Arcadia: The Golden Era - Chapter 36 - ShamelessSelfInsert (2024)

Chapter Text

Coco stumbled into the women’s bathroom on shaky legs as her stud took care of the tab.

A few of the other patrons did a double take as she walked by, but most were too engrossed with their food or some football game in the background to pay much attention to her.

She made her way into a private stall on the edge of the ladies room, one with its own sink and mirror, and assessed the damage.

Her cheeks were flushed bright red. Her face was covered in a faint sheen of sweat, and a small line of drool ran down her chin.

Her nipples were so hard they were poking through her bra, and her chest rose and fell with every trembling breath.

But her eyes were the biggest giveaway – still dazed with lust and the echoes of her recent org*sm, and brimming with undisguised want… no, need .

She looked like a slu*t ready to get f*cked.

“Jaune,” she breathed. “What the hell did you do to me?”

She splashed cold water on her face and tried to make herself vaguely presentable – she knew she was going to get f*cked stupid by her obnoxiously handsome stud the minute he got her alone, but for now Coco had to keep up appearances.

After she had washed up she took off her pants and assessed the damage.

Her puss* was still dripping wet, with drops of clear fluid leaking down her legs from her swollen pink lips. Her panties had been soaked clean through and were beyond saving. Coco sighed and slipped them into a little plastic baggy in her purse, before wiping her wet and sticky thighs down and trying to control the heat in her loins.

The jeans were dry enough – although if Jaune got his hands on her again she doubted they’d stay that way for long.

She looked herself over carefully in the mirror one last time – her pants clinging to her ass and legs like a second skin, molding even more tightly to her crotch without the thin fabric of her underwear to keep them apart.

The proud fashionista turned around to give herself a final once over, adjusting her glasses and beret to complete the look.

Classy. Confident. Sexy.

Without the slu*tty look in her eyes giving her away, she could almost pass as her old self again.

She grinned at the thought. No one would look at the proud, glamorous beauty in the mirror and think she was somebody’s bitch. Most men would grovel and beg for a moment of her attention, dreaming of the day when she might give them a little taste.

Most men weren’t Jaune.

‘I wonder how he’d react if he knew I was going commando?’ she thought.

She hoped he’d lose it – take control of her, take her, on the spot.

Even though she tried to hide it, it was impossible to deny it any longer – she liked being Jaune’s personal whor*. Loved it, even. If he wanted to f*ck in public, wanted to show the world what kind of slu*t Coco Adel really was under the mask, she’d let him – she’d probably cum like crazy.

But for now, she preferred it this way. Until he said otherwise, her submission was their little secret.

Sufficiently freshened up, and not wanting to keep her lover waiting, Coco left the stall, and almost left the bathroom before she realized she wasn’t alone.

The stranger caught her eye the moment she stepped into view – she must have been waiting for her.

It wasn’t the first time a stranger had tried to approach her, and normally Coco wouldn’t have looked twice at her, but…

…This was the sort of woman that deserved a second look.

The stranger had long, dark orange hair and piercing gold eyes, a sinfully pretty face and a bombshell’s body.

She dressed like a biker girl, with long black boots, short shorts, a cropped denim jacket and a tank top that hugged her large chest and flaunted her toned stomach. Coco spotted a tribal tattoo on her smooth, dark skin, snaking down her right flank to her upper thigh. The young fashionista had seen countless models from every angle imaginable and could instantly read the contours of the female body - even from the front she could tell this woman had a hell of an ass.

There was a primal charisma that pervaded every part of the stranger’s image – it screamed ‘dangerous’ and ‘sexy as hell’.

She had a great look and a killer body – and she had Coco’s attention.

Carmine grinned and cut to the chase.

“Hell of a man you got there.”

Coco smiled, the seeds of an idea being planted in her mind.

‘Jaune did say we could have a three way so long as we left his friends out of it… and this girl is as sexy as they are.’ There weren’t many women who fit that bill – Coco wasn’t going to let a find like this go to waste.

“Oh, you have no idea.” She teased, hoping the beautiful desert fox would take the bait.

“He just made you cum, didn’t he?”

The younger woman showed no hint of embarrassment – she shrugged like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, but the smile never left her face.

“Was it that obvious?”

Carmine smirked. “Are you kidding? You’re lucky he shut you up when he did – are you always a screamer or is he actually that good?”

Coco co*cked her shades and gave her a sensuous stare.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

The redhead’s tongue darted over her lips as her eyes darkened.

‘Hook, line and sinker .’

The fashionista offered her hand for a shake.

“Coco Adel,” She said.

“Carmine Esclados.”

Carmine had smooth, delicate hands and a firm grip that could please and punish just as easily. Coco was eager to experience both.

She let her touch linger for a few moments more than necessary.

“So, how much of a scene were we making?”

Carmine laughed.

“Don’t worry, I don’t think anyone else noticed,” she said. “People are so caught up in their own bullsh*t – their phones, some ballgame, some broad they’re trying to screw.”

“Why did you notice?”

Carmine grinned. “I like to people-watch – after you two walked in no one else was worth looking at.”

In truth Carmine was sure people had noticed - there were a few awkward glances and inexplicable blushes whenever their eyes started to drift. Carmine didn’t know how much they let themselves see – but whether he was making out or manhandling a girl’s puss*, no one would challenge an Alpha like blondie if they had any excuse not to.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Coco teased.

She gave Carmine a playful once over, eyes hungry as they devoured her figure. It was a testament to how much Jaune had thrown her off kilter that she hadn’t spotted this vixen the moment she walked in – Carmine was drop dead gorgeous.

“Cute outfit, by the way,” She said. “I love the look. Where’d you get it?”

Carmine preened, pressing her chest forward and flaunting her cleavage.

“Thrift shopping, actually,” Carmine said. “Designer brands are cute and all, but they’re too predictable. Nothing beats combing through the trash and finding a hidden gem – I can’t say no to a bargain.”

Carmine was used to strangers admiring her body and always used it to her advantage – she hadn’t pegged Jaune Arc’s slu*t as a carpet muncher but she was happy to have the in. If Coco wanted to sample her honeypot, she’d let her – Carmine would get her price.

She might even enjoy herself – women weren’t her preference but this girl seemed like a stone cold freak. It would be fun putting her in her place. Carmine didn’t know how many loose ends the Murder Corps intended to tie up, but she’d try to keep Coco alive – there was always a market for girls and a body like Coco’s was worth its weight in gold.

Coco seemed to have come to a similar conclusion, although the look in her eyes was innocent compared to what Carmine had planned for her.

“Sounds like a waste of time to me,” Coco said, “But I can’t argue with the results.”

She ran her eyes over the other woman’s figure one more time before letting out a long, low whistle.

“If you ever want company on one of your salvage runs, let me know.” Coco said. “I’d love to see how the magic happens.”

Carmine gave her a friendly smile. “I’d like that.”

She paused for a moment, waiting for Coco to respond in some way. The fashionista was grinning but didn’t say a word – she expected Carmine to make the next move.

‘Uppity bitch.’ Carmine thought irritably. She kept the emotion off her face.

“I think this is the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship,” Carmine continued, words soaked in honey.

Coco pulled out her wallet and handed her a business card. The redhead took it eagerly… so, Jaune’s girl was a model . f*cking figures.

In one fell swoop the spy had gotten a phone number, an agent, an email and a mailing address – maybe if she was lucky it was the same place Coco lived. Even if it wasn’t, she could cross reference what she had with info on the CCTS to find her – if the slu*tty little minx didn’t invite her over herself one of these days.

Coco turned to leave, but Carmine caught her wrist and held her in place.

The brunette turned back at her, with a faint expression of annoyance.

“We’ll be in touch,” she said curtly, “but it’ll have to wait. I’ve got a hot date right now.”

Carmine didn’t let go.

“I saw,” She teased. “But can’t you spare a moment or two for a little girltalk?”

Coco pulled away. “No,” she said impatiently.

“He’s got you wrapped around his finger, doesn’t he?”

That stopped Coco in her tracks. She turned back to Carmine again, who was feigning innocence, as if she didn’t realize she had just hit an uncomfortable bullseye.

“Can’t say I blame you,” she said. “Your boyfriend’s hot . Like, ‘where the f*ck did you find him and how do I go there’ hot.”

Coco considered her for a moment, an unreadable expression on her face.

“You aren’t interested in me.” She said evenly. “You’re just using me to get to him .”

Carmine’s eyes widened as the entire plan went to hell.

She had pegged Coco as an easy mark – she hadn’t expected this exhibitionist floozie to be smart .

Maybe she could play the part of a man-eating slu*t who was shamelessly trying to steal Coco’s boyfriend, which would explain away why she was interested but would make any other attempts to get close impossible if the fashionista was around. No doubt she’d tip off her target too, if only to keep her man from straying – fool’s errand though it was.

Still, even as hot as Carmine was and as horny as her target seemed to be, it wasn’t a good start if Jaune Arc was introduced to her as a homewrecking stalker. She didn’t know if he was a freak or not - she had never seen one up close but she’d heard the rumors, stories of a lone man or woman butchering an entire gang at once. It would be risky enough to follow him if he knew who she was and was on the lookout - if he distrusted her for any reason, and thought she might be a threat…

‘f*ck,’ she thought angrily. ‘f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!’

The seasoned criminal’s mind came up blank as she tried to think up some way out of this, or at least some way to keep this arrogant bitch quiet, but she didn’t need to.

Coco was smiling as she watched the sexy biker girl start to stammer out a denial.

As a matter of fact, she would love to talk about her favorite blond stud for a minute or two. Being his slu*t was bad enough, but these weird stirrings she was starting to feel in her chest were even more dangerous. She had never been intimate with a man before… never like this , and all these new feelings excited her as much as they unnerved her.

Beacon’s Queen Bee had countless superficial friendships, but no one she trusted with something like this. If Coco told one of her random hangers on that Beacon’s most well known lesbian might have caught feelings for a boy , the entire school would find out before the end of the week.

Her parents would have been no help either – her mother would be ecstatic but couldn’t offer much in the way of advice, and as supportive as her dad was she doubted he’d be happy to hear about how his princess felt when she was getting dicked down.

The only person she could have talked her feelings through with was Velvet, but the woman she loved was off the table. It was bad enough Coco was screwing her man behind her back – if she was out going on romantic dates and getting all warm and fuzzy with him, living out Velvet’s fantasy despite knowing how she felt, that could be read as a betrayal of the worst kind.

It wasn’t, and Coco had every intention of bringing her Bun-Bun along and getting them both their happy ending with Prince Charming, but she couldn’t tell her that until Velvet was Jaune’s girl too.

She couldn’t tell Jaune either. It was bad enough that he owned her body - letting him into her head would be a complete surrender.

But Carmine was a complete outsider – nothing Coco told her would go back to the wrong ears. And if this slu*t wanted to hop into bed with them too? Well… Coco had no objections to that.

“I’ll bite.” She teased. “Shoot.”

Jaune was waiting for her by the door — he had already taken care of the bill and was eager to get a move on and get her in bed.

“What took you so long?” He asked, keeping the irritation out of his voice as he wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her down the hall.

Coco leaned into his touch with an amused smile.

“I got us a hot date.” She said.


Her grin widened. “You’ll see.”

They had been walking for 20 seconds when Coco felt a familiar set of eyes on her back.

She kept her eyes forward but gently nudged her companion.

“Redhead.” She whispered. “6 o'clock.”

Jaune turned to look at a random display window and discretely checked his periphery.

Even he couldn’t resist letting out a low, appreciative whistle.

Coco smirked.

Carmine had surreptitiously followed them out of the restaurant, and was walking past them as if she didn’t see them.

The fashionista gave her a friendly wave as she passed before inviting her lover to give the woman a proper once over from behind.

She watched that perfect ass sway in those skimpy jean shorts and saw Jaune lick his lips.

“So,” she teased, “Think she’s threeway material?”

Jaune let out a deep breath.

“Why don’t we ask her? Now.”

Coco looked at him, impressed.

“You don’t waste time, do you?”

Jaune smirked. “She already said was up for it, didn’t she? No strings attached?”

Coco hummed. “Well, she didn’t come out and say it, but she was dropping a lot of hints.”

She watched in real time as a touch of indecision entered his eyes — his desire to sample that sweet desert peach warring with his hang ups about dragging any woman into his bed who he wasn’t 100% sure wanted to be there.

The decision was made for them, though, because in the instant they took to discuss the proposition the spy had already disappeared into the crowd.

‘You f*cking moron .’ Shadow spat venomously as Jaune glanced through a mass of bodies, trying to spot a trace of orange hair or long, bare leg.

He didn’t bother to try and go after her though.

He sighed.

“Ah well, easy come easy go.”

Coco shook her head. “You don’t seriously think I’d let a body like that go that easily, do you?”

She pulled another business card out of her pocket. “I gave her my number. It’s only a matter of time.”

Jaune arched an eyebrow.

Coco colored slightly. “What?”

“I thought you were good at picking up women.”

Her eyes narrowed. “ Excuse me?”

Jaune shook his head. “Coco, Coco, Coco,” he teased, “If you ask a girl out, you’re supposed to get her number. That way, she doesn’t forget you or blow you off, and you get to take the lead in the relationship. It’s dating 101.”

Coco rolled her eyes. “Newsflash, blondie, I’m a girl.”

“But you’re the one trying to seduce her .” He countered.

Coco grinned. “Not exactly.”

Jaune gave her an impressed look. “She came on to you?”

“Are you surprised?”

He really shouldn’t have been — Coco was sexy as hell — but something about it seemed off .

“I didn’t think most girls swung that way,” Jaune said thoughtfully, half-formed questions niggling at the back of his mind.

“Don’t remind me,” Coco groused. “But in this case I think it’s more of a package deal. She was eyeing me up but she’s really interested in you.”


Part of him wanted to take it at face value. While he was remarkably dense in some specific instances, as a general matter he knew he was damn near irresistible to the opposite sex and couldn’t help being proud of it. As gratifying as it was to have four gorgeous women at his beck and call, the thought of such a beautiful stranger begging to hop into his bed before he’d even so much as talked to her stroked his big dicked ego.

It seemed almost too good to be true.

Coco picked up on his discomfort.

“What’s up?”

Jaune sighed.

“Probably nothing.” He said, hoping she’d drop it.

She didn’t.

“It’s just, now that I think about it, I think I’ve seen her before.”

Coco smirked. “Jaune, I know you.” She teased. “If you saw a body like that, you’d remember.”

He let out a self deprecating grin.

“Takes one to know one.” He said. His smile fell. “I didn’t get a look at her until now. But I think I’ve been catching glimpses of her all day. Just a flash of hair or a stray shoulder before it disappeared into the crowd.”

Coco laughed. “You don’t think she was stalking you, do you?”

Jaune laughed with her… but as insane as it sounded, that was exactly what he thought.

Coco shook her head. “Hell, maybe she was following you all day. She totally has the hots for you — she probably was just too shy to come out and say it.”

“Did she seem shy to you?” Jaune asked — she didn’t look it.

That made Coco pause.

“No, not to me ,” she admitted. “But when it comes to you…”

Jaune looked at her skeptically.

“What, I’m intimidating?”

Coco grinned before giving him a meaningful once over.

“Jaune,” she said, trailing a hand up his big, hard chest while tilting her head up to look at him. “I mean this in the best way possible – you are extremely intimidating.”

The Arc felt a dark glow of pride as the fashionista fawned over his muscled physique.

He put his hands on her waist, leaning down.

“Well, when you put it like that—“

“—So are you two just going to stand out here, or-“

Both teens whipped around in irritation as one of the clerks at the store came out to bother them.

The woman had the decency to look apologetic.

“Sorry,” she said sheepishly. “Am I interrupting a moment?”

Jaune gave her a bemused glare.

“You think?”

“Sorry,” the clerk repeated. “You two are a really cute couple, you know.”

Coco pushed him away brusquely, an unreadable look on her face.

“So are you two expecting?” the woman continued obliviously, “Or are you just thinking ahead?

Coco was bewildered for a moment before she actually bothered to look at the display window they had stopped in front of.

The store was selling baby clothes.

…Cute baby clothes.

Jaune watched in amusem*nt as one of the proudest girls he’d ever met flushed pink.

“His sister is having a baby shower next month,” Coco lied smoothly, “we were just looking.”

Her eyes drifted to a blue onesie that would look adorable on a toddler with Jaune’s eyes. As if by instinct, different combinations flitted through her mind — outfits that would work well for a person with her complexion and his hair, or her smile but his face.

The saleswoman grinned, watching the gears in the girl’s mind whirl. “You’ll get a closer look if you come inside.” She said before leaning in conspiratorially as if Jaune couldn’t hear. “It’s never too early to start working on a wishlist — I have a feeling that before long his sister will be shopping for you .”

Coco stepped back as if she had just been burned.

“We’re fine.” She said curtly. Her voice sounded calm and composed… except it rang a half note higher than usual. “This place looks tacky anyway.”

The clerk brushed the insult off with a good natured smile as the blond led his woman away – a large, powerful hand wrapped comfortably over her waist.

“Come back soon!” She teased.

Bitch. ” Coco whispered under her breath.

Jaune hummed pleasantly as he pulled her into his side. “Don’t be like that. She was nice.”

Coco trembled slightly as her body pressed against his hard, muscled torso and his fingers danced over her skin.

Jaune could feel the heat radiating off her, and could hear the hammering of her heart.

“We’d make cute kids.”

Coco let out a strangled gasp.

She turned to look up at the blond. His lips had quirked up in a faint smirk, but one look in his eyes told her he wasn’t joking. The primal, intense desire in those dark blue orbs and the instinctive tightening of his grip was enough to shatter whatever illusions of self control she had left.

She wanted his co*ck in her now .

“...Take me.” Coco breathed, her core burning .

Jaune grinned. “Right now? I thought you wanted to stop at one more store.”

Coco bit back a whimper as the Arc pulled away from her. She knew Jaune wanted this as badly as she did, but after a day’s worth of teasing it wasn’t enough for him to see her break – he was going to make her beg.

Her eyes darted around them, cursing the passersby that forced her to keep her voice down.

…It was a testament to how much he had ruined her that she’d choose getting dicked down over her dignity any day of the week.

“I don’t care anymore.” She hissed. “Just take me to that cheap motel. Or your car. Or mine. Or the bathroom - anywhere .”

“I dunno,” Jaune said, smiling playfully. “There are a ton of cool stores here that we haven’t hit yet.” He gestured vaguely from display window to display window, some fashionable, some not – he didn’t know the difference.

Coco could barely bring herself to care – Jaune could transform into the best dressed man in Remnant and he’d still be edging her into insanity.

“Why don’t we go there?” He said airily, pointing to some Avocado Republic knock-off, “Or there… Or there? Or-”

-The blond stopped short.

Coco followed his gaze.

The storefront was the least appealing thing she had seen all day – racks of oversized t-shirts slathered with putrid colors and the logo fecal matter of various bands, companies, and games. A few bobbleheads of cartoon characters and cheap collectible kitsch were scattered across its walls – posters, figurines, chain wallets, alarm clocks, water bottles, pre-torn jeans, trading cards, novelty lighters and the banners of a half dozen outdated political movements.

Its black walls were illuminated by bright neon green wires clumsily tacked on-to the walls.

Cruz Collectibles was garishly scrawled over the entrance… in impact font.

Coco braced herself for a serious talk with her lover about his aesthetic sensibilities before she saw the girl.

Her face was framed by a mop of neck length brown curls, her eyes furrowed as she lounged behind the counter with a comic book in hand. Her top was baggy and unflattering - a garish green criss-crossed with blacks and whites and grays – but her face was cute… very pretty, in fact, with full lips, vivid green eyes and a button nose that was scrunched up in reaction to whatever pulp she was leafing through.

Then, as if she could feel their stares, the girl looked up.

Her eyes went wide as saucers, her jaw dropping slightly, before she let out a barely audible squeak and looked away, trying and failing to hide the way her eyes darted back to the blond every other second.

Okay, forget cute. This girl was adorable . Nerdy, awkward, obviously interested in the adonis she had just laid eyes on and painfully shy about it. Not that she had anything to worry about – something about her had instantly caught Jaune’s eye.

…Something familiar. The resemblance was faint, but the girl almost reminded Coco of…

… Coco grinned wolfishly.

“I changed my mind.” She whispered, catching Jaune’s attention. “Let’s check this place out.”

Coco could wait just a little longer.

Jessica Cruz had never believed in love at first sight.

Sure, she had met some cute guys and even dated a handful of them, but she had never felt any magical pull they talked about in fairy tales or chick flicks – she’d seen through that saccharine crap for as long as she could remember.

She’d always been more drawn to action movies or video games where good looking people in spandex or other unreasonably tight clothes traded quips between battles. They’d occasionally ogle each other in a comfortable ‘will they, won’t they’ set up, to be resolved sometime between ‘cancellation’ and never, or, if absolutely necessary, in a brief jump cut epilogue where the couple was already married with kids and the audience got to skip all the messy, uncomfortable in-between stages of the relationship. Jess liked her romance plots brief, uncomplicated, somewhere in the background, never as the focus – no matter how hot they were, watching other people suck face wasn’t that interesting.

Now she was left grasping for metaphors as every sappy trope in the book hit her like a ton of bricks.

She felt butterflies in her stomach, her breath caught, her jaw dropped, her heart fluttered, she swore she even saw through the world threw a shojo pink filter as the most beautiful man she’d ever seen started walking towards her.

He was tall, handsome and powerfully built, with broad shoulders, a chiseled jawline and breathtaking blue eyes, with messy blond hair she could run her fingers through for days…

…Jess bit her lip, resisting the urge to slap some sense into herself. She might have done it, if the hunk wasn’t standing in front of her.

…On second thought, tall was an understatement . The guy stood head and shoulders above her, and was built like a tank, towering over her lithe little frame. More than his obvious physical strength, there was an air of confidence that followed him, an aura of overwhelming power that radiated from his every pore and drew her in like a moth to flame. Jessica knew she was short, despite her occasional grumbling to the contrary, but never in her life had anyone made her feel so small .

She stared dumbly into his deep, blue eyes, and felt like time stood still.

‘Get a grip!’ She thought futility, her heart hammering against her ribcage.

He smiled confidently, which did nothing to help her raging hormones, and extended a hand toward her.

“Jaune Arc.” He said smoothly, as she reached forward to grab it. “Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it.”

Coco rolled her eyes — that was the corniest pick up line she had ever heard.

The girl behind the counter seemed to fall for it hook line and sinker, though. Her skin turned beet red, and Coco could almost see steam coming out of her ears.

Jess tried to move her lips, but could only manage to repress the internal screaming. ‘Oh my god, he likes me, he likes me! Or does he say that to every girl… I mean, a guy like this has to be a total player, doesn’t he?! Oh, why didn’t I pay attention to those romcoms Dinah and Diana dragged me to — or the Valentines’ Day episode of Shojo Cynthia’s Magical Adventures, or… how long has he been holding my hand…?’

“J-Jessica!” She stammered out, pulling her fingers out of his strong, calloused grip to point helpfully at her name tag. “Jessica Cruz.”

He smiled wider, eyes gleaming, and Jessica swore if her core could get any hotter she was going to melt.

Then his eyes darted down.

“Is that the new X-Ray and Vav?”

Prince Charming had just thrown her a lifeline and she latched onto it immediately .

“Yeah, issue 1112, we just got it!”

The Incredible Hunk – ‘ Jaune’ , she corrected herself – looked impressed.

“I thought it didn’t come out until tomorrow.”

Jessica grinned. “Well, yeah, technically,” she said, “but vendors usually get the copies a day or two in advance — it’s the best part about working here. The series has been on hiatus for, like, 6 months, and they’ve been teasing the reveal of the traitor’s identity for over a year now. Technically I’m not supposed to take these out of storage before launch day, but this shift has been super slow and the anticipation was killing me! I wasn’t going to wait another second!”

“So who is it?”

Jess blinked.

“Oh…” she murmured awkwardly. She had been one page away from finding out before this stud muffin had walked into her life and she’d forgotten all about it. “I… uh…”

“It’s Hilda, isn’t it.”


Jaune looked down at her knowingly. “Oh, come on, you know I’m right. It couldn’t possibly be more telegraphed – she’s the only one smart enough to be playing both sides!”

“Which is why it’s a red herring!” Jess shouted. “They’re playing with the audience's expectations. They wouldn’t actually make Hilda the mole, it would totally undercut her entire character arc!”

“They’ve done the exact same thing before.” Jaune shot back. “Remember how they spent 2 whole arcs trying to rehabilitate the Mad King only to reveal he was a child predator in a one-panel gag and then retcon him out of existence?”

“That was obviously a satirical reference to the casting couch controversy that Horner Brothers was going through at the time – Brian Horner was the inspiration for the Mad King and the writers didn’t want the IP associated with him anymore. Besides, that gag was legendary!”

“Exactly.” Jaune said. “Which means the writers are happy to throw out character arcs and continuity if it’s convenient or the set up for a good joke.”

Jess crossed her arms. “What would be the point of undoing the main arc of the story’s most popular female character? Wouldn’t it be funnier if X-Ray is wrong?”

“Are you kidding ? After more than 100 chapters of being wrong over and over again about everything, and losing all credibility, what would be funnier than X-Ray’s latest crackhead theory being totally accurate?”

“Oh, I don’t know, something that doesn’t ruin the most compelling drama the series has ever seen?”

“X-Ray and Vav is a gag comic, they’re incompetent at long running storylines.”

Jess let out an exaggerated gasp of indignation. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I thought you had taste!”

Coco watched on from a distance with an amused smirk.

On one hand, seeing two people their age unironically arguing about the same Saturday morning cartoon her brother had stopped watching when he was eight was a little surreal, but on the other she couldn’t deny how slick Jaune was.

This Jessica girl, who seemed incredibly anxious, was now totally at ease — she was totally comfortable with the brawny blond stranger invading her personal space, and no matter how passionately the girl disagreed with him Coco couldn’t help but notice the faint flush of her skin, the delighted twinkle in her eyes, and the way she never took them off Jaune.

“—Eddy Jordan is the literary master of our age and I will not let his magnum opus be slandered as a cheap gag comic.”

Jaune grinned. “Oh, come on, you're laying it on a little thick, aren’t you?”

Jess smirked. “No, I’m deadly serious. I don’t joke about X-Ray and Vav.”

Jaune. “Alright, how much do you wanna bet it’s Hilda?”

Jessica reached into her pocket before she caught a stunning young woman staring at them out of the corner of her eye.

Suddenly reminded that she technically had a job she was supposed to be doing, she reluctantly tore her attention away from tall, blond and dreamy to address the potential customer.

“Can I help you, miss?” She said, hoping against hope that she said no.

“No,” Coco said, and Jess fought to keep the relief off her face.

That relief faded as the fashionista strolled forward and looped her arm around the blond’s.

“I’m with him.”

Jess’s eyes darted between them, watching with barely disguised disappointment as Jaune took the other girl’s hand in his.

‘Of course a stud like him would have a goddamn supermodel hanging off his arm.’ She thought bitterly, as her short lived fantasies were crushed under the heel of a more glamorous girl. ‘Well, it was fun while it lasted.’

Fortunately, she had plenty of experience bottling up her negative emotions in the name of her sanity and customer service.

“What are you looking for?” She asked.

‘You.’ Jaune thought rather unhelpfully, as his mind raced for an alibi.

“My friend here’s on the market for jeans.” Coco said smoothly.

Jess hummed thoughtfully. “We have a few vintage pairs on the shelf in the back left.” Her eyes raked greedily over Jaune’s large, muscled form, despite her best efforts to control herself. “...I don’t know if we have your size, though.”

“I’ll see if I can find something salvageable.” Coco said matter-of-factly.

Jaune moved to follow her but she waved him away.

“Leave the fashion choices to me, loverboy,” she said, with a playful grin.

“What am I, your dress up doll?”

Coco smiled, then wrapped her arms around his neck and stood up her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

“I’ll only need a minute,” she breathed sultrily. “In the meantime, look around. Pick up something you like.”

Jaune didn’t miss the way her eyes darted to Jessica, who was face down in her comic and ignoring their intimate moment as best she could. Coco let out a faint gasp as Jaune’s fingers dug possessively into her ass.

“Behave,” he ordered in a hushed, low tone, before sending her off with a barely audible spank.

Coco flushed faintly as she disappeared down the aisle, an alluring sway in her step.

Jess peeked up from her comic, checking out the other girl’s long legs, round, smackable ass and the confident swagger in her step with no small amount of envy.

Then she forced herself to turn the page.

“Oh, come on!”

Jaune looked down to see the petite girl scowling at her comic like it had just f*cked her boyfriend.

“...What happened?”

Jessica’s eyes darted up to meet his, before she wordlessly handed him the issue.

Jaune flipped to the beginning and raced his way through the story until he got to the offending panel.

Then he burst out laughing.

“R-rusty?” He wheezed. The old geezer had given away the access codes to the League’s mainframe, when he was blackout drunk… for drinking money.

Jess crossed her arms. “It’s not funny.”

Jaune snickered.

The girl did her best to glower, but Jaune’s mirth was infectious, and soon enough she was trying and failing to suppress a giggle.

“X-Ray and Vav is peak fiction.” Jaune said, setting the comic down on the counter.

“Bullsh*t. Eddy Jordan’s a hack.” Jess said playfully. “That’ll be Ⱡ499, by the way.”

“Worth every cent.” Jaune said, still chuckling as he reached for his wallet. “I haven’t been to a lot of comic book shops that sell pants – what exactly is your business model?”

Jess shrugged. “We sell collectibles,” she said, gesturing vaguely. “You know… knick knacks, baubles, curios. Clothes, costumes, posters, toys, games, DVDs, comics, offensive bumper stickers… some X-rated stuff in the back. Basically, if my uncle thinks it’s cool, we stock it.”

“So, it’s a family business, then?”

“I guess.” Jess said. “I basically got drafted into it. The store needed an extra hand and family’s cheap.” she sighed. “Uncle Marco gets weekends off, I get a little cash in my pocket, and my parents don’t have to worry about what their little girl gets up to when she isn’t in class.”

Jaune’s pants tightened as he thought of all the ways he could get her into trouble.

“You don’t sound too happy about it.”

Jess bit her lip. “I probably shouldn’t have told you that.”

Jaune smiled, setting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said pleasantly. “I’ve got time to kill. It’s not like I’m going to go blabbing to anyone.”

Jess smiled back. “Yeah, I guess not.” she said, trying to ignore the way his touch exhilarated her. “You wouldn’t even know who to tell.”

“Exactly. So, shoot.”

Jessica looked around – it had been a painfully slow shift and no other customers were here, except for Coco, who was taking her sweet time. She took a deep breath.

“It’s not that bad.” She said. “Like I said, the money’s nice, and I’m happy my Uncle is living the dream… it’s just not my dream.”

“What is your dream?”

“...I don’t know.” Jessica said. “ I’m 16, I’m not supposed to have everything figured out yet… I just wish my parents didn’t take that as an opportunity to make all the big decisions for me! Where I work, what classes I’m going to take, what practices I have to go to, what friends I can hang out with!”

Jess had started out soft and hesitant, but once she got going it was impossible for her to stop. By the end she was practically shouting.

“But I’m also terrified to tell them that because I don’t know what I’d do if they let me, and I know I’m supposed to support the family, and set a good example for my sister, and I just want them to be proud of me! The last thing I want them to hear is me whining for the sake of whining…”

She deflated.

“…Like I’m doing now.” She mumbled, her face as red as a tomato. “Sorry.”

Before she could die of embarrassment, Jess felt Jaune’s thumb trace gently over her collarbone, his hand still resting on her shoulder in a comforting gesture.

“Don’t be,” he said warmly. Her heart pounded as she looked up into his bright, kind eyes. “Sounds like you needed to get that off your chest.”

“Y-y-eah.” Jess stammered, tripping over her tongue as she tried to control herself. She raised a shaking, delicate hand and placed it over Jaune’s – it was so much bigger than hers – before feebly prying it off. “Could – could you, um…”

Jaune pulled away instantly, a contrite expression on his face.

“Sorry about that,” he said. “I shouldn’t have got in your personal space like that, I just couldn’t… you looked like you needed a hug.”

Jess smiled shakily. “I’m good,” she said, as if she didn’t miss the warmth of his touch, as if the idea of leaping up into this stranger’s arms and letting him hold her tight for as long as he wanted didn’t sound like the greatest idea she had ever–

‘--Get a grip, girl!’ she thought furiously, shaking her head. Gods, what was wrong with her today?!

“Besides, we wouldn’t want to give your girlfriend the wrong idea,” Jess said, her eyes darting meaningfully to Coco, who was taking her sweet time examining the handful of jeans on offer with an expert eye.

Jaune’s lips twinged upwards in an involuntary smirk. He fought to keep the amusem*nt off his face, but Jess could feel the confidence emanating off of him.

“Anyway,” Jess chuckled nervously, “parents. What can you do?”

The blond shrugged nonchalantly, with an unreadable expression. “Yeah, what can you do? Anyway, what’s the coolest thing you’ve got?”

“You mean aside from X-Ray and Vav?” She asked, with a conspiratorial grin.

Jaune smiled back, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

Thankfully Jess didn’t notice.

“Well, we’ve got a replica of the katana used by Hōng Shu in the Great War, a first edition starter kit for BattleAxe 20K, a hard light holographic projector for home movies — although honestly it’s way overpriced and the format never really took off, there’s a reason they only made a few thousand of the things — and…” Jess paused, pointing down at the display window to a familiar rectangular shape. “We have this bad boy.”

It was a vintage VCL trading card, laminated and in mint condition with a gold leaf trim surrounding the edges of the paper. It was from a special, limited run, a commemoration of an unparalleled achievement in the history of combat sports. And, looping over the stats, there was a rare signature Jaune had seen countless times.

This is my Uncle’s pride and joy,” Jess said. “A signed combat card of the Man of Stone himself.”

“You’re a fan of combat sports?” Jaune asked neutrally.

Jess shook her head with a wry grin. “I mean, compared to most girls, yeah, but I’ve got nothing on Uncle Marco. He waited three hours after Mason Arc’s final match to get his signature.”

Jaune remembered — he and his sisters had stayed up late, crowded into a private box, waiting for Dad to finish up his farewells, before they went on a week-long vacation to celebrate their father’s “retirement”. Yang had found a copy of this card in a variety pack 7 months later… lucky girl.

“How did your Uncle get a hold of the card so fast?” Jaune asked. “It was supposed to be released after his 100th victory, and only 100 cards were ever made.”

Jess shook her head, before she began retelling the story, settling into a comfortable rhythm like she had heard it a hundred times.

“Like I said, retailers get stuff earlier,” she explained. “Besides, they had already started printing — they didn’t exactly rig the fight, but no one had ever come close to a 100-round streak, and the promoters in the league weren’t about to pass up a marketing opportunity like that. Evander Cosgrove was decent , but there was no way he was going to hold a candle against the Champ — if they wanted a real challenge, they would have paired him up with the 1st-ranked contender, not the 4th .”

Jaune remembered otherwise. According to a doctor’s note, Apollo Lang had a hairline fracture in his wrist. Mike Bison was in the clink on battery charges, and had declined to post bail. Dwayne Rothschild had a “scheduling conflict.” It was an open secret in the business that “the Champ” was getting ready to step away, and nobody wanted to be the last guy he beat down.

Nobody but Evander Cosgrove.

Jaune remembered the sound of his father on the phone in the next room over, approving the match up with his manager, “Evander’s a dumb son of a bitch, but he’s got guts.”

They danced for 10 rounds before Mason brought the other man down with one of his fabled knockouts — he’d held back just enough to make it seem like the challenger had a glimmer of a chance.

It had been a hell of a night.

“Anyway, since they knew Mason Arc was gonna win, they printed the run early.” Jess said. “The real trick was staggering the release schedule so that it felt like someone won the lottery when they found one. Uncle Marco was a Man of Stone megafan, so when he found out 10 cards were going to hit shelves on the first week, he bought up an entire truckload.” Jess smiled fondly. “Ran out of space at his apartment and started stacking up spares in our living room… Mom was pissed.”

“He opened an entire truckload of trading cards?”

Jess grinned. “That’s the funny part. He looked at the specs and figured out that the gold leaf in the card would add a tiny bit of extra weight. The crazy bastard got a few of those miniature scales – you know, the kind you’d use in chemistry or something – and kept weighing unopened trading card decks until he found one that was slightly heavier than a standard set. Took him 3 days and 10,012 tries to do it.” She rolled her eyes. “He sold most of the stock off to other retailers – at a loss – but he still says it was the best investment he ever made.”

She pointed to the infinity symbol on the price tag. “He’d probably give up a testicl* before he’d sell the thing – he only keeps it on display so he can show off to a wider audience.”

Jaune nodded politely while his eyes drifted. Then he perked up.

“... Is that a sloth keychain?”

Jess tilted her head slightly.

“Uh… yeah?” She said, faintly confused. “It’s the cheapest thing we have… like, Ⱡ6.”

“Sold.” He said, chuckling to himself as he twiddled it in his hands. “Nora’s gonna love this.”

Jess was faintly annoyed at the knowledge that another girl could make him smile like that, although the feeling was quickly drowned by the embarrassment she felt at how catty was being. She had just met the guy… What did she care if he had a harem?

“Will that be all?” She asked, as she rang him up.

Jaune hummed thoughtfully. “I should probably get something for Ruby…”

…Okay, maybe it bothered her a little .

However many female friends this guy had – Jess heard him hesitate before adding an item for some eastern Mistrali girl to his cart – all of them seemed to have pretty eccentric tastes. Aside from the keychain, he’d picked out two books from the bargain bin – a “joke” book instruction manual about how to make homemade explosives and a used copy of ‘The Words and Deeds of Sengoku the Pure’.

“So, uh… do you go to school around here?” She asked awkwardly, not ready to see him go just yet.

“Sort of.” Jaune said. “I’m at Beacon Academy – about an hour’s drive from here.”

“Figures.” She said, without malice. “District Capitale High… go Marvels.”

Jaune looked at her blankly.

“You know… the Marvels?” She said, “Black and gold uniforms, best team in the East Conference?”

“Second best,” Coco said playfully, a few oversized jeans in hand. “Don’t mind him, babe, he lives in his own little world.” Then she turned to Jaune. “They’re our football rivals – we beat the snot out of them once a year.”

“You do not!” Jess said hotly.

Coco smirked.

The smaller flushed. “...We only lost by 3 points last season. And we’re definitely going to kick your asses this year.”

“Good to hear.” Coco said. “That trophy’s been gathering dust for a while now… it could use a little vacation.”

Jess glowered but held her tongue. Instead, she took a deep breath and turned her attention back to Jaune, who looked a little bemused.

“So, I guess I’ll see you at the Big Game.” Jess said casually.

“Probably not.” Jaune replied.

Now it was Jess’s turn to look confused. Her eyes raked over his muscular form again. “You mean… you aren’t… you’re not…?”

“I’m not on the team.” Jaune said. “I’m not on any team, actually - I’m not really a sports guy.”

Jessica couldn’t help herself.

“You’re pretty f*cking ripped for somebody who isn’t a jock.”

Her hands flew over her mouth an instant too late.

Jaune laughed goodnaturedly. “I work out every day – I basically live at the gym.”

The warmth in his voice calmed her down. Jess cracked half a smile as she gave herself permission to ogle his arms for a few more seconds.

“Yeah… I can see that…” she said. “Well, if that’s true it’s slightly less insulting that you don’t even know who we are. But you’d better go home and tell your Beacon buddies that DC High has your number.”

“Whatever you say.” Jaune said. He obviously did not give even a fractional f*ck about who won ‘The Big Game’, but he’d play along. “You seem pretty into it – are you on any school teams?”

Jessica bit her lip.

“Promise you won’t laugh?”

Jaune arched an eyebrow. “Why the hell would I laugh?”

The girl looked down at the floor as she crossed her arms in front of her chess.

“I’m… actually on the cheer team.” She said, embarrassed.

Before the blond had the chance to get a word in edgewise, she hurriedly began explaining herself.

“I know I don’t seem like the type, and really I’m not, but I did gymnastics as a kid and my folks thought it would be a good way to get out of my shell, so they made me try out and then when I somehow made the cut I didn’t want to disappoint them, so I just sort of… kept doing it. And yeah, the other girls make me feel like a dweeb sometimes, but there are some nice ones too, and even though I look ridiculous in it I think the uniform is actually kind of cute and–”

She felt a faint pressure on her lips as Jaune pressed a finger against her mouth. She flushed red and promptly shut up.

“Okay, slow down.” He said sternly. “What do you mean ‘you don’t seem like the type?’”

Jess wouldn’t look him in the eyes.

“You know,” she said awkwardly, making vague gestures with her hand. “Cheerleaders are supposed to be a lot of things that I’m not. Pretty, popular, confident–”

“-Jessica, I’m an honest guy, and I’ve met a lot of good looking women,” Jaune said.

‘Of course you have,’ she thought bitterly, ‘ you go to f*cking Beacon.’

“You are really cute.”

Jess blinked.

‘Say what?’

She looked up at Jaune, who was staring down at her with eyes darkened by undisguised desire.

If Jessica thought she was hot under the collar before…

“Oh…” she said dumbly, as her body trembled and her mind went blank. “Well, I, uhm… I mean, thanks but… I… you…”

Her eyes darted over to Coco, expecting some kind of objection. Instead, she saw the girl lowering her glasses as she gave her an appraising look.

“You’ve got a lot of potential.” Coco said. “Pretty face, smooth skin, nice hair, and your eyes are a striking shade of green. Your outfit is awful, though – the muted earthy tone and the bright neon green clash like crazy, and the baggy jacket does nothing for your figure. The gradients and the grays with the little bright flourishes give it a sort of industrial feel, which could work, but it looks like you’re trying to blend in more than stand out.” Coco grinned. “That’s easy to fix, though. Streamline the color scheme, get something a little more form-fitting, and you’ll be turning heads in an afternoon.”

Jess looked confused and faintly annoyed – maybe she could understand why this runway model wasn’t bothered by her boyfriend eyeing up another girl in public, but if somehow Coco was secretly jealous, why was she helping her? Was she just trying to feign concern to knock her down a peg? But then why the compliments?

“...Thanks,” she said hesitantly.

“Don’t mind her,” Jaune said. “Coco can get really anal about clothes. She’s spent the past 6 hours trying to convince me that jeans and a hoodie aren’t a complete wardrobe.”

Coco shook her head, muttering something that sounded vaguely like “hopeless” but there was a trace of affection in her tone.

“I’d say it depends.” Jess said playfully. “How nice is the hoodie?”

“Well, I left it in the car, but,” Jaune pulled out a thin tablet that expanded out into a hardlight screen – Jess wasn’t even going to ask.

Even if she wanted to find out how his weird phone worked, she had more important questions to attend to.

“Oh my god,” Jess mouthed, looking at the groupshot. “Is that a real Pumpkin Pete limited edition hoodie?”

Jaune grinned. “Yeah it is. I had to send in 50 box tops to get it.”

“That’s awesome , dude! My family was only able to finish 19 before–”

Coco licked her lips as she watched the seemingly shy, mousy little clerk light up as she talked to Jaune – how she subconsciously leaned forward and kept touching his arms every time she wanted to emphasize a point, brushing her fingers against him as her eyes drank him in. The excitement in her voice, the faint blush on her cheeks, and the glowing look on her face from just being in the blond’s presence.

Jaune had to see it – Jessica was so painfully obvious about her crush on him.

If Coco ever had any doubts about Jaune’s ability to charm girls into bed, they had been thoroughly disproven. Fifteen minutes of talking to the girl and this little cutie was all but throwing herself at him. If Coco wasn’t here she had no doubt the other woman would have volunteered her number, bringing her into the fold would be laughably easy.

All they needed was a little push.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Coco said sweetly, cutting Jess off mid-sentence. “But we’ve got places to be.” She shot Jaune undisguised bedroom eyes, instantly getting his attention.

“Right,” Jaune said slowly, his voice deepening ever so slightly. “Jess, could you ring this up?”

The girl’s face fell slightly. “Oh… yeah,” she said, taking the jeans out of Coco’s arms. She looked at the dimensions on the tags as she scanned the barcode. She gave Coco a skeptical look.

“Are you sure these’ll fit?” She asked.

Coco smiled knowingly. “They’ll have to be tailored, like pretty much everything else. Most men don’t have bodies like Jaune’s.”

Jessica nodded in agreement before she remembered that the man in question was standing 3 feet away.

Jaune was too busy admiring Coco’s nubile form to even notice.

Jess bagged the items and reluctantly handed them over, still too embarrassed to look her new crush in the eye.

“It was nice to meet you,” she said shyly.

Jaune’s hands brushed against hers as he grabbed his items. “Right back at you.” he said warmly.

Suddenly Coco was shoving another set of clothes into his arms.

Jaune shots her an annoyed look.

Coco shot back with a winning smile as she lovingly stroked his chest.

“On second thought, can you try on one more thing for me?”

Jaune looked down to find a classic leather jacket and a tight pair of jeans.

“Coco-” He said sternly.

“-Please.” She said sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes at him. “I promise I’ll make it up to-”

-Jaune swooped down and captured her lips mid sentence, grabbing her ass with his free hand as he pulled her body closer to his. His mouth pressed into hers with an urgent need, immediately overwhelming her as his tongue forced its way in.

Coco could only moan like a whor* as he fondled her firm, full cheeks, gyrating her hips against his.

Jessica watched, captivated, as the big male dominated the glamorous beauty, effortlessly turning her into his personal plaything without a hint of hesitation. A few people walking past the store stared openly at the public display of affection that was so intense it bordered on p*rnographic.

Jess was too stunned to say or do anything – she was pretty sure they had a policy against this sort of making out in the store, but as she watched the other girl writhe in pleasure under the Arc’s skilled hands all she could think about was how good it would feel if she was in Coco’s place.

She anxiously rubbed her legs together, oddly turned on – she’d never been more jealous in her life.

Finally, Jaune pulled away, thin strands of saliva connecting the lovers’ lips. His free hand, which had skillfully migrated upward, gave Coco’s breasts one last squeeze, before he stepped back.

One more thing.” He said forcefully, words reverberating in the air. “But when I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk for a week.”

Coco looked up at him, dazed.

“...Yes sir…” she breathed.

“C-changing room is in the back.” Jess squeaked.

Jaune looked down, remembering her presence, and gave her a quick nod before he disappeared.

Jessic stood behind the counter, face glowing bright red, while Coco swayed slightly, with a goofy grin on her face.

“He really is something else,” she murmured. “Don’t you think?”

Jess’s breath caught as the taller girl looked at her with a faintly predatory glint in her eye.

“I– I–,”

Coco grinned. “Oh, come on, if anyone should just be embarrassed here, it’s me.” She said. “You’re not the one who just got taken to second base.”

Jess tittered nervously. “You don’t seem embarrassed.”

Coco laughed faintly – a soft, melodious sound that rang with a note of pure joy. “I guess not.” She said. “Why should I be? With a man like that, who cares what other people think – I know who I belong to.”

Jess audibly swallowed – the undisguised lust in the other girl’s voice was palpable .

The fashionista looked her over, and then leaned over the counter, showing off some of her bare cleavage as she flaunted her phenomenal figure.

“We’re not exclusive, you know.”

Jessica blinked.

She opened her mouth slightly, then closed it, her cheeks burning as the implications of that statement sunk in.

Jess shifted nervously. “That’s… interesting.” She muttered. “Why are you telling me ?”

“Because Jaune has had the hots for you since he laid eyes on you.”

Coco licked her lips as she watched the swirl of emotions in those bright green eyes – shock, uncertainty, shame… desire.

‘Hook, line and sinker.’

“I know you want him,” Coco teased, “ And I don’t blame you. Just look at him – I’m telling you, all those muscles aren’t for show. He wasn’t bluffing – he will rock your world if you let him.”

Jess’s heart powered against her chest as an insane part of her was actually considering the offer.

No, that would never work. Even if she wanted to get her puss* hammered by that handsome blond stud, she could never find the time. He lived so far away and with practice and work and her parents’ constant nagging, she couldn’t just slip away for hours at a time just to hook up, let alone with some stranger. A little fooling around in the school parking lot was one thing, but even if she could travel that far her folks would kill her if they found out. She was the eldest sister, she had to be the responsible one and set a good example for Sara…

… Didn’t she?

“He’s hung like a horse and f*cks like a stallion,” Coco continued, watching the younger girl squirm. “And once he starts, he doesn’t stop until your back is blown out . He’s insatiable – I can’t keep up with him on my own. Jaune needs a whole stable of women to keep him happy – there’s plenty of room for you.”

Jessica bit her lower lip, hard.

“Nuh-uh.” She said, unconvincingly, crossing her arms in front of her. If that was what being with him was like, then forget it. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

Coco smirked, and then slipped a card on the counter.

“Call me if you ever change your mind.” She said.

Suddenly Jaune burst out of the changing room, approaching the checkout counter with thundering steps and a pinched look on his face.

Jess felt a rush of vertigo as her head swiveled to look at him.

However else she felt about the scarlet woman he was sleeping with, she couldn’t deny that Coco had taste. The jacket was a genuine replica of a costume made for some cartoon action hero – by sheer serendipity it fit him almost perfectly. The black leather clung to his v-shaped torso in a way that looked flattering and dangerous all in one – the traces of boyish charm that were left were replaced with a more ‘mature’ aesthetic.

Then, bidden by Coco’s filthy, dirty gossip, Jessica’s eyes drifted down…

Oh god…


Coco smiled as her target fell straight into her trap. She’d given Jaune a pair of skinny jeans – something he’d never put in his right mind. In this state, however, after a day’s worth of teasing, he had eagerly slipped into them, just to get this last little appetizer over with so the pair of them could move on to the main course.

With a bit of luck and Coco’s keen eye, she’d found a pair that fit him quite well – the tight fabric hugging his muscled calves and powerful thighs just enough to show them off. But there was one BIG problem that made them indecent to wear in public.

Jessica’s head swirled as she stared in disbelief at the f*cknormous f*cking rod that was bulging more than halfway down Jaune’s thigh. It looked a pipe bomb had been stuffed down his pants, straining against the flimsy cloth, ready to explode at the slightest provocation

‘This has to be a prank,’ she thought deliriously. ‘He couldn’t have hid that thing if it were real, no matter what he was wearing… he must have taken a gag penis from the back and stuffed his pants to mess with me…’

If Jessica had been thinking more clearly she’d have remembered that the X-rated items were kept under lock and key and that even she didn’t have access to them – they weren’t advertised anywhere in the store and Jaune couldn’t have known what sex toys they carried… if they even carried dild*s that big.

Just when she’d convinced herself it was all a lie, Jessica saw the fantastical bulge twitch .

“What the f*ck ,” she mouthed, Coco’s words playing on a loop in her mind.

‘Hung like a horse, hung like a horse, hung like a goddamn horse .’

“You look amazing,” Coco said happily, leaning over with a playful smirk on her face. “Want me to take a picture?”

Jaune gritted his teeth, and Jessica’s mind blanked out when she saw his dick move again.

Coco stroked her chin thoughtfully. “It’s still… missing something,” she said, pulling a belt out of her bag. She sauntered over to Jaune, who was standing stiff as a board in a feeble attempt to control himself.

She went down to her knees when she was right in front of him, looping the leather strap around his hips while her eyes looked up at him hungrily.

“The belt really ties the look together,” she teased, as she fastened the buckle.

Then, feeling Jaune’s eyes burning into her, she swooped forward and gave the buckle a little kiss.

Jess let out a faint squeak. Jaune’s body thrummed with want as low groan boomed from his chest.

Perfect ,” Coco breathed, moving to stand.

She was only halfway up when Jaune’s arm shot forward and hefted her into the air.

Coco let out a girlish squeal as the Arc slung her over his shoulder like a barbarian carrying his newest prize.

He spared a glance for Jessica, his eyes dark, his tone savage.

“We’ll be in the back.” He said, he growled.

Jess didn’t even try to argue with him.

After hours of having his patience tested, the handful of seconds it took to disappear out of sight and lock the door behind them felt like an eternity.

He set Coco down as gently as he could manage, which wasn’t all that gentle, to be honest, but at least he had the sense to channel his aura into hers to absorb the shock of her fall.

The brunette’s head spun for a moment as she tried to get her bearings.

Then she looked up at her lover with a triumphant grin. He may have driven her wild all day, but now she had made him lose control – made this powerful alpha male abandon all pretense of decorum. She had only caught a glimpse of Jessica’s face before Jaune had tossed her up like a disobedient child, but her reaction had been worth it.

Coco reveled in the dark, warm glow of lust pooling in her loins.

“Just couldn’t keep your hands off me–” she teased, before Jaune grabbed her head and pressed her face against his throbbing crotch.

“Suck.” He grunted. “Now.

She didn’t have to be told twice.

Coco’s deft fingers undid his belt buckled as her warm breath tickled his shaft, the skin tight cloth doing little to dampen the thick, heady musk that radiated from his manhood.

She let out a girlish giggle as the pulsing rod of flesh sprung free from his zipper, smacking her in the face with an audible thwack .

She’d never get used to how huge he was.

“Is this all for me?” She teased, wrapping a hand around the base while she peppered kisses up his length. “Or are you saving some for Jessica?”

Jaune tightened his grip on her.

“Stop talking.” He grunted.

Coco obeyed.

Her tongue traced the path of a large, throbbing vein while one hand reached up to gently caress his crown. Her free hand cupped one of his absurdly enormous balls, resting its mass in her soft, warm palm.

Jaune groaned in approval.

“f*ck.” He breathed. “You are really good at this.”

Coco met his eyes proudly as she gave his member a loving smooch .

“Last time I had my hands tied behind my back.” She murmured. “Now I can show you what I can really do.”

Coco’s puss* was burning even without any direct stimulation – for now Jaune was content to stand back and let her worship his co*ck with only a steady hand to encourage her.

It was enough though – Coco was incredibly turned on, eager to please her chosen stud, his faint sounds of pleasure music to her ears.

Jaune’s prodigious size required a complete overhaul of her technique. Her hands were nowhere near big enough to wrap around his co*ck completely, so she gently twisted her fingers side to side as her hand glided up and down his shaft.

Her mouth eagerly darted to wherever her hands could cover, tracing his glans, then the center, then the base.

Finally, she dedicated both hands to stroking his member, while lips lovingly embraced his scrotum – or at least as much as she could handle.

His nuts were easily the size of tennis balls, and Coco had no hope of fitting one in her mouth, but she opened as wide as she could and wrapped her soft, full lips around as much as she could.

It bobbed and tightened eagerly under her tender ministrations. Jaune let out a happy grunt, bucking his hips forward.

Coco beamed.

She had lost herself at some point – this wasn’t about manipulating him or getting him back for all the edging he’d put her through. In this moment, all she knew was that Jaune felt good because of her, that his attention was entirely on her, and that gave her more satisfaction than all the gawking groupies in the world.

His pleasure was her pleasure, and she lived to please him – his scent, his heat, his presence stirred something within her that she could never put into words.

It wasn’t love , exactly… not that sweet, gentle warmth she felt with Velvet. It was a raging inferno paired with an irresistible pressure that guided her, molded her into its desired shape. She felt powerful and powerless all at once – powerless to ever stand against him, yet irresistible by his side. She felt a comforting sense of purpose, of belonging, and the uniquely feminine bliss of being the prized possession of someone stronger than her.

Coco stared proudly into her master’s eyes as he looked down at her with an arrogant smirk.

Jaune caressed her scalp as she moved upward, lapping up a trail of pre-cum with her soft, pink tongue as she slowly made her way up his shaft.

“That’s it,” he groaned, as she took his tip in her mouth and sucked a fresh wad of jism right out of his pisshole. “Good girl.”

Coco preened, before pulling back and proudly extending her pretty pink tongue out, showing off a thick white glob of cum before gleefully swallowing it all.

“Mmmmmm.” She hummed, licking her lips. “Delici–”

Before she could finish the thought, Jaune’s hips thrusted forward and buried his co*ck in her throat.

He bucked and pumped with abandon, savagely f*cking her face without the slightest hint of restraint.

Play time was over, and as skilled as Coco was, she needed to know what happened to slu*ts who teased an Arc.

Somehow, Jaune didn’t think she would get the message – because as she choked and spasmed around his co*ck, he knew he just made her cum. Even his most brutal manhandling wasn’t punishment for her — she got off on it.

“Jhhhhhmmmm!” She hummed drunkenly, her voice sending wonderful tremors up his groin. “Mff pmfppffpmmpp ffmppffmf♡!”

…The slu*tty little minx.

So... it's been a while.

A lot has happened since our last update. RoosterTeeth has officially closed down after more than 2 decades, and the presumed final volume of RWBY is still up in the air. That doesn't particularly affect Arcadia, but it has understandably had a huge impact on the FNDM.

In brighter news, ErisedFiction wrapped up his long running Jaune x harem story, the Temptation, bringing a 65 chapter saga to a satisfying conclusion. That's a major achievement, and one I hope to emulate in a semi-reasonable timeframe.

This last chapter has been hyped up for a long, long time, which honestly caused something of a perfectionist death spiral, as I felt more and more pressure to crank out a scene that was excellent enough to have earned the wait time. That, of course, made things worse, because none of what came to mind ever seemed good enough, which caused more of a delay, which upped the pressure, which caused more paralysis, which caused more of a delay, and so on. Eventually I just had to accept that NOTHING would feel good enough to be appropriate but that something was a lot better than nothing. Honestly, a good first draft should just consist of writing what feels natural and getting the gist of the text on the page - refining, focusing and perfecting the text should properly be done on the second or third draft. Often I find that what initially feels like sh*t is actually pretty salvageable with a little additional thought - if you can spot what works and what's lacking, you can very quickly bring the less impressive parts of your output up to snuff. It's hard to build off a blank page though... real hard.

But, while I was putting the finishing touches on the climatic sex scene, a massive work related thing popped up that is going to occupy my attention for at least the next week. I won't be able to finish the long awaited smut until it's over with, and it felt sh*tty beyond measure to sit on more than 11k words of content and a ton of illustrations for another big stretch of time. The next chapter will cut right back to the action with little to no build up, and will be pure smut, I just have really struggled with this scene and wanted to at least give you what I have to hold you all over.

TL;DR: Do NOT get stuck in your head trying to write/edit at the same time. It's a bad idea.

Writing lessons aside - it's perfectly fine to quickly crank out a mediocre initial product so long as you can refine it later, and you'll probably get the job done quicker if you do the 50-60% version ASAP instead of waiting on a perfect 100% run - I have been doing work on the project during the long hiatus.

With the help of Unwell619 (who also created a pretty comprehensive Tropes Page) and Scaletankeratheart(author of the AU Downfall of the Prides) I built the beginnings of an Arcadia Wiki. The WorldAnvil served a similar purpose as a searchable lore resource but the interface was a little limited for my liking, and unlike a it was not open sourced - only I can edit the WorldAnvil. While Worldanvil remains an incredibly valuable tool for planning future events - being able to hide draft articles is pretty great - I hope that Arcadia fans can have fun with the Wiki between chapters. I won't be editing it much, going forward, since I need to focus my attention on advancing the story, rather than cataloguing it, but I hope it provides some joy doing the breaks between chapters, which really should get shorter.

In other news, Smiling_Samurai is working on character sketches again, although on a somewhat limited basis. He's juggling a lot of projects right now, but going forward we've agreed on a rough schedule of three black and white illustrations every month. One of those will be selected by patrons to get the full color treatment.

Neon Katt, Sienna Khan and Carmel Vanille were the initial nominees, with Sienna winning in a landslide in the subsequent vote.

Arcadia: The Golden Era - Chapter 36 - ShamelessSelfInsert (1)

Arcadia: The Golden Era - Chapter 36 - ShamelessSelfInsert (2)

While I like all of them, Sienna came out beautifully so I can't say I disagree with the majority decision. That being said, Neon and Carmel aren't out of the race yet - any sketched character with the most votes in a given month can hypothetically get the color upgrade.

This month my supporters nominated Calypso Nikos and Lisa Lavender, who both appear to be strong contenders in the upcoming poll.

Arcadia: The Golden Era - Chapter 36 - ShamelessSelfInsert (3)

While there were a lot of votes in the last round, there were very few nominating comments. This is essentially a popularity contest, so feel free to nominate whoever you want - the 3 unsketched characters with the most support will be the ones who get picked, but if there are a shortage of nominees I reserve the right to slot in whoever I want. This time, with only 2 candidates, I decided to round out the ballot with an OC I assumed wouldn't get picked in the future, but who has proven to be pretty memorable - Minos Taurus.

Arcadia: The Golden Era - Chapter 36 - ShamelessSelfInsert (4)

I also commissioned Cardin, Amelia Derringer and Jessica Cruz months ago and never had a proper opportunity to share them all...

Here you go.

Arcadia: The Golden Era - Chapter 36 - ShamelessSelfInsert (5)

Arcadia: The Golden Era - Chapter 36 - ShamelessSelfInsert (6)

Arcadia: The Golden Era - Chapter 36 - ShamelessSelfInsert (7)

Autist par excellence that I am, I've put together a spreadsheet tracking every sketched character, as well as any character who ever appears in the doujin or has been illustrated in any way. I also have an incomplete list of named characters who MAY get sketched in the future, depending on what the audience wants. This should create a single centralized place to review all the character art so voters can see what has been done and what remains to be done.

Also, after a long delay brought on by health complications, the long awaited Bikini Carwash Scene with the Babe Table girls has finally gone into production. I put the order in a while ago, but it was delayed significantly due to some health issues on the part of the creator. The first draft is being drawn up now and it should be ready within the next few days. I'll post it to Patreon as soon as possible and I'll share it here as soon as the next chapter is ready.

FootnoteOfLegends has also added a new story to the ever expanding Arcadia Multiverse, Remnant: The Awakening - this version departs pretty drastically from the main canon in favor of a Remnant placed in an AU version of the contemporary United States. He also put out a tangentially related story, Arc of the Lance, which is more of a medieval/early modern setting that shares little to no lore with Arcadia but follows a broadly similar premise - Jaune has breeding sex with a lot of attractive young women. It's always an honor to see other people inspired by my work.

Arcadia: The Golden Era - Chapter 36 - ShamelessSelfInsert (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.