The title that Leonardo so gracefully earned. After achieving their weapons, it was time for their mask. Taking a piece of cloth of the chosen colour, the turtles then style it to represents themselves.

Leonardo has chosen the colour blue as it representstrue leadership. Not to mentionloyaltyandcalmnessas he ties it in a big knot. Lifting his head up, Leo pictures a warm smile, pleased with this achievement.

The colour red was the ideal choice for Raphael who has a different style.Rage.Anger. Butpassion. He styles his in a do-rag. After tying the final knot, he lifts his head up but doesn't show a happy grin. Only a sneer. Fits his personality, right?

Choosing the purple fabric was perfect for Donatello.Intelligentandnobility. Doing the same way as the new leader with an extra knot, he places his glasses over the top. He pushes them up to avoid them from slipping off while showing a shy smile.

Having the colour orange brings out the brightness for Michelangelo.CreativityandJoyfulare the true meaning of his mask and his own personality. Copying the same style as his older brother, he finishes up his knot and lifted his head up.

Splinter is very proud of how his sons came to be, but it would have never happened if April was never involved in their lives.

"Everything they are, and everything that've become was made possible by the bravery that you displayed on that fateful night."

Mikes does a crooked smile while nodding his head. "Dude." He now feels like the complete package for any babe that comes his way.

And it was all because of her.

She was the one who set them free into the storm drain 15 years ago. And because of her action, they grew up to be the most formidable team to fight against theFoot Clanand succeed. But an 8-year-old couldn't possibly perform such a task like this.

April looks at the reptiles before looking back at the rat. "I was just a little girl." All she did was rescue her pets from the fire and left them to fend for themselves. Imagine if she did take them instead. They would still grow up like they are today.Giant turtles and a huge rat in her home.

Splinter senses her uncertainty in her tone. What April doesn't know is her action help him and his sons a lot more than she thinks. "And you gave usfreedomwhere others would have kept us in cages." Just the vileShredderand his despicableFoot Clan. And they would've got them if April's father didn't start the fire or if she didn't let them go.

But only four beings need to clarity one thing that was in their minds since they have brought the humans down here to their secret lair and heard the whole story. That is why the eldest child has volunteered to ask the storyteller.

He holds out one hand. "Wait a minute, Dad." The girls and Splinter all looked at Leonardo as he kneels down on one knee. "All these years you told us we were rescued from the fire by a great guardian spirit - theHogo-sha."

The master nodded. "That's right." It was true that Splinter did tell them the story about a magical spirit that saved them from the blazing monster when they were only baby turtles. The problem is that the teens have never seen or came across the actual spirit in person. Splinter was the only one who knows the true identity of it and he believes now is the right time to reveal it.

Splinters turns to the older woman across from him and holds out his hands. "And this is theHogo-sha."

Both April and Sally were completely shocked. "What?" the woman gasp.

"April,..." Sally finally found the chance to speak, "...I think...I think you're their saviour." Splinter nodded. She saved them no doubt about it.

Leo straightens himself up and stands once again with his brothers. After all these years, the four Turtles thought that an ancient ghostly entity has given them a second chance at life and transformed into the warriors that they are today.

For some unknown reason, Donatello pulls down his googles, leans forward and fiddled with the lens; creating beeping sounds. For someone who watches any ghost hunting shows orGhostbusters,he had to check if she is from the great beyond. Finding no evidence, he pops the specs back to on his head.

Up until now, they were not expecting theHogo-shato be in the form of a human being that is sitting before them. But...it doesn't change their gratitude within their souls.

Well, for what she has done for them and Splinter, there was only one thing for the teens to do. Following their master's example, Leo was the first to take a step forward with his father and the girls watching him. He then slowly bends his whole upper body down until he makes it into a "L" shape. He was bowing.

Michelangelo, at the same time, does the same thing, and then they were followed by Donatello. They wanted to give their thanks to the one who saved them & their father and now, they finally have the chance.

The only one who didn't show his thanks was Raphael himself. Although bowing was something he normally doesn't do, he was just uncertain about this. Both April and Sally's fathers used to work for theShredderso it would bring a level of strangeness to the group. Instead, he breaks eye contact, looks to the ground and folded his arms.

Still bowing, Mikey twists his head around so he can see his older brother right beside him. "My girlfriend's totally theHogo-sha," he whispers loud enough for everyone to hear. He had a good vibe about the woman and her friend when he first land eyes on them. Who knew after all these years, the same girl who rescue them would come back into their lives once more? Funny how fate would draw them together again.

Still bowing and without moving his head, Leo was far enough to use his left hand to smack his silly brother in the arm. "Ow," he uttered.

Splinter looks back to the humans. The only person who is still reeling in all this is theHogo-shaherself. April O'Neil is a hero to them but she doesn't feel like it. Her father and Sally's father used to work for a megalomaniac in which they didn't know. No wonder that they didn't talk about it when they first discover it. There was a definite connection in all this. And what about Sacks? Does he know about this? Does he know theShredderpersonally?

April hopes not. Other than her own father, Sacks is a true hero...

WOW! Now that April and Sally now know the whole story, the real danger is just beginning! Catch you guys next time in:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Learning the Truth

Author's Notes: Hey. I do hope this chapter was ok. I should really be bed now. At least, I don't have work tomorrow. Instead, I have to find work. Probably in the new year or something when I got some free time.

Right now, enjoy the rest of the week, guys!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 16: Learning the Truth


"Shredder prepares for battle and the girls learns a shocking truth from Splinter about Sacks."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: Hey guys. Here at home, we are getting a skylight, so its pretty noisy here.

I was thinking that once I've finished this one and start up the sequel, I will go back to the 'once-a-week-upload' like I have in the past so I can do my research, write the chapter and pace myself rather than do it all in one go. I think I prefer that. That way, I will focus on other things in my life, like work and such. Man, I do wish you get paid to write fanfics. We would be all rich if we do that.

Here comes another short chapter. Cause the next one will be a long but good one.

(Sacks' Estate, outside of New York – 7:09am)

…with a deep sinister secret.

Sacks has not left the same room since he delivered the special announcement to his master. Many years ago, they thought that they have lost everything in the fire. Everything that they worked so hard to achieve to go all up in flames.

That is...until Miss April O'Neil has come out of the shadows and lit up their world. The test subjectsdidsurvive the blaze because April was the one who saved them 15 years ago. And now,...they can finally finish what they have started all those years ago.

But like Sacks said, the creatures are "powerful" and "won't be easy to capture" after they have dealt with their men on a few occasions which would clearly explain why. Just a few minutes ago, Karai has just radio in saying that the location of theTurtleshas just been discovered: underground in the sewers at the heart of New York City. Now, it was time to suit up and head out for battle. And Sacks has a little surprise for hissenseiin which he would be very pleased with.

The businessman leads him to the far corner of the dark room. "Fortunately, our engineers have been making great progress in refining the robotics in your armour." As an expert in that particular field, Sacks would have to guess that it would prove very useful to hismasterfor his upcoming battle. He looks over his shoulder to see him. "We're taking it to the next level,..." He turns his head forward as his gets closer to his work for his father. "...bridging the gap betweenancient tradition...andmodern warfare."

Eric finally halts in front of his masterpiece. Shinning down on a lone light just resting close to the weapon stands was another man-made weapon itself. A tall steel man-shape armour stands before him; a silver Samurai outfit with gold outline that has been passed down from generation to generation all the way to the founder the of the ninja clan himself. Sharp and durable, the metallic beast remains on the spot, not moving an inch on the hard ground, like admiring a great piece of art. For some time ago, rust begins to settle in but with great care and a few modifications as Sacks has put it, they have created somethingunstoppable. Even more powerful than the creatures themselves.

It is not the armour appearance that would shake fears into the souls of his opponents, it is what's on the inside that they should dread. Still cloaked in the dark,Shredderfinally comes to a halt. Looking at his "weapon", the news that his son has brought was not the only thing that he is pleased of.

"(Tonight, I dine on turtle soup.)"

Sacks can only mentally nodded or laughed at his father's joke. TheseTurtleswill never see this coming or experience like this in their short lives.

(The Sewers, Manhattan, NY - 7:10am)

Despite learning the whole story from her former pet rat, there was something else that April needs to know.

"Why did you bring us here?" she asked. Was it because they (mostly April) who spilled the secret to a few people that they know?

"To find out who you two told of our existence."Yep.That was it. And the girls are certainly in trouble.

These creatures wanted to be kept as a secret from the public until the time is right, and he personally doesn't want the daughters of the two scientists to take the fall.

Giving a little elbow nudge into April's arm, Sally looked a little grave. "Tell him." Say the word and the girls will be sliced and diced for their breakfasts.

Guess there was no use hiding. She had to tell someone. Truthfully, she would go absolutely nuts if she doesn't get it out of her systems. And by the looks of it, Splinter and theTurtlesneed to know.

"Nobody that believed us,...except for Eric Sacks."

By hearing his name, Splinter's rodent heart just dropped.No...they didn't...The old rat lets out a gasp as he rolls up to his feet. "Sacks..." he utters, moving a bit closer to where his sons are. "Just as I feared." He couldn't just believe it. Out of all the people in the world, he would have to be thelastperson to know the truth.

As the only quiet human around here, Sally was too curious. "Umm,...not to judge or anything but...what have you got against Sacks?" April raised an eyebrow at her young friend. She's the one to talk. The teenager has doubts about the scientists himself as the dealings with the company that her father and April's used to work for years ago. And he is a hero to the whole city. So,...what is the rat's reason?

Splinter turns to face them. They have absolutely no idea, do they? By telling them what need to be said, it would break their hearts. Mostly April who admires him. They were brought down here to know the whole story, now...they too will learn the whole truth as well. Splinter might regret this but it's better to tell it rather than hide it from a couple of gentle souls.

"Sacks...isnota friend," he begins. "His soul has been poisoned by the influence of a dark master."

Dark master...April was the only one staring to show pain to her faces. Even Sally has a meaningful look.No...don't tell me...

Splinter knows what they are thinking, preparing to say it with a much harsher tone. "The Shredder."

Tears were welling up in April's eyes. Agony was building inside of her. It was like losing a valuable friend or family member in your life just like how she lost her father many years ago. Like the ideal person that you look up to, only to be filled with lies. Sally's face pictures more of a furious look. Her guts never failed her. She knew it. Splinter looked away, can't bearing to see the hurt looks on their faces. He comes a bit closer to his children. "Shredderpractically raised Sacks in Japan. He's like afatherto him. Sacks will doanythingfor his master."

The girls thought back to yesterday morning at Sacks Estate.Until a local sensei took me under his wing. And he saved me.

It wasn't very clear...until now. His backstory, the artifices in his home, and why, in Sally's case, her father has spoken only a few words about Sacks. It all makes sense now.

Eric Sacks was working for theShredder.This whole time.

The old friend of their fathers is no hero. Never one to begin with. He was a fraud. A criminal working against the greater good for theShredder'sown selfish gain. And April... she felt like a fool. She trusted him and he played her. Not just her but the entire city, of course. Despite this, deep down, she wanted it to be all a dream - a fabricated lie - but no matter how hard she tries to repress it, only honesty was said in Splinter's tone. A rat would never lie to his former owner now that he can talk and has saw everything.

Looking slightly at the ground, all black, Sally's suspicion about Sacks was almost head on. She had a feeling that there was some ugly secret that the most powerful man inNew Yorkwas hiding. This was much bigger than she expected. She couldn't believe her own family, April's and the whole city had faith in him.

As the only turtle who remained silent since their guests were brought here, Raphael was too shock of this news. He and his brothers always thought that it was only bad guy, pulling the strings but there are more that the city has to face.

"Wait, wait. Sacks andShredder?" The richest and powerful man with a strong trust in the public and the vile martial artist working together to gain a tight grip on both the city and the underworld. It does not sound like a good combination. Only Donatello and Leonardo moved out of the way to let their already fuming brother to move. "So, why aren't we out there hunting them down?" He now has a sudden urge to go out there and stop Sacks.

But Splinter approaches his son, stopping him. He has a very good reason why he would not dare to let any of his sons go. "Because, Raphael, theShredderis a skilled warrior whose cruelty is ever-reaching! And you are justteenagers."

He does bring a good point. The Turtles and Splinter have only been training for nearly 10 years. TheShredderhas been fighting for all his life. Great. They can handle one human easily enough but dealing with an evil warlord is not exactly a walk in the park. Plus, as a father to four boys, Splinter would never forgive himself if any of his children are…taken away from him. From this world.Forever.

While Splinter is busy explaining to his sons, Sally noticed the upsetting look on her friend's face. It was not her fault for trusting someone like Sacks in the first place. Going with her cores, the teenager slides her hand and gently places it over O'Neil's. April sees this. Sally was trying to comfort her friend. Touched by this, April squeezes the gesture in return. At least she still has a good friend when she needs it.

Not getting the permission that he wanted, Raph rolls his head upward while letting out an intense growl to it. As a fighter, Leo understands his pain. He too wants to go out there to stop not onlyShredderbut Sacks as well. The city has already been suffered enough. But if his father said thatShredderis too advance for him, his brothers or his sensei, they would be no escape if they enter the lion's den. It would be adeath's wish. He moves closer to Splinter, taking up his brother's previous spot.

But that wasn't the bad news.

"The mutagen in your blood is of great value to them," the rat explains the purpose of the same project that Sacks andShreddertried to create. In other words, the four Turtles are vital enough for their master plan. And they won't stop until all four of them are capture. Splinter turns back to the regretful humans but the guilt train doesn't stop there. "Now that Sacks has confirmation that you are alive,..." The girls then catch on what he meant. Releasing her friend's hand, Sally let's April's hand to dig inside her jacket's pocket and pulls out that was given to them by their former ally. His business card. "...I fear they will bring the fight to us."

And the girls are leading theFootright to them. Horror was formed on their faces as they both looked at the business card.

April shakes her head. "Oh, no."

What have we done?

What have they done? One of the biggest scenes and chapters is coming up NEXT in:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: The Ambush.

Author's Notes: Hey guys! It won't be long until we finish up this story and move on to our next project! It will not only be the sequel but also the chronicles that comes between the first and second movie, my TSH one, my Rise fanfic and also, drawing up my OC too! I got a lot to do!

If you have the time, check outLike Father Like Sonby eternalglitch on AO3. Us Rise fans are lovin' it!

Bye now!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 17: The Ambush


"The Turtles and Splinter must defend themselves from the Foot...and the Shredder."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: Hey! It has been a while since we got action in this fanfic, hasn't it? So, nothing much to say, but, I am a few weeks away from my driving test and…I'm pissing my pants here! I mean, I have been doing my lessons, I'm reading the book (which I should be doing right now!), so,…I got nothing to be nervous, right?

Yeah, I should panic.

Any tips to stay calm, guys? Just comment away!

Well, at least, I can focus on my stories. Let's see if I can finish this one before my big test. That will be the goal!


(On the backstreets of New York, Manhattan, NY – 7:12am)

After getting theall-clearfrom themaster, theFootwere on the move.

Driving through the busy streets of theBig Apple, only three armour trucks (plus a mega one) came to the closest entrance. One that would lead them toVigilantes' location. The civilians out on the streets were not very aware of what is happening in the alleyways.New Yorkersthemselves don't pay enough attention. Especially to criminals like theFoot.As they come to a grinding halt, a black gate was open, like it was waiting for them. Everyone rushes out of the vehicles and head towards the deepest part of the back alley, the soldiers have their arms at ready.

"Stand by to make entry," shouted a fighter of the first squad. "Let's move!"

Only two used metal poles to remove the chosen manhole cover. Hooking the piece of steel, they slide it out of its chute; giving a clear entrance. TheFootcan move forward.

"Go, go, go!" the soldier ordered. One-by-one, they all climbed down. The ones who made it to the sewers, they all went on, towards the ideal tunnel where the targets are been held.

Their current leader of this notorious team has already arrived. He is just waiting in the shadows. Only time will tell when he can unleash his surprise on them.


"This is bad."

Everyone turns to Sally. She pushes her feet onto the floor and stands up from her wooden seat. She looks at the four green mutants and the still sited rat. "You guys need to get out of here."

"No." That is when Leonardo stepped forward. He pointed at her. "The two of you need get out of here." He then points to his family. "We can handle them." Michelangelo and Donatello only nodded while Raphael crossed his arms over once more. She and April have no idea who they up against. They have heard and witnessed of what theFootare all about. And they would know how dangerous these men are to them from the whole subway incident a few days ago. The girls are defenceless. They would not survive five seconds once they have step into the battlefield.

Sally nodded. "Well, yeah. TheFoot, I understandthat, but if Sacks has already toldShredder, he could be on his way here."

The big brute speaks up. "Yeah, and they would go all gun blazing on your asses the second they show up. You two ain't bulletproof, you know."

Despite the tension, Sally can't help but give off a smirk. "Well, guess what, pal? So is your face."

Raph scrunches his face in annoyance.Smartarse.

Closing her eyes and dropping the smile, Sally lets out a sign. "Look." She opens them up to see the mutants before them. "I know we just met, but if it is true that this mutagen is very vital to them, they will stop at nothing to find you. April and I," she points at the older woman, "can…can lead them away and—"

Splinter quickly comes to her, now concerned for the young girls' wellbeing. "—and jeopardise your lives in danger? If your father was here, he would not be pleased with this decision. We willnotrisk it."

Sally places her hand on her chest where her heart is located. "And I'll be happy enough to risk mine!" She shouted a little louder for the city on the surface level to hear. After her little outburst, she lowers the pressure from inside of her and calms down. "April's dad did the same thing years. My dad would've done the same. AgainstShredderand theFoot, our lives don't matter,…" her expression becomes very soft, "…but yours does."

The family of ninjas were very stunned at her words. Mikey was too but also, lovestruck. A human…is willing to risk her life for them, despite the lack of history between them. This has amazed them, especially April, although she didn't have a say yet, but she too would risk her life.

Just like them, she despises theFootas much as any person in the city. It is true that they all fear the group and its leader but to see very much courage in such a small figure proves that hope has not died out just yet. If only her father was here to see how much his daughter is willing to give her life for. But Splinter cannot allow it. No blood will be shed today if she and April will stay any longer and escape right now.

"Please,…Sally, I—"

The whole place goes up in flames. And when inflames, what they meant was the alarms of the underground lair going off at a rapid pace. April and Sally pop their heads around, trying to locate the source of the noise. But it was everywhere. And they didn't even bother to go look for it. Plus, the family of mutants know what it means.

"Perimeter infringe.Breached." Donatello was the first to run away from the centre, with his brothers in tow. "We have incoming!" Their father also took off running but into another direction. The girls watched them all moved to the monitors nearby. The teenager helped her friend off her feet and joined the Turtle Brothers. Their father has located himself to theWeapon Wall.

"Oh, no!Oh, no!" the brainiac panicky exclaimed. Donatello was already seated in his custom-made skateboard seat as he quickly analyses the screens before him. The rest of them all looked from one screen to another. Cameras were set up all over the surrounding tunnels of their sewer home. And they have got a good visual on who or what tripped the alarms.

Black soldiers, aiming their guns, are jogging down the dark tunnel. A small beeping was made as they were on the move. They do have intruders. It didn't take long to know who it is with the whole black clothing and mask with faces on it.

TheFoothave found them.

Splinter was right. It would have been only a matter of time before they have been located. They are going to bring the fight to them.

"We got two breaches," Donnie confirmed after observing his monitors and looked at his main screen. It showed the out-layer of their home on the inside and the outside. Little red blobs are at two different sections of their sewer home. "Fan room, weapons wall!"

That is where father is!Leo was right beside his brother as he looks at the same monitor. The girls have also joined them. He had a feeling that their master would relocate there. And so will his sons. As the leader, it only took half-second to come with an attack-plan. He looks at his younger brother. "Mikey, flank right!" He turns to the brother on the chair before leaving in a hurry. "Donnie, on me! We gotta go!Go, go!"

Donatello rises from his seat. Too much was happening. He and the others have only been a few fights in their lives that involves theFootbut this was outside in the real world. They are now going into battle on their home turf. Donnie can't stay at his post. He is needed. He quietly curses himself before joining his older brother.

A stone wall is separating them from their targets. And what is the better way to clear the path is to knock it down.Permanent.

A sledgehammer won't do much damage to take down an entire wall for the team to go through. Plus, it would take them a long time. They need something that would pack a punch.

And that is why one soldier brings in a small black box. The one that is producing a beeping sound. "Stand by to set charge."

Passing by his comrades, he comes face-to-face with that stone wall and places the small carton on a white electrical plastic box just bolted into the wall. With the package secure, all theFootsoldier did was to press the button. "Lock and load. We're going on10."

The number10was on the small screen, before changing it to9. Then,8…7.

It was a bomb. Shape in a small design but would unleash a small earthquake when detonate.

As the countdown has begun, the soldiers are taking the time to load up for the big battle ahead of them. Placing a number of small green containers and slots them into themagazineof their handgun or assault rifles. (I'm not kidding! I looked it up!). Instead of the usual bullets that they use to take down anyone that stands in their way, these kind of targets are needed.Alive.

"No live ammo. Tranqs only."

They lock in their shots.6…5…

"Take 'em alive!"


Splinter places his ear up against the stone. He hears beeping.Oh…no

Without taking it off the stone structure, he sees two of his sons at the corner of his eyes. And they are hasty approaching towards him. At bad timing as well.

Anxiety has appeared on his face in a split second as he looks at them. "No! GET BACK!" After that cry, he rushes far away from theWeapon Wall.


TheFourth of Julyfireworks just went off. And blowed off the wall of the underground home of the mutants.Literally.

Only the rat managed to get away from the blast. Except for the blue and purple clad turtle that were in mid-air when they got caught in the explosion. Like rag-dolls, they were thrown back with the oldest taking up most of the hit. Unfortunately, his younger brother was caught in the blast.

"Donnie!" he cried out. Luckily, the leader takes up most of the damage than his brother. Another explosion was made near the Fan room. Followed by another.

Mikey was just heading towards the Fan room, only to flung back by the third blast and rolled over the pizza couch. April and Sally have also taken the force and took cover under the computer station. So far, the only blood that has been drawn was from the skinned knee of Miss Hope herself. A stinging pain was coursing on her exposed wound. "Oh, geez." She must have made contact with a rock or a debris or something. This she can worry about later.Ifthere is a later for them.

Splinter was the only one who hasn't been caught in any of the blasts. Not a single dust or dust has settled on him as he was in a different location. Only he had enough time to get away. But not for his children. He looks at his surrounding area.

The bombs have all stopped which it is good. Parts of the lair were blanket with floating debris from the explosion. TheWeapons' Wallis now destroyed with a small gap that you can fit 10 people at a time. Only beams of light, moving around aimlessly through the dusty fog. And they were moving into the room.

Splinter knows who has come a-knocking. It's theFoot. Only four so-far have entered via the destroyed wall. And judging the number of men that are coming in, no doubt thatheshouldn't be too far behind.

Crossing his arms over with his fists all clenched up, the master is ready.Always ready for anything.

Giving off a growling battle cry, the rat leaps into battle. He will surely give them a lesson about arriving into his home unannounced!

The black-clan warriors see the giant rodent heading their way. "Engage!" one of them shouted.

Not one of them has unleashed a bullet on the furry figure who does a giant forward flip and lands on the grated floor. To gain his foot, he does a one-handstand and stands his ground, facing them. They were saving the bullets for his sons.Not him.

He was now completely surrounded by the four of them. Electricity was surging from their batons that they all pulled out. Guess they wanted to settle this like men with sticks rather than cowards with guns. Noble but big mistake.

Holding his wrist up, he motions his fingers. 'Bring it on' is what his sons would say.

"Get him!" exclaimed another.

The one behind Splinter takes the first swing to the head. But Splinter easily ducks the move before the one from the front comes charging forward, thinking he is wide open. Bad idea. Because Splinter see him coming. Along with his friends who all charged at him. He blocks the first kick before kicking into the one on his right and begins to block, punch, kick and whipping his tail on a repeated base. TheFoot Soldiersare all doing the best that they can, trying to land a hit on the rat, but it proved to be futile. With all the hits that Splinter has laid on them, they are going to feel this in this morning. Despite have not been a fight in his ninja life, the rat was wiping the floor with four-trainedFoot Soldiers.

Managed to recovered from the blast that could have been a wake-up call for everyNew Yorkerright out of bed, Leo & Donnie both sat-up from their position. Bits of bricks and pipes were no longer on their coloured wall as it has been broken down and they are scatted around them. Only bruises and scratches on their skins. Nothing major. The purple-clan turtle picks up his specs that have fallen off his face and places them back on his face.

And just in time to see more of them coming in.

"There they are!Neutralizethem!"

Only four of them are with their father. And they are all not after him since their guns are aiming at the two large turtles.

"Oh! They've got tranq darts!" Donnie squeaked. One hit and it is snooze-ville for them!

Lights from their holsters were shinning on one of their faces but Leo doesn't shield his hand away from it as his eyes are already locked on them. "Well, don't let them hit your skin."

As soon as the triggers is pulled, the two turtles quickly leaped onto their feet.

"Let's go! Let's move!" Leo barked as he and Donnie both swiftly turning around with their shell facing the terrorists. As the only hard-substances on them, it was vital to make sure that none of their other body parts is exposed. They squished up their arms and heads in to avoid the bullets from hitting them.

The bullets then bounced off their shells and hit other targets like the wall or the signs which sparks a wire when it made contact. Seeing no sign of a struggle, theFootdecided to get in a little closer.

One of them is close enough for Donnie to whip around and whacks him away with his staff. A few more come to them now as he hits another down and Leo swipes a few bullets away with his Dual Katana. He then kicks the closer soldier down before he starts to spin rapidly like a moving top, taking one soldier at a time until he is left with one more. He was carefully not to draw blood from anyone, friend or foe, but he does slap the weapon and the soldier intact down to the ground.

Many more poured in as they head towards the living room. "Over there!" shouted aFoot.Underneath the non-functional screens, they have spotted another turtle and this time, one who is shorter than the others and the one with an orange bandana.

The small group all aimed at the chosen target. Like hunters, waiting for the prey to make a stir.

"Tango at 12!" As soon as he moves an inch, the sooner that they can pull the tri—

Mikey quickly hops up and jumps around on the spot, getting all fired up. "Wassup, bra?" He flails his weapons around, hitting every bullet that they fire. The dude's got skill. He then points at them, mocking them. "Oh, you think you can handle this,huh?" He blocks more the bullets off their course as he prepares for his next attack, although he is the kind of ninja who doesn't use his head that much. "I'm a snapping turtle, fool." Taking up a running start, he flies off the couch and does a total of one spit-kick; taking two down, and a spinning kick, taking one down, all while saying: "Snap, snap, snap!"

But he takes a fall onto his shell after the third kick. Michelangelo quickly hops back onto his feet, acting like it was all part of the plan. He looks around, coolly, to see if anybody was watching. "I meant to do that!" He then begins to move to another section of his home for more shell-kicking, swinging a Nunchunk around. "I meant to do it!" Great skill that he pulled off, but loses points for style.

The rat was going at it likeBruce Leehimself. With every attack that eachFoot Soldierthrows, he blocks them and throws it back to them with great force. But they just keep on coming. To official take them down, he managed to grab one of them by the wrist and twirls himself around as he twists the arm around in a painful position. He also grabs another one with his free hand. With one quick motion, he flips both his trapped opponents and sends them to the ground. But he wasn't done yet.

Doing a quick 180, he sweeps his tail the third one under him feet; crashing him to the grated floor. As for the last of them, Splinter uses his large tail and wraps him around his neck. Bending on his side and jumps up; spinning in mid-air as flips the soldier in the process. Once he was down, Splinter does a back flip and lands on the small bundle of terrorists and starts duking it out on their faces like a boxing bag. Just before the fourth member could lay a hand on him, Splinter quickly wraps his tail around his neck and repeatedly slams him on the ground until he is knocked out along with his comrades.

Three older brothers are now close-by with each other as they are doing their very best to defend themselves against the threat. There was one more room that has been compromised.

"We got a breach in theFan Room!" Donnie cried out, whacking anotherFootaway with his extracted Bo-Staff. Their father was taking care of theWeapons' Wall, leaving the second entrance exposed and flooding in more members of theFoot.

"Raph! Get to theFan Room!" the leader ordered, elbowing a clingingFootoff his shell.

Raphael was the only one who hasn't been designated to a task before this whole bout started. That and no one knows if he did get caught in the blast. He was left out, which does not board on him very well. Especially if it was directed by his older brother and designated leader of the team. As the strongest and the most courageous out of the group, he would have been leader instead of 'perfect' Leonardo.

He easily pushes aFootaway before facing down on his domineering brother. "Why are you always telling me what toDO?"

Gripping into a tight fist, he pulls his arm back and thrusted forward, aiming for his brother's head. Instead of making contact with the green face, Leo ducks the move because Raph's giant fist makes contact with an incomingFootSoldier. That little attack gives the soldier a knockout.

Leo doesn't have time to argue. Especially when their home is being invaded by the terrifying group that frightened the innocents for so long. He looks at the unconsciousFootthat his brute brother just took down and looks back at him. "Just go!"

Raph didn't snap back. He did what he was told – for once. Right now, their pad has been discovered by the last people on their minds and it is argent that this big problem is dealt with. He can argue with his brother afterwards. The muscle of the group heads for theFan Roomas Leo picks up one of his katana. Out of the four giant turtles and one large rat, there are two beings that are in the crossfire. And they are the ones are not with theFoot.

"Mikey," Leo calls out, drawing his sword back into his scabbard, "you gotta get April and Sally out of here,now!"

The orange jokester didn't think twice about his brother's order. Anything to help the ladies in the house. Plus, they can't defend themselves against the black extremist army. He was already located near the ramps when he sees two brunette female humans who are in need of a rescue. He pulls out his rocket skateboard.

"I got this!" he exclaims, taking a running start and skates down the slope. Leo can rest a little easy now that the two humans (one of them save their lives many years ago) won't get in the way and end up losing their lives.

By the time he gets to the steep ramp in his path, he activates the boost of his ride which sends him flying through the room.

TheFootare now aiming their guns at the defenceless humans located at the damaged computer station. April and Sally cover their heads with their hands and looks away. Their fingers are on the trigger…

Super Mikey comes soaring in and with the help of his board, he swipes the nearestFootaway from hisAngelcakes, while making weirdKarate Kidnoises.

The two girls were waiting for the pain to happen but they weren't expecting to be saved by one of theTurtleswho hops over the pizza couch and approaches them. More bullets were fired at the turtle but he uses his shell as cover as he shields April and Sally from danger. "April, Sally, come with me. I got a safe place for you too to hide." He grabs them each by the shoulder and carefully as he possible can, leads them away from the battlefield. The girls didn't hesitate a second as they don't want to be killed or anything. "And if you girls get thirsty, I got a secret stash ofOrange Crushbehind the fridge," he instructed them. He finally makes to the designated spot for his guests to be safe. Before he leaves, Mikey has one more thing to say. He holds a cupped hand on his right cheek as he lowers his voice. "Don't tell Raph."

April and Sally frantically nodded. Their throats can feel a little dry when they are in the middle of the battle. Although, they don't think that a soft drink would help.

To think that this ambush cannot get any worse. Guess again.

Once his men have cleared the entrance for him, he enters. A tall figure was partly blocking much of the light from the surface as he walks through the hole. The air within the room just went cold. Even by the hair of his fur, the furry ninja master can feel it coming.

After easily dealing with a small group, Splinter straighten himself up when he sees his deduction was right. The worst has come. His nightmare has come true.Armageddonhas arrived. Everyone would run in terror. But for Splinter,…he has been preparing for this moment.

Taking a hold of his beard and flicks it, the rat addresses the name to him. "Shredder." His first battle was just practise. The realfighthas just begun. He whips out his fists, standing in a warrior's pose. He was ready.

The metal monster jumps from his entrance and lands on the grated floor. Gaining his ground,Shredderstrengthens his back and takes great observant of the giant rodent before him. Judging this, he must be the same rat from the lab. The master of the reptile warriors keeps a sharp eye but he lowers his fists. As Shredder walks a few paces in a small circle, so does Splinter.

"All these years I've been trying to recreate the mutagen. And you?" the Shredder points to the rat before coming to a halt, still facing the rodent who does the same. "You just handeditto me."

And he, of course, was not referring to the rat before him. Splinter is not important enough forShredderto come all this way to capture him. The old rat knows who or whom he is talking about. And he willnotallow this to happen.

Not taking his eyes off him, the fuming Splinter slides his sandals off his feet and uses his tail to store them right behind him to make sure that he doesn't trip himself over by them, allowingShredderto make a fatal move on him during the fight.

"You will not lay a hand onmysons," warned the proud father.

Ever since Day 1, Splinter has made a vow to protect his children. Atallcost. No matter what.

A lone katana with blue wrapping was the closest weapon available to him. Either Leonardo must have drop this during the fight or it was a spare one from the Weapon Wall. Just what he now needs more than ever. Fists, feet and tail are not the only weapons that he will be needing forRound 2. Scampering over to where the sword is, he picks it up. Now armed with steel, Splinter stands up and spins the blade around, warming up his wrist for an over-due session.

AndShredderhas brought his own weapons for today's match. He has come for the Turtles, and he will not stop until all four are all in his grasp. The only thing standing between him and them now…is the rat. And this is when his son's work comes in.

He mockingly laughs at this aphorism. He finds this very amusing. "Your sons?" He walks closer to the small rat with a feeble metal in his hand. Taking one step, he flicks his right blade out from his gauntlet. This caught Splinter by surprise. Since when does a ninja can do that? Guess Sacks must have given him some kind of upgrade. As a warrior of the night, he needs to expect the unexpected. Another step, his left blade flies out. "You think you're their father?"

Flicking both of his wrists, he whips out the rest of the deadly blades from his gauntlet.

I do not think I am their father. IknowI am.

The tension in the air has become very icy. And tranquil but in a more edgy tone. They were now both watching each other's movements since the leader of theFoothas first enter the space. They wonder who will make the first strike.

And the guest would be happy enough to do it.

Splinter looks away as soon asShreddercomes charging at him. The human ninja directs his blades at him, ready to pierce his skin and shred him into pieces. But at lightning speed, Splinter blocks each attack with his katana without looking. Thanks to his intense training over the years, he can sense them coming. Holding the fourth strike from above, Splinter managed to deliver a strong kick into his chest beforeShreddergives him a left fist. He recovers from the kick and looks to the clothing creature.

To find an opening during a fight withShredderwould be very difficult. And Splinter has managed to find one. Guess the rodent has found a way to fight back. And how theseTurtlescan easily overcome his men. In so many years, he has never found anyone to complete with…until now. The Dark Master is now very impressive. Finally, a challenge worthy of his time. To show him what he can truly do as his title whispers in fear.

"Very good,…rat!"

But it is going to be a lot more than a kick to bring him down. Holding his fists up, more blades slide out. It was time forShredderto getveryserious.

As the other entrance into the underground home, moreFoot Soldiersare all pilling in. And the only way to keep going is to get through the large rotating blades in front of them. And a big turtle with a red mask on.

Raphael was already in theFan Roomwith a fewFootmembers waiting for him. The soldiers begin firing at the large reptile who is on the other side of a giant fan. Instead of coming at them like he usually does, he places his hands on the giant steel fan just located in front of him.

Thanks to his immense strength, the giant metal fan was now sliding towards the access. TheFootstill continue to fire at Raph but he kept on going, bellowing out all the way. Most of them miss the target. Instead, they bounce off the concrete wall. The space was getting a lot smaller as he continues to push, blocking any more chances for theFootto come through.

The fan comes to a screeching stop when it finally gets to the end. Most of the soldiers who were in the laneway, all moved out of the way. All except one poor soul who falls down and was now wedged in the slot. But Raph didn't care. He managed to block off one of the exits. Now, he can join his brothers…and the big brawl.

As a skilled ninja, he didn't expect his skin to be prick by a small thin needle.A few times.

Raph quickly locates the source and see tiny green vials on his arms. He pulls them off before a few more were shot.

They were tranq darts. When theFootarrived, he did overhear his smart brother that their firearms was loaded with darts rather than actual bullets. They were trying to find some way to bring them down without killing them.Think again.

He looks down at the same tunnel and see who the shooter was. Make that shooters since he can count five of them and they were all located at the end of the bright passage.

It is going to take more than 10 vials to bring this beast down.

Like a bull without a red cape in their hands, Raphael charges at the attackers, screaming his head off. One of them was close by as the red clan turtle rams the poor guy into the wall; knocking him out complete. Unfortunately, it would only take a little strength to push the soldier into the stone structure

What was left from his strike was something worse.

Loads of debris and dust were already breaking off the foundation. Even a metal pillar has tipped forward.Oh no…

Raph may be strong but he was a bit too powerful to bring parts of the house down. He needs to run for it.

He runs the other way, praying to not to be buried alive. But he didn't have the distance or the speed to make a clear getaway. Preparing for the overspill, he covers his head and dives down. Once he has done a landing, even large stone slabs all fall on top of him. A dust cloud was made by the small impact as severalFoot Soldiersmanaged to shield themselves from the sudden cave-in but all felled down when it was too much.

The only ones under the rubble are a few black militaries. And the green sewer ninja himself.

After splitting off from Mikey, April and Sally rushed past a shelf with a few coloured crates. They hid away from the sight of anyone who is not green skinned or furry. Their hearts were racing for the entire period. While finding the time to catch their breath, they crouched down, trying to be carefully of who or whom would spot them and shoot them on the spot.

Sally doesn't squat down to the same level as her adult roommate here. Instead, she bends her knees low enough for her eyes to be at April's head height while on her knees. When her knee makes contact with the ground, she was expecting the pain from her bloody wound but it hasn't come yet. She takes a quick look to see her wound…all gone. There was only dry blood but…the cut itself. It was gone.


How did that happen? She doesn't heal very fast? She once broke her arm and she had a cast on for a month. How is that possible. Well, the teen can worry about that later. Sally looks around. If only the Turtles or Splinter have revealed to them the exit or if they kept their eyes open the whole time, then they would be out on the streets already, away from the danger.

Right now, they need to get out of here despite wanting to stay and help the mutants escape. They were April's pets many years ago. She saved their lives and now, they are returning the favour by protecting theirs from theFoot.

"Hey. Listen." April whips her head to see her. "I'll see if I can find a way out of this place."

It's one thing to be in the middle of an ambush. But to leave her friend alone in the middle of the ambush to find the way out by yourself is suicidal. "What?"

"They are only after them and they told us to get out of here." Despite saying earlier that she would be gladly to give her life to protect them.

She doesn't want to leave her friend's side but the mutants were right. Theyneedto get out of here. This has become too dangerous for them or anyone if they were in their position. They can't survive any attacks that throws at them, especially bullets.

Concern was written all over April's face. "But—"

Sally straightens her legs before taking a few steps in the other direction. "I'll be right back. I promise!"

The woman didn't say something. It was she was either too speechless or too shocked to say anything at all. The teenager herself disappeared around the corner, out of April's visual. The ex-reporter was all by herself. Now she's completely petrified.

Leaving her friend all by herself was a foolish mistake. Very reckless for Sally of course. But she has to. She has to find a way out of this stone place. No-one bother to give or tell the girls where the exit is. One of theTurtles– Michelangelo – was supposed to show them out but he left them in a small hidden place, away from the danger, while he heads off to another part of his invaded home to fight off against theFoot.

The question that still remains: Where is the exit? Was there another secret exit that only the mutants know of? Does she need to get one of them who isn't occupied at the moment? Sally looks around the area. Close to the computer station was the blue turtle wielding the swords. He was battling against a few of theFoot, dodging all the moves that the soldiers can throw at him. So was the one with the purple mask, the large stick and the high-tech backpack. The orange one – Mikey, she thinks – was duking it out with a few more.

The red turtle – Raphael or Raph was it? – was nowhere to be seen. What happened to him anyway? Did he get captured or something? Better not worry about it now. Need to find a way out. Now!

Maybe through the blasted hole in the wall? The ones that theFootcreated? That could be the best choice. Now, to go back for April and get the hell out of here. And she would have made her way back if only she wasn't grabbed by the jacket yet again. Rather than holding high off her feet, this time, she was thrown to the ground. Sally falls onto her side and manages to hit the broken stone on her hip, bruising her soft skin.

Her first thought would be Raphael himself as he did it when they first met. But…the strength that was made to throw her to the ground was somewhat different. Lifting her head up, the one who caught her off-guard was neither green or tall, but instead at almost the same height as April and has black hair tied-up in a high ponytail with red highlights. As the second-in-command, it was Karai's duty to make sure that the subjects are capture and brought back to their HQ. Not to mention taking out anyone who stands in her way. Seeing the young teenager was one of them.

The last time that Sally saw the woman was down at the subway, with the gun aiming right at her and April. For a minute back then it was pretty much it for the two friends. But it didn't happen if it wasn't for theTurtleswho showed up in the last second and took them all down.

"Thank you for leading us here, Hope. Be glad I didn't get the chance to take you out from before."

Great. She knows my name. Another reason why Karai has already branded her and April as an order to be eliminate on the spot.

The only violence that Sally has ever done in her life was sucker-punch the large turtle in the face and that was a few nights ago and she was scared. Well, she is still scared and this was now. And the older woman has her gun loaded and ready at use.

As Karai moves closer to her, so does her hand to her hand moves towards her gun rack. Guess will actually get her chance to use her weapon on a human being. She did fire a few shots at one of theTurtlesin the subway but it seemed unfazed.

What can I use? What can I use? What can I use?

Sally was smart. She can find something to fight back. Or possibly something to distract her, allowing Sal to make a clean getaway. Moving her head around, different sizes and shapes of concrete were resting a foot away from the teenager. May not be a weapon she was looking for but it will do at this very moment.

Karai finally pulls out the gun from its hold, ready to fire at the target before her.She has her weapon? Well, so do I.

Grabbing hold of the largest rock that almost bigger than her hand, Sally wasted no time to throw it like a baseball pitcher. It continues to soar at full speed until it hits the soft pink skin of the coldest warrior standing before her. A thick line begins to bleed out blood on her cheek. Karai drops her gun and covers her sore cheek when the impact was made. Her eyes were closed as she hisses in pain.

Now's her chance! Was it to escape or fight?

A bit dazed from the sudden weapon thrown at her, Sally took the advantage that she needed. With the strength that she has got, Sally swings her right foot underneath the Lieutenant's feet. The move became successful as the solider comes crashing down on the jagged floor. Her body and her head hit the hard floor and remains motionless. The good news is that she didn't kill her. Just knocked out. She just brought her enough time to get away from the crazy gun-woman herself!

Rather than going to the exit by herself, she needs her friend. Sally can't leave her best friend alone where she might get hurt or worse! The young girl leaves the unconsciousFoot Soliderbefore heading back to get April.

It felt like an eternity since her friend left her all alone. Metals were clanging together as April looked over to another part of the battlefield.

Splinter andShredderwere still in a tight circle. The metal ninja still has his blades at ready, waiting for the skilled rat to make his move. Eventually, Splinter did.

Swing his left arm up high in a blocking stance, Splinter starts off by doing a forward flip. With the sword in both hands, he swings it downward butShredderparries his body away from the attack, sparing the contact of the sharp blade on his armour. But he wasn't prepared yet again by a double back-kick courtesy of the rat himself and again with the flick of his tail.

Getting hit twice was not looking good forShredder. He didn't like the outcome. If this keeps up, he would be a mockery to not only his men, but also to the city that he has almost completely control via the underworld. He can't possibly lose to a rat.

With his back turned at him, Splinter dives his sword over head as the tip of the steel heads for his head. Not this time.

With one swing with his left sharp gauntlet,Shredderknocks the one weapon that would stand a chance against him out of the large rodent's hands. Now, he is defenceless.

Bringing his right fist down for the kill,Shredderhas got the rat trapped. But Splinter was not down yet. He still has his other weapon. Spinning on the balls of his feet, his tail whips his calf, bring the metal giant down on his knees.

Shredderquickly recovers as he – what Splinter was unexpected for a split second – throws his sharp blades straight for the hairy target. He also spins on his knees to get a bit momentum on his round. But as a ninja, Splinter needs to be ready at all times.

For every blade that comes at him, Splinter did his very best to block, parry and throw every single on them. Instead of piercing his skin, they all impaled on the wall and the steel cat-walk just above them. After deflecting the last knife, Splinter flips backwards to gain distance from his foe butShredder, with a few blades at his disposal, stands up and charges at him. He manages to throw another blade but Splinter dodges that once again.

The rat decided to go the tail attack once more, butShredderwas too smart about it. Just as the tail almost touch the metal, the cold steel hand grabs the tip. Now with his opponent in his grip, he swings the rat off his feet and onto his back. But he then loses his grip on the pink tail, setting Splinter free. It caused him to do another tail whip to the head.Shredderloses his balance from the attack and this time, falls onto his back.

Flipping up onto his feet, theShredderresumes the match. Scurrying up the ramp, Splinter looks over his shoulder to seeShredderswinging his right arm in a cross motion. Here come the blades once again!

As the knifes leaves the host, Splinter was lucky enough for the sharp steel to rip through his fabric and not to make one scratch on his outer flesh. With this many blades at his side, Splinter will need to gain better ground if her ever wants to win this fight. Or higher grounds.

Doing the best as he can to dodge the last few blades, Splinter jumps onto a block before scaling up the wall which leads him to the platform high above their heads. By the time he hops over the metal railing of the balcony, Splinter tips his head to the side, letting the last knife miss its mark and hits the wall instead.

He has no more blades. Guess theShredderis the one who is defenceless. He was foolish enough to use all his weapons in one go rather than using them sparely. Well, that is when Splinter is wrong.

Weapon or no weapons, theShredderhas been prepared for this battle. As he has another trick up his sleeves. Bending his arms up, the gauntlets onShredder's…begins to glow, while making a humming sound?

Splinter keeps a sharp eye on this. But this is not the only thing that surprises him. Slowly pulling out from the concrete wall are the lodged knifes…thanks to the technology on his wrists. It's like the blades were now moving on its own. One-by-one, all slide out of the wall and quickly flies back to its owner. They acted like magnets. Splinter looks at each flying knife passing by with astonishment. It was like theShredderhas the power to control things with his mind, like telekinetic.

This is bad.Very bad, indeed.

Shreddermay be a demon but he's human. He does not possess powers beyond the supernatural world but having this unbelievable technique is troubling.

And going higher ground to avoid the attack was not such a good idea, thanks to the new change of attack. Grabbing hold of the railing, Splinter leaps off the platform and heads straight for the ground before him.

Performing a side roll in the air, Splinter was lucky enough to dodge the oncoming steel at him as they all went straight for his opponent. Doing a somersault in the air before his giant rat's feet and one hand hits the grate floor. As much as he wants them to hit him by luck, the rat master needs to be a lot careful now that he has witnessedShredder's new attack.

All the blades return to its master as they were from before.Shredderdoes a huge flick with both of his wrists, ready for another successful run of his new weapons. He is quite pleased of what his son has given to him. From only one swing, he can quite tell that they are very deadly.

Not waiting forShredderto make the same move again, Splinter goes in for a spinning tail whip to the head. But evenShredderwas smart enough to predict the move as he ducks his head down. But he wasn't expecting the giant tail to wrap around his head. With one thrust in the other direction, Splinter sendsShredder; spinning in the air before landing on the grated ground once more.

Now on his back, the steel ninja master was a bit dazed. Now was Splinter's chance!

Grabbing the same katana, Splinter sprinted straight forShredder. With this one final move, the reign ofShredder…will finally be over.New York…will finally be free of this nightmare.

Leaping high in the air, Splinter holds the sharp blade in his hands and up above his head. The severe tip of the blade is aiming right atShredder.

Fortunately for him, he sees this move coming. Leaping up to his feet, he holds out his hands, ready to block the move and deliver his finale move on the rodent. As soon Splinter comes close enough to him, sparks fly when the steel gauntlet made contact with the steel sword.

Shredderlocks the long steel between his blades on his left gauntlet while his right arm was lock in Splinter's grasp by the feet.

But the rodent was very fortunate to use his own tail to wrapShredder's head around to face the furry animal. Now, it was a contest of strength. Who will succeed?

Bearing his gritted teeth, Splinter presses down his might on his sword, hoping to piece his weapon into Shredder's skull.

The blade inches closer. Only a few more seconds and Splinter will surely…

Using the sudden energy that he has;Shredder's left gauntlet swipes the sword right out of the rat's grasp. He has caught the rat off guard. AndShredder, as sneaky as he is, used the advantage to grab Splinter by his coat, swings him over his shoulder and slams him hard on the ground. His tail has uncoiled the metal helmet whenShreddergot a hold of him.

With his opponent flat on the ground,Shredderstands up straight. Recovering from the sudden attack, Splinter looks up to the steel giant in sheer terror. It was now the rat's turn to be defenceless.

Leo ignored the screens at his brother's station when he sucker-punch the last of his opponents to the floor. He was no longer occupied with anyFoot Soldiersas he looks around. Close to his side was his genius brother with his Bo-Staff at his side, still dealing with his lot. Mikey has his share, but…didn't he order the baby brother to send the two girls out of their home and hopefully not in the middle of the battlefield? He prays on the famous sword master of Japan that they are not harm or hurt in any possible way.

As for Raph,…the muscle of the group was nowhere in sight. Where did he get off to? Another part of their invaded home, still holding against his own? The leader does have the skills and experience to fit the role but his younger brother has more strength than they all do and would be able to handle a lot more.

This leaves only one more member of the family - the guardian of the ninja family. The eldest of the reptiles was eyeing out any creature with grey-brownish fur in a black/yellow robe. It took a mere second for Leo to locate him. The only adult that he looks up to as a great ninja master and father…was located in the training area. Flat on his back. With the metal monster looming over him.

Terror has entered his veins. "Sensei!"

Leonardo was so busy dealing with most of theFoot Soldiers, he didn't have the time to stand by his father's side in battle. And now,…he was in trouble!

Out of everyone here, he was closest to Master Splinter. With his Dual Katanas in his hands, Leo rushes to his father's aid. Longs plastic flaps were hanging in the turtle's way as he pushes them to the side. But not before a few moreFootmembers show up with a long stick each in their hands.

One end begins to light up.

They get closer which was the perfect distance between them and him. That is when the sparks begin to fly out of the rods…and into the turtle's sides. Followed by another. Despite being fast, Leo didn't have time to counter it. As electricity runs even faster than the mightiest warrior on the planet.

Feeling the shock, Leo was twitching at his mercy. Two moreFoot, armed with the same electricity pod, surrounded the blue turtle and followed the same tactic.

He couldn't take the force as Leo groans in pain. Losing his grip on his weapons, the blue leader helplessly drops them to the ground before he falls onto his shell. With the turtle now dependent, theFoottowers over as they continue to jolt him. He needs help.

Through his squinted eyes, he can clearly see the closest brother with a much longer stick, swinging at high-speed.

"Donnie!" he cried out.

Doing afigure 8at high speed, Donnie was doing the best that he can by making sure no tranq darts hits his reptile skin. "Hang on, Leo! Be right there!" Once he is done with his lot, he will rush to his brother's aid. TheFootstill has their fingers on the trigger, letting all the darts fly out. Until the very last one.

The couple ofFootsare now out of ammo but they still have their fingers on the triggers. Not one single dart has made contact with the turtle's skin. They have used up all of their rounds. Now it was the nerd's turn. Now relying on their rods as the blunt weapon, theFootresume their attack and Donnie decided to return the favour. He has stopped spinning and then proceeds to whacks them on the heads; sending them to the floor. He also sees his little brother doing his fair share on a fewFootsoldiers.

Still in her hiding spot, April's heart was racing even more faster when she met theTurtleson the rooftops. Her friend hasn't come back yet from her search and she was all alone. Her lip was twitching with distress and her short breathing was increased. The young woman doesn't know if Sally did ever come back because she was too entranced with the fight that she is witnessing in the skate room. She has not taken her eyes off them for one second.

Lying on the concrete floor, Splinter was at his mercy. The rat was slowly getting up on his feet but struggles to from the last attack thatShredderthrown down on him. And he was very unprepared when the metal fiend violently kicks him in the face. Poor Splinter was thrown to the other side by the brute force. But theShredderwas not done yet. While the furry rodent was lying on the cold floor; weakened,Shredderonce again, comes to his side, grabs him by his robe and flings in to the metal floor.

Once the rat was back on the grated base, that is when the blades come out.Shreddersteps up the high platform as he advances on the large rat. He was ready for the final strike.

He's going to kill Splinter. April was shivering now. Not from the temperature but from the tension of not only the battle but also this scene that is about to unfold.

The small rodent that she had as a loyal pet many years ago…was going to be shred before her very eyes.

After he is gone, so would theTurtles.

But what can April do? She's not a fighter. She's a reporter. Not once she has entered a battle and live to tell a tale in her entire life. But she and Sally have caught themselves in a number of occasion where violence was needed by one side or another or both. Like the rumble in the subway just a few nights ago.

Maybe she needs something. Anything to fight back. But only enough to give Splinter a fighting chance or enough time to get away. She may not know how to fight…but at least she would be able to help. To aid an old friend.

TheTurtlesuses weapons to protect themselves. It's not just fighting skills that they all have. There's much more to than just to throw a punch and a kick.

Eyeing to her right, a lone Sai was lodged into a discarded crate. Not the ideal weapon that she was looking for but just what April needs at this very moment. With little force, she pulls it out and holds her chosen weapon by her side. Now, all she needs to the perfect timing. And she doesn't have long.

Cause Splinter is one step closer to his impending doom if no-one does something. And that is why April is going to do it.

Coming closer to the sewer rat, theShredderhas all of his blades out. Taking his final step at the rodent before him, he aims his right gauntlet high above. Just one strike and it will all be over.

Splinter quickly eases the pain from his sides, his right paw clutches at the bruised area, and regrets now look up. The clean steel that he sees inShredder's hold was heading towards its obvious target:Him.

Judging by this move, he can actually tell that this one would be a verybloodymess on the spot.

His sons. He has tried his very best to raise them, train them,protectthem, from the possible dangers of the outside world. This was one of them. He had dreaded of this faithful day. But like all ninjas in life, they must be prepared for the unexpected. Even for death. And this would be the last time that he would ever see them again.

Shreddergives off a growl; ready to silence a worthy opponent that he had in many years.

Wasting no time at all, April quickly rushes out of her hiding spot and heads towards the centre. Gripping the Sai in her hand, she was ready to fight. Getting closer to him would be a foolish mistake but she is doing her part to help the rat – and the turtles – that she once knew.

TheShredderdoesn't seem to noticed the small human approach him from behind as April comes at a respectable distance to stab the weapon into the small power pack located in the upper body of the ninja's back. Small sparks fly out of the damaged hole, leaving the weapon to remained lodged in it.

Sally comes rushing back to her previous designated spot…only to spot her friend in a different location. Very close to the metal monster and Splinter.

The colour has drained from her face when she saw the scene before her. "Oh,shi—" Sally hisses her favourite curse word as she quickly rushes to her friend's aid. And the teenager thought she was the reckless one.

Shreddertrembles from the sudden attack (which he wasn't prepared for). He turns his body and head slightly to see his potential attacker in the yellow jacket. He was now furious at April. For halting his attack on his dying opponent. Guess he has to kill two birds with oneblade.


Using this distraction to his advantage, Splinter rolls a good step away fromShredderbut was horrified to what was the cause.


She needs to get away. But there isn't enough time for the both of them. Splinter knows April can't protect herself. Especially againstShredder.

Swishing his tail around, the large rat wraps it around April's torso; taking the woman by surprised, and with whatever left of his strength, flings her far away from the stage as possible.

Sally has just come onto the scene when April comes flying into her friend. The young girl awkwardly catches her friend sideways but falls onto her back; taking up much of the pain. "Oh,mother—"

After the throw, the rat collapse under his feet. He was too tired. Too tired to move. And too tired to fight on.

At least he protected Miss O'Neil from her ultimate demise. The old rat didn't blame her for trying to help. She simply saved his life at the last second and gave him the strength that he needed. There is one thing that April and her late father now both shares.Their courage to help and save one another.

Electricity was running through his veins as the torture continues. It would only be a matter of time before Leo is completely knocked out. He needs to escape. His father needs him. His brothers need their leader. They all need him.

Grabbing a hold of two active rods, Leo screams at the top of his lungs as he uses all his might to push them to push them away from his body as possible. And directs them to a new target. Each other.

Once the active ends make contact, it emits a strong bright blast that sends allFootSoldiersoff their feet and sends them flying away from the turtle to different parts of the sewer den.

Rods were disarmed from their holders and the black warriors flopped to the floor like sacks of potatoes. The electricity has disconnected from the reptile's body as he gains all his muscles back in a split second. Light smoke filled the air before it quickly evaporated. No longer surrounded and in danger, it was time for the eldest to get to his original task.

Rolling over to his side, Leo shakes the dizziness out of his head and looks ahead. His father was still fighting on. But not for long.

The sound of metal was still sounded in the background. April moves off the human cushion herself as she stands up with no trouble. Sally on the other hand…

The teenager's eyes were closed, almost winching in pain not just from the fall that she took but also the tussle that she had with the angry Japanese woman not too long ago. The woman helps her friend up to her feet. When April grabs her by the arm, Sally hisses in pain as she can feel a bruise coming on her back.

The girls have found themselves near the radio room. Splinter must have thrown April away fromShredderbefore the monster could have dealt with some serious damage on her. Her former pet rat saved her at the last second. Completely understand the risk of helping them out, April is willing not to it again for the second time in the row. She can't afford to make the same mistake. Splinter and theTurtleswere trying to keep them safe.

April sees the small table and carefully drags the poor girl over. Sally's back was slightly hunched over but she'll survive. In the small space, they both had enough room to hide themselves. Just in case ifShredderhas spotted them yet again.

Crawling on the ground in the middle of the battle was the last thing that Splinter will do. But he can't help it. His brain & heart were screaming for him to get up but no avail. His muscle was aching. His breathing was shallow. He is losing.

And he couldn't crawl away any further from his opponent asShredderresumes his incoming victory. The metal monster grabs the rat once again and violently throws him close to another entrance. The nearby archway which leads him to the kitchen and dining area.

But just before you take a step into the next room, there is a special switch. Luckily for Splinter, he happens to land very close to it. But it's located on the same side as the training room. So, in order to activate it, someone has to be in the skate ramp area. Which his own children are not currently in.

And it happens to be his sons' salvation. But his own sacrifice.

Located near the kitchen area, Leo takes up a running start, heading towards his feeble father. "Sensei!" He almost trips over but continues to press on.

Very fragile, Splinter uses the energy that has left to crawl over to the switch. His eldest was coming up fast.No…

"No, my son, stay back!"

With one more push, the old rat lifts his hand up and grabs hold of the switch. With one push of it, it releases the secured chain, setting it free. Descending upwards, the long chain rattles against the mechanism, giving off sparks as it makes contact. As it goes up, the large metal gates go down.

Taking his swords out, Leo was only a metre away from joining his father. But his heart was racing a lot faster when the gate before him is sliding down. Gripping a tight grasp on his weapons, Leo does a spinning jump through another set of clear plastic flaps and lands in front of the gate itself, with his right sword about to make contact. He slashes the metal gate; trying to slash into two. But it shows no marks.Why…why would father lock himself in? The Shredder is with him! He would be…

These things were going through Leo's mind as he continues to slices away; trying to weaken the substance entrance.

Mikey socks the last of them in the face but the sound of the gate scraping downwards brings to his attention. And his father is on the other side.

"Sensei!" the youngest cries out. He ditches the knocked-outFootand races through the boys' bedroom. But the gate closes on him before he got the chance to go through the archway it, causing him to skids to a stop.

Like his brothers, he cares a great deal for the only parent that he and his brothers have. Why would Sensei shut this large gate? And why now? With the entrance blocked off, Mikey frantically leaves the room and finds another way around. This was not the only entry to the skating area.

After dealing with his lot, Donnie joins his older brother. Coming up to the shut door, he bangs his fist with all of his might, hoping to break some kind of the door's weak spot. He too witnessed scene before and has ditch his battle to help his father. He just couldn't believe. Some time ago, Splinter has ordered him to installed a barrier around their home. He told them that it was a part of their training. Until now, it wasnot.

Desperate to help his master, Leo agitatedly shakes the gate. He and his brothers need to know. "Sensei! Dad! Dad!" He stops shaking, gripping on the iron and drawing his face a little closer. "What are you…What are you doing?" His eyes are locked onto his father's who is struggling to get up, even with the support of the iron gate.

The last thing that Splinter wants is any of his students to go up againsthim. They cannot. They were not ready yet. Splinter couldn't handle himself. It was a death wish for anyone foolish enough to face him. Something that the furry ninja master was ready for. Not his sons. They were too young. It would be too early for them.

What is done…needs to be done. He has separated his own children from the danger itself. No matter how hard it is. But there is one thing that he can do.

Petrified, Splinter shakily pokes his head through the hole itself to where his eldest son is. "Hide!"

And the danger itself leaps up in the air…and lands right behind Splinter.

All three Turtles are frightened whenShreddergrabs the weak rat by the rob yet again. Leonardo's eyes went wide. "No!" But neither him or his brothers had the strength or time to break the gate when their father is caught in the hands yet again.


With the screeching rat in tow,Shredderjumps away and slams him down hard on the grated ground. He takes Splinter away from his children but lets them watch the suffering before them. The Turtles need to help their father. NOW!

Still hiding in their spot, April and Sally both poke their heads up to watch the carnage before them. They were now shaking with terror. TheShredderis merciless beating Splinter to death! Even April (this time) doesn't intervene. She would end up meeting the same fate if she interferes for the second time. Sally is wise not to get involved at all. They couldn't do anything but watch in revulsion.

Gripping their three-fingered hands on the bars, they all, simultaneously, push the gate up. So far, they have managed to get it above their shins. But they need to hurry. If they keep on delaying to open the gate, their father will not survive much longer.

The sound of a living carcass crunching was heard asShreddertosses Splinter high in the air until he slams himself in the ramp above their heads. The sore rat then falls down to earth. But just before he makes contact with the hard floor,Shredderswings a much harder punch to the head, making the rat do a few twirls in mid-air before hitting the floor. Now lying on his back, Splinter's bones and muscles are now aching for the afterlife. Even death would be less painful than experiencing the agonizing pain for even one more minute.

The three teenage ninjas are struggling to open the heavy door but they are not giving up. Their father is in grave danger. Every second counts.

Rather than go all the way, the small gap between the floor and the gate was enough for Donatello to bend down on one knee to bring his short Bo-Staff and places it in a vertical position underneath it. With the press of the button, the whole stick extends it to its full length, pushing the door all the way up at rapid speed. The pole flies up a bit before the techy turtle catches it. Good thing that Donnie customized it a long time ago. It came in very handy. Leo and Mikey both let go of the gate when it comes up at full force. No longer blocked off, the Turtle Brothers can move forward. They all ran out and heads straight forShredder.

MoreFoot Soldiersbegan to flood into the ruined underground home, aiming their firearms at the three green mutants themselves. Once his opponent couldn't make any movement at all,Shredderbends down and grabs Splinter by the rim of his dirty robe. Thevictorholds up thefailureof this battle high in the air like a trophy.

Splinter, hanging his numb limbs around, didn't do anything to break free from his prison.Shredderhas really dealt a number on Splinter, causing him to be one step closer to his demise.

And Splinter…He did everything that he could. The rat master has taught himself how to fight…from a book. But it wasn't enough to win.Shredderhas spent his entire life training the deadly art. The rat only had a few years after reading a tome collection. Splinter admits defeat. Does it also mean that he admits death too?

Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo, armed with their signature weapons at their sides, halt a fair distance away fromShredder. They both see their adversary up ahead as they all got into their battle position.

There were a few reasons why they stopped. One: They are completely outnumbered now that more black soldiers have entered their home; armed with firearms. With either tranq dartsoractual bullets.

And two:…He has their father hostage.

If they take another step, it would be all over for Splinter. They need to find a way to get their father far away from the steel ninja's clutches as soon as possible so they can dual him. But how, exactly? Knowing how dangerousShredderis in person, it would be precisely impossible.

Shredderdecided to bring up an ultimate. The one that will cause them to surrender their weapons…andthemselves.

"Children, drop your weapons,…" he then gestures his open hand towards the rat in his grasp, "…or your father…" he clenches his fist tightly, arming his sharp gauntlet, and holds his prisoner up higher for them to see in the light, "…will die."

The injured rat was on the brink of death. The only audible sound coming out of him was his groaning. He was barely hanging on. One more fatal move or he would face with eternal darkness. Through his nearly closed eyes, he can see three of his children. All standingproudandstrong. Just like how any parent raised their own kin.

The group of three Turtles have not made a move since they enter the room. Breathing deeply through their mouths and noses. And they couldn't believe what he said to them. He is giving them a choice. To surrender to his condition or…lose one of their precious family members.

For the past 15 years,…they have all looked up to him. They loved him unconditionally. They all followed him as a great leader of the pack. Heisandalwayswill be their father. Beyond time and space. And theShredder… was just about to take it all away in an instant. The monster does not have any remorse in his veins and bones. So, why has he stopped the fighting and has not finished him off?

If the Turtles were in any possible danger like just before, Splinter would gladly lay down his life to protect his young. His ownfamily.

Splinter's life was in danger. There was no other way out.

The Turtles have come to a conclusion.

Leo was the first to straighten up…and releases his grip on his swords. The blades went clang when it made contact with the concrete ground. As the leader, he makes the final decision. And he hopes that the others will follow. After letting his weapons go, he looks to the incomplete team. Don was the second to drop his staff but looked at his older brother for permission in doing so. And that leaves Mikey who too looks at his older brother and throws his dual chunks away. They all looked back at the terrorist group. All theFoot Soldiersin front of them still aimed their weapons at the mutants in case of any witty business or if they just to get the jump on them.

Both the wooden weapons gave a bit of thud when it joined the same level as the steel weapons. And that was only the three turtles. Their brother Raph was nowhere to be seen. Where was he? And how come he isn't here? Knowing him, he wouldn't be the first one to submit but he would certainly be the last if he couldn't find another way around it. He too would drop his weapons if he was here and not…wherever he is.

The Turtle Brothers did what theShreddertold them to. They have surrender themselves to the enemies. For the sake of their father.

If he promised not to hurt Splinter…

Both April and Sally saw this confrontation.Shredderonly has Splinter held as a captive to tip the scales towards his favour. The Turtles have a genuine heart unlikeShredder. They have given him their word. They just hope he would keep it.

No-one knows if the girls did ever escape the sewers. Not wanted to be seen by anyone, the two roommates both duck under the table so it looks like that they did escape the sewers and were not here the whole time. At least they were not prepared to witness the next scene.

Because that is whenShredderdid the unthinkable.

He has got them right where he wants them.Unarmed…andunprepared.

With the battered rat in his clutches,Shredderdraws his elbow back…and slams his sharp gauntlet into the weak portion of the rat's chest! A clear grunt came from Splinter's mouth. Probably the last thing to speak when Shredder made the fatal attack!

In a split second, horror washed over their faces. "NOOOOO!" The three brothers all rushed over to save their father…

Some of theFootenter through the second entrance, with fully-charged rods in their hands. They came up behind the startled mutants and shock them from behind. Feeling this sudden attack, the turtles dropped to their knees; unable to withstand the jolt. Only about two or three members of the black ninja squad took a turtle each as the newfound suffering continued. Leo was very familiar to its attacks that are coursing through his and the other's veins.

The steel ninja master throws the near-lifeless rodent out from his grip. The body collapses onto the hard ground with both his hands to one side.

Splinter's eyes remained closed. His body…motionless.

The dreadfulness has sickened the pits of their stomach.This…cannot be happening.

Some tranq darts were shot into their green skins as Leo felt one on his neck. He pulls the small container off him but the substances have already entered his systems. Hitting his torse on the ground, he can already feel the wooziness now in effect. It would only be a matter of time before he is out cold.

Desperately, the eldest tries to reach for his father.Shredder… he promised! He promised…NOT to kill him!

Dropping to the floor as well, the two youngest were trying their very best to hang on. But with the tranquilizer darts and the electricity going into their body, it was proving to be very effective.

Their eyelids were closed shut and their heads flopped onto the ground. They eventually met with darkness. Until they wake up.

Everyone cleared out of the ruined home; leaving only the metal master and one of his men at the doorway. A few more have just departure through the same exit. There was something that was amiss when this mission started.

"Where's the fourth?" he asked the loneFootpresent. The master clearly remembers 15 years ago that there werefourbaby turtles for the project that he conducted. As well as the rat but he is not very significant.Not anymore.

"He's dead," the loyal soldier replied.

He was there to witness the demise of the last member of the hidden ninja clan. Along with a few of his fallen comrades. They came down here to find all four of them. Only three are in his procession. Even if they did lose one of them, it would still be enough.For his ultimate plan.

He scans the room that a great battle took place. His foe continues to lie in the same place that he lands a fatal attack which hopefully would have finished him off. The rat was truly a worthy opponent to be honest.

He still couldn't believe that after 15 years, the ones that he has been looking for were right under his nose the whole time. Such a pitiful place to hide in the shadows where he too lurks.

Now it has been discovered, there should be no evidence that he and his army were even here. Or any witnesses at all.

There was only one thing left to do. He turns back to his soldier. "Destroy this place."

Just like the ones that made a couple of entrances when the ambush occurred, the bombs were set up all over the underground. Once they are secured and the men are cleared of the area, they went off.

On the surface, the humans ofNew Yorkwould have felt a small tremor. But a 6.2 on the Richter scale has shaken up the place when the TNT were set off. A few huge fire blasts enveloped the area before leaving a large smoky trail.

Thanks to the explosion, large debris felled off its previous structure and landed on a new area. Most of them settles on a small soft body just in the centre of the discarded room. He was left there to rot by his greatest adversary and the greatest evil that the city has ever known.

Breathing severely and eyes stayed closed, the rat is trapped under his concrete coffin what could possibly be his final resting place. He is still alive but not for long. It was not just physically pain that he is feeling today. After the toughest match of his life, Splinter feels a great battered in his soul. The worst has happened for him.

He let theShredder…took his family away.His own sons.

A tear streaked down on his furry cheek.

I..am sorry,…my sons.

I have…failed you.

whoa…Shredder has ambushed the lair, took down Splinter and has capture the Turtles! How will they ever escape? And what about Raph? Is he ok? And Splinter? Will he survive this ordeal? Well, guess we will find out very soon in the next chapter of:

Heroes in the Half-Shell:Let's Go Save My Brothers

Author's Notes: Wow. That scene got me all emotional, just like when I first saw it when it came out.

Just a few changes but most of them still the same.

The newBlack Panther Wakanda Foreveris out now and I haven't seen it yet. I will indeed. I can tell that it will be an emotional one since we lose Chadwick Boseman himself in 2020 from his battle with cancer. If you guys remember, I too lost my nana to cancer back in 2014 and it was just a few months before the new Ninja Turtles movie came out. The franchise helped me through the hard times. So, thank you.

I'm still playing the newSonic Frontiersgame. Working my way through it and its so great! The cast and crew have done a great job putting it together and it was worth the wait. The Pokémon games is already out from what I've heard.

Anyway, I just checked and it looks like I'm nine chapters away from finishing this story! And I will, at some time down the track, add my OC reference sheet as I am getting back into drawing. It will take a long time but I promise, I will get there eventually.

That's it for me. You guys take care of your selves.

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 18: "Let's Go Save My Brothers"


"Having survived the attack from the Shredder and the Foot, Raphael is now on a mission...with some help."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: Hey guys! I do hope you've enjoyed the last chapter. I forgot to tell you guys that my sister went on her trip to Vietnam for a few weeks with our cousin. They just got back and told us that they a great time. Loads of photos and stories to tell. Makes me more excited for my Japan trip next year!

As I write this chapter, I got more ideas for the Rise! Version that I can put on my social media. I let all of you know that will happen. I just gotta put it on paper.

It is now time for the aftermath. Let's go!

(On the backstreets of New York, Manhattan, NY – 7:30am)

From a joyful bright morning to a forlorn wet atmosphere. The rain was pouring down from the cloudy sky to bring a misty daybreak to the fair city. So much has happened in a mere of minutes. It could be happening either on the streets or your own backyard. Or in the back alley of theBig Apple.

There was a commotion going on in the dangerous section of the city. Only few would be brave enough to enter and live to tell a tale. No-one would dare to check out the area as it is currently occupied by a rather infamous group, dressed in black. Some arming their firearms at today's targets.

The entire alleyway has been blocked off from the public eye and has every singleFootmember on duty at every corner. All armed with their rifles, they wanted to make sure that these certain beings won't escape.

"Keep moving!" shouted one of the soldier. One of them, armed with his rifle, aims at them while walking backward until he gets to the destination.

Walking in a straight line, these three creatures are a lot different from the dark company that surrounds them. Unlike them, the black soldiers don't have a huge shell on their backs and their skins are not a sicken green.

Against their will and grunting in pain from the electric poles, Leonardo, Donatello & Michelangelo all walked towards a large armoured trailer that is connected to one cream truck. Two black cars were parked on either ends of the alleyway.

Their hands and feet are blinded together by a small but durable bunch of chains to make sure that they don't escape. The voltage rods keep on zapping at them by twoFoot, designated to be with a turtle each doesn't actually help either. Adding their soaking bodies from the rain to the electricity makes it a lot painful as it is a dangerous combination. With every shock that is thrown on them, they all winched and twitch at every strike. Painful groans come out of their mouths.

The oldest of them tries to act solid for his team. He was right in the middle in the line with the baby brother in the group right behind him and his shrewd brother before him. "Stay strong." He was trying to ease with each agony that strikes him and his brothers but they are proving very ineffective. The pain is too much for them to take. "Remember, pain's only in the mind."

It doesn't really help if they physically keep on attack them without mercy.

The double doors of the trailer open up for them as they get closer. They cannot avoid it. They have to go in. Otherwise, they will be getting more than the shock treatment.

The only dry place in the wet street would be the shady part of the sewers. That is where the two girls who witnessed the surprise attack downstairs and are still alive today. After theFootwere busy taking the Turtles down, April and Sally have managed to survive the blast from their hiding spot and followed the terrorist group up to the sewer hatch. The girls were carefully enough to stay quiet as they followed the soldiers in pursuit. The light rain was coming down through a number of drain pipes as it provided a great view for them to see and a place to hide in plain sight. Keeping their breathing shallow, they try so hard not to get spotted.

Hiding close to a grated gate, they both watched three of the bravest fighters that they have ever known, tied up like prisoners and heading into a metal trailer. Only one of them knows them personally. 15 years ago, they were once her pets. After the fire incident, the mutagen in their systems after it was injected causes them to grow into humanoid turtles.Mutant Turtles. Sounds like a catchy title with the wordsteenageandninjaadded in.

Sally looks through the grate when someone shouts in Japanese dialogue. April eyes in her direction. They both can clearly see the woman that almost gun Sally down. And the thin red line on her right cheek. A rock wasn't the ideal weapon but it did help the teen in the time of need. Other than the mark on her face, she looks pretty furious. Karai watches the prizes for her master with a sharp eye as they are being forced into the trailer.

After the last one hops in, the metal doors close up behind them. The girls from their hiding spot both let out a longing breath. Guilt is running in their souls. It was all their fault. Mostly April. She was the one who exposed them to Sacks. Hearing his name…she couldn't believe that she and her father trusted the man. After working together on this…project.

Both the O'Neils and Sally's father were the victims in this whole mess. One is dead and the other is off the map. After discovering that the Turtles were her pets, the remorse runs even deeper into her soul. And now, thanks to the girls, they are now in the hands of the notorious criminal on the planet.

What can they do? Forget about it?

After what they have been through for the past few days, it is likely that the answer "no" does not come to mind.

They need to fix this. And fast. Knowing how dangerous theFootare and their leader (plus, with the prodigious assistance from a deceived ally), it would take more than two humans to fix this.

Only three of the Turtles are taken. They don't see the fourth. Judging which one it is, it must be Raphael. He wasn't with his brothers when they were taken down by theFootback in their home. He must be still there. Along with Splinter…

"Move along!Go!" The troops all deserted their spots and head of each vehicle.

"Troop, go!"

The engines are firing up. They were ready to move out. Back to…wherever they are going. To their HQ, possible. The whereabouts of their hideout is a mystery to everyone.


And so did April and Sally as they moved away from their hiding spot. They decided to head back to the sewer home. Hopefully, the fourth member is not completely out of the fight. And hopefully he is not in the same state as the rat is.

The two black cars and the cream camo Jeep with a trailer in tow all droved out of the alleyway and into the busy streets. In the public view, they made it look like nothing out of the ordinary. With something extraordinary in their procession.

For 15 long years, this was well-fitted imperturbable underground home. Until a few moments ago, it was now reduced to rubble. A few parts within this caring home have fallen apart thanks to the huge density of a few TNT, courtesy of theFootthemselves. The only ones still left inside the now-hazard place was the rat itself; semi-buried in lots of huge concrete debris, caused by the explosion that was made in his home.

The other being…was not too far from here. The fourth green-skinned reptile himself was concealed in a huge rumble of concrete debris, caused by his latest move.

Opening his eyes, he sees total darkness from where he was laying down. Until he saw a few gaping lights in his sight and not the usual bright light. So, he wasn't dead. That's good.

Flexing his muscle, a bit, the weight of the solid wreckage was pushed on top of him. But it wasn't heavy enough to hold him down. Pushing his hand through the rubble, he grips onto the large bolder that he could grab onto. With one tug, Raphael finally breaks into fresh sewer air from his dusty cover. He stands up but doesn't shake off the dirt or cough the dust out of his lungs. A few bruises won't hold him down but this massive headache might stall him for a bit.

That is when his eyes catch on the structure around his home. It felt like WWI or II up here or someone has unleasedGodzillainto his pad. Guess a lot has happened when he was knocked out. So…what exactly has happened after he was knocked out?

Well, the last thing that he remembered was duking it out with a fewFootSoldiersthat invaded his home. His big bro Leo told he to get to theFan Room.Foot Soldierswere pouring in through the entrance as he pushes the big fan forward. More of them were coming up behind him; firing darts at him. Raph charges towards them, knock one of them into the wall, causing a cave-in and—

That was it. Until he woke up. Taking one good look at its current state, he was very muchpissed-off. These bozos have trashed his home.

Right now, the questions ran through his mind.How long was I out for? And…where are my brothers and Sensei?

Not oneFootwas able to spot them returning to this ruined place. They have all probably left after retrieving only three of the Turtles. It was too dangerous to return now but both April and Sally wanted to make sure maybe one or two had survived both thebrawland theboom. Despite their first trip into the home without knowing the way, they sure know how to get back there with no difficulty.

As they get closer, the girls were carefully not to trip over any broken pieces of this hidden home when they entered another part of the sewer that they found. They both returned back to the centre of the area, where a great battle took place.

The reporter and her young roommate were now on the lookout for one large turtle, whom hopefully wasn't killed during the invasion of their home, and a furry rodent, whom was hurt pretty bad from his fight.

April comes to a stop which causes the teen to halt as well. The older woman's eyes have caught a familiar figure in just a short distance at them and so did young girl's. She and Sally have found one of them. The one whom is wears a yellow and black robe with his hair in a messy bun.

"Splinter," April whispered.

And he was buried in a massive pile of broken concrete. Most of them were even larger than his little body. Sharp broken pipes were sticking out of the small mountain but luckily none of them are touching the rat although they are at a pretty close range. A few pillars from the high runway have fallen into the heap but not on top of the rat which it is a relief for the girls. But there were still the boulders that are on top of him.

The girls both walk to the edge of the slope but April is the one who pressed forward. Walking around the edge, April hops down to be at the same level as the poor rodent within the rubble. Sally was not far behind her. The older woman gets closer to her former pet as she kneels down.

Sensing a presence near-by, the rat stirs from his comatose state. Through his fuzzy eyes, he sees two humans at close range. And they were not dressed in black. It was April. And Sally. They are alright.Shredderdidn't hurt them or worse.

Seeing the rat fully awake, the guilt partly washed away from the girls' soul. But it wasn't enough that only three reptiles are taken away and the fourth is nowhere to be seen, in order for them to be at peace. Not after what she and Sally have done in the first place. Maybe she shouldn't have told Sacks about them. Maybe she shouldn't have told anyone about it. Kept them as a secret. But…she was a reporter. She couldn't help it. Sally didn't spoke a word about it. And she has doubt about Sacks until they both learn the whole truth. Andplus, they were fighting back against theFoot. The whole world needs to know.

Carefully as she can, April grabs hold of the first small ones off the rat's fragile body. But there was a lot more to free him. A large rock is covering the lower half of Splinter is what hurting him the most and proves to be the biggest problem. And if it not removed any sooner or rolled in another fatal direction,-

Taking her chances, April grips both her hands on the large stone before her and tries to move it with all of his might. It was too heavy for the woman to do it all alone. Sally decided to help out. She quickly comes to her friend's side and she too grabs hold of the same rock.

With the strength of two humans, they have managed to lift the boulder off half a foot off the rat. Still not enough to free him.

Coming closer to the training room, Raph looks around his ruined home. Even since he left the destroyedFan Room, he was trying to spot any of his brothers. And his father. But there was no-one. Where did they all go? Were they taken? Trapped under more wreckage in another part of theirLair? He'll have to find his answers in another section. Raph kicks a piece of metal just laying around in his path.

A metal clang in the distance. April and Sally stopped pulling and looked up. It was Raphael. They can tell from the red tattled do-rag on his head and the fact is that he was the only one who wasn't taken away by theFoot.

Walking some feet into the training room, he takes his eyes off the mess and looks ahead…causing him to a startled halt. His home is in a complete mess. But seeing a furry figure in the middle of it is the absolute reason what brings dread to his face and soul.

His father. Hismaster. Lying in the mess.Frail and wounded. Almost lifeless…

What fears him the most (more than bugs) is seeing one or any of his family members dying before him. By the looks of it, it was coming true before his eyes. Without a second thought (which it is his nature in most cases), he rushes over to his injured father.

Raphael comes to the centre and pushes back the first large rock without trouble. April and Sally both stand up and moved away to give the Turtle some space. They can tell that he can easily lift the rocks with no help.


Hearing the gruff voice, Splinter tilts his head to the right. Through his eyes is blurry but through his ears, the voice was unmissable.Can it be…

Desperately, Raph pushes a broken pillar away in his path. "Master."

His father's head was moving and his eyes were open. He is still with them. But not for long. Flinging off two more rocks, the pressure crushing Splinter was taken off him. The rat can breathe but not easy. He was still in a dazed.

Although he was very strong, Raphael took get caution to bend down and hook his arms under the old rat's legs and back. Raph looks up to the girls before them. They can help.

"Let's get him to theNeedle Room," he told the girls.

The brute turtles pick up his tender master in a bridal carry and makes a U-Turn. They head over to where the wall of boom boxes is stack on top of each other.

There was still time to save him.

The rain has stopped but the clouds decided not break any connection to let any sunlight get through.

The cream tank car that is linked with the trailer is followed by two black vehicles. The street that they are driving on was cleared of any traffic.

No one bother to know who the trucks belong to. And that is why they didn't bother to call the police. They were too frightening to do so. Some didn't mind the trucks coming down the streets. Not out of the blue.

In the passage seat, Karai has located herself in the cream truck, carrying her three prisoners in the back. Her mission was a successfully, despite some interferences. No one bother to ask where she got the cut on her cheek. Putting on a threatening look at his soldiers, they decided to drop it. After training for so many years, she couldn't believe that she was easily taken down by a weak teenager. She was lucky that time. Next time, she won't be alive to count her lucky stars.

But she can deal with the fortunate teenager another time. Right now, she has the next stage of her mission to complete. The day was not over yet as they make their way to their next location.

Her phone was lightly pressed against her sore cheek, careful not to get any dry blood on the screen. "Package is secured. En route."

"We're carrying three specimens and will be arriving at the estate in approximately 40 minutes."

Plenty time for him and the others to set up and restart the project.

Located at his estate was a small basem*nt lab. Lots of equipment that was used in the project many years ago are still here and some are brand news, including four large clear glass containment units were stored in the far right of his little workroom. Particularly for this part of the assignment.

Dressed out of his suit, he was wearing a black long-sleeved top with black pants. He doesn't want his perfect cover to be tainted as this current outfit fits. Only two different groups are here with him. Some of theFoot Soldiers, all lied up together. They were brought here for to protection for Sacks and to be on the lookout for any intruders that might be heading this way. Although Sacks doubts it but he has order some security just to make sure of it. Can't hurt to have a little backup.

All huddled around a workstation was a group of scientists. Judging by their uneasy look, it would seem that they were forced against their will or that they were brainwash into working for the most terrifying man on the planet. Or maybe a few of them didn't care and they were only here for the money.

Smiley wickedly, Sacks ends the call and takes the phone off his ear. He turns to the group of geniuses. "Prepare the containment units." A few only gave the nod. Others looked at each with discomfort when Sacks turns his back at them and approaches his soldiers. "Inside those turtles is the most precious compound on Earth –mutagen."

He turns back to his fellow scientists and points at them. "And we will drain every last ounce of blood to get it," he then turns back to his men, "…even if itkillsthem."

Sacks shows no remorse on his face about the consequences of what happens to the subjects. And he will definitely show none of it once he gets what he needs out of it.

Why they call this theNeedle Room?

Well, they need some place where they do their tats. Boxes of tattoo needles, machine with inks and other items required for. And they are all located right there on the shelves.

Plus, it also stores a number of books, scrolls, jars of spices lined up neatly and a few tin boxes in different sizes. A large lamp hangs above the bookshelf but was now crooked thanks to the earthquake in here. There was something in the bookshelf that is need in a dire situation like this.

"Get the first aid kit!" Raph orders to the humans. "On the shelf!"

Sally was the one human whom is close to the left side of the room. Thus, she is the closest to getting it. The teenager rushes over to the crowded bookshelf. April remains on the turtle's side as she watches the rat in his grasp with great focus. Splinter's eyes were still shut. He doesn't look so good. The red turtle kneels down on one knee and rest his father on the wooden table; the only furniture that hasn't been destroyed in the ambush.

Seeing the red '+' within a white square on a grey tin box, she knew what it is. Sally pulls it out by the handle and quickly rushes back to the others.

"Hurry," Raph urges her in a haste. "Hurry."

The sooner that his father is fixed up, the better.

Sally places the box on the table beside the rat as she kneels on the wooden bench beside her friend who also kneels on the table.

Despite not being the best doctor in the house, Raph gets to work as he places his hand on his father's chest. There was a faint beat. Followed by another. He is still alive. The turtle needs to hurry. Pulling his robe back, Raph, April and Sally didn't swallow but their colour did drain a little.

A small line runs in the centre of his upper chest. Some red liquid was running through as the cut was fresh. The red turtle's angry is boiling up inside of him. But he shows great concern on his face.Shredder.He must have done this.Bastard gonna pay for this.

But…what can the turtle do?

April looks at Raph and back to the rat. She feels a great distress for the turtle. She knows what it is like to lose or almost lose a family member. She went through the same thing 15 years ago…with her own father. Raphael was about to lose his.

Raph almost felt like he was a helpless child deep down, seeing his father in such a fragile state. He wasn't with Splinter during the battle. He didn't do anything to protect his only parent. Where was the others? Did they protect him or did Splinter told them not to? Is this what could have happened…if he left? Like he said he would to his brothers? Leave his whole family behind as they would suffer the consequences? He had just a taste of it. And he didn't like it one bit. Major guiltiness was racking up inside of him.

Although his younger smarter brother has more medical experience that he does, Raph and the rest have learned basic first aid over the years just in case if Donnie was not around.

Cleaning up the wet substances, Raph places a patch over the wound. That is when Splinter opened his eyes. He tilts his head up a little to get a closer look at the figure before him. His vision becomes a bit clearer.

"Raphael?" Splinter squeaked. Was he dreaming? Or dead? If not both, his son wasn't either.

His heart was skipping a beat. His father is alright. "I'm here."

Raph should be leaping for joy but he is not. His father is badly hurt. Because of whatShredderdid to him.

Splinter's eyes were not playing tricks on from before. It is his son. He is still here. His other children must have been taken away.By him.

His breathing was getting shallow by the second but the big rodent was hanging on tight. He doesn't have much time. What pains him the most is what he is about to say next. But there was no other way. If Splinter doesn't let him go, Raphael will be all alone. He would lose his fatherandhis brothers all in the same day.

"You mustsaveyour brothers.StopShredder."

Getting a bit weaker, he drops his head softly on the ground. He was about to go dark.

Save my brothers? Will Raph do it? Just a few nights ago, he admits to his siblings that he was about to go out on his own – the first chance that he gets. But when will that happen for him? Or does he really mean it, to leave home?

If he is going to save the rest of his family, where should he start? He already knows who took them but the location remains a mystery to them. How will he find his brothers and in time?


A large beeping goes off as the turtle and the two human at the same time turned their heads to the source. It was much deeper and slower, very different from the alarm system of their home.

It was April's time to move. Raph and Sally watch the woman as she heads to where the noise is coming from. Bunch of wires, both thick and thin, were hanging down in front of the computer station. Sparks flew out of any broken lines. Some of the screens were malfunctioning at the moment because of the ruckus but one remains in tack and it was barley working. Pushing back the wires to get a clear view, she grabs the corners of the monitor. April sees the screen being magnified into a much closer look.

"What is it?" Sally loudly asked her friend. It was visual of a map. And the indictor is moving. Like a GPS.

"It's some kind of tracker," April replied, looking back at the two mutants and her friend. But who is it?

Raphael has a very clear idea. "It's Donatello!" There was only one brother who carries around a lot of technology more than an IT support does. He is practically wired into the system.

Relieved to know the whereabouts, Splinter gives the orders to his second-eldest whom looks back at him. "Go, Raphael." With that last say, the rat closes his eyes. He can now rest easy that he has now place his trust in his son to save his brothers. They are a team and they should not be broken.

Sally looks at him. "You ready, Raph?" the teenager asked the lone ninja.

Was he ready for this important mission? To rescue them? Leo would do the same thing if he was in his place. Now knows where his brothers will be, Raphael builds up loads of confidence inside.

Where his brothers are heading, that's where he would be.

"Let's go save my brothers."

The girls told him that Leo, Donnie and Mikey all surrendered their weapons in order to spare their father's life, which ultimately failed andShredderends them in his capture. Raph goes to where the three items were last placed. Jumping down into the wet drain; making a little splash, he lands near his fellow teammates' weapons.

First off, he bends down to grab Mikey's Dual Nunchunks and slides them into his belt. Before that, he also grabbed his baby brother's skate board. He figures the skater himself is going to need it. Next was Donnie's customise Bo-Staff. He clicks the button on the wooden weapon, causing it extend it back into its small size. He places the small stick just behind his shell but on the same belt as the chunks.

And last…was Leo's Dual Katana. His older brother was chosen to be put in charge of the team when Splinter is absent and the proud owner of the swords. Well, it's time to bring them back toFearless Leaderhimself.

Raph bends down to grab the handles. He hauls them over his shoulder and slides them on his shell; just like how Leo stores his blades on his shell. Securing them thanks to his belt, Raph rolls his shoulder; cracking his neck in process. He was ready.

Hang on, bros. I'm coming.

While he was retrieving them, April and Sally took the time to examine the screen. Judging by the road that the Donnie's GPS was going, there were heading to Sacks' Estate. It was the same road that they took the first time around. Figures that the same guy who helps theShredderwould set up the Turtles' little prison as the luxury in his own home.

They left the computer station and head to where Raph is.

"We need a ride," April spoke.

Raph turns to face them. They can't drive? Well, that's going to be a problem. There doesn't seem to be a bus that takes them up to the snowy mountains or a taxi that they can take. Who would be sane enough to give them a ride to Sacks' Estate and keep quiet about the mutant here?

April and Sally both looked at each other, giving each other a nod. They know just the person.Ifhe corporate.

Careless Whisperwas playing in the background of the bachelor's pad of Vern Fenwick. It was the one song that a certain teenager would not like to listen in her spare time. She would rather scratch her cut nails on a blackboard than listen to this 80's torture. But Vern likes it uniqueness unlike the teen's taste in music that she listens to nowadays.

Speaking of Sally, Vern hasn't seen her or April since yesterday after he dropped them off back to their apartment. It was after the whole telling-their-boss-about-these-vigilante-turtles-but-ended-up-getting-fired scenario. He feels pretty bad for them and is willing to jump at any chance to help them; mostly on the financial part since he is still an employed man.

With his demin jeans and grey shirt on, he was fixing up a nice sandwich for his morning snack. Today was his day off so he wouldn't be looking for any excitement today.

That is until his phone goes off.

Vern looks at his active device that was left on the table by the time he squeezed mustard on his bread with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. Not an interesting combo but that's how he likes it. He gives his creation a little halt to take care of another task.

His phone keeps on ringing when Vern picks it up. He looks at his screen.Unknown Caller.Interesting. Who would be calling me?

It would be pretty rude to ignore it. He touches the green button and quickly places it against his ear. "Hello?"

As soon as Vern answered the call, Sally dreadfully can hear the familiar saxophone medley.

Oh, great. He's listening to George Michael.She doesn't hate the artist himself or the former bandmember ofWham. It's just the song that is performing in the background. The other songs areokin her book. Just not that one. She needs to escape it andfast!

"Hey Vern! April wants to talk to you," she quickly answered. Sally holds the payphone over to her friend who was standing right beside her. April was taken off-guard by this gesture. She thought Sally was going to do the talking, not her.

"Wha—Why me?"

April anxiously shakes her head. Sally was not persisting that Vern wants a shot with her. The woman was catching onto his advances but was trying her best to shut them down every time in the gentlest way as possible. But in truth, Sally can't bear to have a nice conversation with the music in the bloody background.

The tired reporter decided to give-in. They were racing against the clock now. With every single minute that they waste, the more danger that the others will be in.

April takes the phone and places it on her ear. "Vern."

She cannot see him but he does pull the most obnoxious grin on his face. "O'Neil!" Plus, the tone of his voice. Hearing this makes April want to scratchhernails on the blackboard. Besides that, it has been a long night for the girls after what they have been through. They don't have time to get bitchy.

But April doesn't have time to stand around and have a causal conversation. "Look, Vern, we need you to meet us at Cortlandt Alley in 10 minutes, please."

"Wait, why?"

April doesn't have the time to answer every question that he throws at her. She is also afraid that this phone could be tapped by theFootafter they have found the place. If she spills any more info, they would be hunted down again. "We can't talk to you about it on the phone. Just promise you're gonna be there."

Vern wasn't exactly catching on what she meant. "What do you mean, you can't talk about…You girls called…" But a beep noise was made. Vern strangely takes his phone off his ear and looks at the screen. "…me."

She disconnects the phone before they could end a decent conversation. April has either ended the call or it was dropped. But hearing her voice brighten up his day.

Not leaving his previous task incomplete, Vern puts his phone down on the dining table and goes back to his kitchen board. He takes a knife and spreads the contents on the slice.So, O'Neil wants to meet with the Vernster, eh?

Putting the second bread on to complete his sandwich, he looks back at the phone. "All right. Want me to meet you right now?" the man is now speaking to himself. Vern turn away from the bench but not before leaning on the edge, ready for teatime. "I'll play your little game."

Guess he would get his shot after all. He takes his first bite of his meal. Once that his little snack is done, he would be on his way.

(Cortlandt Alley, Manhattan, NY – 8:10am)

Waiting with his van right outside of the black gate, Vern finds himself right on time with the same clothes on plus a black cotton jacket on. Before he left, he has taken the opportunity to grab something that would increase his chance to spend quality time with April but outside of work. And with Sally. When it was the two of them, Sally is often dragged along as he always thinks that she is the third wheel or something. Vern has nothing against the teenager. He thought that she could hang out with kids at her age. Then again, Vern has never seen Sally hanging out with any of her classmates. Guess she comes along because the two adults are the only company that she has now these days.

He managed to use the time to take his fedora hat that he personally brought for himself. Interesting fact, girls are tend to draw more closer towards man who wears fashionable hats. Wearing this kind of hat would bring another side to the ex-reporter and maybe score a nice meal. Without the company of the quirky teen herself.

Resting his back up against the Channel 6 van (he had to convince Thompson that he has to use it for work without being suspicion), Vern has put the hat on and was looking through the side mirror on the driver's seat. The cameraman himself was whistling to a nifty tune as he tries on the hat in different styles. To fashion critic, they would prefer socks with sandals over an old guy wearing a fedora any day.

He was trying to get into a comfortable position in order to impress the young woman. Vern tried putting his right foot on the car with hands to his side. Doesn't work. He then rests his elbow on the open window whilst his hand partly holds the hat.Yeah, maybe that cou—

"What's with the hat?"

Vern snaps out of his daydream of his dream date with April when the woman and the child came through the open black gate and walks around the vehicle. When they arrived, they both saw Vern looking ridiculous with a vintage hat on him. The girls may be in a hurry but they did take the time to crack a joke with him.

Ok, so hats don't peek her interest. Well, at least he tried. "What is with the…" he plays it cool by taking the silly hat off. He nervously laughs it off before casual throwing it inside the van. "I don't know, it's a buddy of mine's. It's a goof."

The girls were on the other side of the van. April opens the passenger's door while Sally stands outside. She decided to throw another shade at the fellow here. "Well, you can tell that buddy of yours that fedoras aresolate 80's," the teen jokes back at Vern. She can tell that he brought that hat for his chance to woo April. Didn't work.

Vern didn't do anything to fight back. Instead, he just simply drops it. He did come to this exact address as he promised. Guess they want something or maybe just April want something from him, of course. "What do you guys want to do? You wanna head downtown?"

Speaking of which, they are need of a favour because Vern is the only one who can drive. And which is why April didn't discuss this on the phone.

"Give him the short version, April," Sally said. The door was still open and April was already in her seat.

April takes a long deep breath in. "Eric Sacks is working with the head of theFoot Clan. They just kidnapped theVigilante Turtlesto take them to the Sacks Estate." She also hits the dashboard to prove her point. "We need to go. Come on, Vern." Gratefully, the airbags didn't burst open due to her striking.

The girls were hoping for Vern to actually listen to them for once and take their word. But the look of doubtful on his face was not helping for them. Adding disbelieving nodding to it doesn't help either. "Right, right, right. TheTurtles. I forgot."

Since they have told him that tale from yesterday, he was having doubts that the girls could pull a story like that. The problem is that he doesn't believe that they are real as he hasn't seen one in person. It was also starting to get a bit old now as they keep on stretching the truth. No wonder Thompson both fired them yesterday.

Vern pushes off the side to grab the handle and pull the car door open. "This is getting embarrassing." When the door is wide open for him, Vern slides onto his seat. "O'Neil,…" Vern closes the door behind him, "…we're both consenting adults. We're both very good-looking. You're better, probably. Uh-that's up for debate. But the point is,…" he looks at the girls, trying to get them on the same page, "…we don't need to make up excuses to hang out with each other."

The girl looked at him in shock. Vern still doesn't believe their story. And no doubt he didn't before.

"What?" April gasp, shaking her head.

He thinks this is an excuse to hang out with him? Making up a tale about theTurtlesthat April knew since she was a kid? He is certainly dead wrong! It's completely a different topic on what the girls are trying to do. They need Vern's help on a little task of their own; not to spend quality time with them.

But Vern presses on. "You want to spend more time with me. I get it. I would too. And Sal,…" He looks over to the fuming teenager behind April whom shaking her head in disbelief, "…youarefree to join us if you want. Maybe bring someone over from school would add the company to the group who is at your age for once…"

But the enraged teenage was not having any of it. "Vern, we're not playing this little game of yours, alright?"

And so is April. "We need to get to Sacks Estate right now, Vern. Come on!" she desperately begged.

The tired journalist sinks into her seat. She prays to the man upstairs for anything that would convince him to change his mind about the situation that they have and get a move on. Anything!

Vern continues to play this little farce which continues to irritates the girls even more. "That's what I'm talking about, O'Neil. 'The Sacks Estate with the Vigilante…',"

Sally was ready to snap. "Vern!" she barks at him.

Vern stops his babble and faces the teenager. "What…"

Couldn't wait any longer, Raphael shots up in between the two adults from the rear of the van. His head pokes out from the back but not the way and turns to the disbelieving human in the driver's seat.


Vern jumps back at the sight of the large turtle in front of him. If he didn't close the door behind him, he would have fallen out of his van. April and Sally did not jump by the Turtle's action like their friend did. They have pretty much got used to the reptile right about now and how they are on the time-budget here.

After his little order, the giant Turtle faces forward, looking out through the windshield. His breathing was very thin as he has all of his angry building up. It climbed up the ladder a little more thanks to Vern stalling for time. He needs to save it for the mission ahead of him.

Vern was now shaking in his seat. He didn't blink as he watches the giant turtle with a toothpick in his teeth before him with eyes much bigger than dinner plates. Guess it was time for a little intro.

And the teenager was more than happy to do so. "Oh, Vern! This is Raphael, one of theVigilante Turtlesthat we have just mentioned." She looks at the angry reptile who slowly turns to the shock cameraman. He bears his teeth at him which makes him a little scared. "Raph,…" she points to her scared friend, "…this is Vern. He is gonna drive us to Sacks' Estate to save your brothers." The smug teenager drops her hand while stilling looking at him. "Anything you wanna say, Vern?" She was glad that Raph decided to butt in so they can get to the Sacks' Estate pronto.

The girls are right. This must be one of theVigilante Turtlesthat they have been telling him about. They were not making this up. One of them is right here…in the fresh. It has the green skin and shell on no mistaken. He takes back every doubt that he threw at April and Sally.

The male human may be in shock but he does remember how to breath. Vern now recollects himself. "Yo-yo-you're a talking turtle," he stutters.

So, the jerk can speak.Guess the turtle got his tongue.Since he doesn't like to take up time, Raph decided to make small talk, looking back at the windshield. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm a talking turtle…" he looks back at Vern. "…and you're a human nerd." He looks back through the windshield. "Now that we got that one of the way,hit it."

TheTalking Turtlelooks to the girls and back to Vern before heading into the backseat again, trying to get comfortable the second time that he has been in the van.

April nods her head in the turtle's direction, hoping it was enough proof to Vern. Seeing one of theTurtleswas proof enough for Vern to get comfortable into his own seat. His heart was now officially racing for the sudden surprise of the extra company that was tagged along. At least he didn't wet his pants because of it. And the girls certainly did enjoy that little show.

"I've never been accused of being a nerd before, but…" he shakily admits. Vern has his hand on the keys, ready to turn the car on… but not before holding his free hand up first. "I'm sorry." He stops for a second before eyeing and pointing to the back. "How did you get in…" Vern looks at the girls. "How did he get in the…" The owner of theChannel 6van didn't hear the backdoor opened since he arrived into the alleyway. When and more importantly…how?

"He's aninja," Sally answered that question for Vern as she jumps into the van and closes the door behind her. "Get used to it."

Vern was well-aware of the term as it did pop-up a few times in their conversations in the past. "Ok…aninja," he nodded, trying his best to put his seatbelt on. "That…I can deal with."

He thinks he can deal with one? Well, he should prepare himself with when he sees three more.

Guess Vern has…officially met Raphael. And he will soon meet the others. But before all that happens, let's see what are the bad guys planning in:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Eric's True Intention

Author's Notes: Hey guys! Another chapter done. I almost forgot. Not the next chapter but the one after that, I will it change especially the scene with April, Sally and Vern to make it more sense.

So, today is Remembrance Day. A day to honour the soldiers that fought and/or died in the line of duty. Also, my grandfather (Dad's father) passed away on this day many years ago. I wasn't close with as I am with my other grandfather. I do hop he is ok with both my nanas and everyone lese we lost along the way.

Take care of yourselves, guys, and have a fun weekend!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord291

Chapter 19: Eric's True Intention


"Sacks reveals to the captured Turtles about his true goal. 15 years in the making."


Disclaimer: I do not repeat DO NOT own TMNT and crew in any way cause they belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (Only knows as the Greatest Guys on Earth!). Other characters like a certain OC that happen in these fanfic rightfully belongs to me and only ME!

Chapter Text

Announcement from the writer: Hey guys! Christmas is definitely around the corner. I do hope you guys will be well and healthy after everything we have been through. For my family, our Christmas is going to be different. Usually every year, we have Christmas with the family on the day but we're going up to Sydney instead so my bro and his family will come down early, have an early Christmas day before heading up to Sydney to have Christmas with my sister-in-law's side of the family and then, celebrate my 30that a holiday house we are renting! I'm not much of a party girl but that doesn't mean I can celebrate my special day!

Usually, every chapter if I get reviews and/or reader favouriting this story or me, I would write them. When this story comes to an end, I will write them in the extra chapters at the end. (You know the ones that said "Updating" and "Updating Again")

Let's take a trip downBad Guy Lane, shall we? Cause I need to get onto playingSonic Frontiers!

(Sacks' Estate, outside of Manhattan, NY – 8:45am)

Still donning his black ensemble, Sacks has occupied himself in his dark chambers for the last 30 minutes. After the call was made by Karai; reporting that only three specimens have been taken in and they were transporting them to his location. The number "3" took him by surprised as he only remembersfourturtles duringProject Renaissance, plus a small rat. That is until Karai then told him that one of them was killed in the ambush. He simply brushes the news aside as he needs only more than one for his project to recommence.

If anyone knew the truth of his immense project, his fortress is simply the last place to look for giant humanoid reptiles. Actually, there would be no place on Earth to look for any giant humanoids whatsoever.

In the meantime, Sacks was just simply passing the time to gazes on the Japanese art in the dark room. A candle was lit to provide the light source. Only two people have ever enter this room before. The children of his previous co-workers have entered his home yesterday to give him grand news. The experiments that he – and hismaster– thought were lost in the fire 15 years ago have survived and April was the one who save them. He thanked her personally and mentally. He andShreddercan finally put the project that was nearly wasted back on track.

As on cue, Sacks walks to the exit.They are here.

Coming up to his lab, Sacks pushes back the plastic sheets to enter the secluded room. Walking through the hallway, he can hear large pugnacious noises and they were getting louder as he comes closer. Taking one look at the source of those voices…he wishes that he was dreaming.

Occupied in three containment units are what he was waiting for. Three turtles. Threelargeturtles. All dressed-up in different kinds of fabrics. Sacks looks at the colours on them. He sees a blue, a purple and an orange over their eyes. There was same colour-coded that was painted on their shells when they were small. If they kept the colours, they must have kept the names.

Before they were brought here, their hands and legs were blinded together but once they got inside the secret lab in some guy's basem*nt, they were put into these glass containment without a hassle. Not to mention freaking out or intriguing the scientists in the room. It would easy for them to escape but if they did, everyFoot Soldierswould fire more tranq darts and shocking them with electrical rods. Plus, they don't even know where they are at the moment. But once they get outside, they could get their purple brother to get a fix on their location. And find their other brother and their father (if he is ok).

Their legs are free but their hands are not. Metal binds have been clasp tightly around their mutant wrist with only a special gauntlet on their right. With tubes connected to it. Once it was locked in, they felt a few pricks into their skin and at the single second, it begins to suck a lot of red substanceoutfrom their bodies. They are taking their blood out of their system. And they all doubt that it is for a good cause for whatShredderand Sacks have in stores for them.

The reptiles were now struggling against the binds on their wrists.

"Oh, my…" he gasps.

Sacks comes to a slow halt as he stands in the middle of the taken units.

A number of conversations were going about to a few scientists until their boss walks in while a couple were on a computer each that is observing their heart rate and breathing. And the flow of theirDNAthrough the small tubes. Other than the experts, Karai and threeFootmembers are presents. One has his forearms exposed with his sleeves rolled up. The Lieutenant has ordered him but didn't explained why. She just simply stands there with her hands behind her back. Despite being their boss, Sacks was hers.

And right now, he is eyeing at them with admiration. "Wow." He walks a little bit closer. "Unbelievable. Let me look at you." Sacks then tilts his head as he goes back and forth at his captive mutants. When he has stepped inside, the rich businessman simply can't take his eyes off of them. Not because of their ridiculous outfits but of what they have become. If he didn't lose them years ago, they would have been under his control and his plan would have already been in motion back then. A few set-backs but with only one outcome.

The three Turtles have all stopped struggling to the man before them.Eric Sacks. There was no need of an introduction of who he is. They know who Sacks is. And Sacks knows exactly of who they are as he keeps on speaking. "I'm a hard guy to impress, but…this is just…" He then did something completely out of his character. Sacks chuckles like a squealing fan at a concert.

"Oh my God." He quickly looks at Karai from behind. She pictures a blank expression. But she and the master both must have been very stunned by their current appearance. He remembers holding his little test subjects in the palm of his hands. Seeing them in a much larger size was something…unexpected.

"Wow!" He faces them again whilst putting his hands on his hips. "And we were gonna use rabbits! Can you imagine that?"Mutant Rabbits. What a concept."All we were trying to do is create…an antidote."

Sacks is trying to reason with the Turtles. Too bad this is not working for them. They know his story. But… something wasn't right. Why were they created them in the first place if their mutagen is very important to them? That is what they wanted to know.

Leonardo gripped his fist in angry. "For what?" he growled.

Hearing one of them speak was a bombshell to the businessman.Did he just…speak? That is truly fascinating.Sacks direct his focus on the middle turtle, offering his full attention. "Say that again. I want to hear your voice."

The blue leader will gladly to say it again but with power. "For WHAT?!" He made his point clear with a big tug of his blind, leaning forward, thus produced a loud thud. He didn't go all the way as to his short fastens and his forehead didn't hit the glass in front of him.

Sacks looks at him, stunned. "Wow." They didn't just grow to be powerful, he unintentionally created them to intelligent.Very fascinating. He then snaps out of his amazed curiosity and back to his serious nature. "Well, uh, we had thisplan. Aplanthat we're ready to put back online…today." Judging from his ton in the last sentence, he didn't prepare a speech. But he thinks that it would be best to put on a demonstration for hisguestsin which was planned. "I'll show you." That is when he turns to the Lieutenant herself. "Karai, um…" Sacks gestures his hand at the little spectacle that he likes to put on. "Show them."

Karai walks forward, gives him a nod. She would gladly to do so. The woman looks at her men. She gives a nod to them before speaking something in Japanese. Only two of her men understand the signal. The third one…does not.

Which only cause the twoFoot Soldiersto wrap their arms around one of their own. "What?" he utters. Struggling in their tight grip, the lone soldier in the middle was surprised by this action. Why are they doing this? That is until Karai comes over to him with four large canisters on wheels…with an attachable gas mask. The tube is filling up with some bright orange substances.

The loneFoot Solider's heart was now beating fast. Full of fear.

He too knows what it is filled with. Which is why he is now struggling even more in their hold. He now knows why he is the only one who has his sleeves rolled up. They were told of the experiment that was going to unfold in a matter of time. And he was unknowingly brought here…as a test subject. Just like theTurtles.

As that was happening, Sacks begins to explain his plan to his mutants. "Do you know my building,Sacks Tower? Got that great big spire up on top?" The Turtles are well-aware of the structure owned by the richest man in theBig Apple. Where is he going with this? "That spire is filled... with tons of chemical toxins."

The same kinds of toxins that was stolen from the docks. Along with the ingredients to make the antidote from scratch. That is until the news about the Turtles comes into the light in which only the dangerous toxins were made.

The trappedFootwas begging for mercy. "No, no…"

But Karai simply ignored one of her own as she grabs hold of the mask. She then comes up to the toiling soldier, grips her hand at the back of his head and shove the mask up against his face. Once it was secured on, the chemicals flow up to the tube, out through the mask…and into his mouth.

"Bad stuff." Sacks looks at the cruel demo progress as the liquid compounds keeps on pouring into the sole soldier's mouth and was forced down through his oesophagus. He looks back at the green audience, pointing to the showpiece. "That kinda bad."Very bad indeed by the looks of it.

Unable to take much of the burning liquid spreading into his body, theFoot Soldierfalls to the ground but the torture still presses on. He tries to pry the mask off him by shaking his head and body but Karai and the two that he callscomradesare still holding him down. She or Sacks didn't care about losing any of their men. They have no remorse of what happens to them. They can always find more muscle for the right price. Once enough substances have entered his body, Karai and the twoFootreleased the poisoned warrior, left to suffer at this harsh trial.

"In a few hours,Shredderis going to unleash all thatstuffover the whole city. The initial death toll will shake world governments to their core."

Once that chemical is released, the air itself would infest to who breathes into it. And they would end up like the first subject here. His skin, both visible and covered, was now concealed in red/black bloats. Smoke was escaping the sores. Coughing and shaking violently are also the known symptoms. This case is even worse than theEbolavirus itself. Moredeadlyandhastier. Even the purple turtle was fascinated by this experiment but he now knows it is used for a sinful purpose.

Just what this world needs. Another fatal virus to wipe out the human race in an instant.

All the scientist that are present in the space are nauseating by these events. Most of them couldn't believe what they are about to unleashed. They all either looked at one another and a couple dare to looked at the twitching body on the ground. And some of them didn't even care. They have dedicated their lives to work for a powerful company, not caring a few deaths would get in the way. As long as they get the next pay check to get through in life.

Karai and her forces left the poor soldier to rot as she returns the mask to the canister. She goes back to her original post as the two remaining soldier remains standing on the spot; leaving theirfriendto die.

"In 30 days, the city ofNew Yorkwill be a quarantine zone." Just like the soldier that will perish in a matter of minutes.

Despite being a malevolent plan caused by him and his master, Sacks has come up with a solution in case the sources doesn't trace back to his work. "And that is where my company comes in. I'm going to save everyone with the antidote that is made from the mutagen that is oozing through your blood." If it works, Sacks will be hailed as a hero to the public but at the same time, a villain.

One of the scientists, presses the switch on the touchscreen as more blood continues to suck out of the boys' veins. If this keeps up, it would only be a matter of time before the Turtles would collapse from the loss of blood. A little bit longer,…it would all be over for them. The mutants are still struggling to rip the bind off of them. Maybe they should break their arms in the process just to cut off the connection.

"The government will then sendSacks Industrya blank check…and I'm going to be rich. Like,stupid rich."

Not too far, the tubes continue to slide the blood into a machine which then gurgles as drops of plasma into a large clear canister. Once that is filled, he will convert it into the ultimate cure-all – the mutagen.

It was like history repeating itself. Just like the tale of the warlord that many years ago has unleashed the poison to the people of Japan.Shredderis exactly like the evil warlord but the only difference that the cure itself…is already in his hands. Making it from scratch would be impossible. It was all in the Turtles' system which is something that Sacks andShredderhave been trying to create for many years now since the accident.

It is just like Turtles' father said. Their mutagen in their blood is of great value to them. TheFoothave been looking for them this whole time if April and Sally didn't blurt them out. But it was not the girls' fault. They had no idea Sacks was on the dark side this whole time.

"Shredderwill force this city to live underourrule."

Leonardo continues to look at Sacks with a furious look, clenching his fists once again. Donatello and Michelangelo were still trying to pry themselves off of their binds.

"We will begods."

That is whytheywere created in the first place. Only for their selfish needs.

Sacks cares about the money.Shreddervalues complete control. The perfect duo forworld domination. And they are willing to kill innocent people in the process. He andShreddercannot get away with this. They need to be stop before this horrible proceeds as planned.

Sacks has said enough before leaving the room. He is going to give the update to another important figure who is currently occupied in another room.

More of their blood is draining out of their systems. At first, they were struggling. And now, they are getting a bit slouching. So much blood is coming out at once and it won't be too long until there is nothing left in their systems.

It would take only a miracle to stop Eric Sacks and save the poor reptiles.

Sacks' true motion comes into the light on why he and Shredder created the Turtles in the first place. All we need is a rescue mission for the heroes in:

Heroes in the Half-Shell: Raphael vs. The Shredder

Author's Notes: We all had a feeling that Sacks was a bad guy this whole time. In fact, during production, he was supposed to be the newShredder! (the Caucasian version! Thank goodness, that didn't work and went back to the original idea. I prefer the original idea like any other TMNT fan.)

So, we pretty much know what part Sacks plays in the movie, in other words his motive. That is why I came up with part of the title – "Intentions". It another word for goals, targets or aims. I thought it fits perfect.

And you know, I sometimes have a habit of writing up bad guy scenes like this one. I don't know why that happens. And like I said in the last chapter, I'm changing a bit in the next one but my girl Sally will still have her moment and the same line as well! You know what I'm talking about!

Take care of yourself!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 20: Sad update…

Chapter Text

Hey guys. Sorry if I haven’t got the chance to explain why there hasn’t been any progress with any of my stories, there is. Well,…beside school and work, there is another one. And it is much bigger and more emotional than ever.

I had to say goodbye to my dog, Buddy, of 16 long years on the 4th of July.

For a while now, since maybe a few months ago, he started to have a bit of dementia and arthritics in his hind legs. And just recently his kidney and live were shutting down, so we had to make the tough decision to put him to rest. It was not easy one but it was for the best.

I’m just getting a bit emotional as I write this. Buddy here has been my best friend for 16 long years. I got him as an early birthday present from my grandparents which pretty much tops everything I have gain over the years. So many memories with this little guy.

I was planning to get back into my fanfics but I might take a small break until I get things sorted like up-to-date with school and busy planning my Japan trip.

Thank you for understanding, everyone.

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 21: A Quick Update

Chapter Text

Hey everyone. I have returned from my month trip from Japan and the cruise. It was amazing (going back in the distance future) and just what I needed after going through a tragic loss. During the last week of my trip, I did come down with tonsilitis but I am on the road to recovery (Yay!). I did mention that I was study this year but I’ve decided to back out because it was getting too much for me and I think it is better off if I tried out something like internship or something like that.

Anyway, the reason on why I have delivered this update. After much thought, I have decided to redo The Saint’s Hope. I have got my other stories in store like HITHS and its sequel and HITHS on the RISE! that is coming very soon. I’ve also got my A:TLA and TLoK fanfic lining up too as I’ve got the storyline nearly finished up.

Before I started the project, I had this original idea for Salvadora/Sally as she came from a different dimension like the Battle Nexus and Usagi’s world but I chose to be the adopted sister of the ninja family. I was going to have a romantic relationship with one of the Turtles but after my trip to Japan, I decided to no longer use that idea and go back to my original version. I do remember having those lying around somewhere in my computer or my harddrive. It will take a while to find them but the more I thought about this, the more it sounds right

With our hero from another world, I have also come up with a language for Sal and her people which it is a substitution cipher (a language system replacing certain letters with others) like Al Bhed in Final Fantasy X (one of my favorite video games growing up!). With the vowles, they will be double instead of one, e.g. a=ee/ii/oo/uu. (I’m not gonna copy-paste this as this is against the law!)

Sal’s culture will be a mixture of Buddhism, Taoism, Spirituality, Witchcraft, East Asian religions like folk and philosophy, Japanese religion like Shinto and such. It will take me a long time.

Sal will also be a strict vegan and has two animal/creature companions with her. Kiki – a monkey, and Fang – her dragon who is a shapeshifter whom can change his form from his usual huge size to small as a cat. I might actually change their names later on.

This fanfic will be aimed for mature readers as I will add some themes that the show is based on the Mirage Comics like violence, blood, horror, smut and such. I could either give you guys the heads-up of when it is going to happen or I could create another fanfic so any mature readers can read it.

That is all I have so far. I cannot spoil too much.

Right now, I will be focusing on finishing HITHS before I move onto the next but here is a list of the fanfics that I am currently working on.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic X Remake (Coming soon to 2024. I will use the idea from my Sonic Movie)

Mobians of Mana (Children of Mana: Sonic Style) (In production) (Remaking and returning in 2024)

Pokemon Ranger/Sonic the Hedgehog crossover (Planned; title for the FanFic will come. TBC)


The Saint's Hope (In production)

Heroes in the Half-Shell (TMNT 2014 FanFic) (Updating)

Heroes in the Half-Shell: TURTLE POWER! (In-progress/Updating)

Heroes in the Half-Shell on the RISE (RotTMNT) (First chapter in 2024)

Ratchet and Clank

Ratchet, Kada and Clank (Based on the movie) (Returning in 2024)


The Missing Jasmine (Avatar: The Last Airbnder fanfic featuring my OC) (Coming soon to 2024)

The Legend of Korra & Aurra (The Legend of Korra fanfic featuring my OC) (Coming soon to 2024)


Unknown title (Featuring my OC. Fanfic will features the stories from the manga including “R”, anime and films)

Most of the fanfics I've made that are not listed on here will be discontinued.

Guess that is it for me. I am starting a new leaf, a new chapter for 2024, See you guys very soon.

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912

Chapter 22: A Quick Update

Chapter Text

Hey guys! I’m back! Sorry for the lateness. Still working on the story (TSH is going to be rewritten as I’ve did mention a while back)

A lot has happened since I’ve last gave an update. Still mourning for my dog, Buddy. One of the reasons why I haven’t been active with my stories cause I’ve lost the motivation of it. With the help of Writer’s Block (of course!).

The whole war on Palestine is very confronting and terrified, especially with the Rafah. I’ve seen lots of videos and photos of the terrifying event. I have been boycotting McDonalds for a while now, what other companies and organisation do I need boycott too? If someone puts a list down in the comments, that would be great. I’ve been also on TikTok and Twitter/X reposting/retweeting about it and trying to help out. I am currently broke/unemployed in which I cannot donate but I am trying to spread the word. It’s terrible out there.

The death of Cole Brings Plenty and his sister, Kyla Mercy Red Bear, whose lives were taken away, and Cole’s hair was cut off! They deserve justice! I wanted to braid my hair in support but it is too short at the moment but I have decided to let it grow out enough so I can braid it. Justice for Cole and Kyla.

The attack at Bondi Junction that took the lives of 6 (now 7, I think) and injured a few more. My heart goes out to them and their family.

And my cousins from my mum’s side of the family lost a relative, my mum’s aunt/my grandfather’s sister. She lost her husband 20 years, her son 9 years ago and now, she has join them. And my late nana (we’ve lost her 10 years ago)’s nephew (I think) committed suicide when we were up in Darwin for my Dad’s birthday.

So, yeah. A lot.

Anyway, here is something I’ve made for the people of Palestine, Justice for Cole Brings Plenty, LGBTQIA+, BLM, Aboriginal with my RotTMNT OCs – Sally Hope (the smallest one) and Max McCloud (the tallest one).

Heroes in the Half-Shell! - TheDragonLord2912 (1)

Thank you guys!

Until we meet again,

The DragonLord2912


Heroes in the Half-Shell! - TheDragonLord2912 (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.